Guru Purnima Miracle
Anonymous Devotee from USA says: Om Sai Ram, I am Baba devotee for so many years and i have so many experiences. I am sharing the latest! Om Sai Ram, One among a thousand others that I have had with my Baba since so many years. Our employment card was expiring on July 15th and my husband and mine job were going to get suspended from July 16th as the company lawyers said we cannot work till the card arrives. Being in US for 15 years, we were still waiting for green card and employment authorization renewals. My husband and me with 2 small kids, were losing ourselves in despair as we would have to go on unpaid leave of absence and we had to wait for another month before the employment card gets issued (worst case), till Friday at 7:30 pm, though our Green Card (which was stuck in the request for more information review) was current, the status at the USCIS showed as no progress. I do admit, with 2 small kids, my Seva to Baba had been lacing, mustering up courage, I went to Baba’s temple for 3 days as some unknown force kept pulling me to go meet Him.

Today we did Sai Satyanarayana Pooja at home by ourselves, I saw my phone after the Pooja, disbelief on my face, our green card has been approved, the card is getting ready to sent to us! Shocked! As till yesterday, no progress!!! There is a divine force helping us in every path and every effort, I had to write this. We immediately went to Baba Mandir, kept the Prasad there and crying and crying in relief as so many things had been uncertain the past week! But in all, as He always says, He will never leave us! Never!!!! We should never doubt Baba’s words, Love Him so much, please bless us and keep us with you always Baba Om Sai Ram
Sai Blessed My Son

Anonymous Devotee from Caribbean says: Dear Hetal ji and your team thank you very much for giving devotees this way of communicating. I am a mother of two living with my family in the Caribbean. God has blessed me with loving husband and great family. My son studies abroad and i usually communicate with him via Skype. Once i called he didn’t answer, so i thought he was busy. After a while he messaged me saying he is going to the hospital in a taxi for a health problem and he called the doctor and doctor advised to go to the emergency. I was worried as to what must be the reason. I was just praying that it is nothing severe. I read Sai Satcharitra and kept messaging my son. The wait in the hospital was long and i was getting more and more worried. Later he messaged saying they have to do some tests and if there is any problem they might operate. I kept praying to Sai and lighted Diyas in Mandir. After 7 hours of worry i got the message that only medication is required and no surgery. Thank You Sai Baba For Your grace. I know You helped to solve the issue because at the beginning doctors were saying it is not sure what will be needed. Sadguru Sainath Maharaj Ki Jai!
Baba Waived Off My Notice Period Pay

Sai Brother Ritwik from India says: Om Sai Ram this is a wannabe best pupil of Baba. I had previously posted 2 experiences. This is my 3rd experience here on this blog. Thanks to Hetal ji and team and to you all – I have a platform of oneness and belonging. My latest experience is regarding exemption of my notice period pay with my last organisation amidst extemporised hoopla I had put in my paper on 9th of this month and had asked them to relieve me by 15th of this month which was not As per the norms of the firm and they asked me to pay 2 months basic pay. The recovery amount was huge and plus the people who were asking for it were apparently assuming me from opposition. I am a regular reader of this blog – the Sai Satcharitra and the thought came – Sorry Hetal Sis – that I will post this experience if the desired happens and unexpectedly finally I didn’t have to pay anything – Sorry I am not going into details, Thanks a lot Pops. Om Sai Ram Om Sai Ram Om Sai Ram Om Sai Ram Om Sai Ram Om Sai Ram Om Sai Ram Om Sai Ram Om Sai Ram Om Sai Ram Om Sai Ram

© Devotees Experiences with Shirdi Sai Baba
Om sai ram, Baba plz give some positive that I can have patience.
OM SAI RAM!!!!!!!!!(p)
Nice experiences.
Bow to ShriSai peace be to all
really saimaa i love u my breath…baba with u a big problem can also be solved easily love u baba really….SAI NAM SUKHDAI…BLESS ALL BABA
Blessed experiences. Thanks for sharing. Om Sairam .
Aum Shree Sai Ram… 🙂
Jai Sai Ram
Jai Sai Ram
Jai Sai Ram
Jai Sai Ram
Jai Sai Ram
Jai Sai Ram
Jai Sai Ram
Jai Sai Ram
Jai Sai Ram
Wonderful experiences!!
If any devotee wish to discuss their problems you can mail me at or add on gtalk blessallsai. We wish to help people in need without any return to live happy lives. please note the identity will not be disclosed and this is not a spam
Dear devotee in which way u can help us?can u pls pray for my healing? My husband is also going through lots of dialema in choosing his job.
Om Sai Ram – suggest you To meditate on Baba and do weekly Parayan of Sri Satcharita
Wonderful experiences.
O Deva, help us walk the right path and protect us always. Bless us, O Sadguru, so we may help the needy and downtrodden. Thank You for all the love and happiness O Sai 🙂
Jai Sairam
Love u baba….pls never leave my hand….protect my family and parents……….
baba pls give sadbudhi to shobha…….keep her mind stable
Om Sai Ram
Om Sai Ram
Om Sai Ram
Sai Deva, Please show me a good path as wife and child are depending on me. Please bless me to get good job. Om Sai Sri Sai Jaya Jaya Sai
Bless all baba…please bless my mother with good health baba…please make my family to live in peace and happiness baba….Om Sai Ram Om Sai Ram Om Sai Ram
om sai ram
Om Sai Ram Om Sai Ram Om Sai Ram Om Sai Ram Om Sai Ram Om Sai Ram Om Sai Ram Om Sai Ram Om Sai Ram
Om Sairam,
I wanted to have suggestion from all of sai devotees. Currently we are having a major problem of loosing money with one of our close relative. We have tried each and every way to go personally, sent my parents, relatives to ask for our money. Initially they used to tell stories and post poned a lot of dates about 100 times. Finally they are asking get out of their house and do what ever we want. We gave that money for buying a residential site. We have promisory note and cheques for which we have already filed a case against them. But most of the lawyers are telling to go compromise. We asked them also to compromise and give by reducing some money, but they don't care all this. We have filed a FIR also to make them to sit in police station and settle the matter. But they are not responding to any of this. They have huge properties in other towns. I prayed to baba about this issue from 14 months from when this problem started. I don't know what baba is telling. Some times I will get positive signs some times I will get negative signs. We are also not knowing which way is correct to proceed. Please baba show us a correct way to get back our money. I am very devastated by the law and government here. This is hard earned money from our jobs. We can't loose just like that. Sai ram you are the only saviour suggest a right way to get our money with out any issues soon.
Have firm faith on Baba.if possible donate food to some poor ppl.bcoz it helped me so I m suggesting Baba is there ,pray to Him earnestly.Om Sairam
Love U baba.
Always give paitence to ur devotees who only need U. Baba plz gives us strength and power to face every situation coming in to our life. Love U Baba…
Shree Sachinanand Sadguru Sainath Maharaj Ki Jai
Shree Sachinanand Sadguru Sainath Maharaj Ki Jai
Shree Sachinanand Sadguru Sainath Maharaj Ki Jai
Anantha Koti Brahmanda Nayaka Rajadhi Raja Yogi Raja Para Brahma Shri Sachidananda Samartha Sadguru Sainath Maharaj Ki Jai.
Sarvam Shri Sainatharpanamasthu.
Sai Ram to dear Sai devotees,
Thank you for sharing your wonderful experiences here.
May Sri Sai keep blessing us all.
Read SatCharitra online@:
Sri SatChit Anand Satguru Sainath Maharaj ki Jai!! you.give good health to my father and brother and to the sick.give peace of mind.bless people with trouble and sorrows.Please fix this guy who is coming to see me.
Baba please help me in today's message. It should be positive…
Luv u Baba. You have always advised to have faith and patience..This
is quite true as I have experienced it.
Om Sai Ram, Ji Sai Ram
Sapartha Sadguru Sairam
My pranams to u.
om sairam…plz baba help me in this difficult time,u can only help me baba, plz plz plz…saibaba
always bless my family
Baba, I should pass the ACP exam on 19-Feb-2015. Pradnya should get US visa this time.
Love you Baba!!
Om Sai Ram!!
Baba you are not listening to me
Om Sai Ram :Ritwik is my son – way to go with Baba's love – with Shraddha and Saburi Om Sai Ram Om Sai Ram Om Sai Ram Om Sai Ram Om Sai Ram Om Sai Ram Om Sai Ram Om Sai Ram
om sai ram
Sai baba,
Please help my family and parents in all aspects..Please help my parents in every thing their life….Please baba,help my husband to get a good job with good salary…Please baba always save my parents,my kids,my husband and me(all my family)…thanks baba for every thing…
love you baba
om sai namo namah
Sai Ram all. Very nice experiences..
Om Sai Ram Om Sai Ram Thanks a lot Popsy for all your love Shraddha and Saburi Dr.G.K.Shrivastava is my father Om Sai Ram Om Sai Ram Om Sai Ram Om Sai Ram Om Sai Ram Om Sai Ram Om Sai Ram