Anonymous Devotee from India says: I’m an Indian woman Om Sai Ram. Thanks for providing this platform to share our experiences. This is really a great site as we come to know so much about our loving Sai and His Leelas through this. With the blessing of my parents and our dear Baba I’m going to share our Baba’s endless, unconditional love, care and His abundant grace which i am experiencing in this life. After adequate qualification and experience I couldn’t able to get a job, since i have left my previous job few months back as I had to move to another city because my husband switched to another company. Here this place was new for me. I started looking for job for myself. I applied at many places online and appeared two three interview also but no where I was selected. I was getting sad day by day.

Few months passed away. I did 5 Thursday Vrat. Then I started 7 days Parayan of Sri Sai Satcharitra. On Tuesday of the Parayan I got a call from one organization, where I gave an interview few days back. They wanted me to join there, but the salary they offer was very less than my expectation, also the place was too far. Still I agreed to join since I was jobless also I thought may be Baba wants me to join there. They supposed to inform me the joining date in 1 or 2 days, but more than 1 week passed and I didn’t get any response from them. Then I asked question to Baba regarding job at one of the question-answer sites, the answer was “Have faith and wait, you’ll get sufficient money.” I felt so relaxed as if Baba is telling me that He’ll arrange a nice job for me. So I waited patiently, applied at other places. I was reading some portions of Sai Satcharitra regularly (though not daily). Also I read devotees experience on this site daily, which is really a faith booster.
Just after 1 month I came to know about a vacancy at a good organization which is near to my place also and I applied there. I was called for the 1st round of interview, same day I was informed that i have cleared this round and 2nd round interview is scheduled for next week. I was very hopeful that i will get this, but suddenly I fell sick, due to that I couldn’t prepare well and as a result I didn’t perform well. So ultimately I lost that job. I got very disheartened, but my loving Baba made the most auspicious event to happen in my life just to bring me out of that trauma. Baba arranged for our first visit to Shirdi within one month. Though it was my desire to visit Shirdi since many years, but nothing was materialized, so I had left it on Baba. And He really fulfilled my wish and arranged everything. It was like a dream coming true. We stepped in Shirdi soil on a very beautiful morning of Thursday and we could have a nice Darshan of Baba in 20-25 minutes, being festival time and that too Thursday and the same day again we could attend evening Aarti also very nicely. This is all Baba’s grace only.
After coming from Shirdi I was feeling good, spending most of the times by reading about Baba in online magazines, online Sai literature, books on Baba and devotee experiences, listening to Sai Bhajans, Sri Sainath Stavan Manjari, Sai Amritvani along with that I was applying for jobs also. One day while reading Sai Satcharitra I had a desire that if I could listen Baba’s original voice, how He used to speak. After few days one day in my dream I clearly heard Baba’s voice, He was calling me “Maa” repeatedly. Gradually the voice became strong , clear and I could feel that Baba is calling me from the back side of a window, though I couldn’t see Him, but I don’t know why instead of proceeding towards the window I got very scared and suddenly I woke up. When I got up I was in supreme ecstasy that Baba called me with His divine voice addressing as “Maa” at the same time I got upset on myself that instead of responding back to Baba’s call I got scared and my dream ended abruptly. One line in 10th chapter of Sai Satcharitra which attracts my attention is “if we believe in Sad guru’s holy feet, He can change our fortune for better”. So I felt as if Baba is telling me to surrender everything at His lotus feet, then He’ll take care. I shouldn’t ask Him for anything rather I should have faith that He’ll certainly give me the best.
Like this 4-5 months passed , I was doing Parayan, visiting Sai temple, listening to Sri Vishnu Sahasranaam also read Sri Guru Charitra online and gradually Baba has become my companion. Then I thought of doing 9 Thursday Vrat and I started it. During my Vrat I attended one interview, it was good, the same day only they selected me and salary negotiation was done. Though salary was not good and the place was also bit far, but I accepted. They said me to come down the next day to discuss role and to get appointment. But next day when I reached there they said you are not selected, we’ve selected someone else. I couldn’t understand how to react for some time, but then I felt my Baba doesn’t want me to join there. Then 1 month passed, I came to know about a vacancy at a very good organization which is very near to our place also, I applied immediately. I was called for the 1st round of interview, whose result they supposed to declare in 3-4 days. But around 1 week passed no response. This time I got bit impatient.
