Shirdi Sai Baba Blessings – Experiences Part 2900

Shirdi Sai Baba’s Love Grace Miracle Stories:

My Sai Is My Only Saviour

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Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from India says: Dear Sai Devotees, My post is about Sai is my only Saviour – recovery from illness. I am from Chennai. I would like to share my experience about how I recovered from Covid illness. On 2nd Oct I had a cold (not very severe) and didn’t have fever or body pain. After 2 to 3 days I was ok, not having any cold. Suddenly on the 4th day I realized that I lost my smell after that only I could sense even my taste buds were not ok (I could sense salt /sweet only if it was predominant). I was literally scared and didn’t know what to do. My general behaviour is that I don’t share it with my family. Next day was Thursday. I was reading through all blogs about lost smell and a lot of people mentioned that they had recovered it back even after a few months. I was shocked.

I have never shared any of my sorrows/health issues/personal problems with anyone else including my family. I will speak only with Sai. I spoke to Sai and I was checking the question and answer session, below was the response that I received, “Trust me don’t check anything else.”

I started reading Satcharitra, completed 5 chapters, applied Udi on my nose and just left it without thinking anything. Within 2 days I got my smell back. Also I prayed to Sai that I will post my experience after I recover fully.

Sai Devotees trust Him fully and don’t have any other thoughts in your mind. He is our Guru/Saviour/ God and He will definitely help us to recover from all our problems. Om Sairam.

Protected From Covid -19

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Shirdi Sai Devotee Dr Sharlee from India says: I am Dr sharlee working as senior resident in CIMS Chamarajanaga. I have been a devotee of Babaji since I was 13 years old. My life is wonderful under HIS lotus feet. I experience His love and care every now and then.

I’m a microbiologist and I used to work in RTPCR lab handling Covid -19 samples. All over the world people suffer from Covid -19 either physically or mentally. Since Covid started from March 2020 in India, I have never had any fear that this pandemic will affect me and my family. I know my Babaji will protect me and my family. Few of my staff members from my lab got affected. They were isolated and treated for the same. It’s been 8 months that I never had any symptoms regarding Covid but I became primary contact many times. I still have my Babaji within me. I know nothing will affect my health.

I keep checking for my COVID antigen. I tested 5 times. I was negative. To my surprise I checked my antibody (the immune cell that fights against the virus) and found it to be positive IgG. Five of my hospital staffs had both Igm and IgG positive that means current infection and they remain to be infective they have to get isolated. But in my condition I had only igG positive, that means I have been infected by virus repeatedly, got affected very long back and have good immunity power.

We know how people suffer and die due to Covid. I’m so blessed by Babaji that I was never isolated – never underwent mental trauma as well as physical trauma. I am healthy by God’s grace. He has protected me, given me immunity to fight against viruses, never allowed me to suffer and always kept me protected under His arms. When Babaji is with us we need not worry for anything.

My Babaji is my SuperHero, Father, my Friend and Everything. He stays with His devotees always, but we fail to understand when and how Babaji will come to meet us, spend time with us. If you are a true devotee you can experience His presence.

Babaji needs only two things: Shraddha and Saburi. My devotion towards Babaji has not come just in one or two days. It took years for me to get closer and closer to Him. I am still very far in the queue of bhakti. We forget to spend time for Babaji in daily life. If we hold on to Him, He will be with us, if we are busy He will go to people who really want Him to be next to.

I should get closer and closer to my Babaji each day, that’s my only wish.

Believe Him, spend time with Him, He will always be with you. Sachidanada Sadguru Sainatha Maharaj Ki Jai.

Sai’s Name Is Sufficient

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Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from India says: I saw a dream in which I was not able to see through my one eye. You may say that I could see only through one eye and blind by another. Then I saw myself chanting Sai Sai and I realised that I was able to see little- little. Then I started chanting intensely and I was able to see normally with both the eyes. I was telling my friends in a dream that I am seeing with both my eyes after a long time. I don’t know whether I should post this dream experience here or not but one thing that I am able to understand is that Baba has hinted that chanting His name wholeheartedly is sufficient and He can cure anything no matter how old the problem is. Deva please forgive me if there are any mistakes in posting this. Not a leaf will move without Your consent. Thank You Baba.

Readers and devotees keep chanting Sai Sai as much as possible no matter what you are doing. Do chant it consciously or unconsciously and it will reach Baba. We are not to lose anything in this. There are high chances that we will only gain like Baba’s bhakti, love and His blessings. Our sins will also vanish and we will get peace of mind too with time. Jai Sairam!

Baba Showed Indication That He Is With Me

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Shirdi Sai Devotee Moubani Chatterjee from India says: I am Moubani. I am working as a Software Consultant in an IT Firm. I am from Kolkata. Om Sairam. First of all, I would like to thank Hetalji and team for this wonderful blog. It gives us positive vibes. May Baba bless you all.

I would like to share an experience that happened on Tuesday. I have planned to feed the poor at Sai Baba’s temple besides my house on Soshthi, that is Thursday, Baba’s Day. My father had made payment to the shop where we would collect the food on Thursday and go to the temple to feed the poor. When I transferred the money to my father on Google pay, I received 5 rupees cash back which I rarely receive on any google pay transactions. It proved that Baba is happy and is supporting me in this. Thank You Baba.

Thank You Baba

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Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from Indonesia says: Dear Hetalji and team, thank you for providing us with this platform. Thank You Baba as last Wednesday, Thursday and Friday I did not have to go for work. I was very worried that I would be called suddenly but I was not called. You helped me Baba. Thank You Baba last week there was no problem and You helped me when I faced a problem. You gave me ideas on how to deal with the problems. Om Sairam. Om Sairam. Om Sairam.

Kid’s Acid Reflux Decreased

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Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from USA says: Hi, I live in the US with my husband and son. Couple of months ago, my son started acid reflux and was uncomfortable in sleep. I prayed to Baba that if my son’s reflux issue decreases then I will submit an experience, and in a few days, gradually my son’s reflux issues will be resolved and he will sleep well. Our lives are at Your feet Baba. Bless us all.

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Hetal Patil
Hetal Patil
Articles: 3388


  1. OmSaiRam, Baba please help sampath in recovering from illness, All should be fine Baba, please help everyone,protect from covid.You are my strength, hope.

  2. Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram.

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