Shirdi Sai Baba Miracles and Leela in this Post:
Anonymous Sai Devotee from Australia says: Om Sai Ram Devotees, First of all would like to thanks Hetalji for creating such a platform for our beloved Sai Baba Devotees, where we can share all our experiences and also get answers for questions which we request to Baba. If I have any question in my mind randomly I select date and get my answer by other devotees’ same experience. I really thank our Baba for accepting me His devotee/Bhakt. I request Hetalji to please post this and can amend if required. I am from Australia, would like to share few most recent experiences which shows that Baba never leaves His bhakt.
1. Our house in other country and we put that on for sale and were not receiving good offer and we expected at least 700k above. I prayed to Baba that I would leave rice until the house was sold above the price that we expected. Yes it happened and the buyer who said previously no for above 650k changed his mind and was ready for the offer we asked. He entered condition for Property inspection which scared us as from 4 years house was under rent. Baba Daya just came. We did sell our house successfully. Still had to fix electrician, as our money was still on hold and I had tried 25-30 electrician and most of them were full until next week. I prayed Baba to please help as my husband was there, so we could fix everything prior to his fly. I had managed to get one on next day.
2. Actually after receiving money we were trying to transfer the money and it was a big amount. My husband specially went to do the transfer. Solicitor advised not to do as still last thing was to be fixed. I had prayed Baba and yes he did transfer money and we received it the same day which helped my husband to transfer to us in time without delay.
3. My husband’s job was on hold due to centralision of all jobs to other country. I prayed to Baba please help us as job market was very bad then and hard to get other. My husband called and said that his job was safe. I know all this happened only with Baba’s Daya.
4. Sorry Baba for submitting my experience late. This happened in the year 2015 when we were in India. My husband had a very bad experience; he always puts his mobile in vehicle no matter whether it is Car/Bike. We went for shopping. He realised that he had kept his mobile in bike and that also in front (Activa bike) which is visible easily. I was so worried as it was a brand new phone and also the place was very crowded. But then I was surprised as no one noticed the mobile. This all was Baba’s chamtkar (miracle). It has happened 3 times and all the time his mobile has been found. We were returning to India, we found our luggage weight was more than what we expected, got scared that we would have to pay a lot. I have said my husband don’t worry Baba will look after. I kept chanting Baba’s Name and in counter they said luggage was excess by 10 kg. I tried to explain that we tried to book online but had not gone through some reason. He checked the notes and said that he could see, Airlines trying to call on my Australian mobile. I said him that I was in India and provided my email address as well. He said it was ok this time and allowed the extra luggage without any charge and thanks to Baba as all this happend because of it. Bolo Sri Sadguru Sainath Maharaj Ki Jai.

Anonymous Sai Devotee from New Zealand says: Jai Jai Shree Sai, I am a Sai devotee from last 10 years. I would like to thank Baba for His countless blessings on me and on my family. Currently I am residing in New Zealand.
I have experienced many small and big Sai miracles in my life. Sai always made me feel that He is around me. Sai, I am seeking kshama from You for my bad deeds done intentionally or unintentionally. I want and pray to You that, You show every Sai devotee a right path. This is my second experience here.
I had promised to Sai that when my brother would get a job, I would post another one. My brother was going through rough or I would say bad time phrase when he completed his masters. Something or the other was not falling in place when it came to his job. It took him 2 years to get a good job and that only happened because of Sai. It’s not that he is not talented or not a perfect match for a good job. Sometimes things just don’t work, may be some past bad karma or so. Those two years of struggle were very frustrating for him. He went in to depression too. He was cutting himself from everybody. I love my brother a lot and I knew only Sai could change his fate. I prayed for him night and day. Sai called him to Shirdi too. He was lucky and blessed to attend 2 aartis there. Something changed after that in his behaviour. He kept Sai guruvar vrat. It was during Sai vrats his interview and other hiring formalities were done. Now he is working in one of the good companies. It all happened because of Sai’s blessings only. Thank You Sai for everything. Anant Koti Brahmand Nayak Raja Dhiraaj Yogiraaj Parbrahm Shree Sachidanand Sad guru Sainath Maharaaj Ki Jai .

Sai Devotee Shivani from India says: Om Sairam. I am house wife from India. 1st experience- Few days back I was having severe pain in my tummy. I was not even able to walk. I prayed to Baba and applied Udi. From the very next moment I was ok.
2nd experience- one day I made dish from curd which my husband’s mom used to cook in his childhood. I made it whole heartedly but it became sour. I was sad after tasting it. I put Udi in dish and prayed to Baba to please make my husband like that dish as he is very choosy in eating food. And guess what? When my husband tasted it, he really liked the dish. This could not have happened without blessings of Baba.
3rd experience- one night my husband came home from a marriage and there he had, had a little argument with a guy. My husband is very aggressive. I prayed to Baba that please this argument should not lead in to a big fight, and by Baba’s grace nothing happened. Thank You Deva for every blessing. Sorry for delay Deva. I will post other experiences later. All these experiences I promised Baba to post here. Om Sairam…!
Anonymous Sai Devotee from India says: Thanks to all and Hetalji for the great and amazing work you are doing. This is the third experience I am posting now. I have innumerable experiences with Sai Nana. He is the care taker of our lives. No words to tell what our Sai is?
Coming to my experience I have been longing to go to Shirdi from 7 years. I have been praying Him daily to give His darshan in Shirdi. Finally Baba made it possible on my elder child’s Birthday. We started to Shirdi on Wednesday and reached on Baba’s day. We booked for darshan on Thursday, we had a nice darshan of about 15 minutes and had a wish of giving dress to Baba and He made it. We attended aarti next day on my child’s birthday. Baba blessed our child by giving us a nice darshan and aarti. Thank You Sai Nana for giving us a good darshan of Yours at Shirdi which made impossible to possible. Baba, please make a darshan of Yours possible again and again. I have a wish of touching Your feet at Shirdi, please make it possible Nana. No words to describe the feelings that I am going through now about Sai darshan, thank You so much Nana. Please help us to go on a right path and be a good devotee of Yours.

