Shirdi Sai Baba’s Love Grace Miracle Stories:
Anonymous Shirdi Sai Daughter from USA says: Hello to my Sai family. I liked to be called Sai’s daughter. Thank you, Hetalji and team for this incredible dedicated job you are doing to this world. You are giving so much hope to so many people in this world. May bless you with lots of happiness.
Sai is everything to our family. Sai has protected us just like how a mother protects a newborn baby. Thank You so much Sai. Thank You is a very small word for everything that You have done for us. You have given us more than we deserve Deva. You are our reason to breathe. I have shared so many Sai experiences here. Today I am here again with my beautiful experiences.
1. Thank You Sai for again making our sale successful. I was so worried that this time things did not turn out to be good and maybe people may not like it. I was continuously praying to Sai. Baba listened to my prayer and everyone liked it so much that they sent such beautiful messages after the delivery that I could not believe. I know for sure that this is only and only Your magic Sai or else it would be a disaster. Thank You Sai for holding my hand and making things in the right way.
Sai whether I say or not it’s only with Your blessings that we are able to do this business Sai. Please don’t mistake me if in hurry I forget to ask You before I start the process. Deva it’s with only Your blessings and the trust that I have in You is making us do all these things. Sai it has nothing to do with us Sai, it’s all Your strength. Please always protect us in the same way Sai. We are ready to do hard work and for doing anything we need Your blessing Sai. You know very well that we are nothing without You Sai.
2. I prayed that my friend’s courier should reach her this week only and when I saw the estimated date I was so happy that it was this week only. Thank You Sai. I hope that the courier reaches her safely without the food spoilage, please Sai.
3. Sai thank You so much for always being with my kids. Sai they are Your kids Sai. Please don’t ever leave them. Please bless them and protect them Sai. Please correct them and help them to walk on the right path. Sai they love You so much Deva just that they are playful. Sai please give them the best character and the best education and the best health and protect them always Sai. There is some reason that You have given me this job Sai. First I was very upset that You didn’t give me the other job but now I apologize and I accept everything that You have given me. Sai please help me to lose weight Sai, I am not able to take this Sai, please Sai.
Sai I have left everything at Your feet Sai, please hold my hand and help me Sai. I don’t have any other saviour than You Deva. Please remove hatred, jealousy, anger and all bad habits in us and help us walk on the right path Sai. Love You so much Deva. Om Sairam.
Shirdi Sai Devotee Madhuri from India says: Baba made me realise the value of my loved one. I am Madhuri. This is my second experience. I was a very loving and kind woman but due to certain situations I became very egoistic and rude with a habit of reacting unnecessarily.
Although my actions/words were the correct answer to few people, one person was continuously a victim of my behaviour. He is a very loving and kind person. He loves me for what I am but I was continuously framing conditions and boundaries for him to test him and analyse whether he truly cares and loves me.
I used to get angry at him for silly reasons but the next morning he used to be the same man as yesterday and he used to understand me and forgive me without pointing at me. I used to ask Baba in question answer website and every time I used to get answers (act with love instead of anger, give up ego. etc) but I never listened to Baba. I wanted to control odd behaviour but I couldn’t (I felt bad but I never said sorry). From one month he was having gastritis and from last one week he was having a severe headache (left side) and vomiting. Even then he spoke to me till night 2:00 am as I was not well and was having insomnia because of seasonal allergy (hives).
The very next day he had a throbbing headache and vomited nine times continuously. He visited our family doctor and he suggested a brain scan. He went for a brain scan and at 6:00 pm the result of the scan came. He was diagnosed with arachnoid cyst on the left side (size was too small and it must be asymptomatic) but he was having headaches and vomiting. I was worried I prayed and cried for him. I chanted on Sri Sai Rakshak Sharanam before the test and also before I opened my whatsapp to view the test report. He visited the family doctor. He said that there was nothing to worry as the size was too small and it should be asymptomatic but as he was having pain and vomiting, the doctor suggested consulting a neurosurgeon.
