Baba Cured My Sister’s Son’s Leg Pain
Anonymous Devotee from India says:
Om Sai Ram. Please don’t disclose my details. I am regular reader of this blog for the past 1 and half year. It’s very nice and I have learned many things from devotee’s experience. Thank you Hetal Ji and devotees. I have many miracles of Saima & I am very much happy for Saima in my life. First time I am posting my experience here, but I have put comments for other experiences. I am writing one of my recent experiences. Please edit wherever required, I am not that much good in writing.
On 1st Jan, 2013, we (my mom, sister with her 1.5 yrs old son and me) went to shopping mall. While entering into the mall, I and her son (I was carrying her son) suddenly fell down. Nearby person, my mom and sister came and took the baby. I was able to stand. But baby was crying very much and his forehead got swelled. My hand knee and leg got injured, but I was able to manage. Baby can’t stand, we were worried much and thought it will be ok after sometime and get into mall. Baby’s cry was non-stopping. We decided to go hospital whether his leg or bone got damaged. Doctor checked and said nothing to worry because of pain he can’t stand, he gave some tonic. We went home, while removing his socks his right leg got swelled. I was getting very much fear because I was put him down. They scolded me only.

I prayed to Saima, please cure his leg and make him to stand and walk as usual. He can’t, then we took him to bone specialist, doctor told there is sprain in leg. That’s why he has more pain and suggested an ointment. After 2-3 days also, he was not standing. We were carrying him whole the time. I prayed Baba from my heart please cure him and make him to walk. No major problem should happen. On 4th day, he was able to stand, that too for few minutes only. In the meantime I went to Baba temple and applied UDI in his forehead and leg. In 2 weeks, he was able to walk and run by our Saima’s grace. After that only, we saw happiness in his face and we became relief. Saima please cure his health problem as you know. Thank You so much Saima. Please always be with us, guide us and take care of us. Please bless everyone in the world.
Om Sai Namo Namaha, Shri Sai Namo Namaha, Jaya Jaya Sai Namo Namaha, Sadguru Sai Namo Namaha.
Sai Baba
Anonymous Devotee from India says:I had many instances where BABA did help me. This time I feel I am in a distress and do not know what to do. I feel as if I am in a no man’s land or a dark room with no ray of light or hope and the only hope I see is SAI BABA. I surrendered myself to the great almighty and still I see no sign from Him. I have no one to look to except my SAI. Kindly help me what should I do to get grace and blessings of our BABA.
I must apologize that this is not experience of mine, but something I thought I should post with a hope that BABA would hear to my please, forgive me and bless me. This is the time that I feel I am sailing in a boat, which has sunk and I am neck’s deep in water. BABA is the only hope that I have though I have been an ardent devotee of BABA since a very long time. Would BABA forgive our past mistakes and bless us as His children? I just need some consolation and what should I be doing to get blessed by our father SAI. Due apologies, if I am addressing it in the wrong forum. I feel all devotees sharing experiences are one with BABA.
Sai Baba Came In My Dream
Sai Sister Anitha Ji from India says:
Just 4 years before, I came to Chennai. I started to worship Sai. Before Chennai, we were in southern part of Tamil Nadu near Kanyakumari, where Sai was not known to all. Still now only in Chennai, we can see Sai everywhere. Something took me to Him and now I am thinking about our Sai each second. I don’t know why? And How it Happened to me?
Once I had a dream. I was in Mylapore Sai Baba temple with my parents. After our worship, we were about to leave, when a voice called me. I turned back to see Sai Baba, in his bright red Kafni coming from the cooking place and asking me to wait. I ran towards Him and fell at His feet and touched His feet. Still now my hands can feel the touch of His feet. He took me to Him and blessed me. He was so bright like light. When I woke up, I was really surprised and some sort of happiness flowed inside me. Still now, when I am writing about this, I am feeling some eternal happiness inside me. I thank Baba for His blessings to His little devotee.
Once I was in dilemma about an important decision. I prayed to Sai from heart whether to take this or not and I was about to drop it. Immediately I heard a voice saying that ‘This is for you’ in Tamil. I can still feel that minute. I dropped out all my dilemma and took, which Baba gave me. Still I was little bit confused, whether it was real or my imagination. Immediately after this, I got gift of Baba’s statue from my Life Partner, which proved that it was Baba’s voice and not any dream. I was surprised, when I opened it and saw Baba inside the box. I thank everyone for this opportunity to tell my experience. And I thank Baba also.

© Devotees Experiences with Shirdi Sai Baba
om sai siddha sankalpaya namaha
om sai siddha sankalpaya nahama
om sai siddha sankalpaya namaha
om sai siddha sankalpaya namaha
om sai siddha sankalpaya namaha
om sai siddha sankalpaya namaha
om sai siddha sankalpaya namaha
om sai siddha sankalpaya namaha
om sai siddha sankalpaya namaha
om sai ram
om sai ram
om sai ram
om sai ram
om sai ram
om sai ram
om sai ram
om sai ram
om sai ram
om sainathaya namaha
om sainathaya namaha
om sainathaya namaha
om sainathaya namaha
om sainathaya namaha
om sainathaya namaha
om sainathaya namaha
om sainathaya namaha
om sainathaya namaha
dear devote,even from last couple of month im also repainting for my past mistake..each second of my life im crying and dying and night asking in front of my sai is it possible to forgive my may not imagine one of my mistake which has done unknowingly has given lot of pain to many people..every one are away from me by seeing this im getting lot of pain some time thinking to kill my self but next moment im just thinking"even in this pain i can pray good for those people and it may be my repainting".i don't know how many days i will be in this world because very recently i have developing heart problem which i don't want say any one but im saying you because you have still chance of saving other life and give happiness to other as we know every one has part of the supreme soul(sainath) and sainath is in every one pleas don't worry and go ahead by taking sainath name..omm sai nath
Jai Sai Ram! Thanks for sharing your experiences .At devotee 2 ,Don't worry am also in the same situation only belief is sai…Definitely he wont give up …
baba pls bless me,,sun lo sainath
Om sai ram please forgive our sins and bless us. We need your blessing in the way of health and happiness.
Om Sai Ram
Devotee I am also is in the same situation and waiting for saimaa's blessing our father never leave his devotees with empty hand. He will definitely shows his mercy on us.Have shradha and saburi.
baba please forgive me for all my mistakes….. definitely iam going to fulfill all your vows as soon as possible…. sairam iam praying you to provide me a good job.. i do not like to be burden for my parents….. i would like to stand in my own leg…. help me deva to get a job quickly….
same situation here, Sai baba please Sun LO meri Problem.
jai Sai Raam
Om Sai Ram.
Baba is the best Father to all of his children and we can just pray to him with FAITH and PATIENCE to help, bless, guide and advice us in all matters of our life. He is sure to bless us if we follow his teachings and be good people, do good deeds and spread love among people. Let us try to do some good deeds everyday and contribute at least a little to the society and make a little difference to the life of poor and under-privileged people. That will make Baba very happy. We can try to feed at least one person/ animal everyday.
WE love you a lot Gurudeva Dattatreya and seek your blessings in every aspect of our life. May you bless everyone with good health, long life, peace, prosperity, wealth and happiness. We surrender at your Lotus feet.
Om Sai Shri Sai Jai Jai Sai.
Surrender to Him wholeheartedly and He will definitely forgive you. He is our Father after all.
O Deva show forgive us, Your children, our mistakes and help us be better humans.
Bless us O Sai.
Thank You for everything.
Jai Sairam
help me sainath please forgive me ffor my sins om sai ram
Jai Sai Ram,
Today when i opened this blog i saw 1st experience was mine, i'm very happy to see…i was thinking when will my exp. published & today it happened. Thank you saima & hetal ji.
At present, my sister son having health problem frequently please cure him saima.
Saima as you know my parents are looking for suitable guy for me almost 1 year. They are very tired after seeing more proposals. An astrologer said i should get married soon, if it gets late my parents will affect it. I'm not that much lucky, i feel because of me nothing should happen bad to anyone. In my heart have a strong feeling that you are with me to take care, you will do at right time.
Saima please shower your blessings on everyone and make me lucky. I have a feel after you get in my life i'm little lucky.
