Sai Baba Blessed Me In My Worst Moment
Anonymous Devotee from India says: Om Sai Nathaya Namah. With my heartfelt devotion and love for my Sainath I begin to write my first experience. Firstly, thanks to the admin(s) for such a wonderful blog! It’s a great way to inspire and be inspired and share our thoughts with fellow devotees. I am a girl presently staying in Kolkata, India. I have just completed my graduation this month (due to the blessings of my Baba). I had known Lord Sai Baba since a long time. In fact, where I used to stay previously, just near to that was a huge Sai temple. Although I had visited it with my family a number of times but I failed to discover that there also is a “Vrat Vidhi” of my Sai. I used to take it as a normal temple visit where I just bowed my head, uttered my prayers and went back home, failing to realise that my saviour, my lord was right in front of me but it was me who wasn’t able to recognise Him.

I was introduced to this magical miraculous Vrat Vidhi of Shree Sai when few months back, our neighbour came to our home to distribute the Sai Vrat Katha after completing her Udyapan. My mother read the book and was stunned to discover such a divine path of reaching the Lord. She even called me to have a look and we unanimously took the decision of keeping the Vrat as soon as possible. Our joy knew no bounds. A few days later, we began the Vrat. In the meantime, my graduation final exams fell in the week before the last one of our Vrat. I still did the Pooja and maintained my Vrat even though that Thursday fell just a day before an exam day, i.e. Friday. The problem occurred on the final day of my exam. I had prepared very well for my exam and was confident of scoring well. I went straight to the exam hall and sat calmly on my seat praying Baba all the time to bless me so that my final paper goes as good as all the other papers i gave. I never had this exam phobia and always remained pretty cool on exam days. The question paper arrived and what I found completely shocked me!!! Some questions were totally unknown to me and they carried maximum marks. I knew I was nowhere. I was scared badly. My hands and feet became cold and tears came in my eyes. I was just sitting there blankly staring at the paper. That was my worst moment! I had started to even doubt about my passing in the exam! I felt like bursting out! At that moment I knew that it was time to surrender to my lord, my Sai.
I prayed to Sai in my mind and told Him that now whatever I will be writing would be His words and not mine. With this I picked up my pen and began to write whatever i could. Obviously I went back home very very upset. I expected very less marks in that paper and even cried for days together by thinking that what would i do if i failed? Nonetheless I never gave up my faith on Baba. On the day of my result I was very scared as to what awaited for me in that paper! I opened the internet and found the marks of that particular subject missing! At that moment I felt I could die! I began crying but my parents asked me not to lose hope! Later, I got to know that there was some problem and the marks of only that subject hasn’t been uploaded of anyone. The next day my college friends went to my university in the hope of getting some news about that paper.
At the end of the day I called up a friend to know what was my marks. What I heard was unbelievable! I had score first class marks in that subject and not only that, I was also the 2nd highest in the entire dept! I was overjoyed! I knew it was my Sai Deva! I knew my Sai had really come to help me in my worst moment! I can never stop thanking my Sainath! That day I realised Sai Baba’s power! I knew that He is God. I learnt a very important thing that if one works hard and is true to himself, Sai Baba would surely help him. No one goes empty handed from Baba’s Darbar. He is always watching us, taking care of us, listening to us. With Him impossible is nothing. Without Him even the possible becomes impossible. I would just want to thank my Sai Baba with all my heart and pray Him to bless me and all His devotees and never ever ignore any of us. We need You Baba. I am about to face 2 more exams in the end of this year. I sincerely pray Baba to bless me this time too. I have full faith in Him. Jai Sai Ram!!!
Baba Is Kind And Merciful : Please Pray For Me
Anonymous Devotee from India says: I am a 25 year old girl from India. I was in a relationship with a guy from past 7 years, and we also wanted to get married but his parents did not agree to it. Upon forcing them a lot they agreed for Kundali match but somehow our Kundali did not match. I am a firm believer of Baba and i know when Baba will show His grace no Kundali and no astrologer stands any chance but he and his family are very orthodox about the matter so he broke up with me. Please Baba have mercy on me and bless me so that i could get marry to him only. After being with him for so long, i can’t get married to anyone else. I also know that our Baba runs straight to us when we call Him, may be your prayer’s make Him come fast. Please pray. Thank you.
Sai Baba Miracles

Anonymous Devotee from Australia says: Hi Hetal ji, Thanks for your service, I had promised to submit this post two days before, sorry Sai for the delay. As my husband wants to get driving license here, he has to pass the written test, Sai had made miracle in passing the test by answering all the questions. Thank You Sai. I had so many experiences which my Sai helped in day to day activities. We are building a house in India, which I am depending on Sai for all the procedures to complete the house, now we are waiting for the approval of MMD and house loan, I am confident that Sai will help us, before building the house, I had said to Sai, “this house is Yours, You should take all responsibilities as we are not in India” so I am not worrying about this. I am praying Sai to give my husband good health without any minor difficulties also, already He is taking care of us. I am asking all devotees to pray for us to get a child as we were married for 13 years, soon I should share the happiest news to all of you, please pray for us. Sai Ram.

