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How Baba Helped Me To Secure A Job Of My Choice

Shirdi Sai Baba Miracles Leela Blessings Sai Nav Guruwar Vrat Miracles |

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from Singapore says: Namaste Hetalji and all Sai friends, I am a middle aged woman, going through a mid-life crisis. I would like to share my experience though not the first one, about how Sai helped me secure a job of my choice.

Sai came into my life about 4 years ago, though He was helping me even before in many strange ways, yet I could not acknowledge His presence in my life. Before I even write about the miracles, let me write to you, the current situation I was in my current job. My current boss is a tyrant (sorry for calling him so). He believed in himself so much, that he did not see the reality with how world is moving forward with technology, processes and tools. As an IT savvy, engineer turned, digital marketer, I tried to bring to introduce digital marketing in a full-fledged manner to our business, but failed in making my boss understand it. Instead of understanding my growth mind-set, my boss started accusing and abusing me for lack of skills, that were not in my job scope.

In the past two years, my boss did not do appraisal also for me. Though everybody else, in the company valued my work and skills, my boss just refused to acknowledge. Because of my age, getting a job outside was very difficult. Also I could not talk back to my boss as he would fire me on the spot. This is what had happened to all the other employees before. So I was in a dire situation, but carried on with daily work, thinking of Sai. There were times that I was pushed to quit my job. During those moments, prayers to Sai, gave me a new lease of work life, He inspired me to learn new skills aligned to my career objectives. Because of which, I could continue with my current job and still look for new opportunities. I used to ask for answers for my job issues in “Arulvakku” site which is nothing but Baba’s answers site. Over time, I started having mental conversations with Sai and every time my boss abused me.

My Sai then gave me inspiration through this site. I also started reading your blog and Sai Gurucharitra and many more spiritual books during this bad phase. They helped me gain faith and patience to keep me afloat at office. Now comes the interesting experience. In the past 1 and half years, I might have applied to more than 300 places for jobs. But number of interviews trickled. Even the ones came in, did not materialise to job offers. Any Sai devotee can understand my situation. From prayers to Sai, I had started quarrelling with Him during my mental conversations. With who else can I do that, but with my own Sai? I said to Him, “Look, You gave this job, when I needed it the most. I was thankful. Now it is Your responsibility to get me out of this rut. I will not apply to any jobs further, You know what I need. So You bring in the right employer to me”. Having said that, I surrendered to His will, but continued to work.

Surprisingly, situation at office changed. My boss’s abuses stopped. I was able to be in peace at office and helped me to think straight. I worked not out of fear, but with inspiration. I was beginning to feel very cheerful at office. I accepted things as they were in office. When I unburdened my woes to Sai, why fear? I experienced Sai’s saying “Why fear? When I am here?” As Sai listens to every word of us, one fine day, a recruiter approached me on LinkedIn about a job opportunity. She was greatly impressed by my skills and immediately arranged for interview with her client. While going through the interview, I prayed Sai that I needed assurance that He will be there for me. I wanted to hear or see His name, just then; I saw in front a vehicle with “Sai” on it! Imagine my happiness, in a foreign land, seeing this sign! The interview went on well. The recruiter was very happy to tell me that I have passed the first round of interview. Her client was very happy with my profile that they handpicked mine and rejected all others. Sai gave my self-confidence back. Not only that, 4 more round of interviews were conducted and I was able to come up with flying colours. All this was because of His Grace. Now the final panel interview was also over. I have to mention something here. Every time, the recruiter called me, from my phone app, Sai’s ashtostrotram would start playing automatically. Sai was giving me signs that He was taking care of my needs and I did not worry of the outcomes. Some may think it is a sheer coincidence, But to me, it is Sai’s way of talking to His devotees. They gave one week to announce the results. I was praying Sai. One day before the results were out, I had a dream that somebody was giving me a mango. I considered this as a sign from Sai that He was working for me. Then the recruiter called to break the good news. I got the new job in an MNC, at my own terms and conditions. All by the Grace of Sai!

I am getting very emotional here. My 2 year struggle ended here. Power of Shraddha and Saburi and surrender to Sai will definitely help. There were times, when my faith was being tested, but during those times, I used to pray just to increase my faith and nothing else. Sai Ram.

Sai Miracle

Shirdi Sai Baba Miracles Leela Blessings Sai Nav Guruwar Vrat Miracles |

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from India says: Thank you all to provide this platform. Sai bless you all. I am not good at English so please feel free to edit. I am Lord Muruga devotee. I came to know Sai Baba during my college days through my friend. Still I am waiting for a Sai miracle and blessings for my life. But I can feel Sai always with me helping me like a Father and caring me like a Mother. Just few days back I came across this blog. Really you people are doing a such a noble work. My faith in Baba increased while reading others’ experiences here. So now I want to share my experience.

Today I had tears while reading this. People had described about their Shirdi trip and had thanked Baba a lot. I have a one and half year baby. When she was 7 months she felt down from a cot. We had prayed that we will take our baby to Shirdi after she gets cured and behave normally. Then later my in-laws gave permissions too (because Baba pulled me too Shirdi) I got very good darshan of Baba two times, sat on Dwarakamai, sat in front of Baba. I did everything without knowing Sai Baba fully. At that time I was just interested to take photos, status in whatsapp and had very little bit of faith. Even I had aarthi, dashan too; where although standing in a queue my baby was calm and sleeping. I never realised Baba had done such a great blessing for me. Now only I fully realised Baba; even that time I was not aware of Sai Satcharitra too. I had prasad, Udi and everything I got. Recent few days I realised Baba as Who He was? WOW!!! What a wonderful blessing He gave me!!! Now only I know the power of Udi but also I am watching Sai serial and read this blog. Now only I fully realised that He has already blessed me who did not even understand Him that time. I am really sorry Baba. Once again I want to visit the holy place Shirdi. Once my wishes fulfil I will not come but it will be You Who will have to pull me to Shirdi. Baba, forgive me Baba. Sai Baba, Sai Mata. You are a Guide to me; You are a Protector of me. You gave me a wonderful trip. But I realised the thing later. I am Your child Baba. Sorry Baba. Love You. I always want to stay at Your lotus feet Baba. Please Baba bless everyone.

Baba Helping Me To Get Out Of Negative Thoughts

Shirdi Sai Baba Miracles Leela Blessings Sai Nav Guruwar Vrat Miracles |

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from USA says: Om Sairam. For the last 2 months I had been going been through an issue which was adversely affecting my mind, my body, self-confidence etc. Also, I’m a family man and I don’t want to get into details. But, it was very, very disturbing and kind of depressing. I completely surrendered this problem to my Baba. I’m slowly now recovering through His grace even though I have not completely got out of this problem. But, I’m sure Baba will get me out of this as soon as possible. Maybe, I have to go through this because of my past karma. But, I’m sure Baba will help me out. He made me watch some videos on youtube on how to get out of the negative thoughts. I have also asked question and answer site. He gave me positive answers. One of it is, “Don’t think about Past and Future. Think only about Present. “Also, I got that “I will live a happy life with my Family. Baba’s blessings are always there”. The video I saw, talked about how to remove negative thoughts from our mind. Just keep thinking positively. There shouldn’t be any negative words even when we are thinking. For example, Negative thought: “I shouldn’t get into that problem today.” Even though we are thinking that I shouldn’t get into the problem. Here, “Problem” is the negative word. Instead of thinking that way, positive thinking will be “I should be Happy today.” There are no negative words when we think in the second way. Probably, this will help others if anybody is going through the same situation like me. That is why Baba is asking me to post this. Baba, please forgive me for any mistakes. Readers, please forgive me for any mistakes if I’ve posted anything wrong. Om Sairam.

Baba’s Presence Felt Always

Shirdi Sai Baba Miracles Leela Blessings Sai Nav Guruwar Vrat Miracles |

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from India says: Om Sairam to all Sai devotees. Thanks Hetalji for creating this blog. This blog helps to gain and maintain our unwavering trust on our Lord (Sai Baba).

My mom suddenly had severe stomach pain. She couldn’t even walk or bend properly. I was very much worried because before few days I had a bad dream related to my mum. Then my mom asked her dad who is a doctor for medicines. I was continuously praying Baba to reduce her pain and within 2-3 days her pain was reduced. It was all because of Baba.

My phone’s vibration mode had suddenly stopped working I was praying Baba let it be back because I always keep my phone on vibration mode. After 3-4 months, now my phone suddenly started vibrating. I felt really happy. My mum was also shocked how it came back without any repair. Thanks Baba because of You I could go to the Hanuman temple today. Baba, please always shower Your blessings on my family and all the people who pray You whole-heartedly. Om Sai Namo Namaha. Sri Sai Namo Namaha. Jai Jai Sai Namo Namaha. Sadguru Sai Namo Namaha. Om Sairam.

Sai Appa Cured My Dental Pain

Shirdi Sai Baba Miracles Leela Blessings Sai Nav Guruwar Vrat Miracles |

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from India says: I am an ardent devotee of Sai. Housewife and blessed with 2 daughters by Baba’s grace. This is my third post. Hetalji and her team’s work are inexplicable. Baba’s blessings are always there for you and your team not only this janma but all succeeding janmas.

Coming to my experience, pain in my wisdom teeth was increasing day by day. I got severe pain which had started on the Sunday afternoon. Dental doctor comes every Monday only. Then I started praying Baba and had Udi water and also applied some Udi on the affected part. Slowly I could bear the pain. Again the pain started in the night but by Baba’s Nama and Udi it went off and I slept off nicely. For devotees it might be a small thing but for me at the night time as there was no doctor, no medicine and nobody to help than Baba. It was Baba only Who saved me. Such a great relief I got after the reduced pain. Even He has fulfilled all the small wishes. Without Baba’s wish a leaf cannot move. It’s true. Sai papa millions of Pranam to You. Please bless me, my husband and children. Please create interest on their studies. Shri Sachidhananada Sadguru Sainath Maharaj Ki Jai.

Baba Listens Our Prayers

Shirdi Sai Baba Miracles Leela Blessings Sai Nav Guruwar Vrat Miracles |

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from India says: Om Sairam to all Sai children. I have written many experiences here, all are yet to be posted. Baba I am waiting for them to be posted. Baba You know the inner most secrets of every person in this world. Waiting for a miracle in my life Baba. I will surely fulfil all my vows Baba. From 3-4 days my right eyes was twitching (fadh-fadhana). It’s like when a girls right eye ache in this way something bad is going to happen. I prayed Baba that I will post here once it gets reduced. Now it has totally gone because of Baba’s grace. Baba always keep my parents happy. They deserve all the happiness in this world. Keep them happy. My brother is such a sweet person, help him concentrate on his studies and help him have a bright future. Om Sairam.

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  1. Baba please help and save my parents,help my father ,make him happy and healthy,dont let him suffer from bp and diabetes..hold him financially.look after my grandparents..make us visit shree balaji soon.ayyappa…help my sister for her exam us in study.bless all with good health.sairakshak.saisaranam.

  2. Wow, i can relate to the experiences in this blog post. Baba gave me a new job last year. But recently some people in the company turned against me and spreading rumors and negative stuff about me. I have no interaction by email or talking to them, so am very shocked that this is happening. Also all these people are Indian males. Maybe because I am a woman they are targeting me to make sure I dont rise in my career. That has led me to become negative and lose self confidence (just like another devotee above). Baba please help me come out of all this in a positive way. I am in my 50's so finding another job will be impossible for me here in the US. Please help me stay in my current job and pick up new skills. Also like another devotee, one night i had severe toothache, i applied pain medicine onthe outside and inside, ate tablets but the pain did not subside. Finally, I applied Baba's udi and was able to sleep. it has been a week and there has been no pain since then. Om Sai Ram

  3. Omsairam…bless my father and brother with good health and forgive our sins….love you baba…thankyou so much ciz of you i got very soft chappathis….thankyou

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