Few more experiences are shared.
Leela’s Of Sai
Anonymous Devotee from USA says: Most Thursdays, I go to temple in the evening. It is so divine just being there with lots of people and singing Aarti for Baba. I usually don’t take my kids to Aarti because they come from school and they are tired and Aarti takes a while. One day, I decided to take my daughter with me to the temple.
As soon as we got in the car, the clouds became dark and looked like it was about to rain. Here in our place if it rains, it rains very badly with hails, wind etc. My daughter, who is 6 years old, looked at the sky and said, Sai Baba please stop the rain until we come back to home. I also thought the same thing in mind since it is in the evening, temple is very far and my daughter is with me. So I want to be safe. As soon as my daughter said that, drizzling stopped. We went to temple and came back home. It poured heavily after that.
Another experience I had is just today (Thursday). I went to temple as usual. After Aarti, there was palaki procession here in temple. Usually men carry the palaki and ladies follow next to the palaki. And few ladies take turns to carry silver diya, while palaki procession follows that lady in the back. Every time I go to temple I look at those ladies, who lead the palaki procession with holding diya in their hands and I feel that I wish I get that chance. But I never got it.
I usually go to temple in western wear because I come from work and I don’t have time to change and go in traditional dress. I thought maybe I am not getting a chance to hold the light (diya) because I am always going in pant shirt. Once I went in traditional wear, but I never got chance. Usually a temple volunteer decides and instructs ladies to take turns in holding the diya. Today as usual after Aarti, I started eating food. Palaki procession started, but I didn’t go with them because I was eating. I finished my dinner and stood next to a door because palaki procession will soon enter into temple, so I can just see palaki.
I was not even expecting anything today. I just stood there in the corner to the wall. Suddenly a volunteer gave signal to come forward and hold the diya. I was shocked. I was not even expecting that. I ran and took the diya in my hands, and the palaki and everybody followed in the back. Wow what a feeling, it is indescribable. I don’t know why Sai decided to give me turn today, when I am not at all expecting. The feeling is heavenly. I wore pant shirt today. Thanks Sai, You made my day. Om Sai Ram.
Baba Blessings
Anonymous Devotee from India says: Om Sai Ram. I am simply a Sai Devotee. I have come across many miracles of Baba in my life. Few I am putting here. Thanks Baba for helping me in writing all these. I was into 8th standard, when I 1st time I came to know Baba. I got one Baba’s photo in an Agarbati packet on road, while coming back from school and I just kept it in my Geometry box and just started simply praying. And because of Baba’s grace, I stood 1st in my class Annual Exam. That time I didn’t realize. But now after 20 years, I am able to realize. It was only Baba’s Leela and my hard work.
After 20 years, I realize Baba’s Mahima and Leelas. I am spending much time in reading His miracles and stories of His devotees. Everyday seems I am getting more and more close to Baba. I was very much worried about my issues in my project. Every day seems to be difficult to go to work place. I prayed Baba and see Baba helped me in moving to different project. Thanks Baba. Please be with me and my family always. Om Sairam.
Sai Baba Miracles In All Over My Life
Sai Sister Harshini Ji from India says: Namaskar I am Harshini from Hyderabad. My husband got a good job, so we went to a place. After going there, we had a really bad experience. They have not assigned any work and gave us 3 months notice period. Then I prayed to Baba and we got blessed with good job. I got very wonderful husband by Baba’s grace. Pray Him in any form, He will answer you. Please, Baba, bless me with a good and healthy child. I am doing 9 Thursdays Vrat. This is my 7th Thursday. I am waiting for Baba’s blessing for having a child.

© Devotees Experiences with Shirdi Sai Baba
Om Sai Ram!!!
Om Sai Ram!!! Baba loves everybody and can't see his child in pain for long.. He will soon bless U… Baba please look at me also once..please shower your blessings on me as well and help me getting good job and good life partner…OM SAI RAM….
Om sai ram, om sai ram
Devotees this Thursday I was about to start 8th week of my nav guruvar vrat, when I was washing saibaba's idol observed that it was broken at fingers of right leg. I felt very bad and worried and completed my pooja.
Devotess, pls let me know if I can do pooja with same idol on 9th week of vrat or Shall I replace with other idol. My doubt is whether we need to complete whole vrat with same idol or can we change idols of our beloved saima??pls let me know , I am confused.
Dear devotee,pls dont bring this thing in mind that in case the idol is broken so you cant keep in temple.You can watch the link below.This was serial called sai bhakton ki sacchi kahaniyan in which true stories of devotees are shared.In this episode sai ji strictly says that i am against such rituals.Watch this episode..
I request al baba devotees to help me out…a yr or 2 back I had a saraswati idol and the and broke when my mother was handling it..I did not bother much about it that time but now I realise where I stand because of that..I am a medical student who finished giving the final year exam..I was a topper in my 2nd year and by the time I came to final year I hav been havin such a memory loss that I cant even treat patients or even my own family..I have even seen phases of depression where it has gone to the extent of me gettin suicidal thoughts..I am having a very bad memory loss and my confidence level is almost nil…I dont even know if il pass my exams of my final year..stil waiting for the results..I realise now that all this has happened only after the breaking of the idol…please help me sai devotees..my studies is my only pillar and I see it crashing…I know baba is with me but I do not know why he isnt helping me…please give me a suitable remedy as for a medical student memory is very important to treat people…I feel very guilty that I am not able to do this…please help me..please
I work in medical field also and use songs or rhyming poems to help you remember some medical terms (like using a silly poem to help remember how to treat nausea symptoms in a child). Also, imagine silly pictures in your head to remember a list of terms. Use other memory tricks will help you remember and don't lose faith in Baba.
Dear devotee,pls dont bring this thing in mind that in case the idol is broken so you cant keep in temple.You can watch the link below.This was serial called sai bhakton ki sacchi kahaniyan in which true stories of devotees are shared.In this episode sai ji strictly says that i am against such rituals.Watch this episode..
thankyou so much for your advices sai devotees…and its not just about memory loss about studies..its about memory loss about daily life also..i easily forget what i had to buy if i had thought about it 5mins back…thats affceting my daily routine badly
i saw the video you suggested me to see..thankyou so much for this..i feel a little relieved about the idol issue
dear sai devotee,please don't bring this much negativity in yourself by thinking all this.as one of the devotee has suggested you start taking udi from today onwards,infact make it a habit of taking it in the morning ,just after you get up & at night before u go to sleep,by remembring babaji & praying him whole-heartingly.one more thing,to get over from this feeling that from ur mom's hand the idol broke down ;you can buy a new idol from the market tomorrow & start doing it's pooja.i have seen many "saraswati maa's"mantra on you tube & as per their instructions,it's recitation can create WONDERS!!!u please try to watch the video section at"you tube"-(write down-"saraswati mantras"0& u will get many choices.pick any mantra of your choice & start chanting it either 108 times or more,according to ur wish;but regularly!!!,after taking bath in the morning & in the evening.i am damn sure that we devotees will surely see your experience of "regained very sharp memory" in "devotees experiences" section after few days!!!!! AMEN!!!!may sai babaji blesses us all!!!!
om sai ram
dont worry i..have udi in the moring and night and leave rest to baba.baba will surely bless you..
om sai raam
Dear devotee before some days some other devotee has recommended the book called "The power of your subconscious mind by Joseph Murphy". I am reading it.It is really worth reading for your case.Read it.It wont take much time.But it will be helpful for you.Soft copy of the book is available online.Try this.I believe it will work.Leave everything on baba, He will handle.Think positive.
Om Sai Ram
Very nice experiences! First devotee, it was Baba who gave you and your daughter this experience to show you that He is with you and He is listening to you by keeping the storm away until you reached home (Baba always tries to keep us, His children, safe from harm). Baba was the one who heard your desire to be in the Palaki procession and made sure that you had a chance to be in it as well. 2nd devotee, Baba comes to us and knows about us even when we may not know about Him so Baba was there with you the whole time you had that small photo and was waiting patiently for you to come to Him. Harshini Ji, don't worry, Baba will bless you with a baby soon and at the correct time so everything goes well and the baby is a very healthy and happy one (just as Baba helped get the good job). Om Sai Ram!
om sai ram
om sai ram
om sai ram
om sai ram
om sai ram
Baba you know my every breathe. Why and what i explain in words. Please baba.
Jai Sai Baba
Jai Sai Baba
Jai Sai Baba
Jai Sai Baba
Jai Sai Baba
Jai Sai Baba
Jai Sai Baba
Jai Sai Baba
Jai Sai Baba
Dear medical student devotee… A small suggestion for u.. U ve a mind set tat due to idol broken everything happening.. God's are not like human they dnt repeat wat we do… God wil always help us and protect us.. Take everything n positive manner.. God saraswathi ma saved u.. If u really trust our BABA then stop worrying first. Believe first tat ur SAI daughter BABA wnt leave his devotees at any cost and any situation. Start ur work and study daily with NAME OF SAI.. Drink UDI MIX WITH WATER AND APPLY N UR FORE HEAD.. Soon u'l reply here with positive result.. Oh god forget to tel dnt forget to donate then u see the difference. If any thing i said wrong or hurt u i'm sorry…
thankyou so much for your advice sai devotee ji…i will surely follow it…i am waiting for my results of my exam..and i wish i pass in all the subjects in this attempt itself..and i promise baba that i will work harder from now onwards about my studies
Baba, thank you so much for everything and I know you will arrange everything to go smooth. Also please bless my sister with a good alliance arranged by our parents soon. She should be happy and then only our family will be happy. Please sai she has undergone so much pain and it is enough for this janma. If she has done any mistake please forgive her and ask her to be your devotee for ever.
Jai Sai Ram ji ki to all,
Sabse Paavan hai Ek Naam
Sai Ram Sai Ram Sai Ram
Japte chalo yeh din raat
Sai Ram Sai Ram Sai Ram
Charnon mein jinke chaaron dhaam
Sai Ram Sai Ram Sai Ram
Love You Baba ji
Sabse ZYAADA ji
om sai ram..thank you baba for encouraging me yesterday..give us good days very soon..om sai ram
Dear devotees…I was planned to do lakshmipooja but some news made me so down that I was trying to postpone the pooja..but the problem got solved immedietly and when started pooja there was a baba picture behind priest from you tube not only one there were huge photos of baba around the wall..which showed that baba was in front of me and made me do pooja in detail..thank you lord…om sai sam
stay blessed dear sai devotee!!!!
Wonderful experiences. Ask and Baba shall give 🙂
O Deva, Thank You for all the wonderful things You give us and the not-so-wonderful ones as well, I am sure You know what's best for us 🙂 Thank You O Sadguru for accepting our prayers and instilling Faith in us.
Thank You for all the Love & Peace O Sai 🙂
Jai Sairam
Anonymous Devotees: you have written very beautiful poem/Strotha for Sai baba. Every one that you have described in very truthful about Baba. I feel very peeaceful when I chant Sai baba's name. In fact, I try to chant his name as much as possible while during my daily activities. Doing this, I feel my mind and soul are at ease and I forget all my tensions and reaffirm about presenece of Sai Baba. Thanks.
Sabse Paavan hai Ek Naam
Sai Ram Sai Ram Sai Ram
Japte chalo yeh din raat
Sai Ram Sai Ram Sai Ram
Charnon mein jinke chaaron dhaam
Sai Ram Sai Ram Sai Ram
Dear Medical School devotee, Please follow all the advice that you have received here. They are really helpful.While I was in my final year of dental studies, I used to have similar problems and fear that I may not remember anything but believe me when you start writing your exam/any question, you brain automatically provides you with all the required information. At that time I was not even Baba's child. In fact, during my dentistry phase, although I used to go to Baba's temple once in a while, I never prayed him wholeheartedly. Most of the time, I remember standing out of the temple while my other sibling used to go inside. That was my relationship with Baba but today I am a blind follower of Baba. In fact, I pray only to Baba today.
One more point to add here is if you are in Bangalore, Please visit Sri Vijayeshwari Devi temple and you will sure feel the differnce.
Om Sai Ram.
thankyou so much sai devotee..i stay in bangalore itself..can you please give me the address of devi maa temple as i am not able to find it on google
Dear Medical School Devotee:
The temple is near NR Colony. The address is :
Sri Karunamayi Shanthi Dhama 14/5 6th Cross, Ashok Nagar BSK I Stage Bangalore, 560 050.
please visit once and tell me your experience.
Sai Ram to all Devotees. I am so thrilled to read the episode of first devotee on this post. I have received such blessings several times! We live in sierra Vista, AZ , it is a desert on high level, 4600 ft above sea level. Rain is very sparse. Many a time words come out from my mouth, it should rain, it is high time, in this monsoon season we have no rain!
And LO! suddenly clouds gathered out of nowhere and it rained for all day. People whom I met in the parking lot were happy expressing wonder about getting rain so suddenly and so much in quantity in one day! 😀
It has happened several times and I feel BABA is backing my words and wishes.
I would consider this also as a BABA's blessings to my family.
My son moved to NJ and his home has to be sold. Here, the market is down and several new constructions are going on that are originally started as "to own" but now I see the signs saying one can have that "rented " too!
In such a situation, we as parents were concerned to see that my son has to pay the rent where he lives and pay the monthly installments till this home gets sold! They already have booked an agent for this. I told my husband to check with our son if this is ok to meet your agent to expedite this matter. The very next day my husband wrote about this to my son, we received the news that his house is "under contract" meaning someone has liked the house and the process of paperwork etc started!
Everything went well and his house is sold, in just 5 months where as we get news from our local friends that there are houses on market for last 5-8 years and not sold!
Is this possible if we are not blessed by BABA?
Praying for such blessings on all our sai devotees to have their dream fulfilled, difficulties be resolved.
Jai Sai RAM.
om sai ram,om sai ram, om sai ram, om sai ram, om sai ram, om sai ram
"Sadhguru sainath maharaj ki jai" saibaba pls. Help me. Saibaba u know about ur child(me). I have no brother and no sister….saibaba ur only one in my life..pls help ur child baba
Baba please be with us…
Loads Luv
Om sai namo namaha shri sai namo namaha jai jai sai namo namaha sadhguru sai namo namaha..
Om Sai Ram.
Baba please bless all the ladies wanting a kid with healthy babies. I am also waiting to be a mother to a healthy and cute baby. Please fulfill our earnest wishes. We love you a lot.
Om Sai Ram.
Baba please bless all the ladies wanting a kid with healthy babies. I am also waiting to be a mother to a healthy and cute baby. Please fulfill our earnest wishes. We love you a lot.
om sai ram
Om shree ram!! Om namah shivaya 9,
Tirupati balaji ki jai