Shirdi Sai Baba’s Love Grace Miracle Stories:
Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from US says: Om Sairam, I want to be anonymous. Om Sairam, thank You very much for giving me this opportunity to share this experience. I want to thank everyone who is working for this blog.
Today I want to share one more Baba’s miracle. I am staying in the USA. One day when I called my mom she said about my neighbour. I saw him and I know about him, he has two girl kids. Suddenly he told me that he was facing a severe headache and he was not in a condition to talk also. So they went for the check-up but they didn’t find anything wrong with his health at that time. But the next day also he was in the same condition. So their family members admitted him to the hospital.
I heard that his situation was like he was in a coma. I was very worried about his health, and I was thinking about his family that if anything happened to him then I wasn’t able to imagine his family situation in this society. So I felt sad.
I prayed to Baba for his wellness and used to chant ‘Om Sai Rakashaka Sharanam’, I gave his name to the naamjaap group which we are doing every Thursday for health purposes. So I have his name and explained his situation and all the devotees prayed for him on Thursday. I promised Baba that if he was doing well then I would share the experience. See the Baba’s miracle. By next Thursday he got discharged from the hospital. Thank You very much Baba.
Today I found out that he suffered from cerebral malaria. Doctors said that 99% of us can’t give assurance for his life or else he could go into a coma. But Baba listened to all the devotees’ prayers and He saved him. Thank You so much Baba, Koti Koti Pranam Tandri. Om Sairam, Baba please save this world from this pandemic.

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from USA says: Hello, I am Shirdi Sai’s devotee living in USA. Hello, This incident happened in the month of July. My father is an employee working as an officer. Most of them had viral fever in his office and my father also was also suffering from viral fever. Initially we thought it to be normal fever and cold, but our doctor insisted my father get an RC-PTR test done. The result came out and it Said that my father was mildly infected with corona. My doctor still Said they can’t rely just on the RC-PTR test and needs to get the swab test done. I live in the USA and started praying the whole night, reading Satcharitra to give a positive result. It’s been 2 days and I was very sure that the result would be negative. But it was now Baba’s turn to test me and the result turned out to Be positive. I was utterly shocked and fully dejected as to how this had happened when I fully trusted Baba. I cried but deep down I knew he would be recovered and it was Baba who was testing our faith. Not losing hope, I started my Parayana and listened to aarti every day early morning at 5 and sincerely prayed. My dad being diabetic made me worry even the more as I heard corona worsens for diabetic patients. I came to know from my sister that my father couldn’t sleep the whole night and he hardly slept during that time which made me restless. I wanted to get an assurance from Baba and opened Shirdi Sai answers website and asked him a question on dads condition. Baba gave an answer that within 4 days the patient will start recovering. I had full faith in Baba and waited patiently. We noticed that dad recovered exactly on the fourth day and started feeling better. Again after the 4th day I casually opened the Shirdi Sai website and Baba had asked me to offer tobacco and oil for 3 Thursday’s. The first Thursday I offered tobacco and oil and I was so shocked to see Baba’s picture with a tobacco in his mouth on my Facebook wall just right after I finished my pooja. Within 10 Days of time he had recovered completely and my joy knew no bounds. After he recovered completely, I prayed to Baba to make my father his devotee and protect him. To my surprise Baba gave darshan to my father in his office on a wall with lord Shiva beside. From then on my parents wake up everyday at 4am for early morning aarti that comes live in Shirdi Sai channels and have become staunch devotees. I request everyone to just trust in him and wait with patience for our prayers to get answered. Om Sairam!

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from US says: I am a small devotee of Sai Baba from India currently staying in the USA. Thank you team for maintaining this site which gives answers to most of our prayers.
I changed my Indian SIM plan to International roaming plan when I travelled to the USA 3 years back. This SIM works in the USA but when I come to India SIM gets deactivated. Every time, I used to come for 2 to 3 weeks so I did not think much.
Recently I travelled to India and my stay was going to be 2~3 months and I badly wanted my SIM to be active as I got bank messages on that number. I went to the nearby store to activate it. He told me it would be activated in the next 30 minutes. I waited for the full day with no luck. Next day I called customer care many times and spoke to many people to confirm SIM gets activated and every time they gave an assurance that there was a small issue and it would be then activated. I was really getting frustrated with what was happening. Finally I disconnected the call and told Baba that please help me to fix it.
After praying Baba, I just tried resetting all possible settings and finally my SIM was activated. Earlier I tried doing it but no luck. This time I remembered Baba to solve the issue and there we get to experience His miracles.
Baba Please save every life on this earth. Sarve Jana Sukhino Bhavantu. Om Sairam.

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from India says: I saw a dream where my very good friend of school time was sitting next to me. Although we have our each other’s contacts on the phone we rarely contact each other. I was telling her about Sai Satcharitra in the dream and asked her if she reads it. She said no. Then I said, “You being my so good friend, how could you not know Satcharitra? Would you like to read?” Then further I don’t remember what more was there or if the dream ended. Then when I woke up I felt I should call her and tell her. But did not know how she would react? Did not know if she would believe? Did not know if she was spiritually inclined too as we were school time friends and almost since 20 long years we have hardly ever met or talked about personal likes or dislikes. I prayed to Baba that if she agreed or not that was hIs look out. I would give it a try. Although I had not seen Baba in my dream, I still felt that it was Baba’s hint to make her aware of Sai satcharitra. I also prayed to Baba that if she agrees then I will post here. When I called her she readily agreed and said that she already reads about Lord Datta. I also told her about Mahaparayan and she agreed to enrolling in that too. Strange are Baba’s ways too pull His sparrows towards Him. Thank You Baba for making me Your instrument toi reach her. Jai Sairam!

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from India says: It is a small miracle where Baba saved me from my husband’s anger. My husband’s old phone was not working properly so I almost forced him to buy a new one from Amazon. He was not very keen to buy online but I said that since you don’t want to go from shop to shop due to pandemic better buy from here. It so happened that he left his new phone with another SIM at home and took his old phone to his office as data transfer was not yet finished.
ln the evening he could not unlock his new phone with the pattern given. He got angry with me that I might have handled his phone but I didn’t even touch it. Immediately I took the phone in my hands and said ” Om Sai Rakshak Sharanam” because my husband was getting angrier. I tried to search in Google continuously chanting Baba. After some time, I connected the phone to my laptop with software which helps to unlock the phone. It worked miraculously because the software was not even working on the laptop. Thank You Baba for saving me that day. As You know he has the habit of blaming me for everything. Thank You so much Baba. Om Sairam.

Shirdi Sai Devotee Divya Walia from India says: I have been a Sai devotee since 2009. Experience 1- Last Sunday evening, my husband started feeling feverish and complained of throat pain. We got really scared because of the COVID situation around. Though we hardly go out and take all precautions because my in-laws are aged and I have a 2 years old baby, but just a day back my husband had gone to meet his boss in a cafe, so we all were really scared. I prayed to Sai Dadu that this should just be a normal cold. Thankfully my husband didn’t have any fever and by the next day, he started antibiotics and was fine in two days.
Experience 2- Next day my son had his vaccine. Since my husband still had some cold, I took my son to the doctor’s clinic as we didn’t want any other kid to catch any type of infection or cold. Next morning, we noticed my son too had a fever. We got really worried for him as it went as high as 101. When we called our doctor, he told us not to worry as this could be because of the vaccine too and asked us to wait for 24 hours. I again prayed to our ever kind and loving Dadu that my son’s fever should go away in 24 hours. I also gave him water charged with Sai mantra ( as suggested by Pooja Gargji in one of her experiences) and as expected, his fever was miraculously gone in 24 hours. Thank You Sai for being always there like a caring and affectionate mother. With You around, we feel so safe. Please help all to fight off this virus and make this world Corona free soon.
Jai Sairam!
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Omsairam..i love you..thanks for whatever you have bkessed us with…
Baba please bless help and save my parents saima please hold my father financially and make him happy and healthy baba please don't let him suffer from bp and diabetes Sai pa cure my mother's pain and grandma's diabetes baba make us to study well baba we are at the verge please help baba sairakshak saisaranam ayyappa
Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram.
Om Sai Ram 🙏
Sai Sai Sai 🙂