I was very much tensed. I started writing on Sri Sai Rakshak Sharanam in one of my notebooks. He went to the neurosurgeon and after checking the scan the doctor said that the pain was due to migraine and gave few medications. In this one week I realised how much I love him and I promised Baba that I will never act rude towards my man and I thank Baba for blessing me with such an understanding life partner (he is maternal uncle’s son). He resembles my mom in every aspect and loves me unconditionally as my mom does. Please Baba help him to recover soon and please bless my mom and dad too. Help and guide us to live with more love, affection and care. Thanks for making me realise my flaws. Om Sri Sairam.
Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from India says: 0m Sairam. Thanks to Hetalji and team for this modern Sai Satcharitra. This site gives us a lot of hope by reading other devotees’ experiences. I have already posted many experiences on the site.
Coming from my recent experience; a few days back I had posted a prayer regarding my brother and his fiancée relationship. They were not happy with each other and had a lot of issues. Because of this my mother was also very upset. I asked Baba to please make them happy and resolve all the issues between them. Thank You so much Baba as my brother has decided to continue with his relationship and agreed to work on his relationship.
Baba I have left everything on Your lotus feet and have full faith on You and I know soon I will post my experience regarding their smooth relationship.
My second experience is regarding my lost charger and ring. I was not able to find it. I have a fixed place where I keep my charger and ring but when I was looking for it, I was not able to find it there. As always, the solution to all my problems is only You Baba. I had promised to post my experience if I found it the same day. I found both the things. I am posting my experience as per my promise. Thank You so much Baba. Om Sairam.
Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from USA says: I live in the USA and want to be anonymous. This experience is about my son’s passport renewal.
We had an important official appointment on 21/01/21 for which we needed my son’s primary ID (i.e. passport). But his passport was expiring on 16/01/21. We applied for renewal in TATKAL. But because of the holidays and COVID it was taking longer than expected, I was praying Baba every single day and promised Him that I will share my experience on this forum. I never lost hope as I was praying to Baba but at the same time I was very tense. Then with Baba’s grace, miraculously everything changed in the last two days and we received his passport on 20/01/21. I am sorry Baba even after Your assurances I was in doubt. Sorry for my inability to narrate my experience in a better way.

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from US says: Om Sai Nathaya Namaha. I have been a Sai devotee from childhood. I live in the US with my two daughters and husband. I have been praying for a different job role for which Baba gave me the opportunity. Within one week I had to facilitate a couple of meetings and also give a report to all the directors and AVP.
I was just understanding the job and to do this in a short time was making me nervous but Baba helped me in conducting the meeting and presenting before all, to go smoothly. Please trust Baba and leave all worries at His feet. He is sure to help us. Please bless all of us. Om Sree Sai Rakshaka Saranam!

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from India says: I lost my diamond ring and was unable to find it. First I thought it must be here or there. I searched and looked at all possible places but I could not find it. My heart skipped a beat and I did not know where else to look for the ring. When I got worried I knew where I should look for the ring. I prayed to Baba for help and promised Him to post it here. Immediately in the same drawer where I had looked for before so many times I could see the ring. I was happy and my worries disappeared with Baba’s grace and help. I thank Baba for His leela to make me post here in this modern live Satcharitra which is a gift of Baba and Hetalji to the world of Sai devotees. Thank You Baba and Hetalji. Jai Sairam!
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Baba please bless help and save my parents saima please hold my father financially and make him happy and healthy baba please don't let him suffer from bp and diabetes Sai pa cure my mother's issue and grandma make us to study well baba we are at the verge please help baba sairakshak saisaranam ayyappa
Omsairam….i love you…thanks for whatever you have blessed us with
Om Sai Ram 🙏
Om Sai Shree Sai Jai Jai Sai 🙂
Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram.
Omsairam….i love you..thanks for whatever you have blessed us with.