Om Sai Namo Namaha Sri Sai Namo Namaha Jaya Jaya Sai Namo Namaha Sadguru Sai Namo Namaha
om sai naathaye namah…to the second devotee i will pray for u.just believe in him from the innermost of ur heart he will listen to u.
Om Sai Ram
My recent experiences:
One month back while working in office, my right hand got pain. Initially pain is little only, evening after went to home also not that much. Next day in office my pain increased little by little, evening its getting more. I cant lift my hand or put down, then decided to go to hospital. While travelling to home suddenly i went to saibaba temple & prayed. After went to home my pain increased more i cant bear it, after went to hospital the attender ask to take X-ray my fear increased. I have not taken x-ray went to see doctor he said Fluid was formed because of more work in office. Then he gave an oil, medicine & ask to put injection. After injection i got relieved 50%, then within 2 days it cured completely. I thanked my saima.
Another one:
Recently in office arranged for tour, my moblie got problem. I changed sim to another mobile it was switched off & not able to on. I worried next day going to tour, if no mobile means what should i do to inform my parents where i'm. I prayed please get ready my mobile saima, its important. Within 5 minutes it got ready.
Thank you saima….please guide me saima.
Sai Baba bolo
Sai baba bolo
Sai Baba bolo
Sai Baba bolo
Allah Sai bolo
Nanak Sai bolo
Govind Sai bolo
Sai Ram bolo
Sai Sai bolo
JaiSai Maiyya ji ki
Om Sai Ram,
Om Sai Ram,
Om Sai Ram,
Om Sai Ram,
Om Sai Ram,
Om Sai Ram,
Om Sai Ram,
Om Sai Ram,
Om Sai Ram
jai sairam!!! third experience devotee, u r truly blessed!!! i m happy to read your experience and can feel as if it were all mine.
Jai sairam!!
Thank you sai ram you heard my prayers. My sister's case is settled and she got her son into her custody. Sai ma, Pls. show my husband some ways for financial security.
sai ram
sai ram
sai ram
sai ram
sai ram
sai ram
sai ram
Jai baba ji u mere sai!
Baba please make my husband change his mind and allow me to go to kerala .
Baba please take care of my son.
Baba koti koti pranam on your lotus feet.
om sai ram!
such a wonderful experiences. baba be with us every second. pls bless all of us.
jai sai ram!
Love you Baba.
Baba Please forgive us for our mistakes Baba.
You are our father Baba, we need you in each and every second of our lives.
Sai Baba bolo
Sai baba bolo
Sai Baba bolo
Sai Baba bolo
Allah Sai bolo
Nanak Sai bolo
Govind Sai bolo
Sai Ram bolo
Sai Sai bolo
JaiSai Maiyya ji ki
Jai Sai Ram
Jai Sai Ram,
My response to Second Experience- Brother/Sister, do not be worried that you are alone and you have no one to look back. There are lot of devotees who are in your similar position, infact, i am one among them. I have absolutely no help from any one!! it's all Sai, he guided me, encouraged me, prepared me to face the challenges and here I am only because of Baba I am successful.
So, please do not get nervous or stressed. Please pray to sai and leave all your burdens on Baba. You will see the changes. But one must have complete faith on Baba!!
My response to Third Experience- Sister you are blessed and lucky to have Baba in your dreams. I had Sai in my dreams too and I know how it feels. I still try to remember the dreams and feel happy.
Jai Mahavishnu, Parabrahma and Parameshwara "Shri Sai Samarth".
Allah Mallik,
Servant of Baba
Very nice experiences! 2nd devotee, don't worry, Baba is there with us always, He is there standing beside us when we are going through difficult times, and Baba knows we have to get through the bad karmas and burn them off, He helps us through it so that the pain is minimal. Baba helps us by directly telling us things and also by telling us through other people, Baba was the one who helped me get a very good job, helped me get a wonderful wife and I know Baba will also help us have a wonderful baby soon. Anitha Ji, you are lucky that Baba told you so directly to do something and it was by Baba's help that you made the right decision. 1st devotee, Baba helped to make sure your Baba was okay and although your child had to get rid of some bad karma through this incident, Baba ensured that he was okay and brought back to normal health. Om Sai Ram!
Om sai ram om sai ram baba mere parivar par apki krupa banaye rakhna