Few more experiences are shared.
Sai Baba Is a Great Mom
Sai Sister Sharmila Mohanraj from India says: I am an working women staying away from my family, working in TCS, Bangalore.
Dear Hetalji ,Sai bless you and your family forever for doing this wonderful job. I call Baba as Appa (it means father in Tamil). He came in my life long back but I know his presence in May 2012. My aunty took 9 weeks Vrat to get a guy for me, before completing her Vrat only I got engaged in 2011 but that time also I did not feel his presence. I got married in April 2012. I am searching mantra to get pregnant soon that time with Baba’s grace I was able to see Sai Mother Forum. First time I read about the miracles of Sai Baba & also the 9 weeks Vrat of Shirdi Sai Appa .In my mind I felt like keeping Vrat for my husband job, my husband resigned his job in 8 May 2012. In the same month I started my Vrat & also it got completed.
As I know Sai Appa’s two things is to have Shradha & Saburi , still now after 1.5 yrs also I still have faith & patience that one day my husband will get good job with good salary with Sai Appa’s blessings. After completing my Iast 9 week Vrat for my husband job, immediately started next 9 weeks Vrat to get blessings from Sai to become a Mother. Whenever I feel like talking to Sai Appa I use Sai Baba question & answer forum what he says will happen exactly, many times he has told me ” A son or daughter will born in your family, you have blessings of Sai” . In the meanwhile I read one of our Sai devotees experience from this portal, in that she has mentioned she has kept 11 weeks Vrat to get a second baby as Boy & got the same. I was doing my 4th week Vrat so I felt like keeping 11 weeks Vrat and I was praying to Sai Appa after the completion of 11th week. Really no one believes It had happened only because of our great Sai Baba, on October 26, 2012 doctor confirmed me that I pregnant. All my family members were happy. One thing I want to mention here that I am a working women and I am staying away from my family , once in a week I will go to my home town every week I travel in bus upon all these obstacles my Sai Appa made me a mother. Thanks to Sai Ram Appa. My son born on Jun 25th 2013 I was praying for girl baby & also to have a normal delivery but 5 days before delivery, through Sai Baba answer forum he told me “whatever you are getting is good for you Sai Baba blessings are with you”. As he said I delivered boy baby & also it’s not a normal delivery what he said is true .Forgive me Sai Ram Appa, after long back. I am posting my experience .Sorry Appa. I am happy because of you Appa. I have kept my bay name as Jai Sainadh & Jai Ashwath. I wish and pray to take care of my baby with all his blessings. Jai Sai Ram. Anantha Koti Brahmanda Nayaka Yogiraja Parabrahma Sree Satchidananda Sadguru Sainadh Maharaj Ki Jai. Hetalji Ji, if you find any mistakes Please correct & post it.
Sai Baba in Dreams and Blessing Me by Fulfilling My Wish
Anonymous devotee from India says: Sai Ram Hetalji, I started reading this blog recently and these experiences of children of Sai Baba increase more faith within the devotees. On reading these experiences I feel more blessed and happy. Sometimes when I am in any problem, these experiences with grace of Sai Baba provide me with solutions. Hetalji, you are really doing a wonderful job and I pray to Sai Baba to always bless you and your family. Please do not disclose my name and email id. I am devotee of Shree Sai Baba from some years, Baba has always guided me, blessed me in many ways. I am so happy to say that I always feel that he is always with me wherever I am. Whenever I am in any problem, i just say his name (Om Sai Ram) and I feel my problem is already been solved.
I was really disturbed from two ,three months due to problems going on in my love life and career too. I am repeatedly giving competitive exams for government job but, even after trying again and again, I was not able to clear the exams. I have faith on Sai Baba from many years and thanks to him that he is always with me. Recently, I was very disturbed with all the problems going on in my life as one of my aunt is really sick and on the same time I got to know that the guy I want to marry, our kundali didn’t match, so his family is not ready for our marriage and there are several problems occurring and I was also not able to get any government job as my exams were not clearing. Due to all these problems at once I wasn’t able to concentrate on anything and I was stressed and hopeless.
This is where due to grace of Sai Baba my faith in him increased more as he came in my dream. In my dream I saw a big Sai Baba’s white colored statue in the centre of open verandah and many people coming to worship him and I saw myself standing behind a pillar looking at Sai Baba and suddenly his face turned towards me and he was smiling and calling me towards him with love as if he is telling I am there for you, come to me, I will end all your worries and sorrows. This was the first time I saw him in dream. When I got up in morning I was so happy and feeling blessed to see him in my dream as I had read on internet that seeing Sai Baba in dream is being blessed by him. He has blessed me by coming in my dream many times after this dream and is still blessing me in this way. Even two days before I was blessed by him in dream again. I wish to be blessed by him like this again and again.
