Baba Blessed Me with a Baby Girl

Sai Sister from USA says: Jai Sai Ram to all Sai devotees. I am Sai devotee from my childhood. I would like to share my experience here once again, Hetalji please feel free to edit. I feel myself lucky and blessed to have Baba with me always. I have experienced miracles in every sphere of my life. Here is my experience how Baba helped me all through my pregnancy and blessed with a baby girl. I did observe Sai Nava Guruvar Vrat during my pregnancy every week. Baba showered His blessings on me and I felt his presence in some form or the other. I am thankful to Lord Sainadh.

Sai, I am completely dependent on You and have surrendered myself completely to You. Please take care of your child and be with me always. Bless one and all. Devotees, I would sum up by saying that keep faith in Him. He shall answer your prayers, but at the right time in the right manner. And the right time and right manner is only known to Him. Trust Him, He will never leave His children. Om Sai Ram. It is a great opportunity to meet Sai devotees here. I have experienced miracles in every sphere of my life. Here is my experience how Baba helped me al through my pregnancy and blessed with a baby girl. I did observe Sai Nava Guruvar Vrat during my pregnancy every week. Baba showered his blessings on me and I felt his presence in some form or the other. Being in USA it is very difficult to get some dishes as everyone know that every women have some cravings during pregnancy so do I. To my surprise my husband friend’s friend went to India .He bought sweets for him, especially those sweets are available only in my native place, he shared some with my husband. He brought it home.

I had severe morning sickness but Baba took care of me like a mother and Now I am very happy seeing my child. I am thankful to Lord Sainadh. Sai, I am completely dependent on You and have surrendered myself completely to You. Please take care of your child and be with me always. Bless one and all. Devotees, I would sum up by saying that keep faith in Him. He shall answer your prayers, but at the right time in the right manner. And the right time and right manner is only known to Him. Trust Him. He will never leave His children. Om Sai Ram. It is a great opportunity to meet Sai devotees here. Om Sai Shree Sai Jaya Jaya Sai Om Sai Shree Sai Jaya Jaya Sai Om Sai Shree Sai Jaya Jaya Sai

Miracle Experience-Weather Problem Saved By Sai Baba

Sai Sister from UK says: I am from UK and working in IT Company. One day weather is too bad in UK, its cold, heavy rain and windy too from morning until 4pm, as I already said you all that I am working women and I got 6 years old son too where I have to pick up him from after school club after my work, I don’t drive so I need to catch bus from work place to reach my son school, travelling will be around 10 min and 8 min walk able distance from bus stop. So I worried that I have to walk with my son in heavy rain and windy in the evening then I call to taxi drivers and they said that they will charge 11 pounds and I can’t afford that much, then I prayed to Sai Baba that there should not be rain in the evening. Everything should be safe by grace of Him. It didn’t rain and we came safely thanks Sai Baba. We All Love, Sai Baba.

Om Sai Ram

Sai Sister from USA says: I am a devotee of Baba from my childhood I don’t know how this began but I always love wearing Baba’s ring since I was a kid. There are so many experiences I faced so far I would like to share one experience which took around 3 years back.

After my graduation I got a job in a good s/w company for which first 3 months training was provided in a different state which is near to shirdi. So as it was Dec 31st we (me along with 3 other friends) decided to go to Shirdi so that we can spend Jan 1st with Baba. Believe me we have no idea how we are going to reach there, we simply searched in the net and found there are frequent buses & train option from our place. Unfortunately we didn’t get bus tickets so opted for train. My friend got the tickets as all compartments are full. she took local compartment tickets and we were shocked by seeing local compartment as you can hardly find place to stand and it was first time for all four of us. Someone suggested us to get into 2nd class n talk to TC. By Baba’s grace TC gave us 2 sleeper berths for 4 of us by taking some money and somehow we managed for 5 hours and reached shirdi around 3.00AM in the morning then got a room and had Sai Baba’s darshan and on same day we started return journey to our place which went pretty cool as we got direct Volvo bus to our place. After reaching my place we need to catch an auto to reach my hostel but due to some bandh (closed) Autos are not running on that day. It was around 8.00 in the night and that city is not a safe place for girls.

Then happened the miracle an auto came and stood in front of us, driver is a middle aged man with really bright face and on our way to hostel, he was talking to us and to himself saying he has 4 children that he has to take care of etc and dropped us, in no time he left that place. We all felt something different about him and after coming to hostel room we realized that he is none other than our beloved Sai. All I wanted to say is Trust Baba. He will be always there for us in every situation.

