Shirdi Sai Baba’s Love Grace Miracle Stories:
Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from India says: Sairam everyone. I’m a Baba’s devotee for more than ten years. He has blessed me with so many miracles all these years. I strongly believe that the life that I’m living now is entirely because of Him.
All the astrologers that my parents consulted had strongly told that my future wasn’t that bright, but Baba has had it all a farce. He has blessed me with the best of the things. This particular experience is about how He got me a suitable job. I was staying at my parent’s home after I had my son. Like every single educated person I also longed to work but couldn’t because of my kid. But Baba kept answering me through question and answer that I will be blessed with a job after RamNavami.
Though I believed in Baba, I was not sure how that would happen. You will not believe this but right on Ram Navami when I was browsing through facebook, I saw a job opening which was totally work from home. Though the pay wasn’t that great I went ahead and applied. With His blessings I got selected. Even after starting the job I faced so many difficulties but He made sure that I continued the job no matter what.
Recently, I made a huge blunder in that job and was scared that I might be terminated. But what can others do when Baba’s blessings are with us. My supervisor assured that it won’t be escalated and I was out of the misery within no time.
I truly believe that Baba listens to each and every single prayer of ours. At this time, I would like to request Baba to bless my husband with a job that would bring peace of mind to him.
Please devotees pray that my husband gets a better offer and whatever the problem you’re facing, surrender everything to Baba and be assured that all your prayers will be answered. Om Sairam.
Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from India says: Posting my promised experience. I would like to thank Baba first for always being with me. My heartfelt thanks to the team for providing this platform for us to share our experiences. I have posted lot of experiences here. My day starts with Baba and ends with Baba, without Him I am nothing.
Experience 1: My husband had a stomach pain when he took any food. Immediately he went to the washroom. He felt very bad. Then after that we prayed to Baba and he took Udi water. Now he is better. Thank You Sai Appa. Baba cured my head ache and ear pain. Sorry for late post Baba.
Experience 2: Today I had an experience that I used to wear watch and bracelet type bangle in my hand. Today I came to office and suddenly I noticed that the bangle was not in my hand. Immediately I prayed and I called my mom and asked her to check it at my home. She said there was no bangle. I was really very much upset. I prayed Baba to please help me and promised Baba that once I found it I would post my experience here. Within 5 minutes my mom called me and told that the bangle was there. Thank You so much Deva.
Dear devotees we should have unshakable faith in our Sai. He never leaves us. We should surrender everything to Him. He will surely take care of us. Sai Appa did lot of miracles in my life. Baba blessed to join me in Mahaparayan group. Now daily I am reading one chapter of Sai Satcharitra. It gives lot of peace to me.
Dear all kindly forgive me if I made any mistakes in this post because I am not good at English (Hetalji correct it and post it). Om Shri Anant Koti Brahmand Nayak Raja Dhiraj Yogiraj Parbrahma Shri Sachidanand Sadguru Sai Nath Maharaj Ki Jai.
Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from India says: Om Sairam to all devotees. I am Shree Sai’s daughter from Delhi. Devotees, Shree Sai not only helps us for what we ask Him but also blesses us for things about which we are not aware.
Once I was asking some question in Q&A site about some query and one after other two-three times same answers came like death will be avoided, person will be saved etc. I was confused because mostly every time answers come related to our queries and this time it was little different. So I thought that it were all coincidences last few times. I am sorry Baba g for thinking like that.
Next day morning I was feeling restless. I called my mom as I live in Delhi and family is in Kurukshetra. My mom told me that yesterday night 3 boys attacked my brother and they even shot him but by Babaji’s grace bullet just passed by touching his neck only less than half inch.
Thank You so much Babaji for saving my brother, my whole family would have been finished if anything would have happened to my sweet brother as we are three sisters and one brother.
Those boys had revolvers and they had some miscommunication with my brother, so in anger they put out the revolver and fired. They were standing not more than half meter but when Babaji is there to help us no one can harm us
I am really sorry for not trusting Your words. I love You Sairam.
Anonymous Sai Devotee from USA says: My life is full of Baba’s leelas and I have shared my experiences of Baba in my previous posts. Thank you very much Hetalji and the entire team for publishing my experiences. Coming to my experience, recently I had invited one of my colleagues (American) for lunch. He is a divorcee and having eight year old son (same of my son’s age). I had invited him along with his girlfriend too as he is in a relationship with her. Also I had let my husband know about his visit to our home for lunch.
Being very possessive matured person, my husband started having many negative thoughts. Hope you all readers can understand, where I cannot explain in detail in regards to him. I was also scared that, what if his girl friend cannot accompany him as she works during the weekends too. Then I thought in such a situation how could I handle my husband and I could not take this anymore. But my Deva will never leave me alone. As He knows me very well, He came to my rescue and my colleague visited along with his girlfriend. They had a nice time with us and my husband too liked them both. This all happened only because of Deva. I request all the devotees, just be honest and loyal to everyone and do the good karma, rest all Deva will take care. Om Sai Samarth.
Shirdi Sai Devotee Sindhu from India says: I want to thank Baba and request for a prayer for my exam and my mother’s health.
I am Sindhu from India, a devotee of Baba since childhood. I completed my MBBS with Baba’s grace and got married to love of my life completely because of Baba. He cleared all my ways as I was continuously praying Him for everything with unwavering faith. Thank You Baba.
I wrote my pg exam this year but because of my pregnancy and my mother’s health I couldn’t prepare well. My mom is a cancer patient, she got operated twice and now it’s the third time. I was shattered but remembered my God – my Sai. I know that He is testing me still. But now my result’s tension, my mom’s operation and this pregnancy I can’t bear Baba. I am shouting with pain that I can’t take this tension any more. My results are yet to come so please Baba devotees pray for me and my mother’s health. I need them badly because I can’t bear them. I am shouting in agony. Please everyone pray for me. I can’t take this anymore. Please Baba, please I cannot live without and at the same time I can’t bear this. Help me.

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from India says: I am a small devotee of Baba from Delhi. Baba has pulled me closer to Him from last month. Thank you to the admins of this site for providing us this wonderful platform. I want to share a small incident but a great Leela of our Sai Baba which happened just now.
I feed and take care of few dogs in the market area near my house. Right now it’s night and it’s cold outside. I came from office and met them and came home. It started to rain. I prayed to Baba that please they should not get wet as they sleep outside and it’s too cold as well. Within few minutes after I prayed the rain stopped. Baba is so caring. Thank You so much Baba. Please forgive me if I made any mistake in this post.
Baba please forgive all my sins and please fulfil this wish of mine. I promise it will never happen again. Please bless all Baba. I am sorry Baba. Thank You for all Your Leela Baba.
Anantkoti Brahmandnayak Rajadhiraj Yogiraj Parabrahma Sacchidanand Sadhguru Sainath Maharaj Ki Jai!
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Baba please bless help and save my parents sai ma please hold my father financially and make him happy and healthy baba please dont let him suffer from bp and diabetes saipa and cure my mother's pain baba and grandmas diabetes baba we are at the verge please help baba sairakshak saisaranam ayyappa
I sincerely wish that He showers His Grace and Blessings on you and yours 🙂
Jai Sairam
Thank You O Sai 🙂
Jai Sairam
Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram.
Om Sai Ram 🙏
Omsairam..I love you..