Shirdi Sai Baba’s Love Grace Miracle Stories:
Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from India says: OmSairam to everyone. you may call me yellowish. I’m just a small devotee of Baba who scares every time. Sai Baba and admins of this precious page I’m sorry. It was so important for me to post to pray like ever before. I’m not able to post my prayers. I have been tried many times. Please pray for me.
I have been through a lot of things in my life. It was Sai Who saved from honor killing. I did alot of 9 Vrats, Five Days Pooja, Naam Jap everything (my heart is breaking every minute, it’s crying out ) to get back my love, career, and respect everything. Till the time Sai saved me from every calamity. I’m really thankful to you Baba. Sai gives me a lot of signs that my wishes will be fulfilled. And my love is also seeming, coming towards me. my career seems will get built. but suddenly something happened, an alliance came for me Sai. He’s a professor in a government job. Sai indeed he’s a good boy, but not my type, main thing is my heart is not ready to accept anyone else. I’m crying while writing. I’m not that strong, Sai, to pass the test. I have promised You to read Sai satcharitra, 9 vrats, will come to shirdi Sai. But please Sai save my trust, my patience, Sai I can’t see my dad sad. But I can’t marry another man, Sai. it’s been more than 2 and half years Sai please now don’t be late Sai. they have been Said yes to another boy, Sai. Sai I’m breaking into pieces Sai I trust You i love You. Sai, I’m calling you from every possible way.i I need You Sai. I need You Baba please come and save. Please make everyone understand Sai don’t let down my dad, Sai and please don’t break my dreams.
I will never be able to trust God, please bring Amit back Sai please make his Ming help him out to make everyone understand our marriage Sai. Please bring him back and with everyone’s family and mine family consent bless us with marriage with each other. Sai You know everything, I can’t do anything else. I have denied but my dad is thinking about my age and worried for a good alliance. Sai plz make his mind so calm and give him confidence about me. Sai, help him to face the please make my brother and all relatives understand. Sai, please end all the tensions. Sai, either take away my breath or just fulfill my wish. I’m not forcing You but not able to understand Sai whats about those signs? Om Sairam please, I love my daddy but I love my Amit and concerned about my career also. Sai, please help me I won’t force anyone, please change their minds Sai according to my wish.

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from India says: I am a small devotee of Baba. Few months back, I went to the doctor for consultation. After the prescription was made and medicines were packed I came to know that they only accept cash and no online payment. Due to covid pandemic I carry not more than 500 with me and usually pay with online transfer. 500 were not sufficient to cover the bill and I was short of 600 rs. I then requested a shop owner next to the clinic to lend me some cash in exchange for an online transfer of the same amount. He too agreed, gave me the cash and in return I transferred him the exact amount from an online money transfer app. But on first attempt the transaction was not successful and showed pending. Even after 10 min no progress was seen. So I again made another attempt and this time it went through easily. Now when I came back home I found that the previous pending attempt was also successful because of which the same amount has been transferred twice. I called that shop owner, explained the whole scenario, he too confirmed that he had received the payment twice. I asked him to return it back to which he cited busy hours as the reason and took my phone number and assured that he would return after shop closing time. The day was over, next day I again called him he Said yes yes I am doing and again no action was taken from his side. I called again after 15 min and his response was the same, he was just giving assurance but not giving money back. I then prayed to Baba to help me out otherwise my parents would be very angry. I started chanting Om SaiRam for 108 times and also promised Babaji to share this experience. Babaji gave my brother this idea, that I should call him, ask him for instant transfer and should not cut call so that he is bound to do the transaction on the spot. I did the same, he immediately returned the money. I got the confirmation as well. Now I got totally lazy to share this beautiful leela of our loving Baba despite having a lot of time in hand. Sorry Babaji for the delay please forgive me and bless everyone. Protect everyone with YOUR love Babaji Om SaiRam.

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from India says: Thank you for giving us an opportunity to share our experience. Thanks to all the team members. I would like to share with you all the power of Sai nav guru var vrat. I started the vrat with a prayer request that my son should get admission into Mumbai IIT. Today Baba made it possible. Before that in the month of April ( my birthday is in April) wrote a note to Baba as follows. ”My birthday wish, My son should get admission in Mumbai IIT, the course he likes page 155 Sai Satcharitra book-Tendulkar family (her son preparing for medical examination and Baba’s assurance). I’m sure if he gets admission it is purely “MIRACLE” because it’s not possible to get into Mumbai IIT for his preparation. He may say his work or luck, but I believe you my guru Sai”. Sai my guru has fulfilled my wish. Once again I want to say that, only by Baba’s blessings my son got admission, words cannot express. My humble pranams to my guru Sai.

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from India says: My self from Odisha. I have been Baba’s devotee for the past 10 years. I want to be anonymous so please do not mention my name and email id. Here I want to share my experience. For the past few days my mind was a little disturbed with doubts and negative thoughts because of my personal house problems. I always chant om Sairam and pray Baba to give me mental peace. I always cried a lot in front of Baba to get me out of the sorrows. Finally Baba listen my prayers. I told Baba I will post my experience if Baba fulfills my wishes. Today morning by blessing my dear Sai Baba I was relieved from all the issues and feelings. Sairam chant is so powerful that it removes all pains from our body and also our mind. Om shri sachidanand sadguru Sai nath maharaj ki jay. Om Sairam.

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from India says: My son who is 7 years old is very sharp and intelligent but doesn’t want to take any effort to study. He was to participate in an online competitive exam. He was not ready to practice. !
For trial when I made him practice he was scoring only 67 to 72 out of 100 due to time restrictions of 10 minutes. Then I prayed to Baba for help. My son somehow agreed to practice and then finally he scored 99 out of 100 in the national level competitive exam and would get the champion’s award. All glory to Baba. Thank You and please make him listen to us. Jai Sairam!
Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from India says: I am from Bengaluru. Om SaiRam. This is regarding an experience of finding an item from the kitchen which we couldn’t find out where it went missing. Recently we were doing some cleaning work in the kitchen and we missed a couple of items which are needed on a daily basis for cooking. We were searching for it in places where we could have misplaced but couldn’t find it for two days. Then we prayed to Baba to help in finding it and casually while looking in the kitchen we found the missing item. Om Sairam. Baba please save this world from Corona Virus.
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Baba please bless help and save my parents saima please hold my father financially and make him happy and healthy baba please don't let him suffer from bp and diabetes baba make us to study well baba we are at the verge please help baba sairakshak saisaranam ayyappa
Sai Sai Sai Sai Sai
Sai Sai Sai Sai
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Sai Sai Sai Sai Sai
Sai Sai Sai Sai
Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram.
Sai Sai Sai 🙂
Om Sai Ram 🙏