Anonymous Sai Devotee from India says: I m a Baba’s devotee from India. I am thankful to this blog where I can feel my Baba lives with me and also the miracles of Baba’s experiences of devotees.
This is my second post. Previous one 3 months back I posted. But now again here I am posting my experience. Today morning onwards my friend was not messaging me and he sent me anger smiley. I was shocked as day before yesterday I had met him and everything was normal. All of sudden what made him so much angry that he sent message me so. I was shocked. I started crying in front of Baba. What mistake I did? Then I prayed Baba if his message would come to me then I would post today itself. After some time he sent the reason why he did so? But it was not my mistake. I cleared him. But I can’t lose him, so I pray daily to my Sai. I make many mistakes, Baba I am Your child forgive me. But don’t make us apart from one another. Baba always bless me. Today You showed the proof that You there with me. Om Sai Ram.

Anonymous Sai Devotee from India says: Baba yesterday only I posted my experience. Buy skipped to post one of the experiences. I had misplaced my mangalsuthra somewhere. Everyone searched but it was nowhere to be found. But I had full faith in my Baba. At last I found my mangalsuthra in my pouch only. Sorry Baba for forgetting to post it. Always show Your mercy my father. I can’t handle the situation without my father, please Sai I leave it at Your feet. Please my Baba. Help me. I am suffering a lot Baba, please handle it. We can’t take it anymore. Save us my Father. Make me write Your mercy in this post, please, I can’t take anymore. Begging You. Pranam.

© Devotees Experiences with Shirdi Sai Baba
I will be completing my 9 Thursday vrat tomorrow. I would like to distribute Sai Sthavana Manjari. If anybody is interested to receive, please reply to this comment with your email.
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Om Sairam
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Om Sai Ram..please send me to Sai ram
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Om Sairam.
Jai Sai Ram _/_
jai sai ram
Om Sai Ram
Thank You O Deva for drawing us to Your feet. We are forever in debt for Your blessings and miracles O Sadguru. Thank You for all the love and happiness O Sai 🙂
Jai Sairam
Sai Ram to dear Sai devotees,
Thank you for sharing your wonderful experiences here.
May Sri Sai keep blessing us all.
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Sri SatChit Anand Satguru Sainath Maharaj ki Jai!!
om sai ram. thank you admin for bring up a wonderful platform to share baba experiences. may god bless you always. im from malaysia wants to share my experiences. i have a wish to go shirdhi since past few years. but due to finance problem, couldn't see our baba. this year, i get married with my love. my love is not a baba devotee but he respect baba. one day, i realy feel to go shirdhi, immediately i started sai vrat " it was thursday". i prayed with sincere heart, baba i want bring my mom together with me, as she is a great devotee of baba. in two weeks time, everythng goes smoothly, i have discuss with my mother. she was overflow with happiness. we prepared for visa, passport and payed to travel agency. my husband have give money for me and my mum for the whole trip to shirdhi. the 4th week of sai vrat, i and my mom is going to shirdhi, yes we reached there on 28 september 2017 "thursday" on navarathiri. we was so happy, but something is refusing me. when, i see my baba also my mind was disturbing me with something else, no peace for me. i stay there for 4days, the third day i prayed to baba please forgive me, as i wish to come here, when i come her i have no peace. why baba? why u testing me? i prayed to him, the next day u must wear green colour cloth on you, then i accept as forgiveness. humble request from a small devotee. those miracles happen to me, the next day baba wear green colour cloth as i wish. i cried and feel so calm after that only, baba is great. he alwys full fill my wishes. everything is possible with Sai. i need you ,my entire life SAI. and my another wishes is Sai mandir should be opened at my place here, after marriage i followed my husband hometown, there is no sai mandir. i realy wish to have a sai mandir here, my life will me complete with sai presents. pls be with me baba, alwys protect my parents, my husband, my siblings and give me a healthy baby soon. we are waithing for a small sai here.
Om Sai Ram
Om Sai Ram
Om Sai Ram
Sai Kripa Karo,Kripa Karo
Om Sai Ram, posting this experience from a relative. Thanks Baba for ever protecting us from all sides.-I got one sai dollar from shirdi which was dear to me. I used to attach the dollar to a pin and then to my chain and wear it occasionally not everyday. Fearing that pin along with dollar may detach from chain, most of the time I used to keep dollar inside a purse. We had to vacate our house for few days as some work was going on in our place. I thought I had kept sai dollar in a purse. After having reached home and setting few things I noticed the sai dollar not in the purse. I was panicking. I did not know where to look for it. I prayed to baba to find me the sai dollar. I searched the carpet near by area where I used to keep the purse. After frantically searching for some time I realized that the dolar was not in purse but on my chain. It may seem a small incident but getting back the sai dollar was such a miracle for me, because small items can be misplaced and get lost. Thank you Baba.
Om Sai Ram, Love you baba please baba be with my family protect them take care of them, please extend my project baba I don't have any one other than you to go.