Baba Cured My Pain
Anonymous Devotee from India says: I am Sai Baba Devotee. May Sai Baba bless all Please Forgive for anything wrong? Hello Hetal Ji, you doing good Job. Happy Thursday. Pranam to Lotus Feet of Sai Baba. I am new to this blog, Please keep my email id and my name anonymous. I want to share my experience with you all, please forgive me for any mistakes. Om Sai Ram.

This year January end, I don’t know what had happened to my left knee, MRI was done Doctor told me to have 1 week rest and everything will be alright but after few days my other knee also had a pain I didn’t went to a doctor but had MRI done myself and it was fine. Then someone suggested me to consult physiotherapist, I consulted he said that there is a muscle fault in both the knees. Days passed my pain were increasing. Everything was going wrong. A month passed no improvement. I also had consulted many doctors but there was no improvement, my career was also suffering, I was not going office too. Past 2.5 months there was not a single day when I did not cry.
I don’t have a father. My Mother Sister they also cried with me. I complain Baba that why always happened all this with me, but all this was happening may be because of my past birth bad karmas .May Baba forgive all my past bad karmas. I was tensed that what all is going on and when it will be fine. Daily in front of Sai Baba I cried a lot and during this period I came across this blog. I read many experiences of devotees in this blog. I thought when Baba will cure my pain like others. After that I started applying Udi on my knees and I also Read Sai Satcharitra and it is Baba Who made me read it in 1 week. I also read Sai Kasht Nivaran Mantra. I remember during this bad phase, 1 day I was watching TV with my mood off and thinking of my pain. Then I looked at Sai Baba Photo. Suddenly I told Baba that show Your clipping in TV when I will flip the channels with a remote, you all will not believe that when I was flipping the channels I saw Sai Baba Pooja was going on in a serial in Doordarshan. I was so happy tears rolled down my eyes. I thanked Sai Baba for it.
But still I was having pain. I daily cried and asking Baba when He will cure my pain. But I knew it was my past karmas and Baba is washing my sins through my tears. On the occasion of Holi in the morning I had a dream that I am in temple there I saw food and out of temple I saw Sai Baba wearing that white fakir dress. I folded my hands in front of Him, He said “You will be fine, offer food to poor” and before I could move forward He was gone and I was awake. I was so happy next morning that Baba came to my dream I offered food to poor that evening. After few weeks my pain was going slowly and knees getting better. I thanked Sai Baba for it and for everything. I promised that I will share my experiences in this blog. But I want to say sorry to Sai Baba if I had said something wrong during my painful days please forgive me Sai Baba. Sai Baba Forgive all my sins Sai Baba is great. He listens to each and everyone but we have to keep patience which we lack sometimes. Devotees never get disheartened. Sai Baba cares for all of us and do offer food to needy whenever you gets time. Om Sai Ram
Feeling Blessed With Sai Ma Always Around

Anonymous Devotee from India says: I am from Bangalore a Sai devotee since almost 10 yrs now. I feel blessed to have been chosen by my Sai. Sai Ram Everyone. If you are reading this post, you are already blessed by Sai. I have many experiences to share, however, choosing one that changed my life forever. I became Sai devotee ever since i came to Bangalore. I was in love with my college mate and wanted to marry him. But our family background, caste and culture varied as he was from North and me from South India. I loved him a lot and could not marry someone else. My parents were searching for a different alliance then, they were against this marriage. I somehow convinced them and they agreed to meet his family in North, but after meeting them, they were very much disappointed because they felt his parents were expecting more from us. My parents did not like their culture and disapproved for my marriage after returning. Then i was very upset and read Sai Satcharitra in 7days and prayed to God to do some miracle. On the 7th day i got a post from Shirdi with Baba’s Photo and Udi in it. Then my mother called me up and said they are ok for marriage. I was dumbstruck and thanks Baba for His graciousness. Then my marriage took place without much problem. Thank You Baba. Jai Sai Ram. Always be with me and my family. Ananta Koti Brahmand Nayak, Rajadhiraj, Yogiraj, Parabrahma, Shri Sachidanand Sadguru Sainath Maharaj Ki Jai.
Baba Blessed Me A Vastram

Anonymous Devotee from Singapore says: I am a Baba devotee since last 15 yrs. It was my birthday that day. I yearned to get from Baba a Vastram as a blessing. My husband and I went to the temple and unusually Pandit ji was not found. Baba Bhajans were being played and 2 or 3 devotees were there. We had a garland for Him. It generally was my practise to give the garland to Pandit ji. He will wear it on swami and give me flowers and a banana from His Lotus Feet. That day being my birthday, I was unsure even this basic would happen for me. We waited for 25 minutes. To my delight, something unusually happened a devotee placed Motichoor Ladoos on His Padukas and distributed it to me inside the temple which generally doesn’t happen. I reconciled that was destined to me that day and other desires would go in vain. My hubby consoled me not to worry and we were prepared to keep the garland in a place where generally people keep. We were on the very small queue. Suddenly something told me to turn back and to me surprise I saw the Pandit ji near the entrance straight looking at me and smiling at me. I was immensely happy. He approached me and got the garland and to my delight he took flowers and a Vastram and gave me. I was on tears. My happiness knew no bounds. My husband and I were very much moved and we turned back to thank Pandit ji and he wasn’t there. It was like Baba has sent him amidst of some work to give me the Vastram. Om Shri Sai Ram

© Devotees Experiences with Shirdi Sai Baba
om sai ram
Om Sai Ram, I am also waiting that someday he will give me my love back to me, we both love each other but who knows what is in the destiny.. Baba Set his mind at rest, make him a good, gentle,kind and successful and above this, make him your ardent devotee, guide him Baba, i am just waiting for him to come after your guidance 🙂 Please Baba take away all the pain of my Baba, Amma, Papa, Maa,Tau ji, Tai ji,Di And he and his family…. Sorry Baba for all the sins and mistakes i committed knowingly and unknowingly….
Om Sai Ram, Sai Samarth 🙂 🙂
Baba please make him a gentle, kind and successful person, Above all make him your devotee, Guide him Baba, Set his mind at rest Baba, Guide him like a mother….
i know he is a good soul…but may be due to past birth's karma or something else i dont know what…his mind is not at rest…I love him Baba…we are not together..but still i wish his happiness…and i think this is true love..i love him so much Baba..Guide him like a mother…pull him towards your Lotus feet Baba…
Re-Unite us Baba..I am waiting for the Right Time..You only know…The right time to Re-unite Us..i have surrendered myself…
Kya hai Mera…Sab hai Tera..Tan Mann Dhan jeevan hai tera…
Bigadi Sabhi ki Tumne Banayi..
Jai Jai Sai..Jai Jai Sai..Teri MAhima ati Sukh Dayi..
I am also praying for the same to Baba..pls help me and all the sisters. .pls re-unite me with my husband ..pls forgive me for my mistakes. .om sai ram
I wish Soon Baba Re-Unite you With your Husband…
Om Sai Ram
Dear Sister,
Are you Reading Sai SatCharitra…?
Yes I am reading sai satchritra ..Thank you so much for your wishes dear devotee..Baba has spoken to me in your sai ram
Dearest sister – you exactly echoed what is going on in my heart and mind…I could literally see exact words that even I use when I pray to baba for us…I dont know what we should call this? Is it a coincidence that so many of his devotees feel the exact same emotions or go through almost identical situations? Dont know but I just pray to baba that if possible let him answer your prayers and bless all the people who are seperated from their loved ones.
Lets thank baba in advance for his kind blessings in reuniting us with our love/husbands.
All the best
all the best dear baba will take care of you..
Amen. .
Om sai ram
Om sai ram
Om sai ram
Om sai ram
Om sai ram
Om sai ram
Om sai ram
Om sai ram
Om sai ram
Om sai ram
Om sai ram
Om sai ram
Om sai ram
OM sai ram
Om sai ram
Om sai ram
Om sai ram
Om sai ram
Om sai ram
Om sai ram
Om sai ram
Om sai ram
Om sai ram
love u baba.pla take care of everyone baba.thank u for everthing baba.
Shree Sachinanand Sadguru Sainath Maharaj Ki Jai
Shree Sachinanand Sadguru Sainath Maharaj Ki Jai
Shree Sachinanand Sadghru Sainath Maharaj kI Jai
Sai Baba thanks you
Shree Sachinanand Sadguru Sainath Maharaj Ki Jai
Shree Sachinanabd Sadguru Sainath Maharaj Ki Jai
Shree Sachinanand Sadguru Sainath Maharaj Ki Jai
om sai ram
Blessed & blissful Experiences:)
Love to ALL, Peace to ALL.
Baba we all trust you. We know that you can even give us something that's not in our destiny. We will wait to receive your loving blessing at the right time baba. Your plans will never fail.
Very True. .Om Sai Ram
Wonderful experiences all.
O Sai, forgive us our mistakes from the previous and this life. Let us utter Your name and let all our bad karma be burnt away O Sadguru.
Jai Sairam
Thanks for everything Babaji. You take care of even the smallest desires of your devotees. You are a sweetheart. Love you
Sai ma please forgive my mistakes done knowingly or unknowingly.please guide my husband to come to your lotus feet.he is misguided by others.he didn't come to see his new born baby for past two months. Our son is 4 months old.he stopped talking with me also.baba please help me.You are my only remedy. Baba please forgive me if I have done anything wrong hurting someone. Ok Sai Sri Sai Jaya Jaya Sai
Baba..Today all your daughters are falling at your Lotus Feet..Pls give your Blessings to all us..OM SAI RAM
may sai bless you sis and your son
om sai ram
Om sai ram. Love u lot sai. And thank u in advance. Because I know u will soon full fill my wish
Om so ram