Sai Baba Is Everything To Me
Anonymous Devotee from India says: I am a humble devotee of Sai. I had heard of Sai when I was in college and my institute was next to Sai Temple, but at that time i was not a devotee or Sai Ma had not taken me in Her wings. In 2008 I was going through a lot of trouble in my office and my home. My father was detected with cancer and in the office some disciplinary enquiry was going on. At that time I was drawn to Sai Ma, Who took care of me. My father’s treatment went well and in office also no action was taken and I got the promotion. After so much turmoil I decided to quit my job and my Husband decided to take up a new job where his salary would be what both of us were earning together. He had sent his resume to that company whose head office is in UK.

We went to Shirdi during that time with our friends who are also devotees of Sai Ma. We had such wonderful Darshan there and I prayed to Baba if this job is good for us please give an indication before we leave Shirdi. We had our train for returning at 2.30 pm and we reached station, still no indication. We boarded the train and it was 2.30 and i was praying suddenly train started and after few seconds it stopped, there was some obstacle on the track. Then my husband’s phone rang and he got a call from his present boss who was in UK at that time and informed him that he has got selected and no interview is required. Can anyone believe that this actually happened and Sai Ma gave us an indication to go ahead. I had many more such experience s which i will share in future post. Have faith and your problems will be solved.
My Belief, My Confidence-Sai Baba
Anonymous Devotee from India says: I am a student Pursuing Masters in USA. I am a sincere devotee of Shirdi Baba since 2012. I am pursuing Masters in United States of America since 2013. I love Him so much and I always seek Baba before taking any decision. I never do anything against His words. I write to Him every day. Sometimes out of curiosity, I also predict my future (e.g. exam results). I would like to share one instance in this page. I was planning to visit India for my summer vacation. I was not sure if I had to, because I have to seek permission from my advisor and school authorities. Out of curiosity, I wrote a lot, with one saying, “will go” and another one saying, “Will go with some problem” and I got “will go with some problem”. I was so worried, but with some hope on Baba, I booked my flight after seeking permission from my advisor.
After one month, I came to know that I have to do my thesis with another advisor and I was so upset since I wasn’t sure if she’ll give me permission to visit India for two months and also my roommate told me to find another apartment as her parents will be staying with her and to find an apartment I have to come back soon. I was so worried so I wrote a lot again to know, if I had to reschedule and I was told that,” I will reschedule my ticket”. I was really depressed but I was very confident that Baba will never let me down. With so much hope I started reading Chapter 15 from Sai Satcharitra every day for three months. Finally Baba also made me face another tough situation before I depart to India. I had to board my flight in Chicago on May 14th and on 13th there was a fire in Chicago airport and many flights was cancelled. But this time I didn’t worry but was so confident that Baba will take care. I continued to pray Baba. Baba showered all His blessings on me and answered my prayers. I reached India without any problem and delays. I also visited Shirdi and thanked Baba for all His blessings. I only thought that Baba is used this situation to test my belief in Him. I have had so many instances where Baba has helped me. I am departing to USA today and I hope that Baba will continue to bless me. Om Sri Sai Ram!!
Baba Helped Me
Anonymous Devotee from India says: I am from India. My uncle`s mobile phone was with me and i had to do some work in that. While functioning something went wrong and it stopped working. I inserted the Sim card again and again and for almost ten times i did it but it only showed insert the Sim card and then it got struck in the phone. I was trying to pull it out but no use. I was so scared. I prayed to Sai Baba Ji to help me. I was so upset. I opened the question answer website. The reply was positive and i just wanted to try for one more time. I just pressed the Sim card to adjust it and made it on. To my surprise the phone started to work. I was so happy and relaxed. Thank You So Much Baba Ji.

© Devotees Experiences with Shirdi Sai Baba
Om sai ram, Tera naam such Tu hi such.
jai saibaba,plz help me dont let my life spoil and always bless my family with good life.plz baba listen my prayers.u knw wt prblm i m going through in my life nw plz help me baba.plz plz…..
Om Sai Ram
Why Baba is not helping me ? Am in great dilemma..Only Baba knows that .
If he is so powerful why he is not helping me in this situation ? Why my husband is behaving like this ?
Why my husband is being so selfish and self centered ?
If I got separated I will have to live alone ,How I will survive?..Why I got married to such person at first place ..
mu husband is big follower of Sai Baba then how come he has become so mean and harsh towards me .
He goes to Sai baba temple every Thursday and is very religious but why he is very abusive towards me.
He has no respect towards me .He has thrown me out of home and now asking me to live on my own .How can I live alone whole life . Is this how a Sai Baba makes his disciple so mean .Cannot baba give some sad-budhhi to my husband .
my husband is under the influence of my mother in law.
Now my husband is asking me to sign on Post-Nup if I want to stay with him .
My life is just like a hindi film now in which my in=laws and my husband are torturing me for money .
What should I do now ?
Please some one help .I am also reading sai satcharitra but nothing has happened yet ?
have faith,,,,,,,if he is doing so he is accumulating his own sins,,,,,trust baba i know this is very difficult situation,,,,if he is a devotee of baba,,,pray baba that to make him realise and i m sure baba will just wait dear devotee have patience,,,u will win if u still keep faith and this is plus point that he is a devotee of saimaa trust nothing wrong will happen let the time come *dispute will settled***may baba bless you
Dear sister,
Pray to Sri Sai whole heartedly………He will bless you with what is best for you…..
He and his famiy has no erhics .he is blackmailing me to sign on post nup in which he is asjing me to not get his money
from his business. I have a 7
year old daughter also. I am sacrificing only due to my daughter .otherwise i would have divorced him.
Is this how sai baba takes test of his this mess my poor daughter is suffeing.
Om Sai Ram..
Do sai navguruwar vrat with full faith and see the miracle..
Do you think by taking Sai nav vrat ,my husband will change .He himself is a big devotee of Sai …But I will do these vrats..
I am talking to my husband on phone but he is still fighting with me and blaming me for everything.
Om Sai Sri Sai Jaya Jaya Sai. Please bless me to stay together with wife and child
Mo BaBa
om sai ram
Sai Ram to dear Sai devotees,
Thank you for sharing your wonderful experiences here.
May Sri Sai keep blessing us all.
Read SatCharitra online@:
Sri SatChit Anand Satguru Sainath Maharaj ki Jai!
om sai ram
Sai plz help me.,i didnt clear my exams,i was so confident dat i will pass..y did u do this dad is also going to retire othr source of income..
Baba i have given for revaluation..plz pass me thru it
i beg u Sai plz pass me in my revaluation of marks…
Plz sai..
Hey Sai help me..plz baba
om sai naathaye namah.i am stuck in my life and standing at one place from last 9 years.asking baba to help.there was a time when i gave up and stopped believing baba but then i dont know after a while i again came to baba.may b bcz there z no one in this whole world for me other than baba.m alone .now m in the mind set that baba m fine with watever u hv decided for me.i will accept it but plz make some move.i m not able to decide u decide it for me.but still there is no indication from i hv seen on Internet that there will b physic expo in my city so i thought of going there with my frnd.i told baba that m going there to get an indication.plz give me some sign.while doing so i was having a feeling that m cheating baba.if i hv faith in baba why m going to see them to get my future know.i was trying to justify myself that m going for fun sake and even at baba's time baba's disciple used to go to astrologers to know there future.i was not sure then i leave it on baba.i said baba if u dont want me to go then dont let me go.constantly there was a line in my mind…"if u r looking somewhere else that means u r lacking faith in me." finally me and my frnd drove to the place and v found that expo has been cancelled which z very unusual bcz here in foreign countries ppl r not like that.if there z something planned they will inform u well finally baba made a decision for me.baba plz make the other decision for me as well and plz dont take more time.m requesting u.plz give me faith and love towards sai raam.
Baba missing my achu so much. Please bless me my love. Please bless me my achu as my husband. This distance is unbearable baba. Please help us. Please baba. My only way and trust is you baba. My last hope. Please baba pls do nt let ur daughter down. Pls baba
Sai baba please help the woman devotee good life.
OM Sairam. PLs Sai ma cure me and my nephew . Pls make us alright. We seek your blessings . Pls keep your hand on us always and protect us.
Om sai ram..sai as per your plan that guy came to see me baba..I liked him…my dad is tensed sai please sai give us positive response through thm sai…please sai I am not able to bear this pain sai I am not able to see my dad tension for my sake..he will feel happy if this match get set baba…if not dad may scold me sai please baba..I didn't do any mistake…I have just expressed my views… Dad didn't like this…please sai if suppose this match get cancel by any other cause also…dad may think that z bcz of me sai..please sai save me sai..thy are also ur devotes.. I liked it so much sai…in fact I'm feeling comfortable that u will be der with me if I go to their house…love you so much sai….please baba give us positive result deva…I will post my experience in this site for sure sai…save me sai ram…we are waiting for the response from them sai…show us right way you sai deva..
Om Sri sai ram . Please stop my preterm contractions I'm jus 24 weeks. Please protect the baby . Baby should be born in full term . I'm getting so tensed. Please protect me Baba. Please forgive me Baba . I'm so sorry for forgettibg u . Please dun give me such a big punishment. I beg u. I 'll be slave for u till I die. Please protect the baby Baba. As I promised I 'll be Baba. Om Sri sai ram . Allah Malik.
Om sai ram
Wonderful experiences…..
and @devotee in comments: please don't lose faith and pray to Sai Maa, do 9 Guruvar vrat if you can and just because Baba is powerful if he grants everyone's wishes then imagine how meaningless the world would be….Every human being has to pay for his or her past life karma and Baba will stay with his children no matter what and guide them through hard times and when the time is right he will surely bless us….Have faith and also seek help from legal aid and women's rights association etc to understand your rights….Baba's blessings will be with you….
Wonderful experiences.
O Sai, Thank You for showering us with Your blessings in abundance and make life so wonderful to live 🙂
Jai Sairam
Om Sai Ram Om Sai Ram Om Sai Ram Om Sai Ram Om Sai Ram Om Sai Ram Om Sai Ram Om Sai Ram Om Sai Ram
Shree Sachinanand Sadguru Sainath Maharaj Ki Jai
Shree Sachinanand Sadguru Sainath Maharaj Ki Jai
Shree Sachinanand Sadguru Sainath Maharaj Ki Jai
Love to ALL, Peace to ALL
Aum Shree Sai Ram….
Despite many unlearned people targetted me either directly or indirectly by knowingly or unknowingly, Sathguru Saibaba Thandri Narayana blessings are always intact with me and my son.
Never take a ride on innocent and pious people, because it backfires with the blessings of God in the form of punishment in hell.
Jai Sri Ram
Om SaiRam bless everyone Babaji i love YOU Babaji YOU are our Father
always i used to read smaller content that also clear their motive, and that is also
haappening with this paragraph which I am reading now.