© Devotees Experiences with Shirdi Sai Baba

Hetal Patil
Hetal Patil
Articles: 3388


    (Shri Sai Leela March 1986)
    My wife and my daughters are Sai devotees. Daily we remember "SAI PRABHU" right from morning till we go to bed. Daily after bath, we pray to SAI PRABHU and take His UDI as prasadam. My daughters are aged 9 years and 6 years. In the midst of their school studies and games, they never forget to pray to SAI PRABHU and take His HOLY UDI. My family is so attached to Him.

    My elder daughter, Chi. Santosh Laxmi, aged 9 years, was suffering from severe wounds in her head since 3 months. I had shown her to our family Doctor and given treatment. The Doctor had advised me to take tests of her blood/urine/motion. I got the tests done. Inspite of all these tests and treatment, there was no improvement in her health. My wife and I were very much worried about her health as she developed fever too during nights. The child was becoming weak and inactive. Though every care was taken, there was no improvement at all in her health. Due to her ill health, we had no peace of mind.

    One of my friends, Mr. Raja Ram, who is also a Sai devotee, had given "SAI SACHARITRAM" to me and advised me to study it sincerely, as directed in the book. My wife and myself used to read a few pages of the book and discuss about Baba's great miracles and His great affection for His devotees.

    One day my wife and myself decided to do 'parayan' of "SAI CHARITRAM", as directed therein. Initially, I was hesitant as I had doubts whether I could complete the parayana as prescribed. However, my wife encouraged me to go-ahead with His Sacharit-ram Pathana. The parayana is to start on a Thursday. I had a dream on the previous night, in which one of my collegues, Mr Rajaram appeared in my dream and advised me to start reading the Book, with devotion and sincerity. In the early morning of Thursday, I informed my wife of my dream. She encouraged me, saying that Baba had appeared as Seetharam and directed me to go-ahead. Taking her advice, as Baba's direction, I started to read the Book. I had to complete the Book on the next Thursday. My wife would daily ask me, whether Baba has come again in my dream, after I had started to read the Book. Till Wednesday, she enquired daily. I was disappointed, as she was telling me, that I should see Baba before I completed the Seva Pathana, as otherwise, there may not be any use. To my surprise, I saw Baba's Camera Photo, which I have kept on my T.V. on Wednesday night, in a dream. Next morning I told my wife about the dream. She said that it was sufficient that Baba had given me Darshan.

    On Thursday, the last day of SAI CHARITRA PATHANA, we performed pooja in the morning and in the evening and distri­buted sweets to all children in our neighbourhood. We were satis­fied with our Pooja, as we had taken the direction of Baba to start Pathana and completed it with HIS DARSHAN and ASHIRWAD.

    The very next day, I took my daughter to Dr. Aurangabadkar, a Skin Specialist of repute in the twin cities. I saw the Doctor at about 7 p.m. While the Doctor was examining my daughter, I was explaining the Doctor about the complaint. My daughter noticed and pointed to me a big portrait of Baba, behind the Doctor. We saluted Baba saying "SAI RAM".

    Doctor gave a prescription and we returned home. After reaching home, I told my wife that Baba had given the prescription through the Doctor, and that we need not worry from now onwards about her health. Though Dr. Aurangabadkar wrote the prescription sitting before Baba's portrait, we had come to the conclusion that Baba Himself was writing the prescription in flesh and blood. We started the course of treatment on the same day. After 10 days, we found tremendous improvement in her health. All wounds had healed and she is all right. This is nothing but Baba's Grace.

    C. Nagaraja Rao


  2. Sai maa thanks A lot for showing us the temple my maa
    Please solve the problems my maa
    Please make us happy
    Luv u a lot
    Falling at your lotus feet

  3. Today is mothers day
    U are my maa
    But everyday is your day and so everyday is mothers day
    Luv you my maa
    Falling at your lotus feet

  4. Om Sai Sri Sai Jai Jai Sai!!!!!!!!! Baba pls allow us to be with you at all times aiyaa, pls make me fight less with amma , pls help me reduce my anger and temper, love you Om Sai Ram !!!!!!!!!!!!!

  5. Very nice experiences.

    O Deva, I surrender my bruised self to Your feet and seek Your blessings. Help me O Sadguru as the pain is unbearable and I see no happy solution in sight.

    Thank You for all Your miracles O Sai 🙂

    Jai Sairam

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