Shirdi Sai Baba’s Love Grace Miracle Stories:
Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from US says: I live in the USA with my family. This experience is by my husband. Experience is written in October 2020.
Dear devotees, I am penning this experience with immense pleasure in my heart and gratitude to Baba, that will show how merciful is our Baba and how He never deserts His devotees who always remember Him. One may sometimes feel that Baba is not kind to him/her because of past karma but for our ever merciful Baba, saints and sinners are the same. If you pray to Him with sincerity, He will fulfil your wish though He will test your Shraddha and Saburi all the time. Have faith and be patient.
Baba has shown His grace to me all the time whenever I have sought His divine intervention for things big or small and I have shared two such experiences with you in the past. I am an anonymous devotee from the US. I was going through a difficult time in 2019 when the young start-up company I own was struggling with cash flow issues and we were not able to acquire any new customers and increase our revenue. The month of December is a holiday season in the US and hardly any new business happens during this time. I was in need of some additional money as I had a commitment to visit India in January to attend marriages in the family. So I thought why not take up some part time assignment to earn some extra money to spend in India when there is no activity in my company?
My plan was to work for just one month, go to India, come back after a month and then focus on growing my company. I knew my new company would not give me a one month’s leave after just working for a month and so my plan was to quit before going to India. But a miracle was in store for me. I informed my superior that I will be going out of the country and will be away for a month as the trip was pre planned and I had already booked my ticket when I had not joined the company. I was surprised when he told me that he will talk to HR to sanction me one month’s leave. It is a very big organization and as per their HR policy a person can’t get a month’s leave after working for just one month. So when my leave was approved, it came as a big surprise. At that time, I did not think it was too important as my plan was to focus on my company on my return from India. However, it was comforting to know that I could go back to my job after returning from India if there was a need. I never foresaw the need for this but the One who is looking after us, all His children, knew what is going to happen as He knows the past, present and future of everyone in the Universe, and so He had made this arrangement for me.
Before I returned from India, the pandemic COVID-19 started in early January 2020 in Yuhan, China and quickly spread to many parts of the world. Immediately upon my return to the US, I felt its impact in a big way. Things had become quite serious and my plans to focus on my company to revive it looked bleak. I had no choice but to go back to my job till things became normal and realized how skilfully Baba had made sure to retain the job for me. However, because of the spread of COVID-19, new social distancing guidelines and keeping the work places clean and hygienic was being enforced by the federal and state governments and also it was the need of the hour for the safety of everyone and to prevent the spread of the deadly virus.
Upon joining I did not feel comfortable as my organization was not following these guidelines very strictly. I decided to take further leave without pay till the situation becomes normal. In my leave application I expressed my concern about lack of safety measures at the workplace. After I felt things were better, I went back to work but had the same uneasy feeling and so after working for 3 more days I took another leave of absence. In fact, the situation worsened all over the country after this and I thanked Baba for getting me out of this unsafe work environment at the right time.
A new development took place in the meantime. Because I had expressed my concern regarding safety at the workplace in my two leave applications, my company became revengeful and terminated me giving a vague reason for this. I appealed my termination but my appeal was overruled. I was in a very difficult situation financially as neither had I got any salary from my job nor my company was getting any new income. On top of the pandemic this was an additional concern for me.
At that time, the government started offering unemployment insurance and many other financial help to the people affected by the pandemic and I thought of applying for unemployment insurance although my chance of getting it was almost nil since I worked for just over a month for this company and on top of it I had lost my job because of negligence at work as per the company and not because of pandemic. When I applied, the first surprise was that I was eligible for unemployment insurance but the facts of my employment were to be verified first with my company before the determination was to be made. After a few days I was informed that as per my employer, I was terminated on valid ground and hence not eligible for unemployment insurance. This decision was expected but from deep inside me I felt when Baba had arranged all these for me, He must have planned something better for me. I had my right to challenge this decision and so I appealed. I was asked to plead my case over the phone due to the COVID-19 social distancing restrictions in front of an unemployment judge who was to decide whether I should receive unemployment insurance or not. I prayed to Baba hard and appeared before the judge.
With Baba’s inspiration, I presented my case but was not expecting a favourable outcome as normally it is difficult to fight against an organization of this stature and win against them. A big surprise was in store for me by the grace of Baba. I was informed that I was eligible for unemployment insurance and was paid the whole amount from the date I applied. On top of it, the federal government was paying $600 per week to all those who had lost their jobs due to the pandemic and I was also eligible for that amount. So when the situation was looking very gloomy for me and I was thinking what should be my next step, there was a windfall.
Thanks to the kindness of our all merciful Baba who removed all my financial difficulties in a whisker. I could stay at home and focus on my company work when COVID-19 cases were increasing all over the country and people were dying in thousands. My company also started growing and in the process the revenue of the company increased substantially. So during the difficult time when the whole world was reeling under the spell of COVID-19 (and still is), I and my company prospered. All this was due to the grace of our merciful Baba.
I bow humbly at His lotus feet and pray to Him to ever bless me like this and also to bless all His numerous devotees from all over the world. We all are going through a very difficult time due to this pandemic but our Baba will take care of us and will make us strong to come out of this pandemic. All urge upon all my brothers and sisters to have faith and patience. Om Sai Shree Sai Jai Jai Sai.
Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from India says: I’ve been Baba’s devotee since 5 years. Thank You Baba for everything. Thank you Hetalji and team for this wonderful site which is healing many people through devotees’ experience. God bless all of you behind this.
I got married two years back with Baba’s blessings. He is a gem of the person. Actually I got this alliance fixed when I completed my nine weeks prayer to Baba.
Coming to my experience I am working in one state and my husband is working in another state. My job is transferable so we thought we would get transferred in six months hence they accepted the proposal and got married. But things started to fall apart. After four months of marriage I got to know that places that I have applied for transfer have no vacancies and due to shortage of staff in the place where I was working, they could not relieve me. Things were going on like this and every time I asked, they would tell me that surely I would get but will have to wait for some time.
My husband is a very understanding person. He used to manage my parents and my in-laws. I used to cry daily in front of Baba and used to go to Baba’s temple every Thursday but Baba has other plans. Finally when things got sorted out and the transfer order was about to be released in a week we were eagerly expecting but all of a sudden the government announced lockdown. I got struck in one place and my husband was in another place. We weren’t able to go. That time I was shattered completely losing all my hopes, confidence and the strength to face. Things went on and almost 9 months over. During this time this modern Satcharitra gave me strength. Hope all will be okay like that.
Finally this week my transfer order got released by Baba’s grace and I got posting near to my place and soon I’m going to join my husband. Thank You Baba for everything and please bless us with a baby.

Shirdi Sai Devotee Priya Praveen from India says: I am Priya from Chennai. We had minor plumbing work to be done in our home. There was an unused tap in our kitchen, which we wanted to be removed, so that we could fix a shelf on the wall. We believed that the tap was a dummy one, which was used by the previous tenant for their Aquaguard. As we weren’t using the water purifier, we believed that the owner would have blocked the water flow to that tap. But when the plumber removed the tap, water started gushing forcefully and the kitchen became a mess. Also, he tried everything possible to block the water flow, but nothing worked. Added to it, the valves to that tap were broken and couldn’t be used. That’s when I started to panic and called Sai. I prayed to Him to bless the plumber with some idea and help him resolve the issue. The minute I prayed, Sai did help him. The plumber came up with an alternate solution and fixed the repairs. “If you spread your palms with devotion before Me, I will be with you day and night” are Sai’s words and He keeps up His word every single time. Om Sairam!

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from India says: Om Sairam! May Baba bless Hetalji for her wonderful selfless service to Baba.
I had to go out and was in a hurry. I was not able to find my diamond earrings. I was not able to locate them. I searched everywhere but in vain. I started panicking a bit but felt that they must be there only and I am unable to locate them or see them due to hurry. So I still kept searching but in vain. Finally I bartered with Baba (as I did not want to) as I had no option than that to help me find them. As soon as I prayed I saw one bag and in that another box where I could find them than their usual place. I then remembered that I had kept it there in my cupboard during Diwali time as that time I was in a lot of hurry. I was amazed at Baba’s omniscience. I had forgotten but He knows everything about everyone. Thank You Baba. Baba, please help me find the gold bracelet of my daughter. I will again post here once found. Jai Sairam!

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from US says: I am from the USA. Daily I read devotees’ experiences from this site. I have been experiencing many miracles of Baba since last year. I have been facing a few problems in my work for the past few days. I prayed to Sai for help. It’s a miracle that all the work was completed in one day which usually takes weeks to complete. My son was having pain in knee and ankle and he was not able to walk for the past 2 days. Baba assured me that Udi would cure his pain. He also sent me Udi by post just the day before. His pain was reduced a little bit. Baba, please cure his pain completely and make him healthy. Please forgive me if I made any mistake. Om Sri Sai Arogya Kshemadaya Namaha.
Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from India says: I am a small Sai devotee. One day I was having difficulty in breathing. So I prayed to Baba to please cure me. So as always Babaji came to my rescue and I was able to breathe properly. Om Sai Rakshak Sharanam!
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Baba please bless help and save my parents saima please hold my father financially and make him happy and healthy baba please don't let him suffer from bp and diabetes Sai pa cure my mother baba we are at the verge please. Show some light baba sairakshak saisaranam ayyappa
Omsairam….i love you…thanks for whatever you have blessed us with
Om Sai Ram 🙏
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