Shirdi Sai Baba’s Love Grace Miracle Stories:
Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from Canada says: I would like to remain as an anonymous devotee from Canada. Jai Sairam. Baba lives in everyone’s heart and does everything that is good for our life. For sure He made me strong, helped me to cross all the worst phases of my life. He was with me in all my struggles every day. Now my life has become more beautiful and meaningful because of Him. He was with me guiding me in my marriage, job, cooking and what not.
Experience 1: I had Jasmine plant in my home, it was about to die as all its leaves were falling down slowly. I prayed Baba earnestly to save my Jasmine plant. I applied Baba’s Udi and prayed to Him to show a miracle. I chanted “Sairam” 9 times while applying Udi every day. Miracle did happen; my Jasmine again started becoming healthy. Now I get at least one Jasmine flower a week for Thursday Baba’s Pooja.
Experience 2: I wanted to buy a jewel after seven years of wedding, but my husband was against that. I kept asking him for the past seven years, but always he used to reply “No.” One day I had a dream where I saw Baba sitting in a golden temple and He was dressed in a white cloth with a smiling face. Same week I got my bonus of around Rs. 48750. I requested my husband this time to come with me and buy a jewel with a happy face. Miracle did happen. He agreed all of a sudden and we got one bracelet and the amount was exactly my bonus amount. In addition, that bracelet had a white stone like my Baba. That white stone is like Baba sitting inside a golden temple.
Experience 3: One of my friends was struggling to come to Canada. I asked her to join Mahaparayan and start reading those chapters allocated to her. She did that, now she is in Canada, got her PR card too.
Experience 4: I asked my cousin sister to start reading Sai Satcharitra. She did that and after that her son got placed in Infosys. For the past ten years, she never got rent from her husband’s property because of loan and other issues. Now she is getting Rs. 35,000 as rent every month from her husband’s property.
Experience 5: One of my friends did not believe in Baba, but I asked her to read for me Sai Satcharitra. She did read for my request. She did not have a baby, which is why I suggested that she read Sai Satcharitra. Now she is having a healthy baby boy. She is now a devotee of Baba. For Sure, Baba will take care of us. He is there watching everything. Baba, please save this entire world from Covid-19. Jai Sairam.
Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from Australia says: Hi team, thanks very much for giving us a platform to connect with Baba. I am a small devotee of Baba. I had many experiences and Baba always looks after me and my family all the time.
Now as You know Baba, my sister at the age of 43 got eye surgery for retinal detachment and we are hoping that You will give her vision back. After her surgery on 20/8/20, I started Nav Guruvar Vrat for my sister’s health. On 10/09/20 being Thursday and my Sister’s wedding anniversary, I went to Baba temple in Sydney along with my husband and took an oil can as an offering to Baba. Due to Corona there are a lot of restrictions and somehow we managed to go to the temple and gave the oil to the priest. Then suddenly the priest noticed that it was an already used one and they could not accept it. I was devastated as already my sister’s health was not good and we were praying.
I started crying and came out of the temple quickly and the time was almost 7.50 pm and the temple closed at 8 pm. I asked my husband whether he could get me oil from the nearby supermarket and he agreed. We both rushed to a nearby shop and I was chanting Sai’s name all the time. I went to shop and bought oil and milk too and was brought back to the temple. By the time we reached the temple, they were ready to close the gate and get aarti for Baba and as per new Covid rules no one could enter. I begged them that I wanted to see Baba and told them that it was a wedding anniversary for my sister and they agreed. I quickly went inside to see Baba and felt happy. But please Baba look after her health and bring her back vision.
Due to high corona in India, at her place, I am so worried. I am fully surrendering myself to You and please look after my family, my parents family and my sister family and all relatives and friends and all Baba’s children in the world and please get rid of Corona soon. Like mentioned in Sai Satcharitra, You have looked after people from severe diseases and I am sure You will save the world. Please help my sister to get the eyesight and so that she can undergo second surgery soon to get that lens fixed and be back to her normal life. Koti pranams to You. Thanks Baba for everything. Please be with us all the time.

Shirdi Sai Devotee Uma from India says: My name is Uma. I am from Gurgaon. Sai Ma, as I promised to You, I am posting my experience here. Just 4-5 days back my Oppo phone was stuck in headphone mode and I could listen to any video or even take calls only through headphones. It was a little unpleasant and I did not know how to solve it. Though I even did some tricks suggested by Google but the problem was not solved.
Then as I have read in many other experiences, I simply applied Udi on my phone and used the law of attraction and here my phone started working just like before. Thank You Sai Ma for being at my side.
I have one more request, in the last 15 years, it’s the very first time that I don’t have a job. Baba I have started my Youtube channel, please bless me to get the earnings from there, I really need it. I have to help financially to my parents and please help Golu also to get a job. Please bless me to get my financial freedom once again. I am waiting for Your blessings.
Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from India says: I was unable to find my certain amount of money. I prayed to Baba to help with a promise to post here. I found them with Baba’s grace.
My baby was not sleeping. I prayed to Baba to help with a promise to post here. She slept with Baba’s grace.
I had a lot of work to be completed. I had very less time. I prayed for Baba to help and I was able to complete them in time with Baba’s grace.
My mobile was not catching signal. I prayed to Baba to help with a promise to post here. It started working fine with Baba’s grace. Baba please make it fine forever. Thank You Baba for all Your help. Jai Sairam!
Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from USA says: I want to be anonymous. Om Sairam to all. Thank you team for this wonderful platform which strengthens our faith in Baba. I would like to be anonymous. I have experienced many miracles from Sai Baba. This is my recent experience. My dad was having diarrhoea and I was very much concerned as we all know the current situation of pandemic and I asked my dad not to go to one particular hospital in our city where they see Covid patients but he went there only. I was extremely concerned and prayed to Baba that my dad should be fine. By Baba’s grace, he is doing well. Baba listens to our prayers and answers them. I pray to Baba with utmost devotion that He eliminates this virus and saves mankind.
Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from US says: Thank you admin and team for maintaining this beautiful blog.
My cousin was having stomach issues and his wife and I prayed that the pain in stomach should reduce and by Baba’s grace the pain reduced. But the doctor asked for the stomach scan because he has Crohns. So we were scared and prayed to Baba that his reports should be normal. Yes today we got the reports and by Baba’s grace all the reports are normal. Thanks a lot Baba. Baba I pray to please bless all my friends, family, relatives and Your devotees with good health, wealth, prosperity, long and peaceful life. Jai Jai Sai Om Sai!
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Om Sai Ram 🙏
Baba please bless help and save my parents sai ma please hold my father financially and make him happy and healthy baba please dont let him suffer from bp and diabetes saipa and cure my mother's pain baba and grandmas diabetes baba make us to study well baba we are at the verge please help baba sairakshak saisaranam ayyappa.
Sai Sai Sai 🙂
Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram.