Shirdi Sai Baba’s Love Grace Miracle Stories:
Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from India says: Dear all Om Sairam! I am a small devotee of our beloved Sai Baba. Dear Hetal ji and team thank you so much for maintaining the blog, where we can share our Baba’s miracles. Now I am going to share my latest experience as promised to our Sai Baba.
Experience- I have started a new job in IT-sector. My training was not completed. So I am under training and I wanted to come to my hometown because Covid cases are increasing in that place and I do not want to stay in PG. Anyhow, I wanted to come to my home. So I have requested TL to please give me work from home and training and she denied. She told the fresher they were not giving work from home and so I lost hope to come home because a job is also needed and nowadays getting a job is very difficult. So I lost all hope to come but somehow I was praying continuously to our Sai and Ganeshji that please send me to my hometown.
I was going to the office daily but because seeing the current scenario my office started providing the work from home to the employee and I also got the work from home and I booked the ticket and now because of Our Sai Baba’s grace and Ganeshji’s grace I am in my home and have reached safely. Now I am serving the Quarantine period. The one thing is that I had lost hope to go to my hometown but internally continuously I was praying to Sai that please do something and that He only could send me to my home.
You know Sai Baba as I am a new employee in that company and training is not yet completed and still, I came in between. So please help me to get the complete training and please help me to understand every workflow. Thank You Ganesh and Sai Baba for sending me to my hometown. Om Sairam, please Baba save this world from this Corona pandemic.
Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from India says: Namaskara to all Baba’s family members. Thank You for everything Baba. There are a couple of experiences. First Baba helped His child get over throat pain during this period. Two days Baba knew there was little pain in his throat. Thought of going to the hospital but since it was better did not go. With home remedies, it went away. Thank You Baba.
Had pain in the leg and rested it for a while and it went away in a day. Had pain in his hand, rested it, prayed to Baba and it went away. Due to acidity so many times, I have pain but Baba helps each time.
Had lost the passbook of NKGSB Bank and tried to log in on internet login but had forgotten the password and it was blocked. The card was not working so thought of applying again but didn’t know the bank account details. Prayed and my sister said to think over it. Then I remembered that Baba’s blessings had forwarded the details once to my sister and so found the account number details. Thank You Baba for helping every time.
Please forgive this child of Yours Baba for all the sins committed knowingly and unknowingly Baba. Let Your blessings be there always on everyone; those who believe You and those who don’t believe You Baba. Sorry Baba for always You have been there but did not get to understand Your presence Baba. Om Sairam Om Sairam Om Sairam Om Sairam Om Sairam Om Sairam Om Sairam Om Sairam Om Sairam Om Sairam!
Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from India says: I am a small Sai devotee from India. Thank you Hetalji and team for maintaining this site beautifully.
Coming to my experience, I have an elder brother who was diagnosed with a nerve problem. Before 20 years of age, he was ok but after that, he started to show some symptoms. His movement of legs decreased and sometimes he would lose balance and fall down. It pains like hell to see that.
He was a very active person before this problem and was also a sportsperson so I couldn’t bear to see this. Even doctors said that they don’t know what will happen in the future and there is no cure for it. Every day I would think about that and it would make me anxious. Every day I used to pray for him and apply Udi on me on his behalf. I joined Mahaparayan group and Nithyaparayan group a few days before and felt much better mentally and thought very less about my brother’s problem. Then one day suddenly this problem disturbed me again. While I was reading this devotees’ experience page that day, there was a title named ‘Baba helped my daughter.’ I felt relieved and my faith in Baba increased after reading that. I felt it was written for me and Baba wanted me to read it. It was as if Baba told me “Don’t worry I am there for you. From then onwards I felt like many experiences from this page are related to problems I face every day and Baba answers me through this site. I feel like this site is a connection between Baba and me. Love You always Baba. Waiting with faith and patience. My brother is Your child so take care of him. Love You always Baba. Om Sairam.

Shirdi Sai Devotee Amit DeSai from Australia says: Jai Shri Sai Baba to everyone from Amit DeSai. Thank you is not enough to all admin team of this site and devotees who are sharing Shri Sai Baba’s miracles on this site. I am also part of Mahaparayan group.
I would like to share a miracle about how Shri Sai Baba helped my father to recover from his serious health issues.
In 2018, my father was operated for valve transplantation. With Shri Sai Baba’s blessing, the surgery was successfully done and my father recovered within no time and was doing really good. But suddenly, he had some problem and one of the healthy valves in his heart had some problem and due to that, the body was not able to pump out the excessive fluid. Those who know about the heart and valve, they understand this situation. Because of this, my Father had swollen feet and he was feeling extremely uncomfortable and was not able to sit or sleep. We were very tense as we are far away from my father and due to COVID we couldn’t travel back home. I prayed to Shri Sai Baba for my father’s recovery. My sister took him to the doctor the very next day and they had given some medicine and requested to visit a lung specialist. The lung specialist prescribed some medicine and within 4-5 days my father recovered very well. I believe this speedy recovery was possible due to Shri Sai Baba’s blessings.
Moreover, because of this and my office stress, I was not able to sleep properly. I put Udi underneath my pillow and drank Udi with water as mentioned in Shri Sai Satcharitra. I got good sleep.
I had decided to share this experience once my father’s health improved. With Shri Sai Baba’s blessings recovery is really good. My humble request to Shri Sai Baba to take care of my parent’s health and be with them.
Thank you very much Shri Sai Baba. Please keep Your blessings on everyone and please keep everyone healthy and happy. Jai Shri Sainath Sarnam Namah.
Shirdi Sai Devotee Charwi Mishra from India says: I have followed Sai Baba since my childhood and Baba has always saved me from all problems.
Few days back at my workplace, a new manager joined (he was replacing the current manager). We used to have weekly calls with him and he used to ask questions and test our knowledge. He used to ask very difficult questions which I was not able to properly answer. I had never faced this kind of situation anywhere else before (in my previous companies). I felt like he wanted to harass us or show that we are incapable of doing our job and wanted to throw us out of the job. I was very scared as due to this Covid-19 many people are also losing their jobs.
After two calls I prayed to Baba to save us from this embarrassing situation in our next call with the manager. Surprisingly, in the next call I was able to answer his questions and that call was far better than our previous calls. After that call we also didn’t have any such knowledge testing session with our manager. Thank You Baba for Your blessing and help. Sorry for posting late, but as promised I am posting my experience here. Om Sairam Jai Sairam.

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from India says: Yesterday night my baby was not ready to sleep. She was crying when we were trying to make her sleep. Then a thought aroused in mind to promise Baba that I would post here if my daughter slept. It aroused but did not promise Baba. But as soon as I had that thought surprisingly within 5 minutes max she slept off. So I was like should I share or not. Then as soon as I had this thought and I put her to bed she woke up again with a big smile as if very fresh and in no mood to sleep. I actually got very scared of that sight (although very cute smile) with a thought of her not sleeping for the next few hours again (as she looked very fresh and active). Then I felt Baba wanted me to share it here. So I promised Baba that I would share here if she slept soon. The wonder of wonders she slept within 5 minutes unlike other days in such similar situations. So as Baba’s will and promise to Him sharing it here. It may sound very silly or small but I am sure those who are having babies who don’t sleep easily would understand my situation. Jai Sairam. Thank You so much Baba!
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Om Sai Ram 🙏
Baba please bless help and save my parents sai ma please hold my father financially and make him happy and healthy baba please dont let him suffer from bp and diabetes saipa and cure my mother's pain save her from this virus and everyone please saima please remove this paim it is getting very difficult day by day sairakshak saisaranam ayyappa
I have ruined myself baba ther is no way to gi back right only one option to remove everything i am sorry baba.i am not a good one for you
Thank You O Sai 🙂
Jai Sairam
Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram.