Shirdi Sai Baba’s Love Grace Miracle Stories:
Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from the USA says: I am Sai’s daughter. Please keep me anonymous and please don’t share my email id.
I want to be called Sai’s daughter. Thanks Hetalji and team for this wonderful platform where we all Sai devotees can share our experiences and even share our worries with all our Sai’s kids like how we do with our closed ones. May Baba bless the whole team with lots of happiness. I have experienced millions of Sai miracles in my life and today I am here to share one which happened recently.
My kids have had a little stuffy nose and irritation for a few days. We thought that it might be due to allergies as it’s the allergy season here. But suddenly my younger kid complained that he had ear pain. So we took him to the clinic and the doctor told us that it was not allergic and that he had got a cold and ear infection.
Doctor gave him antibiotics and after that I prayed to Baba to cure my kids and that I would post the experience here. As soon as I prayed I started giving them Udi and after a few days my younger one was fine but my older one was having a little bit of a cold. Then after a few days of continuously praying to Baba even my elder son is perfectly fine now. Sai, thank You so much for listening to my prayer as always. Thank You so much for blessing and showering so much of love on us Deva.
Now same way please listen to this prayer too Deva. Please Sai You know what I am talking about. Deva please help me reach the goal as soon as possible. Please Sai my legs are hurting so much Deva. Please understand my pain Sai. Please help me to reduce weight Sai. Deva also please bless me with a good job as soon as possible Deva, please I don’t understand why are You testing my patience so much? Deva if there is too much gap then it is very difficult to get a good job Sai. Please help me Deva. I am doing all possible things for that and You know that by heart. Please don’t leave my hand Sai.
Deva please help us to get rid of this coronavirus. Sai we are planning to visit India this summer and due to this we are not able to book the tickets. Sai, please help us to visit India this summer Deva. I want to go to Shirdi, please Deva. I know You can do anything but I don’t understand why You are not taking care of this corona thing, nothing is impossible for You; but I don’t understand what You are waiting for? There are lots of people dying because of this. Please Deva this is troubling so many daily wages people. It hurts to see them struggle. Please give some solutions for this Deva. Please take care of this whole world. We all are waiting to see Your miracle Sai, please Sai. I love You so much Deva. You are my life, You are my everything Sai. Love You so much. Om Sairam!

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from the UK says: My post is regarding Sai Baba’s blessing and my brother’s marriage. Hi Hetalji and team, thanks a lot for maintaining such a wonderful site which keeps us going. During my tough times, this website has always been my source of support. This is my 4th or 5th experience which I am posting on this site.
I lost my mother 10 years back. I used to be a girl with less confidence and mostly dependent on my mother for everything. I have one younger brother. Only by Sai Baba’s grace my dad, brother and me were able to cross these 10 years without our mum with so much of struggle and insecurity. For each and everything, I started praying Baba. I’ll definitely say all those fell into place only with the blessing of Sai Baba and my mom.
Now coming to my current experience which I want to talk about is my brother’s marriage. He was trying for government jobs and nothing got materialised. Later when he was 26, we decided that he would start a job in the IT field. By God’s grace, he was into a good organisation and started to earn well when he was 29. So we started looking for a bride for him. As my father is a widower and he has to stay with my brother post marriage as well, no alliance got fixed. Everyone preferred a nuclear family.
We all were so fed up as he was about to reach 30 years and it would be hard to get a good alliance after that. Meanwhile my marital life also faced issues as my husband’s side thought that I am always supporting my dad and brother and not giving importance to my husband’s side. That was the very rough phase of my life. Only my Baba and my mom helped me to come out of the situation. By God’s grace, a good alliance got fixed after a year’s search and my brother got married and my marital life issues also started to settle in.
Though it sounds simple, it wasn’t. Without our Baba’s grace these wouldn’t have happened. Now I am pregnant with my second baby. Though I have issues in my marital life, I am sure our Father Sai Baba will help me come out of it soon. Baba, I am unable to explain each and every incident that happened during this phase as the post will become lengthier. So please forgive me and be with us and bless every one of us always. Om Sairam, Om Sairam, Om Sairam.
Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from UK says: My post is about how Sai Baba was cured by throat pain during a Coronavirus situation. Hello all, I am a very small devotee of Sai Baba living in the UK with the grace of Sai Baba with my husband and daughter. Thanks Hetalji and team. Thanks to all devotees who are reading my experience and thanks to Baba Who is going to help me write this experience.
Om Sairam!
This experience as I said is with regards to my throat pain during Coronavirus time. One evening I started feeling pain in my throat on both the sides. I sometimes have a Tonsillitis issue but this time when it appeared, it was something different and I was really very scared as I didn’t want to go to GP and get it checked.
In my heart I was continuously praying Baba to cure it. I applied Udi and put some in my neck and prayed Sai Baba to please cure it in this difficult time. The next morning it was still there but because of household chores, I forgot about it and got busy. But today I hadn’t noticed from the morning and right now at 11pm when I am reading Sai Baba devotees’ experiences, I remembered the incident and saw it’s gone.
Sai Baba I know You cured it and because I promised You to write the experience and I completely forgot about it, You made me remember it by reading the story related with the same thought to post the experience when cured. Thanks Sai Baba, Koti Koti Pranam.
Hey Baba please keep my husband, daughter, me, my parents, my sisters, their husband and children, my in-laws healthy and increase their immunity Baba. Baba please help all nurses and doctors who are fighting with this virus, please Baba help all countries to fight with viruses. Please Baba cure everyone who is suffering from Virus Baba, help in economy Baba, help the scientist to get the vaccine as soon as possible Baba. Baba we are children asking help from parents Baba, Sai Rakshak Sarnam, Om Sairam Anant Koti Brahmand Nayak RajadhiRaja YogiRaja Parabrahma Sri Sacchidananda Sadguru Shirdi Sainath Maharaj ki Jai.

Shirdi Sai Devotee Rajalakshmi from USA says: Hi everyone, I am Rajalakshmi. I live in the US. I wanted to share what Baba did for me and is doing and staying with me always. He is responsible for all the good things that happened in my life, my marriage and my daughter and me coming out of a big sickness, His closeness to me. Though I did not realize and did not listen to what He said, I experienced a lot of troubles and maya stuck in my life, because of my disobedience. But Baba has been in my life since long, though I have been very stubborn many times in changing my habits. But Baba made me change that long term habit of speaking bad words, through His leela. Now I am dumb stuck as far as speaking bad words, slowly I have faith in Baba, that Baba will reform me totally out of negativity and maya.

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from USA says: Baba’s Leela: Om Sairam to all devotees and people maintaining this platform. Baba is my Papa. He takes care of us and always keeps His hand of blessing on our head. I want to describe a recent miracle which Baba did. One day my husband’s computer was giving some issues and due to the Coronavirus situation he cannot go to his workplace to get it fixed. He was very tensed as to how he would fix it. I prayed to Baba and started writing Om Sairam 108 times and applied Udi to computer. By Baba’s grace his computer was fixed by the end of the day. Thank You Baba for Your leelas. Keep Your hand of blessing always on me and my family.
Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from India says: Om Sairam. Thank you for this team for maintaining this blog. This is my second experience.
Om Sairam. Baba saved my mother from typhoid. I prayed to Baba that I will post the experience after she is back to normal. Sorry for posting it late Baba. She is cured completely. Thank You Baba for being with us all the time. Om Sairam!
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Thank You O Sai 🙂
Jai Sairam
Om Sai Ram 🙏
Omsairam..i love you ..bless everyone..thanks for whatever you have given us
Sai Sai Sai Sai Sai
Sai Sai Sai Sai
Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram.
Baba, ki palkhi ki jai, om namaha shivaya, jai shree ram, jai ganesh, jai hanuman, jai dattatreya, jai durgama,
Tirupati balaji ki jai
Love you Baba. Jai Sai Samarth