As I have mentioned above after trying again and again I wasn’t able to clear exam for government job. So, I decided to do 7 day parayan of Sai Satcharitra as I came to know that if parayan of Sai Satcharitra gets completed in 7 days starting from Thursday and ending on Wednesday then, depending on our faith Sai Baba fulfill our wish. I asked Sai pa to bless me to complete parayan as without his blessings nothing is possible. I completed parayan on time and asked Sai pa that please bless me and clear my IBPS PO exam with good marks and also be with me forever and bless me.
After giving the exam, I was waiting for results to come. after one month on Wednesday I got a dream in which I saw I got a key from a precious box to a door, I opened the door and found stairs going somewhere to the top and I started climbing the stairs and suddenly I woke up from my sleep and saw the clock, it was 6′ o clock in morning.
I didn’t understood the dream that day, next day was Thursday I was doing household works suddenly some fakir came to our house gate, he asked for some money. I went inside and brought some rupees for him. I gave him rupees with respect and I asked him Are you Sai Baba, he was smiling and said no I am peer Baba, We wish from heart for people so that their wish get fulfilled. He was smiling and seemed happy. I asked him would you like to eat something, he said what do you have, I brought some parathas for him, which he took happily and kept his hand on my forehead blessing me. He said Allah will fulfill all your wishes, you will be a officer. After saying this he smiled and went ahead. Just after this wonderful experience I was happy recalling the experience then, randomly I was surfing on internet I thought I should check the results and I found that results are out. I checked the results and I was shouting with joy as my exam was cleared, my eyes was full of tears realizing the miracle of Sai pa, all the happiness and blessing he give me,
I was convinced that the fakir who came to my house few minutes before was no other than my Sai pa and he blessed me so beautifully. He takes care of his millions of children very nicely at the same time. He is everywhere. This is just one experience of mine out of many such experiences. I feel Sai Baba is always by my side helping me to live in this world, teaching me how to follow good path, helping me to be stable in bad times, to remain same in both happy times and bad times. He is greatest. I love you Sai pa. I pray to Sai Baba to fulfill wishes of all those who read miracles of Sai Baba and also increase more faith in the devotees. Om Sai Ram. Om Sai Namoh Namah. Shree Sai Namoh Namah. Jai Jai Sai Namoh Namah. Sadguru Sai Namoh Namah.
Baba Blessed Me
Sai Sister Ritika Sharma from India says: Jai Sai Ram, from the past 9 years, I consider Sai Baba as my guru because he is the one who always guide my through his teachings. Baba came in my life in 2005 with the arrival of Sai Baba serial on star plus. It is because of this serial I came to know about Baba and began to have firm belief in the almighty,
I have a younger brother Nikhil who is no doubt very intelligent and hard working. He was preparing hard to crack IIT- JEE exam, my parent’s and his only dream and he succeeded in that but his rank was not that good as we hoped for .In the 1st round of seat allotment, he got seat in IIT Ropar which is newly opened one and is not popular. Nikhil felt disappointed and said it is impossible to get admission in a top ranked IIT’s institute because of his low rank. but me and my mother were 100% sure that Baba would do something and we said remember Nikhil what Sai Baba used to say “have faith and patience ” we all know he worked hard .My entire family continuously prayed to Baba and Baba showered his blessings on us, My brother got seat in IIT Kharagpur which is one of the top institutes of India .We all were so happy that we didn’t have words to thank our Baba but friends this does not end here.
My mother decided to organize Sai Sandhya on 22nd December at our home as a tribute to Baba for blessing us. I was very much excited as we were going to have Sai pooja in our home for the first time .We planned many things to make it magnificent as much as we can .We decided to built a huge durbar (stage) for Baba in the courtyard and to serve Baba’s langar (food) to everyone . Everything was almost prepared and invitations were sent to all relatives and friends but unfortunately, science predicted rainfall on that day and for next 3days. On hearing this I became numb. On 21st evening it rained heavily and showed no sign of ceasing. Everyone insisted on having pooja in the room which is not sufficient for huge crowd but i protested there would be no rain tomorrow as my Baba is coming to our home .As I was highly disappointed, I cried and prayed whole night. In the morning rainfall stopped, there was no end to my happiness, still relatives said it could be rained any time but this time I pledged I would not eat until pooja get over and then nobody dare to stop me in organizing the pooja in my own way.
Even drizzling didn’t show its existence. Everyone came, attended the pooja and appreciated the arrangements and the way the pooja was conducted as many of them were attending Sai Sandhya for the first time, still I get tears in my eyes while remembering this event .I know if that day rainfall would get start anytime in between pooja, everyone would put blame on me for ruining the pooja in the end just want to say, Have faith in God and be patient. He’ll surely listen to your prayers. Jai Sainadh.

© Devotees Experiences with Shirdi Sai Baba
om sai ram!!
OM SAI RAM..Wonderful Experiences
Blissful experiences. Why we are seeing repeated expereinces again & again these days?
Babaji please bless us all.
Love to ALL, Peace To ALL
Blissfull experiencies.first devoteebaba was allways there for your family.second devotee how fortunate you are.you had seen baba in dreams and originally.Third devotee babas blessings allways there for your family
om sai ram
Jai Sai Ram
Jai Sai Ram
Jai Sai Ram
Jai Sai Ram
Jai Sai Ram
Jai Sai Ram
Jai Sai Ram
Jai Sai Ram
Jai Sai Ram
All the experiences are wonderful. I think the third experience is a repeat. Thank you all for sharing.
Om sai ram,,,,,,,,
Please do not post the repeated experience, as we are waiting to see new one and why there s delay in posting experience
Beautiful Experiences!!!! Om Sai Ram!!!!
A Short Biography of Shree Swami Samarth
*****Lord Dattatrey and the different forms of Incarnation*****
Lord Dattatrey was a divine manifestation of Mythology. Sripad Srivallabh was
an ascetic and he preserved asceticism during his incarnation. Sri Narsinha Saraswati
was also an ascetic. He also preserved the religious order of asceticism. In the year 14th
or 15th century, there was a serious calamity due to Muslim invasion in India. During
this transitory period Sri Narsinha Saraswati, by his actions advised Brahmins to carry
on the duties as prescribed in the Shastras42. Sriguru gave relief to the lowest category
of the people from their misery and directed them towards the devotional path. He even
enlightened Muslims and the rulers of their period. Later on in the 18th century Sriguru
manifested himself in the form of Sri Swami Samarth. This was the transition period of
British invasion in India, and hence Sri Swami Samarth manifested himself in the most
unusual form of an accomplished ascetic.
Therefore, during the period of his incarnation he exerted more importance on
good conduct and devotion than the duties in regard to the four castes and four stages
of life. Sriguru protected people belonging to all religions like Hindus, Muslims,
Christians, Parsis etc. from the three sorts of affliction viz. psychical or corporeal,
physical or material and from fate. He then explained to them the secret meaning of
religions. He also made successful attempts to lead them on to the path of devotion.
These different incarnations of Lord Dattatrey pervades everywhere, are very dynamic
in nature and prepared for the upliftment of all living beings.
om sai ram om sai ram om sai ram
Om sai ram
By reading 3rd devotee experience tears rolled down..
And yes It was Saibaba who came at your place.
By reading 2nd devotee experience tears rolled down
By mistake I put 3rd.
om sai raam..
very nice experiences…
Very beautiful experiences. I am also waiting to become a mother. Awaiting Baba's blessings……Thank you. Om Sai Ram
There is lot of delay in posting the experiences.and we are seeing repeated experiences.the third one is repeat.please do not repeat
om sai ram
Wonderful experiences. As said by third devotee, have faith on our beloved Baba and be patient, surely he will listen all our prayers.
Om SaiRam.
Dear Baba, I am very sorry for my actions over the weekend and how i lost my faith and patience momentarily, but you showed me exactly what you promised. You told me i would get to the truth and i have although its not complete and i know you are there with me and my husband always.
Baba. May your hand be protecting us and blessing us always. I know keeping my faith strong will help us get through these troubled times. Please be with me and guide me always. My own family may forsake me but you never will. I don't ever want to go through this life without your presence in it. Please shower your blessings on us.
I know when we are in troubled times it is very difficult to keep our faith strong and many of your children go through this turmoil everyday, I pray they understand your leela and that everything you do is for their good. You are the wirepuller of everything and when things are not in our control whats the point of getting agitated and stressed. The mere mention of your name " Sai, Sai" calms my troubled soul. May your name be in every heart and guide us through this life.
Love you baba.
Nice experiences.
O Deva, Thank You for listening to our pleas and running to save us. We are forever indebted to Your Lotus Feet O Sadguru for being with us all through.
Thank You for a blessed life O Sai 🙂
Jai Sairam
Beautiful experiences.
O Deva, build us a sense of sincerity and purposefulness so that there is a meaning to everything to do. Bless us O Sadguru so that we may do good unto others and bring a good name for ourselves.
Thank You for a blessed life O Sai 🙂
Jai Sairam
om sai ram
om sai ram.. Wonderful experiences… I too am going through difficult times and today, I decided to do a 3 day prayer ritual… i was asking Baba about my problems and he said read rama vijayam for 14 days and also to read Sri Alkakot Swami pothi… So today i started to read the pothi, at the same time, as i am feeling very negative and not being able to focus, I have decided to chant Om Sri Sai Ram 108 times atleast every hour-every 1.5hours… I do this just to make myself more focus and keep my faith strong. Have been in a very big problem for the last 3 years and i made it worse with all my lies and mistakes. I have done parayana and sai vrat before, but I guess it either wasn't my time or I didn't do with enough shraddha… So these three days I plan to slowly increase my faith and shraddha in baba my regular chanting instead of worrying about all my problems.
I pray that everyone who has problems in their life, like me, May Baba solve all our problems soon. Om sai ram.