Shirdi Sai Baba’s Love Grace Miracle Stories:

Completion Of Sai Divya Pooja

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Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from India says: Om Sairam to all devotees. I am a small devotee of Baba from India. First, I would like to thank Hetalji and the admin for this divine site, from the bottom of my heart as my day starts and with reading experiences. As everyone says this site is really a modern Sai Satcharitra where the recent experiences of Baba’s devotees are being updated regularly. Once again thanks to admin for maintaining this site as it boosts the faith of devotees and reminds that Baba is protecting us with guidance and support both in material as well as spiritual matters.

Reason Behind The Vrat:

I have completed Sai Divya Pooja after several months successfully with Baba’s loving grace. You may wonder why it may take several months and why I have used the word successfully after such a long duration. Before I start the experience, I would introduce myself as a research scholar doing my Ph.D. studies in India. My research was very tough due to many external factors and surrounding unhealthy environments though it was a very interesting subject. At some point of time, I was very depressed as my work was not moving fast. It was stagnant. Baba was my only guide and support till the end. I lost hope about completing the research. Hence I decided to do Sai Divya Pooja vrat and took a vow to perform the pooja for 21 weeks which is the maximum number of weeks prescribed as per the pooja guidelines. This would approximately equal 4 months plus one week. But in my case, I prayed for something different. I want to complete my Ph.D. within this period (21 weeks), which was impossible to happen.

Of course one may say, anything is possible to happen by invoking Baba. But I want to mention a quote from this site which says, “Do your best and let God do the rest.” When we wish for something we should make a reasonable wish. Our expectation should not exceed the limit. But I made such a wish out of pressure and politics. But I didn’t want to put this strain on our benevolent Baba. Hence I vowed to Him that the completion of vrat of every week will be validated by Baba based on my sincerity and surrender to Him. This was determined through chits which were casted in front of Baba. One chit was written with ‘Completed’ and the other with ‘Re-do.’ This way vrat was validated by Baba Himself. I had received many Re-do’s from Baba. But I used to think that it was for my wellbeing only. Being a Baba devotee alone, one cannot escape suffering of life; however it will be reduced as it is a vital experience required for all humans to become purified and to receive the best outcomes which we deserve. Myself was not an exception to this. Finally in this way I submitted my synopsis before the lock-down started, viz on the completion of 20th week. But after lockdown I postponed the vrat as I would not be able to distribute 21 copies of Sai Divya pooja booklets in the temple. Besides, I didn’t prepare the booklets. This book is only available in Telugu probably. There are no publishers for English. So generally I take printouts and prepare booklets. But this time, I didn’t do that. Today I thought I could post it on this site, so that more than 21 persons will be benefited and also not to delay the vrat completion.

Sai divya pooja- URL:

Experience of final (21st ) week experience:

The day before the vrat (Wednesday), I had got the idea of sharing the experience with Sai devotees. On that night I felt very tired and had so much body ache due to gastritis. I lost hope of performing it on the next day. I put chits in front of Baba. Surprisingly I got yes, though my condition was terrible. I feel Baba is testing me again. Then morning I got up very late but I was feeling fresh and energetic, which was nothing but Baba’s leela only. Until completion of validated 20th vrat, my mind was restless while performing pooja and I used to concentrate with so much pressure. But the final week which was suddenly planned was going so smoothly with all the rituals with bakthi and contentment.

At one point while reciting 108 archanas I became over confident. That time Baba flower fell from one side of the photo. I wanted it to be put back but my archana-would be interrupted. I put the flower garland properly. After that for each archana I was able to recall Baba’s face with a smile in my mind. I also smiled at Baba for teasing me this way while reciting the archana. I told my mom to make payasam (kheer) as Prasad and forgot to tell her about khichadi. But this time I did not panic about it. I told my mom that she made it within less time without any tension. Then read all the 6 stories of diya pooja peacefully and completed all the other formalities. Thank You Baba for such a wonderful experience today. I hope I will give my thesis and viva-voice soon. Sorry for such a long post. I hope this experience will help devotees who are new to Sai Divya Pooja as well as people who are aware about it.

Om Sai Rakshaka Sharanam…!

Om Sai Maargdarshak

Shirdi Sai Devotee Anamika Singh from India says: I am Anamika, Deva’s daughter living in Noida. Om Sai Rakshak Sharnam! Love You Deva for showering all Your unconditional blessings on an ignorant soul like me. In continuation to the Baba’s experience, I shared with Hetalji on 26.2.2020 with the title “Om Sai Bhaktavatsal” I would like to write the experience with kind permission from Our Deva. Thank you Hetalji and team for maintaining this e-Sai Satcharitra.

Regarding my niece’s job: Through a very good reference she attended one Interview in a gas pipeline company (A). But she was more interested in the Software Company; she joined on 24.2.2020 in which she was taking training without salary and without guarantee of final job offer. In the meantime, she got an offer letter from the A company. She wanted to pursue Software but we were unable to reject A company’s offer due to our close reference involvement. So, at last due to divine guidance of our Deva somehow she changed her thoughts and joined on 19.3.2020 near her hometown. As we all know the whole country was locked down from 21.3.2020 and she reached her parents’ home after 2 days of joining. The A company gave her full salary during lockdown and her job is completely secured. We cannot thank Deva enough for His timely help as if she would have continued in the Software company that time, she must have lost her both opportunities.

Now my sudden Dubai trip: I received my Tatkal passport two days before my journey but Deva arranged everything like a visa, hotel etc. I reached Dubai safely one day before my conference and went for some shopping. I was lonely but happy with the blessing of Deva. I visited 2 places which I didn’t visit during my last trip. In the afternoon of a free day I received a call from my boss. He told me to give one presentation next day on behalf of one senior member, who was unable to attend due to some sudden reason. I was dumbstruck as I never presented anything and that also on an International platform. I talked to the senior person and he insisted on presenting and it would be a good opportunity for me. I requested Deva’s help and considered that as His wish.

The topic was completely out of my scope and I had limited time for preparation. But taking Deva’s name, I started my preparation as per Deva’s guidance. Next day I went for the conference and my presentation was in the second half. In the conference the whole organizing team encouraged me and appreciated me for my acceptance for a different topic. I was overwhelmed with the respect I received before and after my presentation from the organizing team as well as from the participants. I am thankful from my heart to Deva for giving me this great opportunity and guiding throughout. During that period the Covid-19 spread had also started and I was listening to different rumours in Dubai. I was chanting Deva’s name during my stay and back to India to avoid any unwanted circumstances. Deva blessed me and kept me under His shadow and granted me a pleasant experience before the lockdown. Sorry Deva for the delay in sharing my experience with all the devotees. Thanks Deva for Your acceptance.

Deva You are the most merciful Father and Mother Who always takes care of His children in spite of their ignorance.

Om Anantkoti Brahmand Nayak Rajadhiraj Yogiraj Parbrahma Shrisachidanand Sadguru Sainath Maharaj Ki Jai.

Baba Cured My Severe Cough Problem

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Shirdi Sai Devotee Abhishek Shrivastava from India says: Om Sairam to all Baba devotees, I am Abhishek from Gwalior Madhya Pradesh India. Om Sairam to all Baba devotees, I am a small devotee of my Sainath Maharaj. Baba is everything for me. My day starts with Baba’s blessings. Thanks Hetal mam to maintain this blog where each and every devotee can share their experiences.

Now I come to my experience. It is 23/07/2020 today when I am writing this experience on this blog because of Baba’s blessings. 2-3 months ago, in the lockdown period I had too much coughing. Due to this problem I could not even breathe while sleeping. I was too tense at that time. I tried all home remedies to cure this problem. But it was a failure. I do yoga and pranayam daily in the morning but it didn’t help me. When I had some food my cough increased so much. I was restless at that time then I requested Baba to please cure me from this severe cough problem. I started taking Udi with water and Neem leaf which I had got from Shirdi and started using this regularly. I requested Baba that if I got cured then I would write this experience on this blog. After some time I got some relief. Now I am perfectly ok. It was all because of my Baba’s blessings.

My life is fully dependent on my Sainath Maharaj. I can’t imagine without Him. There have been a lot of miracles in my life. Baba helped me a lot in my life. I want Baba’s blessings with me always.
There would be many mistakes in this experience. I request Hetal mam to forgive me for this.
Shri Annat Koti Brahmannayak Raja Dhiraj Yogiraj Parabramha Shri Sachidananad Sadguru Sainath Maharaj Ki Jay.

Sai Baba Our Saviour

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from US says: Om Sairam! I am one of the devotees of whose family my merciful Baba takes care. Baba is the sole protector, Guru and guide for our family. Our day starts and ends with seeing Baba on live feed from Shirdi. We are thankful for whatever Baba has given us.

Recently my husband developed COVID-19 kind of symptoms and this scared the hell out of us. We have small kids. We started praying fervently and faithfully to our Baba. I started giving my husband Udi mixed water and prayed to Baba that I would post on this website. By Baba’s grace he started getting better soon. Thank You Baba. Please guide us and bless the whole world and keep Your children safe.

Help Done By Baba

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Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from Australia says: Baba helped me a lot when I was in a lot of trouble. A small trust in Him has helped me a lot.

At first I would not believe anyone, I was frustrated and things were not going good. But then I started believing Baba, then I found a way for everything. First, I was having some trouble with my thesis and I could not find any room. Then I prayed to Baba to show me a way. Within a week, I got solutions for everything and positivity. Thank You Baba for everything.

Baba’s Grace

Sai Baba Answers | Shirdi Sai Baba Grace Blessings | Shirdi Sai Baba Miracles Leela | Sai Baba's Help | Real Experiences of Shirdi Sai Baba | Sai Baba Quotes | Sai Baba Pictures |

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from India says: It was very cold one evening and I wanted my baby to wear one particular cap. I searched almost thrice but did not get. Then I remembered reading here posts of finding lost things with Baba’s grace. I prayed to Baba with a promise to share here. Immediately I found it at the same place where I had searched before. Similarly last week also it had happened with me for some of my clothes. Thank You Baba. Jai Sairam!

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  1. Om sai ram bolo sacchidannad sadguru sainath maharaj ki sai rakshak sharnam om sai rakshak sharnam om sai rakshak sharnam om sai rakshak sharnam om sai rakshak sharnam

  2. Baba please bless help and save my parents saima please hold my father financially and save him baba he is developing covid symptoms baba please sairakshak. Saisaranam ayyappa

  3. Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram.

  4. om sri sai ram
    pls forgive me for the late post. Please appa forgive me. saima thanks for blessing me with hale healthy and beautiful baby.
    baba she is 5 months old. her head circumference is big. doctor has asked to take ultrasound. im really scared
    please be with us and make sure there is nothing to worry. im so scared and this is killing me.
    pls forgive me appa.
    om sri sai ram
    allah malik

  5. sai ma on monday we are going to baby ultrasound
    pls amma, nothing should be there.
    Please i will keep up my promise. Please forgive the mistakes I have done.
    om sri sai ram
    allah malik

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