Shirdi Sai Baba’s Love Grace Miracle Stories:
Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from India says: I will address myself as Baba’s daughter. I would like to be anonymous. Sairam everyone! May Baba bless you all.
This experience is of my friend who is staying in Australia. He is not much of a believer in Baba. But he has his own ways of bringing his children to him. His mother is a firm believer of Baba. This is an exact incident in aunty’s words (his mother to me). Here goes the experience.
He was staying at a place in Australia and his parents were in India. One day he told aunty that the owner told them to vacate the house within 10 days as Australian government was giving them some money for the renovation of houses and getting a house amidst corona times is extremely difficult. Aunty prayed to Baba to settle this issue before Thursday.
He thought of shifting a few things in a cloakroom and staying at his friend’s home for a few days. But aunty got scared as there might be a risk of exposure with luggage and staying at his friend’s place was also a good idea. But aunty was helpless and all she could do was pray and told Baba to be with him as they couldn’t.
He couldn’t find a house and was worried. A friend of his called and said that she would try to find a house. But later she stopped picking up his calls. He thought of not disturbing her. One day she called and asked if he had a place of stay. He told no and she cut the call. Baba’s levels are different. She instead gave my friend’s number to her brother and told him to give him accommodation. Baba literally tests our patience before giving us anything. Finally, a shared room for 600 dollars was agreed but next day they called him and told the rent as 450$ and that too a single room. Only Baba can say what he could do and he shifted on Thursday. Yes it did happen as told by my aunty.
I love You Baba. I beg You not to leave our hand ever. We all want You Baba. Only You can solve our problems. Baba please bless everyone to be happy.
Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from India says: I am a homemaker with two daughters living in Hyderabad. I have been a Sai devotee since 2003. Sairam all. Thank you Hetalji for this great work. I read this blog everyday and anytime when I feel depressed. This is the modern Sai Satcharitra. I don’t like bartering with God that I will post the experience when He fulfils my desire.
By reading this blog I got awareness about the fact that we need to deserve something to desire it. By Baba’s grace I shared a few experiences here. Baba, please save this world from a pandemic situation. I started reading Satcharitra regularly since a few months praying to solve some personal issues. I have been a member of Mahaparayan group since 2017.
Coming to my experience, I started Nav Guruvar vrat but could not follow hard and fast rules due to lock down and personal issues. But Baba is always showing His grace through messages or devotees’ experiences on this blog. Yesterday 23rd July 2020 was the eighth week of my vrat. I am very much depressed and could not keep fast or formal worship. I felt upset and mechanically completed Mahaparayan chapters. On completion of parayan, I was astonished to see a message in Baba’s whatsapp group, with a picture of Baba, “Don’t trouble yourself with mean fastings. Pray, work, and read holy books. If you are hungry, how can you head towards the quest of God. Your Baba can’t see you hungry my child.”
Baba is a loving mother Who can’t see Her children in pain. I feel He came to comfort me in such a messy mood. Baba please help me to get through this trying period. Bless my husband, kids, in-laws, my mom, brother and my Sai brother You gave me. Bless my Sai brother with health and happy life. He is going through personal and health issues. He is a nice person whom I can trust after my mom. I believe that his entry in my life is Your grace. Please reunite us since brother and sister relationship is not as cheap as some relations meant for need. I can’t take care of him during this testing period. You are the sole capable power to take care of him. You are my only hope and companion in all walks of life. Baba, help me to concentrate on daily chores, my family, and my mom. Baba, please help my family and Sai brother to come out of this trial. You are the sole doer. Bhayakruth, bhaya Naasana (creator and destroyer of fear). You create fears and ward off fears of Your devotees. Baba don’t leave my hand during this testing period. I believe You are doing this to get me closer to You Sai. Help me out of this testing period.
Sorry for mistakes or poor English. Sairam Sai Sham Sai Bhagwaan. Shirdi Ke Naathaa Sabse Mahaan. Om Sairam.
Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from India says: One day due to family issues I was crying very badly. My husband tried to console me but I was not in a state to stop crying. He felt that I was crying needlessly as everyone knows the truth and so I need not feel bad. But I was not ready to listen to him. Helplessly he too got irritated and went to the other room. I then even felt more depressed. I even said to Baba, “Baba, it’s said that You come running to Your devotees when they call You. Now that I am calling You, would You come and wipe my tears? I know You won’t come.” Saying like this I was still crying thinking that all is falsehood and Baba will not come and wipe my tears (although I knew Baba exists but felt that He comes at every sincere call cannot be true as I was wishing Him to come and wipe my tears).
Then leaving all hopes I tried to overcome my feelings but tears were flowing ceaselessly. Then all of sudden I remembered that I had an important work to be done which somehow I had forgotten. In that I needed to create a link to a particular site. Then when I was creating it and sending it across I realised it had few letters and those were NyUCrY (and why do you cry ?) I at once was awestruck and felt the strong presence of Baba. It was a surprise that out of the whole link I could spot these to make some sense as so far in so many years I had never tried to even read or see the link properly. Also why when I was crying badly I suddenly remembered something that I had missed to work upon? How I managed to go and work upon it in that bad mood?
I then called my husband and showed him too. Then he again said that he too had been saying the same thing that why was I crying. Everybody knows the real truth deep inside and so I should not feel bad and cry. For one moment I began to cry even more out of happiness to see Baba’s love for me and His response. Then stopped crying as Baba had really come to wipe off my tears. Jai Sairam.
Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from US says: Om Sri Sairam. I would like to stay anonymous. I’m residing in the USA at present. Thanks to Hetal and team for the wonderful platform to instigate our faith in our Sadguru – Shri Sai Baba! I hope my experiences here would help everyone to hang in there and believe that our dear Sai would want nothing but good and the best for us.
Experience 1: I was married in 2015 and we were planning to conceive. I did know I had some issues like thyroid, PCOD and yet trusted Baba for a smooth pregnancy journey. So, we went to a doctor and underwent a treatment for 6 months with just medicines but it didn’t work out. The doctor suggested IUI and I literally broke down as I knew I didn’t want any such treatments. I prayed and prayed and prayed. Did parayan, 9 Thursday vrat and what not.
My mom suggested that I try another doctor who was lucky for our family and hence gave her a try. In just 2 cycles, I got pregnant (she gave me low dosage hormone injection). And here goes the miracle – I was walking on the street, I was tired of all the scans etc. and I finally said, “Baba please help me and this is the last time I would go for the scan. There were 3 fakirs who passed by, the 3rd fakir came to me and asked 100 Rs. and I gave him 50 Rs. as I don’t believe donating money for folks who pass by streets. He took it and said I will have a baby in our home next year and yes that came true! I’m very, very thankful for a beautiful girl child now.
Experience 2: For couple of reasons, my husband and I wanted to move out of India. My husband was looking for various opportunities and nothing clicked. He would travel for short term quite often but nothing long term came by. His company sponsored h1 twice which didn’t work out. Then he was offered an opportunity in Singapore which didn’t work out as well in the last minute. We were totally fed up with the process but still had immense faith in Baba. Finally his company applied L1 in premium and everything worked out so smooth. We’re now living in USA, peacefully. And that’s what we want at the end of the day; a peaceful and happy home (although I miss my parents back in India).
Finally I’d like to add that no matter what the situation we are in right now, we have to have immense faith and patience in Baba. Om Sri Sairam.
Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from US says: Hi I am a small devotee of Baba. I live in New Jersey with my husband and two beautiful kids.
Om Sairam. First I would like to thank you Hetalji and her team for giving us a platform where we can share our experiences. Yesterday I took my dog to the vet. I was scared and I told Baba if everything was fine then I would share my experience. They did blood work and the report came out normal. We all love him and he is so sweet. Baba, keep him healthy and happy always.
Baba You know that my husband is trying for a new job. He is trying his best to get this job. It’s one of the best companies of the world and so it’s hard to get a job in this company. Baba he needs Your blessings to get this job. You are the only One Who can help him to achieve his goals. Baba I will post my experience again when he will get the job. Baba, keep everyone happy and healthy.

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from US says: Thank you admin for maintaining this blog. My cousin had nodules in her throat and last year she got it checked and the biopsy report was normal by Baba’s grace. But this year again she was having throat pain and she had to get the ultrasound done. Again we prayed to Baba that the results should be normal. We did not want her to go through the biopsy process again. She got the ultrasound done and within 2 hours the reports came and everything was normal. It’s all Baba’s miracle. Thank You so much Baba for Your blessings. Baba, please keep Your blessings on my family, friends and Your devotees.
Love You Baba. Thanks a lot.
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Omsairam…i love you..thanks for whatever you have blessed us with…
Om Sai Ram 🙏
Baba please bless help and save my parents sai ma please hold my father financially and make him happy and healthy baba please dont let him suffer from bp and diabetes saipa and cure my mother's pain baba and grandmas diabetes baba make us to study well baba cure my father baba he is developing covid symptoms baba please sairakshak saisaranam ayyappa
Show me some path saipa
Om shirdi vasaye vidhmahe sacchidannadaye dhimahe tanno sai prachodayat.bolo sai samarth maharaj ki jai .baba ji my and my family life in your hands .baba ji you knew each and everything.sorry baba ji if i did any mistak in this life or previous life.baba ji i folded my hand and praying for sorry for every mistake.
LOve You O Sai 🙂
Jai Sairam
Om Sairam
This is a small request to hetal ji and team to post daily experiences little early if possible. .we dont know the technical issues you are facing but its just a request from my side ..i think many other devotees also feel the same as this is some kind of addiction to read the experiences and feel baba's presence.Hetalji you are blessed to undertake such a divine work.. thank you
Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram.