Shirdi Sai Baba’s Love Grace Miracle Stories:
Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from India says: Sairam to all. I am one of His children who is still trying to follow His words and still trying.
My experience goes like this. Long back my father showed my horoscope to an astrologer who said that my marriage life will not be good. But I had so much trust in God that I did not believe in His words. I left everything to the Lord. Then I didn’t know Baba as I was devoted to Vishnu. But still somewhere behind my mind this thought used to come once in a while.
Later I came to know about Baba and His ideas matched with my opinion which made me get closer to Him very easily. In the recent past I had a great opportunity to get in touch with a Sai devotee who left her job and started serving society on Baba’s instruction and also could talk to Baba. I once shared my past incident of this horoscope and requested her to ask Baba about this. She was very kind and did that for me. Baba told her that though my horoscope had a problem He would handle everything. When she said this to me, I couldn’t understand properly but took it as Baba was also telling me that I would have a problematic life. I have no words to express the pain, confusion and frustration that I went through.
Then I prayed to Baba how could You do this to me. I just couldn’t believe this. Saying this I went to youtube. There I saw a video of Sathya Sai Baba Who is an incarnation of Shirdi Sai Baba. In that video it was told by a devotee that when Sathya Sai Baba went for a tour to Goa with school children there he plucked a plum fruit from a thorn tree and gave it to a boy. When he started eating he was chewing for a long time. The teacher asked him to spit the seed for which he said even the seeds had changed to chocolate. This video strike me as if Baba Himself was telling me this. But still I couldn’t convince myself so I called her. She being very busy in her service couldn’t pick my call. Then when she was about to go for prayer she heard Baba asking to return the call. When she saw her mobile it was my call. Here I was sitting in my pooja room begging Him to make her attend my call. When she called me I was just shocked to hear what had happened there. Then she said that she understood that I had misunderstood what she said but still couldn’t explain properly as she was busy. Then I asked if this was what Baba meant. And she said even though the fate is wrong He would take care.
What I have learned here is that if at all at the first instance Baba would have made me understand what she was telling, maybe I wouldn’t have realised its intensity. Now I have completely understood that even the seeds which are so natural were also changed into chocolate when anyone had complete trust in Him.
So Sai bandhus I request everyone to have complete faith in His holy feet and the rest will be taken care of by Him.
Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from Australia says: Om Sairam! Today I want to share another Baba’s unbelievable miracle in my life. Before I start narrating my story, I want to show my gratitude to my Guru, my supreme Father Shri Sainath! No matter how I behave, what I do, You are always there for me to guide me, support me and bless me.
One more time You have helped me to solve the riddle of my future goals, with my unknown and puzzled career path. I was anxious with what I am doing with my career, as things were very confusing for me. I was leading a job which was not giving me any growth opportunity and no personal or financial motivation. I knew that this path would lead me to nowhere. This job was within my comfort zone but with no assurance of any kind of success in future.
I had made my mind to switch this job but even my current role was not good enough for me to try anything out in the market. These days the IT industry is very demanding and there is no scarcity of true talented people. Then what was a chance for me other than switching this role and company. I had started preparing very irregularly, once in a while. I also tried giving interviews for a few roles but as nothing is easily given without proper planning and practice, I also did not get any success. I was so demotivated, because the future path was looking very dull and disappointing to me.
Then suddenly one day, out of nowhere one of my old friends and colleagues called me and spoke about a short term role in the same profile which I wanted to pursue. I was astonished by hearing that even they were ready to hire me without any interview, since the hiring manager had also worked with me in my previous company. This was the ray of light which Baba showered on me during my crucial time. When I had lost all my hope, Baba had shown me the path yet again and blessed me with this bright future.
I cannot thank Him for any of His blessings. He has helped me always and in every walk of life. I am not sure what would be my life without You Baba. I love You so much. Please accept my sincere gratitude. I wish one day I can become Your true pupil, the way You have become my true Guru. Shri Satchidananda Sad Guru Sai nath Maharaj ki Jai!

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from India says: Pranams to admin of this blessed blog and to all Sai devotees. I have a pair of earrings which I’m very fond of. Unfortunately, I couldn’t locate it when I searched recently. I thought I had kept it at my mom’s place as I usually do. I made a mental note to search there without fail the next time I visit. So when I visited recently, I made sure to search every nook and corner for those earrings but I just couldn’t find them anywhere. This really made me anxious since I had already made a thorough search at my place and couldn’t find it there. I was really relaxed thinking I would definitely find it at my mom’s place. So when I couldn’t find it anywhere there, all I could do was beg Baba to help me out.
I mentally bowed down to Him and promised to submit my experience after finding the earrings. I was so restless at my mom’s place thinking about the missing earrings and couldn’t also return early because of this. But at the back of my mind I was very sure about finding it because I have faced such situations earlier as well. I had lost an earring of mine and couldn’t find it for months together. But after praying to Baba, I found it the very day. So I was confident about finding it but like an ordinary being was anxious as well. I’m sure you would have all guessed by this time about what the result was. Yes, I just returned home and found the earrings in the very box I had searched earlier. It was just hiding in the farther corner.
Thank You Baba for coming to my rescue once again. Please be with us always. Also, keep our devotion and faith towards You alive forever. Bless my husband, kid, my parents and all Your devotees Baba. Let no harm come near them. Om Sairam.
Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from India says: Om Sairam. Thank you Hetalji for this blog. Thank you devotees for sharing your leelas. It is a best way to thank Baba and concrete other’s faith too.
Once long back we had taken some gold loan. Later we got separated. We had repaid the loan and the gold was collected from the bank by our relatives. In that my mother also had given her pure gold of 20 grams. She told our relatives about it and they asked it surprisingly about it being hers. She said yes and then they said ok and that they would soon send it to us. Like this few months passed and two to three reminders were already given to them. They never denied nor did they send it. We were only feeling shy and awkward to remind them again. We felt if we did not remind them and if a long time passes then after some time the memory about it would be completely lost. I prayed to Baba that if they returned then I would post here. Being a Thursday and remembering Baba my husband called them and reminded them again and very politely they agreed that they had forgotten and they would send it. Then I prayed to Baba that if on the same day on Thursday they returned us then I would consider as purely His grace behind them returning on us. Wonder was that they returned it the same day and all were happy and surprised. Thank you Baba. Jai Sairam!

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from India says: Thank you Hetalji for this modern Sai Satcharitra. I wanted to buy Sai Satcharitra from Shirdi but in this pandemic it is very difficult to get the book. So I prayed to Sai to help me in getting the book. So I searched in Google that Shirdi Sansthan sent us the book through post. Then I came to know that we can buy the book through the Shirdi Sai website also ( Then I ordered the book online. After booking I read in FAQ that it will take 60 days to deliver the book. But with Sai’s blessings I got the book within eight days. Sharing it here so that it may be useful to other devotees too. You can buy the book through
Thank You Sai for everything! Om Sairam!
Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from India says: I have been a Sai devotee since my childhood. Om Sairam! I am a small devotee of Baba. He has given me rebirth. Baba has helped me through each and every difficult situation in my life.
I had a stomach ache for two days. I did a lot of treatment but the pain did not subside. Then I prayed to Baba, I immediately got relief from the pain. Thank You Baba for everything. Without You I cannot move a single step. Om Sairam.
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OM Sai Shree Sai Jai Jai Sai 🙂
Omsairam…. ilove you ..thanks for whatever you have blessed us with.
Baba please bless help and save my parents saima please hold my father financially and make him happy and healthy baba please don't let him suffer from bp and diabetes show us some way We are at the verge please help baba sairakshak saisaranam ayyappa.please let the money saction please baba i beg you.
Baba will always bless you and your parents with good health, and help very soon with the situation you are going through. God bless you.
Love you mere sai
SAI reham nazar karna bachu ka palan
SAI reham nazar karna bachu ka palan
Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram.