Baba Appearing In The Form Of Shadow
Sai brother Senthil from India says: Hi, I am Senthil from Bangalore. I am a strong devotee of Shirdi Baba and have couple of experiences to share. Request you to post this as it will increase Faith in our beloved Sai. There can be no other God like our Sai. Few years back when i was on the way to Sabarimala, there was Baba’s movie played in Kannada in the bus i was travelling and i watched the movie fully and began to think about Him and miracles. Though i was not fully attracted to Him, i went to His temple on Thursdays, offered prayers.

It was later in 2013 the following amazing thing happened. That night when i was asleep, i had a strange shadow appear, i was unable to move my body, speak nor was full conscious. Mentally i asked that shadow who it was, then the shadow took our Sai Baba’s form, there were two chakras rotating near His Lotus Feet which i thought was Earth, disappeared and appeared thrice. I mentally requested Baba to fulfil my 2 wishes (which i will post sometime later). Thus Baba disappeared and i regained my conscious found my body to be fully sweating. I thought i was lucky to be chosen by our Sai Maharaj.
Though Baba appeared in the form of Shadow, i was not fully devoted to Him but as per Sat Charitra Baba will pull His devotees like a sparrow tied to thread. It was due to the below incident that i became true devotee of Baba and took refuge in His lotus Feet In February 2014 , i was into the greatest financial crisis and there was misunderstanding between me and my colleague owing to this. I had to return sum of 3 Lakhs to my colleague on time, but due to circumstances i failed. All my Bank loans were rejected, asked couple of friends but none of them helped. Situation went from bad to worst, i was under immense pressure to return the money but i had no sources and was helpless. My family also did not have huge amount to help me. The next day following amazing thing happened I got a call from one of my friend who said her dad was willing to give me 2L and my joy knew no bounds. However with the help of Sai and my family i was able to adjust the remaining money and finally paid my colleague. Sai saved me from great disaster, i knew if i had not returned in couple of days i would have landed myself in the police station but our Sai showered His blessings on me. He initially gave thick black clouds, later cleared it. I felt the urge to read Sat Charitra after this and the first time it took me almost 3 weeks to complete, but i read with full faith and devotion and came to know the Leelas of our Sai Maharaj.
Now i had to return the 2 Lakhs in a month’s time. Again i applied loan, still it was rejected. I was depressed, prayed Sai whole heartedly, and started reading Sai Satcharitra. Next day i got a call from one of the bank asking me to apply for loan. I have to say in certain occasions my faith and patience was tested. So finally i had things processed and in every step Baba was with me and finally helped me repay. Two days prior repaying, there were some flowers placed on my vehicle in the basement of my company and i have photographed the same. I knew it was Sai’s blessing. All these increased my faith in Sai. I have some more to share, but will share some time later. Sorry Baba ji for posting this late. Please edit wherever necessary and i request you to please post this as this will increase faith in Sai followers Om Sai Ram
Baba’s Beautiful Idol As A Gift

Sai Sister Swetha from India says: Hello, I feel myself very lucky to share a post of my experiences here. It’s really a nice forum where all devotees come to a place where they can share their experiences of miracles and increase faith within themselves day by day. I feel proud and lucky that Shri Sai Baba is in my life. In every life of mine, I want to be a devotee of Baba. There are several experiences to share. Faith is an asset more than wealth. Faith is a pre determined destiny. And Guru plays a most important role in every human beings life. A Guru is most essential in order to cross the life which is equivalent to cross of seven seas. Coming back to my experience, this is the first time I am posting something here and I request that it gets published. And I pray to Shri Sai Baba to bless me with the opportunity to share more and more post here. I bow at the lotus feet of Shri Sai Baba before beginning to write my experience as He is the one Who guides me on what is right and what is wrong.
My experience starts from here. I received one Match from Bangalore. I never got a chance to meet him, but first time when we both spoke over phone, we felt that we can see each other. He was also ready to get his parents to my home. I really liked the guy and he too said that he likes me. I thought our marriage will surely get fixed. But, somehow it did not happen, and he started avoiding calls. I could sense from his speech that he is making reasons and I felt very bad and very depressed. I belong to a middle class family where I have to earn and support my mom and my sister, when I got this match, I felt happy thinking there is someone who is really kind and broad minded in accepting me and my family. When it did not happen, I was very much depressed and lost hope, as we are seeing for matches from two years and no where it was getting settled. I always have a dream of marrying someone with my choice and someone with the qualities I want, though I am not rich. I am not ready to compromise on anything as I want best in life and I know my worth that I deserve someone best. Later in the evening when I went to office as I am in night shift, I was talking to my friend at his office desk, where beautiful Sai Baba Idol was placed. Suddenly, when I saw the Idol, my friend took that Idol and gifted it to me, then I realised that I should not get depressed for anything as Baba is always with me and He will take care of everything. He is surely having some better plans for my future and a better guy for me. Baba is very kind, very helping and understanding.
Got Job By Baba’s Blessings
Anonymous Devotee from USA says: I was looking for a job from long time but I don’t get any good opportunity. One of my friends told me about Sai Vrat. I did that for 9 weeks and was looking for job with full faith in Baba. I was attending interview but nothing favoured me. But I had full hope and faith on Baba and i was reading attending interviews praying Baba. One day through one of my friend I came to know about Dwarkamai Pooja. I thought of doing that Pooja at my home. Soon after when the Pooja got over next day itself I got one job opportunity through one of my friend. I attended interview and got selected and now I am working. Thank You Baba for everything. Like You said patience and full faith on You gave me this job. Bless me Baba that I should shine in this job and I should be a strong person to overcome all hurdles in my job and life. Om Sai Jai Sai

© Devotees Experiences with Shirdi Sai Baba
Nice Expereinces!! Please have faith in BABA and he will take care of everything.
I have posted my experience for the 2nd time in this blog sometime in july 1st week 2014…still I cant find my experience here. I am waiting for that to come soon.
It seems like that experiences submitted in April are getting posted right now. I submitted mine near end of April & it is yet to be posted. So have some saburi 🙂
Thank you for the information 🙂
(Shri Sai Leela October 1983)
I am a mechanical engineer running a small scale industry in Bangalore In the year 1980 I had one of the worst experiences of facing partnership problem with my business partner. My partner was insisting on me under the pretext of his ill-health that he should be relieved from the partnership immediately and at the same time he was demanding a good will compensation of Rs One lakh twelve thousand (Rs 1,12,000/-) from me. I am a poor engineer without any financial back ground and whatever little money I had was already invested in the business. The only wealth I was enjoying was my Shraddha (faith) on Lord Sai The industry was in a financial crisis having heavy loans and liabilities all around. So a challenge was posed on me by this problem, which seemed unsolvable in the beginning. If I do not concede my partner’s demand, I would not get any more co-operation from him which is all the more detrimental to the smooth operation of the industry. My friends and well-wishers started advising me “BEG, BORROW AND STEAL BUT SOME HOW ARRANGE FOR THE MONEY, PAY YOUR PARTNER OTHERWISE YOU WILL RUN INTO MORE PROBLEMS IN FUTURE”. But then whom to beg ? How to borrow ? and what to call ? I was keeping my finger crossed without knowing what to do .
During this trying period in the month of January 1980, a friend of mine told me that he was planning a visit to Shirdi and asked me whether I was interested in joining him since I was mentally very much disturbed, I readily agreed to join him with the objective of restoring my mental peace One night we landed in the great soil of Shirdi and next day after offering my ABHISHEKA SEVA to LORD SAI I put two chits on the silver feet of SAI in the Samadhi Mandir, One chit reading as “continue with the present partner” and the other chit reading as “discontinue with your partner some how”. In fact I was very much hesitating whether I should do this silly thing on the great noble feet of lord Sai. Finally I thought that when I am HIS child why to fear and I took the liberty of asking approval for my plan of action from my father (Lord Sai) by these two chits. I put two chits on his silver feet and took one of them. After coming out of the Samadhi Mandir I opened the chit and read as “discontinue with your partner some how” . I read out this to my friend, who was with me and my friend was not happy that I did this silly thing at the feet of Lord Sai. My friend told me that in partner and therefore some how I should continue with my partner and I should not have put chits on the feet of Lord Sai etc . Yet this time I was firm in my mind and I decided to think and act in arranging for the funds required to pay to my partner as compensation. After all my father had given His permission and I was sure that He would show me the path for solving my problem provided I have the will to work hard in the right direction with all the sincerity.
After coming back to Bangalore I spent almost every day thinking about the ways and means of arranging the fund. Many days passed without finding a proper solution to my problem yet I was firm in my thinking and cast all my problems on the feet of Sai. I wrote to my brother (Physician) for some financial help who readily agreed to give me Rs.30,000/- and yet I was short of Rs.20,000/-
A meeting was arranged between me and my partner with the help of my friends and dissolution deed was drafted. As per the terms of the deed I was to pay Rs.50,000/- immediately on signing the dissolution deed and the rest of the money was to be paid in 10 equal installments. According to this I should have cash on hand of Rs.50,000/- and I was still short of Rs.20,000/- and I was therefore desperate. The day of dissolution i.e. 21-8-1982 was fast approaching. I was all the time thinking that on the day of dissolution my partner would come and all my friends would come and I would be humiliated in their presence since I could not arrange for the required fund.
On the previous day to the day of dissolution i.e. 20-8-1982. I was quietly sitting at home and my mind was full of the thoughts of the next day. I had just finished my lunch with my family at about 2.00 p.m. We heard a knocking on the front door and when I opened the door I saw one of my old friends along with an old person. My old friend’s visit at this unusual hour surprised me since I thought that he must have come to me for some financial help from me, because it was my experience in life that hardly any one would give me money and on the other hand many would take financial help from me.
But lo! Here was quite an unusual experience of my life-time. My old friend told me that he had Rs.20,000/- cash with him and that he was interested in keeping the money with me for some time and I could pay it back whenever it suited me and till such that money would carry some nominal interest. This was exactly the money that I was short of executing the dissolution deed with my partner.
I offered simple food to my old friend and the old person along with him and they heartily took the food and after resting for a while went away.
How can I forget this great moment in my life ? How can I forget my Sai Narayan in my life even for a second? Believe me I have dedicated my small factory to My lord Sai Ram.
VERY VERY VERY inspiring, Out of this world:)
om sai ram
Sai Ram, could someone please explainwhat is Dwarakmai pooja, thanks.
yes even i wanted to know about this pooja…can anybody help us
Alll experiences r so nice….3rd devotee congrats for ur new job….can u pls explain abt dwarkamai pooja as i want to do for myself to get me a job
Hope u would answer
Om sai ram
Om sai ram!! Baba I need u pls comw to me, pls help me, m fed up of my life, nly becs of ur support m alive…I m completely broken..wish to end my life.pls com baba n help me…I m waiting for ur hint baba…plss u al pray for me to baba..I realy need blessing of u all…love u sai baba…thanks hetalji feels good to read dis blog n feel happy seing experience of baba..
Pls dont worry Baba is there for you and with you …. Om Sai Ram !!!!
Om sai ram…baba I need ur help, I m fed up of my life, m not happy baba..plss com to me, jst becs of ur support m alive, .m waiting for a hint baba..plss come to me baba..pls u all pray for me I had a wish to baba , pls pray to dat it should b fulfiled,.plss baba I feel to end my life, pls help me…I need u sai baba…
read sai satcharitra daily…u will get mental peace and strength
Nice experiences.
O Deva, give us the patience to be kind and caring to the people who come in to our lives and bless us so we only have good thoughts.
Jai Sairam
Can u tell me how to do dwarakamai pooja???
Om Sai Ram
When Akkalakot Maharaj passed away, Keshav Naik and his son Ramachandra Naik, accompanied by two orthodox brahmins, went to Shirdi. On the way the brahmins spoke ill of Sai Baba, calling him a moslem and a mad fakir and said that a brahmin should not bow to him. When they all arrived at the mosque at Shirdi, Sai Baba said to Keshav Naik, “You and your son may come and visit me if you like. The two others are karmatha brahmins (zealots.)”
Then Sai Baba asked Keshav Naik to fetch some margosa leaves and distributed the same to all the four and asked them to tell him how they tasted. The two brahmins found the leaves unusually bitter and the Naiks found them sweet! Thus Baba separated the grains from the chaff and confirmed the statement of the late Akkalkot Maharaj to the Naiks that he was the manifestation of their former guru.
Very Nice:)
Om Sai Ram.. 🙂
Baba Meri Maa ka Kamar Dard Sahi kardo….
Baba Usko mental peace do..wo accha insaan bane..Ham Sath Ho Jaaye Baba..
Baba Mujhe apno Charno mai Rakhlo..
Baba Mujhe Maaf karna…Mai Selfish hu Shayad…buri hu Shayad….Par shayad dil sacche mann se apko manta hai…Baba….Mere family par apni Daya Drashthi Banaye Rakhna..Usko Family par bhi..Us ko Sambhal lo Baba,,..Jaise ek Maa Apne Bacche ko Sahi Raste par laati hai…Hame bhi le aao…Hame Zindagi bhar ka Saath Dedo…Baba…Mujhe Maaf kardo meri galtioyo kliye…Baba Apne Charno mai Rakhna..Jag Bhalai hamse karna…Hamko bana lo Sadhan Baba..Daya,kripa, Shama do BABA….
Om Sai Ram..
Om Sai Ram
Om Sai Ram
Om Sai Ram
Om Sai Ram
May all your devotees get peace, love and Happiness….
Baba…. 🙂 🙂
Hetal ji can u pls tell us how to perform dwarka mai pooja.
A Short Biography of Shree Swami Samarth
In Dwaraka Sri Swami Samarth bestowed eyesight to the blind saint Soordas.
Then Sri Swami Samarth manifested himself in the form of Lord Krishna and granted
Darshan as a tutelary deity / Ishta devata to Soordas.
*****Maharudrarao Deshpande*****
In Ambejogai, Beed District, Maharashtra, Jagirdar Maharudrarao Deshpande
became a great devotee of Sri Swamiji. Once when he went to the holy place
Pandharpur he got the Darshan of Sri Swamiji in the place of Lord Vitthal. He
worshipped Sri Swamiji with full devotion and then returned home in a dazed condition.
*****Darshan of Malhari (Lord Shiva)*****
There was a craftsman in Mohol, Solapur District. He was a devotee of Sri
Swamiji. He would never take food without taking Sri Swamiji‘s ‘Darshan’. One day
when he was going for the ’Darshan’, it suddenly occurred to him to take his family
deity Malhari Martand Mhalasakant Lord Shiva’s ‘Darshan’. Thinking such he reached Sri
Swamiji place. Sri Swamiji spoke to him “Now take the ’Darshan’ of the God desired
and honoured by you as family deity”. So saying Sri Swamiji manifested himself in the
form of a hermit with matted hair, Lord Shiva.
The craftsman prostrated at the feet of Sri Swamiji, manifested as Lord Shiva,
and started praying, “Today by this ’Darshan’ of Lord Shiva all my forty two generations
have been emancipated. Sri Swamiji, kindly shower your mercy and uplift me”. Then Sri
Swamiji said “Continue worshipping me with devotional singing. Look for divinity in all
the created beings”. The craftsman got the ‘Darshan’ of his family deity as per his
strong desire and experienced oneness with divinity.
Om Sai Ram… 🙂 Baba bahut tez dard ho raha hai pet mai…
Dear Sairam devotees, I am facing some issues wrt my career. I quit my job from an IT company to become a full-time dancer and achieved some 10% in it. Unfortunately, I got married to a wrong person and my whole career is ruined. I am forced to work now but this is office is not good. Because of their urgency I joined an institution before and had to lose my original certificates there. Now, the place where i work isn't paying me properly. My husband is also having extra-marital affairs with many women. I am in the middle of nowhere. My personal and professional life is ruined. I am doing the Nav Guruvar Vrat and I am reading Sat Charitra. Please suggest some simple poojas that I can perform in the temple because I cannot perform any pooja in my husband's house. Please help. Thanks. Jai Sairam..
plz lit lamps in sai mandir for 9 weeks…mix udi in the eatables and give it to your husband daily…may sai bless you sis
🙂 Baba… I Need you
Om sai ram
Om sai ram
Om sai ram
Om sai ram
Om sai ram
Om sai ram
Om sai ram
Om sai ram
Om sai ram
Om sai ram
Om sai ram
Om sai ram
Om sai ram
Om sai ram
Om sai ram
Om sai ram
Om sai ram
Om sai ram
Om sai ram
Om sai ram
Om sai ram
OM sai ram
Om sai ram
Om sai ram
Om sai ram
Om sai ram
Om sai ram
Om sai ram
Om sai ram
Om sai ram
Om sai ram
om sai ram
Om sai ram
Om sai ram
Om sai ram
love u baba.pls take care of everyone swamy.thank u for everything baba
please tell the dwarakamai pooja i want to do it i like to do any sais pooja please where we get dwarakamai pooja book please inform us
om sai ram !!
om sai ram!!
om sai ram!!
om sai raam,
baba thank you baba for saving from this clutches of this disease in a new land you are only there for me please make me pass all the subjects baba else i may have to go back to india…you know how tough it is and what i am facing i my mind please get me married soon to a nice person baba who will take care of love baba please baba
कितनी खूबसूरती से साईं आपकी जिंदगी में हर एक दिन जोड़ते है..
इसीलिए नहीं कि आपको उनकी जरुरत है..
पर इसीलिए कि किसी और को आपकी ज्यादा जरुरत है..
इसीलिए हर दिन ख़ुशी के साथ जियो ..
क्योकि……. बाबा है ना
बोलिए श्री साईं नाथ महाराज की जय
साईंवार कि शुभकामनाऐं,,,
साई कि तलाश मै कदम खुद निकल गये,
साई कि यादो मै ये अरमान पिघल गये ,
खोजा था साई को सारे जहा मै ,
पलके बंद कि तो साई दिल मे हि मिल गये .
!! ॐ श्री साईंनाथाय नम: !!
बहुत सुन्दर शब्द जो एक मंदिर के दरवाज़े पर लिखे थे :
ठोकरें खा कर भी ना संभले
तो मुसाफ़िर का नसीब,
वरना पत्थरों ने तो
अपना फर्ज़ निभा ही दिया..!
साईं वार की हर्धिक शुभकामनाए…..बोलिए श्री साईं नाथ महाराज की जय
I wish Baba Bless us all Om sai ram … 🙂
Om sai ram
Please let me know that how to do dwarkamai pooja. .
Help me to tie and live with my life……..
om sai ram