Shirdi Sai Baba’s Love Grace Miracle Stories:

Thank You Baba

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Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from USA says: I like to be called Sai’s daughter. Thank you Hetalji and team for this modern Sai Satcharitra.

My daughter is in high school and everyone here says that it’s very important to maintain a good GPA. I always get worried whenever my daughter has any quizzes or tests.

Last week my daughter had a Math quiz and she mentioned that she made some mistakes. Usually, she makes lots of silly mistakes but this time when I asked her about how the test went (she always used to say that she did good) she herself told that she made some mistakes and that she realized about it soon after she was done with the quiz. I was very worried because of that.

She already has a low average score on her Math because she didn’t do well in one of the previous quizzes. I realized that only Baba could help her then and started praying sincerely to do some miracle and help my daughter get a good score. My gracious Baba listened to my prayers and she did score well. It was my Baba’s miracle that I know for sure.

Thank You so much Baba. Please help her to be more careful and help her to focus on her studies Baba. Please make her confident too Baba. Om Sairam, Shree Sairam, Jai Jai Sairam!

Husband Got A Job

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Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from USA says: Om Sairam to all my friends. I am a small devotee of Baba living in NJ with my family. First I would like to thank you Hetalji for giving us a platform where we can share our experiences. I read this blog everyday.

My day starts with Sai’s name and ends with Sai’s name. My husband lost his job. He was trying hard to get the job but he was not able to get a good job in this pandemic. I had promised Baba that if he would get a good job then I would share my experience on this blog. With Baba’s blessing he got a good job in a good company with a good package. Thank You Baba for giving him a good job in this pandemic situation.

Be with us all the time so we can fulfil all our responsibilities without any hurdles. Baba I have one more request to please give my daughter a good internship as early as possible. She applied at so many places for internships but she didn’t get any reply from anywhere. Baba, please help her once my daughter gets her internship. I will again share my experience on this blog. Baba, keep everyone happy, healthy and peaceful.

Baba Helped Us With Boarding Flight

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Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from India says: Thank You Sairam and the blog members for helping me to share Sai leelas on this blog.

During midweek of February, me and mom travelled to our family deity temple as a one day trip. Due to some delay in the puja we started late from the temple and did not have enough time to return back to the airport to board our flight. We both prayed to our family deity and Sai to take us to the airport on time and Baba made the driver drive faster and safer and helped us to board the flight on time. Even a 10 minute delay could have cost us a lot.

Baba I am posting the experience here as promised. Please provide me a 1BHK furnished flat on rent in the locality I prayed for with necessary amenities sooner. I would like to share that experience with devotees here as well. Om Sai Shri Sai Jai Jai Sai…!

Posting Of Choice

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Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from India says: I am a public servant and I like to serve the people. I had been posted to a place where I did not like at all as I did not get job satisfaction there. As Baba has always helped me whenever I am in trouble, this time too I sought His help.

I wanted a posting which would give me job satisfaction but in the same city as I could not afford to leave my family as my son is very small. I prayed to Baba everyday to help me out. Just as always, Baba has the perfect timing for everything. It took one year for my prayers to be answered but this one year was a very dangerous year due to Covid. I got to remain indoors in my earlier profile as it did not involve any public dealings. Now that Covid was almost over, my transfer order was out and that too in a prestigious posting where I get to deal with people again. I am thankful to Sai Baba yet again.

A Small Experience

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Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from US says: Hi, I am a small devotee from US. I am a small devotee of Sai Baba. Sai Baba stood by me during the most complex phases of my life and only due to His grace, I was able to overcome them. Whatever I have is only due to His extremely kind grace. Please trust Him and pray wholeheartedly and you will see His leelas. I am posting one of the short experiences that happened recently.

My hubby had gone to a grocery store and I happened to call him. His phone rang multiple times but he never answered. I was really tense and so finally I prayed to Baba that I would post the experience, please let him answer. At that very time, he answered the call and I was so much in relief. Thank You Baba. Please look kindly on us and bless one and all including my family. Please relieve my office tensions and please fulfil my wish and safeguard my home please.

Sai Cares For Everybody

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Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from India says: Om Sairam Hetalji and all the devotees. Two to three days back I was very down. I was crying unnecessarily. I did not wish to cry and somewhere felt that there was no need of crying too but still had no control over me. I was feeling very depressed. I then opened the prashnavali app and Baba guided me as, “Donate 15 Rs. and you will experience the result immediately.” I did not have any hope of me stopping to cry immediately but since Baba was saying I kept 15 Rs. at Baba’s photo. Surprisingly I was able to stop crying and I could feel and experience the grace of Baba. Thank You so much Baba. Ever be kind and merciful like this and shower Your grace on everyone. Jai Sairam!

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  1. OMSAIRAM,Baba help bees to go away from balcony by morning. I am starting tablet from today help me. Protect our family from the evil eyes and people. Thank you Sai.

  2. Baba please bless help and save my parents saima please hold my father financially and make him happy and healthy baba please don't let him suffer from bp and diabetes Sai pa cure my mother and grandmother We are at the verge please help baba sairakshak saisaranam ayyappa..

  3. Baba thankyou so much baba.Thankyou for giving me All india 251 rank in gate exam..Baba you only gave me this ..please make this marks and score valuable you know my longlasting dream..If possible please give me that or else whatever you wish as good for me..Thankyou baba

  4. Om sai ram! Sai MAA Thank you and I am hopeful that you will listen and answer my prayers. Thank you again Om sai ram

  5. Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram.

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