© Devotees Experiences with Shirdi Sai Baba
om sai sri sai jai jai sai
saibaba,plz help me,u knw all my prblm.plz help me baba and always bless my sai nathaye nama sri sai nathaye namah jai jai sai nathaye namah
Om sai ram, .sai bless us all.
Aum Shree Sai Ram.. Pls Baba bless children to evryone whoever has desire to have. May Baba bless all.
Baba pleasehelp me.
Dear All Devotees, Baba will Have mercy on all of us- never loose Hope.
Love to ALL, Peace to ALL
First devotee ur words really touched my heart. Om sai ram
First devotee wonderful experience thanks for sharing. It gives more and more faith when we read our Baba s miracles.
Second and third devotees Baba will bless you with the best. Keeping you in my prayers
Baba please bless us all.
Give me more patience and remove the bad thoughts and make me walk in the right path always.
Bow to ShriSai peace be to all
Jai Sai Ram
Jai Sai Ram
Jai Sai Ram
Jai Sai Ram
Jai Sai Ram
Jai Sai Ram
Jai Sai Ram
Jai Sai Ram
Jai Sai Ram
Baba please…bless all the childless couples with your prasad….ur ashish..its heartbreaking and soul wrenching for a woman to go through that mental torture….that disappointment….days..turned into months….into years…..bless all of us wid ur saiansh..
Dear 3 devotee please have faith baba will definitely help you you will soon be blessed with a child
Second devotee , pray sai from the bottom of your heart. sai will do the best for you. sai bless you and bring him back in your life. do the complete surrender to sai with full faith and sai will do the rest for you.
Wonderful experiences and I am sure Our Dear Lord has already has answered or shown a solution to both 2nd and 3rd devotees 🙂
O Sai, We surrender to Your feet wholeheartedly and beg You to lead us on the right path 🙂
Jai Sairam
Om Sai Ram
Om Sai Ram
Om Sai Ram
Baba u showed me miracle..
Love u Sai maa
Baba please bless my mother with good health baba…i need her baba…i am not making her happy baba…please help me baba…please…Om Sai Ram Om Sai Ram Om Sai Ram
great experiences!! if any devotee wish to discuss their problems you can mail me at or add on gtalk blessallsai. We wish to help people in need without any return to live happy lives. please note the identity will not be disclosed and this is not a spam
SAI Bless All
Om sai ram
dear first devotee realy heart touching experience …baba bless u.
dear second devotee baba will bless u with ur love…
dear third devotee baba bless u with a cute baby ..waiting for good news…
baba bless all
Sai please bless and help and save all your children.
om sai ram
Sai ram to all.May sai bless us and be with us always.we should leave our all worries and only pray with our clean heart.This is the way to reach our beloved sai.
Om Sairam to all devotees. Thank you for sharing wonderful experiences. Devotee 2 &3 baba's blessings are on its way, have shraddha and saburi. O deva, pls help me to get the call today. pls baba bless your child. pls baba.Thanku for everything baba thank u so much. Love you always.
sai baba…thanks a lot for helping me!!!!
Om shri Sai nathaya namah 🙂
Jai sai ram….love u baba
Om Sai Ram
Wonderful experiences, Thanks for sharing..
Saima please help all in need, shower your blessings on all needy people…
Sai Brahma, Sai Vishnu, Sai Devomaheshwara, Sai Sakshaat par Brahma Tasmaya Shri Guruve Namaha, Guruve Namaha, Guruve Namaha
Om shri Sai Nathaya Namaha
1st devotee
Touching experience.
Om sairam… my heartfelt gratitude to team of blog for providing us such a wonderful and established platform for sharing our experiences. We have been blessed by sai-baba and he has made us their kind devotees. I wish I could remain under his shadow all of my life and he bestow his blessings and grace on us. i have been his devotees for past many years and experienced many miracles under his grace. I have already shared some of my experiences before also. But i am very negative girl by nature, i always try to dominate others because i think that i am always right. i always utter baba name that he would cover me up because i feel guilt inside my heart that i have done wrong and i am hurting others.. i am really depressed with myself . don't know what to do. can some one help me in improving my present state of mind and at the second time my husband always criticizes me tries to show me that i cant do anything in my life, i am just like a failure in his life and also i don't like my motherin-law. just don't want to talk to her.
but at the same time i don't want to think about these bull shit, i want to rise in my career and life .
i want to improve my communication skills and English writing skills and wants to rise high in my career.
can some one help me..
Please listen to GOING BEYOND And BEING BLISS on Youtube. Baba WIll surely help:)
Dear Devotee,
Om Sai positive, if negativity surrounds you, you see negativity in all, accept the things & be positive, do meditation & Yoga.
You have to forgive all whom you feel have hurt you or you have hurt in any ways..Here is a affirmation u can do for each person to forgive
"I am sorry, I your name forgive you, you forgive me and release me"
Hope this helps you
Om Sai nathaya namaha
The affirmation should be for 200times for each person
thanx all of you for helping me.. ill try my best and chant baba name also..
Sairam,2nd & 3rd devotees hope both your wishes are fulfilled soon with babas grace,I too have been praying to baba to please bless my son & D-I-L to be blessed with a child they have been married for 17yrs,done vrats many times & still no results.Bless all baba please sairam.
Sairam,2nd & 3rd devotees hope both your wishes are fulfilled soon with babas grace,I too have been praying to baba to please bless my son & D-I-L to be blessed with a child they have been married for 17yrs,done vrats many times & still no results.Bless all baba please sairam.
Om sai ram
Om sai ram
Om sai ram
Om sai ram
Om sai ram
Om sai ram
Om sai ram
Om sai ram
Om sai ram
Baba please help me ..You know everything …Please help me ….give me your blessings…..If if did any mistake forgive me…Please be always with me…you are my hope and strength..Please baba always with us…
Sai Ram to dear Sai devotees,
Thank you for sharing your wonderful experiences here.
May Sri Sai keep blessing us all.
Read SatCharitra online@:
Sri SatChit Anand Satguru Sainath Maharaj ki Jai!!
My Baba – this morning when I woke up it was not in my dream but I had a split second image of you in my mind – few seconds before I opened my eyes. I see this as a good omen for this month. On the holy occasion of Holi please burn all my mistakes and past bad Karma and bless me with a second healthy baby – your Prasad. Please bless my family with good health and contentment. Bless us to always keep you in mind so we don't hurt anyone. Bless all your devotees with their wishes. Om Sai Ram!
I had started nav guruvar brat and did not do d udyapan and thought of continuing d same.I m really lost baba.m getting very weak.I am doing did vrat for my sister's happy married life and I really want her to be happy. Plz forgive me for all d mistakes I wud have done in doing the vrat vidhi.devotees plz tell me if I can continue dis brat or sud restart once again.plz bless my family and take us out of this problem.
Fear Sai devotees
Really mind blowing experience.. Feels so happy when some of our wishes gets fulfilled. And dear second, third devotee..your wishes will also gets fulfilled.. Just take saibaba name with utmost faith..its saibaba who have tied our strings with its tree..
Dear Sai devotees,
I would like to pen down few words especially to issue less couples,please take my words in a positive attitude.
No matter how much we pray,their are few prayers that could not be fulfilled by god especially in the field of birth,death & marriage.This things are 100% controlled by destiny/karmic account.I too prayed a lot to sai for just 2 things job & kid but it never happened till date.During my 2nd IVF just before D-day ("embroyo placement in womb") I saw in dream that saibaba is asking me to pick any no of coconuts & then he blessed by placing his hands on my head but as usual NOTHING happened.There are some people whom he blessed with job and progeny even though they were not destined to be (as per their chart there was no progeny & job in the existing life).I studied form top ranking college but was jobless for 2 years,in fact I started praying him for job only but till date its not happened properly (its almost 10 years).You people wont believe that to get job I did 5 times sai sacharitra parayan.I got some job to feed myself & accepted that job even though it was completely out of my field,salary was zero just for saibaba but even that lasted only for 5 months.Later in life to become mother I did "nav guruvar vrat" for 4 times but with no effect.I am already 37 with no energy left to beg him anymore for anything in life. in-spite of people asking me to pray to other gods,I always prayed only to sai but even after 10 years I am here with same old issues,PROGENY & JOBLESS.
The only thing I request issue less couple is "PRAY but don't waste time,go for adoption" (its just my opinion,please don't feel hurt). you so much.give good health to my father,brother and sick.bless my brother with a job.I pray for wellness and happinessfor everyone.thanks for whatever you have given me.
Om Sai Ram
Sai baba,
Please help my family and parents in all aspects..Please help my parents in every thing their life….
Please baba,help my husband to get a good job with good salary…Please baba always save my parents,my kids,my husband and me(all my family)…
please show us a right path to success in our life…
please show my daughter a right path to overcome her situation with her neck….
please help her ,baba..please save my son and daughter always..
Baba, please never ever leave our hand and keep us blessed for ever…..
thanks baba for every thing…
Baba i have full faith in u…..
Ananta Koti Brahmand Nayak Rajadhiraj Yogiraj Parahbrahma,
Sri Sachidanand Satguru Sainath Maharaj K Jai.
love you baba
om sai namo namah
Dear Sister
You are very wise- Dont feel energy less, listen to GOing BEYOND and Being Bliss on youtube.
Please try to pray without asking anything fro GOD-We loose Energy when we waste ur energy on this perishable world, when we pray for our BABA,who is always full of energy & ever living-we will be full of energy.
Love to ALL,Peace to ALL
Dear Sister
You are very wise- Dont feel energy less, listen to GOing BEYOND and Being Bliss on youtube.
Please try to pray without asking anything fro GOD-We loose Energy when we waste ur energy on this perishable world, when we pray for our BABA,who is always full of energy & ever living-we will be full of energy.
Love to ALL,Peace to ALL
love u baba and tnaku so much …plz baba do something for this people
Sai Ram all. Prayers for you , surely Baba will bless you with child.
om sai ram