Lord Sai Baba takes form of anything which we cannot imagine any day and come to us. But we always fail to recognise Him or give room to doubts in our hearts. See the below experience and feel what this devotee felt.
Anonymous Devotee from USA says: Dear Hetal Ji, I will like to stay anonymous. Please don’t disclose my email id or location or name here. If you find it appropriate please post this along with Baba’s idol’s close up picture from Samadhi Mandir. If you find something inappropriate please feel free to edit. I thank you for your time.

Few months ago, I had shoulder pain. I requested Baba please, I can’t take it. It stopped next minute. Next day again, when shoulder pain started, I prayed Baba and it immediately stopped. I was waiting at the train station with a gloomy mind, the sky was gloomy too. I was sad as I always read about devotees seeing Baba in their dream. I was sad with a thought that I am such a Paapi person. I must have done many bad deeds in my past life, which I am paying off. Surely I have a lot more debt of past lives to repay, which is why Baba has not even once appeared in my sleep. I had tears, that night I saw Ganeshji in my dream. Ganesh statue in my dream was same as the one I have in my temple at home. Every time, if I am sad at heart while offering prayers to Baba, somehow a thought of my child comes in my mind and that brings smile on my face. I as well feel that Baba is smiling with me. Sometimes, I see sparkle in Baba’s eyes – flash, eyesight seeing right into my eyes. Sometimes, I feel Baba is angry and sometimes the same picture is smiling.
For few days, I kept asking Baba, please guide me and let me know that You are hearing my prayers. How do I know that You are listening to me and You are there. One night, my child was not sleeping, we were very tired. She kept us awake for almost 3 hours and it was past midnight now. I prayed Baba, and she slept the very next moment. Within 30 sec, she was silent and off to sleep in a minute. That night, I as well saw Baba’s picture in dream. And I later woke up singing “Jaise Jyoti Aur Prakash, Saibaba Tu Hamesha Mere Saath Rahe”. When I woke up, I felt as if I was chanting that Bhajan for a while in sleep and I clearly saw Baba’s Shirdi Samadhi photo. I woke up with Baba’s face in front of my eyes. I don’t have Baba’s picture in my bedroom. Next day, while browsing Saibaba experiences, I read a note by devotee which says, “Seeing Baba or Baba’s picture in dream means your prayers are accepted.”
I also came across a post that resembled very much to my real life experience and author of this post also described recent experience about Baba, which resembles the current situation I am in. This post came as assurance from Baba that I will soon be out of this situation and I shouldn’t much worry about it. I had asked Baba, is there any way I can know that how long it will take me to get out of this situation. Author of this post had dates scribbled in it. I am sure, this is how Baba is communicating, when my work with be done.
Today was Ram Navami. As always, I forgot about it. However, today being Saturday, we took out little one to a nearby zoo. On way back, suddenly I felt like going to Sai temple. So we went to Sai temple. Upon reaching temple, we realized it was Ram Navami. We made it for Aarti and had Prasad feast. After that we were hungry, so we decided to go to nearby Indian street for dinner. Guess what, we pulled into a nearby Udipi restaurant and there on big flat screen “Amar Akbar Anthony” was going on. “Shirdi Wale Saibaba” from this movie is one of my most favorites and acts as an energizer for me. Saibaba is our true mother, like mother he keeps in mind every child’s desires. He made sure that we make it for Ram Navami festival at Sai temple and we also had opportunity to witness the Aarti. Not only that, He made sure to complete my day by sending us to the place, where one of my most favorite Sai Quawali was going to be played. That night, I had Saibaba’s image in front of my eyes until almost 3.00 am. I was sleeping with my eyes close, but I felt that all time in my sleep I had Baba’s image in front of my eyes. Baba’s décor and dress up at temple made me spell bound and if you are a Sai child, you exactly know how precious it is.
I am having difficult situation on career front and I was upset at work. One day, I searched for Sai Baba questions and answers online and submitted the number. The answer came up as – “Sai Baba knows everything, see what Saibaba does in 24 hours”. Now, I was bubbling with excitement with a thought of what is going to happen next. Next day, I was working from home and I have a habit of playing Sai Bhajans, while I am working from home. This helps me stay calm and my work gets done faster. I went into kitchen to drink water and later stopped by Saibaba’s photo anticipating that Saibaba is doing some Leela. I saw a black ant on Baba’s photo. Now, I live in USA and in this winter with all windows closed, there is no possibility of ant coming in. I live in a high rise, so it was not possible. I thanked Baba, but again we are His children and our minds are so human. So I told Baba, not sure if this was Your blessings.
Today is Thursday. I took a day off to offer prayers to Baba. This way I get a lot of time, while everyone is away from home. I offered bath to Saibaba statue, and later offered “Vastra” and applied Sandalwood paste on Baba’s idol. Now it was a time to read Sai Vrat Katha (today is my second Thursday). While reading the book, I looked at Baba, and was amazed with how beautiful Baba looked in that Vastra and Tika. I suddenly saw a small beetle kind of thing (it wasn’t exactly beetle & it couldn’t fly) on Baba’s idol. Later, I took it in puja vessel and was thinking of leaving it out in a patio, but something stopped me. I kept that vessel near me, while I was offering puja. I checked on that beetle like thing many times, it had become still and now it was not moving. I prayed Baba and continued reading Vrat Katha book. Please note that before placing Baba’s idol back in the seat after bath, I had cleaned that area and put a new “Aasan” there. I hadn’t noticed anything there around in that area. During the prayers I asked Baba – “Is this beetle like thing a result of Your Leela? Does it mean it will disappear after I finish puja? If it is not Your Leela and yet there, I will put it near the tree or Patio. I can’t leave it in the house like this as I have a little kid at home.
After I finished reading the book, it was time for Aarti. I usually play it on my tablet and sing along. This time my tablet froze, I kept quitting the music player and it kept coming back. Later I decided to sing Aarti myself (thought Baba wants me to sing myself), and after I sang few lines myself, the tablet started functioning again and this time it played Aarti. After Aarti was over, I looked back at puja vessel, the beetle type thing disappeared (meaning completely not there). I had placed it in the center dry area of vessel and there was water around the circumference of vessel. The vessel has reversed taper like a nonstick grill. I would have noticed had it come out of it. It couldn’t have gotten out as there was little water around the circumference. I don’t know what it means. What is Baba trying to communicate to me? Is He angry with me? My father told me Baba blessed you. He could be checking whether you kill it or leave it. Baba, please forgive me if I made any mistake here in describing this. Baba I apologize for any mistake I may have made. I apologize for this long experience. Thank you for your patience.
© Devotees Experiences with Shirdi Sai Baba
Om Sai Ram,
Om Sai Ram,
Om Sai Ram,
Om Sai Ram,
Om Sai Ram
He has helped u thru these experiences. He plays with us and His leelas r unfathomable until He helps us understand them. He fulfiled ur desire to see Him in dream state. If u take off from work while in US to pray u do love Him much, stick to ur bolster as He says in satcharitra. He will do good, help any if n when u can. All I wrote is His inspiration!
while reading this i can feel ur love,ur devotion,ur intensity and ur ur innocence for baba.plz pray for me dat i can love baba wid deepest of my heart.m in trouble these days my persoanl life ,family life,career,love everything is in a mess for so long…cant see an way.plz baba help me.m requesting all sai devotees to pray for me.may baba listen to u as m sinner dats y he is not listening to my prayers.baba plz dont leave me.i need u there is nobody for me just you and you only
Walk with Sai when your heart needs company,
Take His hand when you feel all alone,
Turn to Him when you need someone.
Om Sai Ram 🙂
om sai nathay namah………
Nice experience. Thanks for sharing it.
om sai ram…baba listens to everyone…only the thing is to have faith and patience…om sai ram….may baba always bless the whole world….
Hi Hetalji hope u are doing good. Thanks for being a mediator to unite all the sai devotees to together. Sai sister who posted this experience, you are an innocence selfless devotee of baba don worry it is very clear that baba is always with uu..So don worry. I also have one experience to say which i promised baba that i will post at once after experiencing it. sorry for violating blog rules.. My boy friend was coming to India from London, he started yesterday. So i started doing sai satcharita parayan on friday itself. becuase i was very scared of flight travel. though he has travelled a lot times. But i was really scared i prayed to baba tht he should send someone to accompany him and he should reach safely here as well as his home town. fortunately he met a person who was travelling with him in same flight and he said he is also going to the same town and also said his uncle is coming till airport to pick him and he said he forced him to come with him, when he said to me, I felt really happy tht baba heard my prayers and sent a person for him not only till airport also till his home town which is two hours from airport really Baba is great, just we need to think and call him, he will come to us the very next second.
Sai Baba i hate this worldly life… i want to be with you Sai
Always be with me sai baba don't ever leave me sai
wonderful experience, thanks for sharing with us…
BABA, please keep showering your blessings on all of us..
Jai Sai Ram
Nice experience, thanks for sharing. Also don't worry baba is with u. May baba bless us all. Love u baba ji
Om Sai Ram
Very nice experience! Baba sometimes shows us these small miracles to help show us he is hearing our prayers and thoughts. Baba must have shown you this through the ant and small beetle that came to your house. It is good that Baba showed you, Yes I am here with you, don't have any worries. Om Sai Ram!
Om sai Ram.
Thanks a lot Baba.. you got me engaged today to my boyfriend.. all these happy moments are your blessings.. i owe everything to you.. you have made impossible possible and you are working hard to unite us amidst all difficulties. We will be ever grateful to you. Please do attend our wedding and bless us to lead a happy and blesses married life. We love you a lot.
May Baba bless all of his children always.
Om Sai Shri Sai Jai Jai Sai.
dear u r blessed by baba …
baba himself came in the form bee ,
just u need to give prasad to every one after doing puja , its not done by u i think so …
next time u just donate prasad in temple or near to any one , after that only u have to take the prasad
baba saying …" the best thing to get is to give "
om sai ram
om sai namho namha sri sai namho namaha
jai jai sai namho namha
sadguru sai namho namha
Om Sai Ram.Om Sai Ram.
om sai ram
Om SaiRam Bless everyone Babaji i love YOU Babaji YOU are our Father