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Shirdi Sai Baba Miracles and Leela in this Post:

TB Scare Abolished By Baba

Sai Baba Answers Shirdi Sai Baba Miracles Leela Blessings Sai Nav Guruwar Vrat Miracles |

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from Germany says: Hello everyone. I would first like to thank all the people behind this great platform, which is like a faith booster to all Sai devotees. I am blessed to have come in contact with this blog. I read it every day. The miracles printed here are the reassurance that Baba is running to save and protect all His devotees.

I am a devotee of Sai, currently doing my Masters in Germany. I was at the finishing stage of my studies and had to take the last, most important and the toughest subject in my course. I was very scared to take up this exam, as it is very difficult to pass and was preparing for it from more than a month.

One fine afternoon, I was returning home and I had not checked my post box since a couple of days. So, I opened my post box and saw a letter from the health department of my city. I was a little scared because this was unusual. It is very rare to receive such letters, so I opened to read it. It said “You have come in contact with a person affected with tuberculosis (TB) and we suspect you might be affected as well. Kindly come for the X-ray and blood tests. You have to co-operate for these tests according to the law”. I was dumbstruck reading that letter and literally started shivering. I couldn’t believe what I had just read.

My exam was scheduled on the coming Thursday and the appointment for the tests were on the previous day. I did not know what to do or how seriously affected I was? I immediately called to the health department but no one received the call as it was a Friday and they were closed early. I was completely tensed and started to cry. For any other person, getting a couple of tests done is not a big deal, but I have Nosocomephobia (fear of hospitals) which means I am scared to death every time I visit a hospital even for a small thing. It was the weekend and I had no option but to wait till Monday to know what was happening. In the mean while I could not study anything and was completely filled with negative thoughts. I was wondering why Baba made me receive this letter just before my exam. I thought of cancelling the exam. I searched the symptoms of TB on the net. I did not have any symptoms mentioned. But that did not make me feel any better. I constantly prayed Baba to help me. I could not share this fear with my parents as well because they would get extremely anxious as I am away from them and they cannot help me. In my mind I prayed to Baba saying that if this situation passes without any problem, then my parents in India should receive some prasada from any temple. And lo! The next day my mom called me and told that she received a prasada from Mantralaya (Raghavendra Swamy temple). I was astounded.

I got a little relieved and started preparing for my exam as I was not able to study anything since Friday. But somewhere at the back of my mind, the fear was killing me. The next day my mom called and said that she again had received prasada from Mantralaya from a different friend. I was amazed. Receiving the prasad two times in a row confirmed that Sai would be with me no matter what happens. I completely concentrated on the exam. But I could not sleep at night because I was getting some bad dreams and somehow managed to ignore and study.

The next day, my mom called me early in the morning and told me that she had received a prasad from Shirdi. I just couldn’t believe that. I started to cry thinking how well my Sai was bestowing His blessings and showing that He would be definitely be with me! That is the kind of blessings we receive in return to blind faith in Him. After hearing that I completely stopped worrying about the whole situation and concentrated on the exam. On Thursday morning I attended the exam and Baba made everything go well. After my exam I had planned to go to the health department with the letter. Afternoon I went there to talk to the people and ask where had this incident taken place. They told me that I had come in contact with a TB patient in a eulogy hospital. I was completely confused as I had never visited any such hospital. I told them that there was some confusion and I had not visited that hospital. At first, they disagreed and said that I had to take up the tests. I insisted that I had to see the proof of records they had. So, they took me to show the proof. And there it was a big blunder! The health department people had confused my name to another person having the same last name and had mistakenly sent the letter to me. I pointed it out to them and they apologized and I was out of there. My joy knew no bounds! This incident was the biggest miracle in my life until now. I learnt a lesson that however bad the condition maybe, however hopeless the luck maybe, just having complete faith in Baba can turn the entire situation within the blink of an eye. This miracle has completely boosted my love and devotion towards Baba. I always read that Baba attracts His devotees with His miracles. And I am blessed to be one of them! The sole purpose of penning this down is to increase faith and confidence in others who are going through tough time. Just remember that having blind faith in Him can do miracles!

Sai Mahima

Sai Baba Answers Shirdi Sai Baba Miracles Leela Blessings Sai Nav Guruwar Vrat Miracles |

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from India says: Om Sairam to all Sai devotees!! I am Sai daughter from India and would like to share Sai Leela that took place recently in my life and I had promised Baba to share it on this blog with all His children so that it would work as a faith booster for all His children. Thank-you Hetalji and team for providing us this wonderful blog which provides us opportunity to share Sai Leelas as well as helps us to strengthen our own faith and others faith in our beloved Sai.

We have recently shifted to our new flat by Baba’s grace. Basically it is Baba’s house which He has gifted us to stay. We had booked this flat long back in 2015 and promised possession date was in March 2017. But due to environmental factors and RERA Act the project got delayed. Company with which we had booked the flat went into financial losses and hence they formed JV with another company to complete the project. Since the JV partner had provided money for the project completion, ultimately the management of second company took over all the decision and possession rights. Through internal adjustments we had already paid the first company all the money for the flat. Wherein the first company had not transferred our last instalment to the second company which had taken over and held all the decision rights related to the possession.

I was fed up staying in the rented flat for many years and wanted to shift to our new flat at the earliest. I started following up with the concerns. Flat work started progressing and by March end they said that they would give us possession in the month of April. So I was relaxed, I took confirmation from them once again and gave one month notice to my landlord as per agreement. I was worried also about whether my landlord would accept my notice and give me back my deposit money as we had certain issues earlier. But she accepted my notice and also by God’s grace she got new tenant by 15th April. Builder representative said that they would give us possession on any day as per our wish. My brother suggested let the furniture work get done and then you ask them to do the deep cleaning of the flat and give us the possession. So I was waiting for furniture work and like this we were already on 12th April 2019.

Meanwhile after lot of discussions and all we had planned House Warming ceremony on 23rd April and shifting thereafter till 28th April as we were supposed to travel to Mumbai for our USA visa interview on 29th and 30th April and on 31st we were expected to hand over the keys to rented flat to the landlord. Again me and my mom had discussion on 15th and thought we should take possession and let us figure it out afterwards how to clean the house again after the furniture work was done. So I informed the same to the concerned people and then they started saying us to first clear the commercial part and then only they could give us the possession. Then we called one of the directors who is our relative to discuss about the matter. He checked with the concern and clarified that nothing was pending from our side but since their company had not transferred our last installment to the other company the new management was not ready to give us possession and also they didn’t allow us to start the furniture work.

Things were so complex that we had no clarity on whether we would be able to perform pooja on 23rd as per our plan and move in before 31st to our new flat. I left everything to Baba and said, “You decide whether I will get to stay in our new flat or I have to be on road with my luggage.” I had full faith in Baba that He would work out things and we would get our new flat before 31st May 2019. I had also prayed to Baba to take care of transactions with my landlord as my deposit money was with her. When Baba is there why fear! At my landlord side things went on smoothly. We also got to do Pooja of our new flat on scheduled date and we got permission for furniture work as well as moving in in our new flat before 31st May 2019. Lot of discussions took place and there was lot of tension but Baba ensured everything took place in time. As Baba was with us, I was able to keep my calm.

I had also prayed to Baba to get my US visa approved. When I had been to Mumbai for Visa purpose Baba did showed His presence with me in amazing ways and also my visa interview was scheduled on Thursday, so I was quiet sure that it would get approved. But unfortunately my Visa got rejected. I don’t know why Baba did this, maybe He has some better plans for me. As rightly said in Sai Satcharitra, difficulties and problems come to us to confirm and move our faith. We are tested as it were. Only if we hold on to Sai’s feet stronger than ever and chant His name, He will never forsake us. Dear devotees, no matter what you are going through, hold on to His feet and ever unceasingly chant His name. He will never let you fall down come what may. Baba, please keep showering Your divine blessings and love on all of us always. Anantkoti Bramhand Nayaka Rajadhi Raja Yogi Raj Shri Sacchidanand Sadguru Sainath Maharaj ki Jai!

Long Awaited Hike And Recognition In Job

Sai Baba Answers Shirdi Sai Baba Miracles Leela Blessings Sai Nav Guruwar Vrat Miracles |

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from India says: I am a simple home maker.
Om Sairam, I feel blessed to send my first post today on this site. I am such a person who never reply or send posts to any social media as I have hesitation to open up and usually discuss things with my family only and not even with friends. Hetalji, kindly keep my name and mail I’d anonymous. It’s a great feeling Hetalji that though we have not seen each other we are deeply connected through your seva (this site) and the feeling that I get through reading devotees’ experience is more than bliss.

You know the first unbelievable miracle is pages would open automatically relevant to my state of mind or answers to my questions like my fingers will touch to pages which lead to related experience or about Shirdi Sai Baba history. I believe Sai Baba Himself decides what I need to read or He will open exactly the experience to my haunting and clueless mind. So it’s a truth that Hetalji your site itself is a miracle and Sairam talks through your site and see how blessed soul you are and made blessed all of us too.

Now coming to my experience, I came to know about Sai Baba by the year 2010 through my cousin sister who suggested me to do 9 week vrat to make my daughter walk as she is a special child by birth. I will share that great miracle as in this Kaliyuga where everyone seeks God’s presence, Sairam gave answer like she is walking after that vrat only. Later I will share in detail about it which would give goose bumps surely. But in this 9 year of journey, Sai Baba Himself let me to know about Sai Satcharitra, made me too good, strong and taught life lesson etc. now I am sending this post as I prayed to Baba that if my husband gets a hike in his job this year then I would share it on this site. This is indeed is a miracle because it’s a 10 year of pain in his career as he never gets recognition, promotion, hike though he deserves it more and who is such a talented guy beyond imagination. It’s purely because of jealousy of the team head who never let my husband to show his hard work and tough, challenging skill oriented projects. He has even made a disaster of many designs, presentations prepared by my husband. He used to give promotion and hike to totally undeserved people and because of that my husband had sleepless nights and was in deep frustration. All may think that not to change the job to get rid of this pressure. He cannot do it because as I mentioned we were locked in condition of our special child as this current job only gives him work from home option which helped us a lot in highly emergency situations.

Yesterday only team head called my husband and told about hike and appreciated him for his unique and best presentation compared to all, solving some difficult issues in project made him to give a hike without a thought and now all of you can understand like Sairam made this miracle happen as who was an obstacle for not letting my husband to show his talent, he himself gave hike as well as recognition which made my husband happy after a long period. Thank You so much Sairam. Please bless all of us and even pull and bless those who don’t pray or seek You, as without You life for them is miserable. So please pull every single human being to You though they are tied up with this materialistic world, for them life without You is filled with vacuum. So bless all of us my dear Sairam.

Sai Loves All

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Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from India says: Thank You Hetalji and all devotees for spreading love. Sorry Sai for posting it late maybe that’s why I’m suffering.
I have been suffering from lower abdomen issue and wasn’t recovering, so I prayed Sai and asked in Q and A website and answer came as, “Donate and your problem will get solved quickly.” I donate in temple every Thursday so I was sure that I need to donate extra than that. I used to donate others too but was confused about it to whether to donate in temple or to someone. I prayed Sai to guide.

That night I got dream that I was donating small children who were asking for money. There were like a few children and I was giving money to, but then the problem was I never saw any child outside Sai temple. The only place where I found kids asking for money was near Durga temple where there’s market and even I saw them in front of temple only on Tuesdays and after sunset. On other days they scatter in the market so can’t be found at the same place together but I saw in dream that they were at the same place. So anyways I went to Sai temple and it was before sunset, so even if I went to that market it wouldn’t be easy to find them. But then of course miracle happened, for the first time as far as I can remember. I have been going to the temple continuously for 5 years at least but I never saw any child outside asking for money but that day the very first time I saw three kids asking for money and I donated. Sai helped me because at that time it would have been so hard to find anyone even if I went to the market I mentioned. Sai made it easy, especially Sai guided me in dream. Sai guide us but we ignore signs, we are selfish but think we are kind. Please change yourself if you really want to see the blessings of Sai, help others even when you have to sacrifice yourself for helping them, don’t think bad, get rid of negative thoughts and spread love. Om Sairam.

Baba Helped In Completing Sri Sai Divya Pooja

Sai Baba Answers Shirdi Sai Baba Miracles Leela Blessings Sai Nav Guruwar Vrat Miracles |

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from USA says: Om Sairam. I am a Sai Baba devotee and want to share my experience on how Baba helps and guides me through every single thing in my life.

Om Sairam, thank you admin for providing this platform to share our experience and by reading others experience we also get the guidelines from Baba. I also believe this is one of the means through which Baba guides us. I can always feel Baba’s presence in my life with every single thing I do. I start and end my day remembering Baba. I completed Sri Sai Divya Pooja today. I had vowed to complete for 5 weeks and completed today. I was scared if I would be able to complete the Pooja without leaving out any responsibilities. I prayed to Baba to help me complete the Pooja. There were a few instances at work due to which there could be interruptions in the pooja. But Baba always guided me.

Whenever I go through someone’s experience or read Baba’s sayings I would get answer from Baba and He would assure me not to worry. And today with Baba’s grace I was able to complete the 5th week Pooja. It’s not just the Pooja but for everything I do Baba is with me. We just need to leave everything to Baba and have trust in Him. He will always take care of us. We need to have Shraddha and Saburi. Thank You Baba for everything Ananthakoti Brahmanda Nayaka Rajadhiraja Yogiraja Parambrahma Shri satchidananada Sadguru Sainath Maharaj Ki Jai.

Baba’s Blessings

Sai Baba Answers Shirdi Sai Baba Miracles Leela Blessings Sai Nav Guruwar Vrat Miracles |

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from USA says: I am a small devotee of Baba. I have been blessed with so many of His miracles. Thank you Hetalji for amazing work that you are doing.
I was conflicted today about a decision. I kept on worrying about it. Finally I just surrendered to our saviour Baba and whatever He decides I would follow. As usual Baba came to my rescue. I am eternally grateful to Him. Without Him nothing can be done. He is my Saviour. Baba please keep your blessings on my children. Anantkoti Bramhand Nayak Raja Dhiraj Yogiraj Parabramha Shri Satchidanand Sadguru Sainath Maharaj ki Jai. Om Sairam.

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  1. Baba please bless help and save my parents sai ma please hold my father financially and make him happy and healthy baba please dont let him suffer from bp and diabetes saipa and cure my mother's pain and grandmas diabetes baba make us to study well baba we are at the verge please help baba sairakshak saisaranam ayyappa

  2. Omsairam..bless everyone in tbis world with peace and good you Baba….increase my faith and patience…be with everyone and with us always

  3. Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram.

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