Shirdi Sai Baba Miracles and Leela in this Post:

Sai Baba Saved My Marital Life

Shirdi Sai Baba Miracles Leela Blessings Sai Nav Guruwar Vrat Miralces |

Anonymous Devotee from US says: Om Sai Ram to all. I am a small devotee of Sai Maa and i know Him from past 15 years but became close from last 2 years. I want to share my life saving experience with you all, even though it is bit personal, i don’t want any other Sai devotee like me will suffer whole life because of some mistakes we did earlier. During my studies, i used to stay in college hostel and one Sai Baba Temple was built by management nearby. So, we used to visit the Temple almost every Thursday and at that time, i was not much closer to Sai Maa but whenever i stepped inside of the Temple, i used to feel lot of peace in mind. But, Sai Maa took my life in His Hands from that time onwards. Whenever i go to my hometown for holidays, i used to visit my Grandma’s house. There i fell in love with my cousin and he too loved me so much. Slowly, we became closer through letters and phones. Finally, i completed my studies and came to city for job and he also working in the same city. I used to meet him in weekends. Suddenly he got job in other city and applied for US visa in the meantime. But, i really missed him and begging him to not go to USA. He too doesn’t want to leave me but it’s his parents wish to send him to USA, so he has to go. Actually, when i was younger i have a dream about my husband, he should look Handsome with good personality and style. But my cousin have good character rather than those outer looks. I accepted his love as he was very sincere and nice.

When i joined a job in City, one of my team member looks very handsome just like my dream boy. As we were working together in a project, he used to show some interest towards me and almost fell in love with me. But, i used to be friendly with him and told about my previous love. But he didn’t stop following me and tried to impress me in all possible ways. After 6 months or so, i too got little interest on him (That was my biggest mistake in my life). Slowly, we became closer but Sai Maa used to warn me by coming in the form of Palki or Idol or friend to convey that my husband is my cousin not my teammate. Even though i understood those signs, i simply neglected him and moved. Finally, Sai Maa lost His patience and things started going upside down. My cousin came to know about my relation with my team mate and the office management as he used to talk with me in the office as well. Every one criticizing me through mails and meetings and i met with an accident and knee got fractured. Finally, i broke down in front of my cousin and begged him to marry me as soon as possible. Then Sai Maa helped and arranged our marriage with no fighting in the families. That was truly Baba’s grace, our parents took very less time to agree even though they are not heart full. I came to USA with my husband and after seeing my husband’s caring and all, i felt ashamed, cried and asked my cousin to forgive me. But i couldn’t forgot my team mate totally, so Sai Maa immediately blessed me the baby, so i completely diverted then on and leading happy life now. But one thing till today i couldn’t forget my misdoings that i committed before my marriage and negligence towards Sai Maa at that time, whenever i recollect those things i felt guilty and ashamed of my life. So, Sai devotees please don’t attract to outer looks of partner and suffer the whole life like me. Follow Sai Maa’s guidance, He will show the right path for our lives.

You Have To Chant Sai Only

Shirdi Sai Baba Miracles Leela Blessings Sai Nav Guruwar Vrat Miralces |

Anonymous Devotee from Australia says: Om Sai Ram. I would like to thank Hetal ji for maintaining this site and giving devotees the opportunity to share our experiences and restore our faith more and more in the divinity of Sai and His love towards us. I am a small devotee of Sai, when I read devotees experience I always wonder how I could be a close devotee of Sai like others. I don’t know to praise or thank Sai for all the Miracles He does in our life without any expectation. Only we have to start a job thinking of Sai and He is there before us to start and finish the job. I think I take Baba for granted and pray to Him and expect my wish to happen immediately every time – all the time. I really don’t know whether I deserve it. I will narrate one of my experience it will be too insignificant to devotees but for me it means a lot. Please bear with me. This is about my husband’s eye issues.

My husband had a major surgery and was administered with steroid medication and it had affected his eye sight. It was scary that the doctor said that he would have lost his eye sight if we have left it too long. With Sai’s Grace, he got the sight back to near normal. After 2 months yesterday we went for a follow-up and found some other abnormalities in the eyes and doctor ordered some tests, scan and x-rays. During that time I was praying Sai that all the results should come clear. With Sai’s Grace, it came normal and I was so happy and decided to write Sai’s compassion in this forum. Baba please help me to pray You with full devotion and please be with me all the time and guard me and all the devotees who have full faith and devotion towards You. Sai Ram.

The second experience is very precious for me. My son wanted to do his electives in Vellore hospital for four weeks. So I thought why not take this opportunity and go with him and visit few Temples and also take him to Shirdi with us. He agreed and I vigorously started to plan our visits. After some time he stopped talking about his trip and avoided the topic because his friend changed his plan to go with him and decided to pull out and my son was frustrated and lost interest in the trip. I was disappointed and was praying Sai not to let down us. Yesterday he himself decided to open up the topic again. I hope and pray that Sai could hear my heart ache and help us to cross this agony without anymore hurt. Please Baba give him some motivation and call him to Shirdi. Sai Ram.

Miracle Of Udi

Shirdi Sai Baba Miracles Leela Blessings Sai Nav Guruwar Vrat Miralces |

Anonymous Devotee from India says: Om Sai Ram. I would like to thank hetal ji for this wonderful blog. May Sai ji bless you and your family. I daily start my day by reading this blog. It increases my faith in Sai Baba. I am a very small devotee of Sai Baba. I feel myself blessed that Sai ji choose me to be His devotee. This is my third experience on this blog. I thank hetal ji for publishing my earlier experience. This must be a very small Miracle for others but for me it means a lot. I keep Monday’s fast in the month of Savan from so many years. This was the last Monday of Savan month. I had a severe headache. I managed to tolerate it for the whole day. I thought as i had not eaten anything that’s why it is happening. But after having meal also it was troubling me. At night when i was about to sleep it increased. I was not able to sleep. It became intolerable. I could not take any medicine as it was my fast. Then at 12:15 am, i went to my Pooja room and applied Sai Baba’s Udi on my forehead and prayed to Baba to help me. As i applied Udi, my pain got reduced. I came to my room and slept within 5 minutes. This is how Sai Baba helped me. I pray to Sai Baba to be with me always throughout my life and even after my life. Right now i am going through a rough phase of my life. But i know Sai Baba will help me soon to come out of my all problems. Baba, You know what i am going through. Please Baba help me and always be on my side. You know what is right for me. I request You to fulfil my wish as soon as possible. I always want Your blessings. Don’t leave my hand. Please always shower Your blessings on me. I know what i am going through is because of my past karmas. Please forgive me for my mistakes. Bless all.

Sai Blessed Me Peace Of Mind

Shirdi Sai Baba Miracles Leela Blessings Sai Nav Guruwar Vrat Miralces |

Anonymous Devotee from India says: Om Sai Ram. Firstly, i would like to thank hetal ji for providing such a wonderful platform to share our experiences with Baba and with all Sai devotees. I am posting here my recent experience which happened yesterday. I am doing my post graduation in my town. My aunt’s son and i are very close. Actually, he is preparing for IAS. We used to talk daily through chatting for so many hours. I had some guilty feeling in my mind that as i m disturbing him by talking like this. One day, i said this to him. Then he said, we will take a pause until my exams. I readily accepted. After that i felt to talk to him but i can’t. From that day to 1 month, i worried so much about his exam. I already told that i had guilty feeling. I thought if he did not wrote his exam well then it is guilty for me that because of me he lost. So, i continuously prayed to Baba that he should wrote his exam well. He told me that he will message me after his exam. After completion of his exam, he did not message me. I went to his home after his exam but he did not talk to me. I felt that as he did not wrote his exam well that’s why he did not talk to me. I felt very bad the whole night. Before this during the period when we were not talking, i got a dream in which Baba showed me that i am explaining the importance of Nav Guruvar Vrat to him. So after that next week, i started Nav Guruvar Vrat. Today, i did second week, i started the Vrat for his exam. Yesterday, i messaged him about his exam and he talked to me casually and said that he wrote his exam well. Thank You so much Baba. Be always with all Sai devotees.

Prayer Request For Job

Shirdi Sai Baba Miracles Leela Blessings Sai Nav Guruwar Vrat Miralces |

Sai Brother Ramesh from India says: Sai Baba helps us in every situation. I am also looking for a Miracle from His side. I lost my job one year back. Even though having good qualification and experience, I am not able to find a good job. I am struggling a lot to run family. I am still alive because of Baba. I believe, He will help me surely. I am an M.Tech graduate with 7 years of teaching experience in Computer science. Oh Sai, Please help me. Sai Ram Sai Ram Sai Ram. I believe You a lot, please help me.

Baba’s Miracle

Shirdi Sai Baba Miracles Leela Blessings Sai Nav Guruwar Vrat Miralces |

Anonymous Devotee from USA says: Om Sai Ram. Baba gave me my desire job on Guru Poornima day. I was searching for a job from last 7 years but i didn’t get job. This year on Guru Poornima day, Miracle happened in my life and i got my desired job. Please give me strength Baba to get success in my job. Ananta Koti Brahmand Nayak Raajadhiraj Yogiraj Parabrahma Shri Sachidanand Sadguru Sainath Maharaj Ki Jai.

© Devotees Experiences with Shirdi Sai Baba

Hetal Patil
Hetal Patil
Articles: 3388


  1. My first question you can marry your cousin ? In Hindus it's not possible. I treat all my cousins as brothers or sisters. We cannot marry each other .. please forgive me if am wrong …

    • In Hinduism it is allowed to marry a cousin if he/she is father's sister's son/daughter or he/she is mother's brother's son/daughter.
      OM SAI RAM

    • Not heard of it in North india. Only in Muslim community it happens. You cannot marry mama's son or mausi's son or daught nor even your bua's kids. But may be common among south indian culture.

    • Doesn't happen in north india north india, in most casts, one can't marry same gotra also even if you are complete strangers…forget about marrying father's sister's sons or mother's brother's sons – they are always brothers till death– we tie rakhi to them- so can't even think of marrying them

  2. Om sai ram,

    Deva a two weeks ago i shared my experience in comments saying that my parents accepted my choice with half heart. And i said i totally have faith that you will make happen that they will accept with wholeheart. Sai from then i am praying each and every day to make them accept wholeheartedly. Deva i reading sai satcharitra and obeserving nav guruvar vrat and chanting your name even in my sleep. Baba today just now my dad again started saying that you got a match and we want you to get married to him. We will not accept your choice.. Baba y baba y? Y baba? I was with full faith that you willmake my parents accept whole heartedly. Why baba why are you testing me this much. Im constantly praying to help me and shower your blessings on me to make my parents accept. Baba you told if we put our problems to your feet you will take care. Why baba? What wrong I did baba?please baba please help me baba..please i beg u baba.please i beg u baba please make my parents accept.please baba

    • OM SAI RAM
      it's really painful when our hopes are raised and dashed to ground like that. I am also facing the same situation. When it is about the person i love my parents said(because he is an all India ranker),he is too intelligent and persons so intelligent will trap you easily but when it came to the match they have seen they are saying that the guy is topper in academics and he is so good being intelligent.They said the guy i love dosen't have anything(properties) except studies and it takes lot of time to get settled but when it came to the person they have seen it seems that guy can earn well even if he is not rich.Baba please save me from this hypocrisy.

    • I rejected the match. I did many times. I cant marry any other person or can see my parents pain. I dont knw why baba is doing like this he made themaccept half heartedly and again it all shattered now. The pain is really unbearable. I mysef i can bear my pain and at the same time I am not able to see my parents pain. When baba doesnt want to make relations then why he will introduce..:( i really pray that no one should suffer this pain. No one.. I dont know why baba is giving this but i lost hopes and totally shattered..

  3. Baba i want to marry the person i love with my parents acceptance.. please Baba make them understand how much i am suffering.. Sai Baba please save me please help me

    • Do you know the story about the famous south indian actor Chiranjeevi's daughter Srija. She also revolted with her parents to marry the her classmate and she eloped with him too . After 4 years of marriage she filed for dowry harassment case against her husband . Now she is divorced with a daughter .. so learn from this …May be Baba wants a better life for you…Om Sai Ram ….

    • Dear Devotee,

      Its different with every person. We cant take a single example of some daughter and say that the same would happen for us or the same we should take as a lesson. I am sorry I am not opposing your views. But its different with everyone. And baba only knows what he will give to us. But before to that we need to pray to him where impossible things can be possible by only our baba. Om sai ram

    • I never want to elope or revolt my parents.. Dear devotee did you hear about the famous noble peace prize winner kailash satayrthi, he also had love marriage but didn't cheat his wife. Sai Baba gave me the person i love and i am sure Sai Baba will make my parents accept my love.Yes Sai Baba definitely gives a better life to me.OM SAI RAM

    • Do you know the story about the famous south indian actor Chiranjeevi's son ramcharan..he married the girl he loved with their parent's acceptance and they are happy

  4. BABA thanks for coming in my dream.BABA please come in my dream and talk to me and bless me.

  5. Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram.

  6. Om sai ram everyone…excuse ma English…I m devotee of sai baba since2010…initially I just went to sai temple cuz I felt good …last year,,I wished something to ma dear deva…I gv up mostof things I liked…I read sai saddchirtra Daily…BT ma wish did not gt fulfilled..I HV no doubt DAT sai baba is not there…BT I feel hopeless DAT deva ll bless me now

  7. Om Sai Ram Jai Sai shivaratri. Jai Sai deva. Baba bless us give us everything we need and show us light finally protect us from bad influence, cause you are our primordial father and mother. May baba bless his spiritual benevolence on us and on this entire universe. Everything is your creation baba, Jai baba ki jai. Om Sai Ram, om sai sri sai jai jai sai,

  8. O Sadguru, be with us as we seek forgiveness for our past sins from You, family and friends and bless us with love and happiness.

    Jai Sairam

  9. Om Sai Ram,

    Baba, Thanks for everything you have done in my life

    Baba, please keep us all blessed forever.

    Ananta Koti Brahmand Nayak Rajadhiraj Yogiraj Parabrahma,
    Sri Sachidanand Satguru Sainath Maharaj Ki Jai.

  10. OmSairam
    Baba, thank you for everything. Please be with us always and bless us all.
    Bow to ShriSai peace be to all

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