I never like to ask questions to Baba through Question-Answer sites, but this time I really wanted that Baba should answer me regarding my job. So I opened 4-5 different Q-A sites and asked the same question in all sites, though I knew that i am acting childish. Now see the answers: 1.” Offer coconut to Shri Sai, your work will be done”.2.“One person from far away place will come. Sai Baba’s blessing is on you”. 3. “Your brother will come. After that your work will be done”. 4. “Offer grapes to Baba”. 5. “Your work will be done in 6days or 6 weeks or 6 months.” All these answers couldn’t satisfy me, specially 3rd one since I don’t have any brother, so I asked the same question for final time and the answer was “ Why are you worried so much, You’ll be selected from hundred and very soon you’ll feel Baba’s love for you”. I got relaxed to some extent and wanted to follow the instructions I got from Baba through those answers. I visited Sai temple and offered a coconut. Then I wanted to offer grapes, but I couldn’t get grapes anywhere since it was not the season. After that one of my husband’s friends visited our place who came from abroad.
Then after few days I saw some grapes in a particular vegetable shop and I got it to offer next day(Thursday) as Prasad to Baba. After offering it to Baba I tasted one grapes, it was too sour since it was not the season for grapes, then I said sorry to Baba for offering Him sour grapes, but surprisingly when I took the other grapes afterwards, all were tasting so sweet. This is mere Baba’s Leela only. The same day (which was Thursday), I got a call from my cousin brother that he’s coming to my place for few days, I was surprised. Just after about an hour I got the call from that organization that I cleared the 1st round and 2nd round will be on the next day. I got this call after around 1 month of 1st round which is simply unexpected. It took long time since there were more than 600 candidates. My 2nd round was good. I was eagerly waiting for their call. One week passed. Now another beautiful event happened in my life, Baba arranged our first visit to Puttaparthy. Few days back I had a desire to visit that holy place (Prashanti Nilayam), but I haven’t told to anybody, all of a sudden Baba fulfilled that wish also. Then after 2-3 days I got the call that 2nd round is cleared and 3rd (final) round is scheduled for the next day. With Baba’s grace 3rd round was also cleared, whose confirmation I got after a week, which is just exactly after 1 and ½ month (6 weeks) from the day when I asked the question on Q-A site. Like this all the answers Baba has given me through Q-A site turned out to be true.
Now i am very happy with the job (very good salary), which Baba blessed me. What I experienced from this one and half year long job search process is that, once we surrender our self at His lotus feet and ask for His help, then it is actually Baba who searches for our desired object (job or life-partner or property or anything else), and He’ll not give until He has chosen the best and suitable for us which can make us happy, till that time we should keep patience. Though this waiting is very difficult, but this is actually the golden time of our life, during which we get very closer to God (which is our main objective in life). Once we get our desired object we get fully occupied in our respective duties (as employee or wife or mother or daughter-in -law etc.). Then we hardly get any time to devote for Baba only. So whoever is going through any such situation like I was undergoing since last one year should feel that life has given them the opportunity to get closer to Baba, spend this time thinking about His holy feet, reading His Leelas, other scriptures and listening to His Bhajans or mantras. Every moment think about Him only, then definitely He’ll not only fulfil your wishes but give you unlimited peace and happiness. I really feel that Baba is shaping my life with His own hands, giving a job is just one instance, more than that He is putting all His effort in every moment to make me a better human being. One thing I want to tell that, we should do our duty as best as possible, putting all our effort, but surrendering everything at His lotus feet. Because He knows what is best for us. We should surrender all the important decisions of our life (job/ life-partner or anything else) at His lotus feet. Let Him choose for us, let Him decide for us. All we have to do is to be an instrument in His hand, He can play the best possible music out of it. With His grace we all can explore a much better and capable person which is hidden inside us. We can not only Get but also able to Give endless happiness from/to our life, our surrounding, Then our life will become much more joyful, peaceful and meaningful that we’ve ever imagined. Om Sai Ram.

© Devotees Experiences with Shirdi Sai Baba
Wonderful narrated experience … if any devotee wish to discuss their problems you can mail me at or add on gtalk blessallsai. We wish to help people in need without any return to live happy lives. please note the identity will not be disclosed and this is not a spam
SAI Bless All
how do you help people?
they will chat with you and discuss your monetary help.
Om sai ram. Bless us all.
The same thing happened in my life. I came to US with my husband resigning my job in Bangalore.Struggled here for more than a year without job. During those days my only friend was Baba and i used to spend time hearing Baba's arathi, reading about him etc. Finally one day he gave me a job with a very good package and a promotion which i never expected. Baba is my Sadguru. I have surrendered totally to him.
Dear writer devotee, You are one of the luckiest person in the world, not because that you got your favorite job but because you know the power of surrender. This is just a beginning, with an attitude like yours your life will improve each day.
You can do anything in this world. You have surrendered to baba and baba gives his all powers to the people who surrender to him!
Om Sai Ram!
very rightly said.. i also want to surrender to baba and i am trying also but couldn't do so..what should i do..can anyone plz help me.. i also want to become firm devotee of baba..
FAITH and PATIENCE are the two factors you need to apply – while you attempt to reach the lotus feet of Shirdi sairam. Pl go thro SAI SATH SARITHAM ot SAT GURU VANI, the condensed form. Just have all the failth in HIM and let Him a part of all your activities. Sai will come down – answering your prayers………….
Beautiful experience. Nicely narrated.
Baba please help me forget the past.
Bless us all.
Bow to ShriSai peace be to all
Awesome experience. I have no other words 4 this experience. Yes I also feel devotion should be complete. My devotion is not complete that's y m suffering. Anyways I have learnt many things from this experience. Really it increase gurubhakti. Thanks Sai sister 4 sharing this experience. Om Sai Ram
feeling good after reading your story…i am searching for a job too….hope i will post my experience soon
Dear Friend, You are very wise indeed:) Yes baba gives us tough time so that we become better human being. Hard tests has to be passed to be as pure as Gold.
Yes Babaji is Testing my faith to the very large extent now:)
Love to ALL, Peace to ALL
beautiful above experience.
baba plz help me too,u knw all my prblm ,and always bless my family with good sai nathaye namah sri sai nathaye namah jai jai sai nathaye namah
Baba please help me.
Aum Shree Sai Ram….
Beautiful Experience and i also have experienced the same thing which you have written here. While reading I was feeling as if I am reading some of my own experience.
Since morning i had an earthquake types feeling in my mind. Was so restless. And see what Baba has set my mind at peace via your experience. Jai mere Sai Ram
Aum Shree Sai Ram..
Blessed experiences. Thanks for sharing. Om Sairam.
Dear sister,
Thank you so much so much for your timely message, yesterday i was thinking asking myself why baba is making me suffer, i am in a calamity from past 7 yrs, but only and only through babas blessing and his utmost care that he could get me out of the evil cursed relation but still not fully, but this also he indicated me in dream coming directly and that was the amazing out of body experience, for me. He assured me he will give me real relation at proper time at his timing, and now we are waiting for baba to remove remnants of this cursed relation to delete complete from our lives and get a decent real peaceful life. Thank you so much dear sister for your valuable post your precious timely words, baba made you as his instrument and assured me again, you donno how much assuring your experience was.
I am suffering for the past 7 years as well. Now I have left everything on Baba.
I love our Baba like crazy, and I know relationships with humans will die, but Baba is forever alive for all of us, wherever we are…………..
oh baba please help every one like this
Jai Sai Ram
Jai Sai Ram
Jai Sai Ram
Jai Sai Ram
Jai Sai Ram
Jai Sai Ram
Jai Sai Ram
Jai Sai Ram
Jai Sai Ram
Blessed soul. Jai Shri Sai RAM!!
Wonderful experiences.
O Deva, Thank You for accepting us into Your fold and blessing us 🙂
Jai Sairam
dear devotee–best ever experience..really i am feeling soo blissed after reading it..completely sanctified….i too trust our saimaa like this…..the devotees who are worried can get all solutions reading this
Beautiful experience…baba please help me and my mother baba…please bless her with good health baba…i need her baba..please help me to decide baba…please help me baba…Om Sai Ram Om Sai Ram Om Sai Ram
Beautiful experience. Om Sai Ram!!!
Dear Sai Devotee..
Wonderful, amazing experiences, truely speechless reading it, thank you for sharing and increasing our faith..this is the great example of Shradha & Saburi
You have put in such a nice way & explained so well by reading which will boost our faith.
Saima thank you for increasing Shradha & believing in Saburi
Saima bless all in need ..Thank you, Thank you, Thank you
om sai ram
om sai ram baba love u so muchhhh…
Om Sai Ram
Om Sai Ram
Om Sai Ram
Om sai ram..
what a connection of baba…nice
i also facing same condition and waiting of baba's grace…..
Baba bless all
Om sai ram..sai is my sath guru..n even im having qualifications..myself aso facing the same problems..hope sai showers his bless on me n on all of us..jai sai ramm..sai mere papa i wish to see u..i love u sai..
Om sai ram
baba bless u n all
Om Sai Ram
Om sairam..
very blissful experience.. blessed are those who understands how to become a true devotee of saibaba….i also want to implement baba sayings.. but not able to do so due to my negativity..plz help baba..
Om sai ram. Nice experience. It brought tears. I'm also in the same situation. I felt like baba is conveying his message through you dear sai devotee. Thanks for sharing your experience dear sai devotee.
Awesome experience.
Om Sai Ram.
A marvelous experience, you are a truly blessed devotee of Saimaa, since you could hear Baba's voice in your dream.
Would like to thank Hetalji & her entire team for maintaining this blog. It is a blessing from our Baba to all his devotees.
Baba, please do not leave our hand and keep us blessed forever.
Ananta Koti Brahmand Nayak Rajadhiraj Yogiraj Parahbrahma – Sainath Maharaj,
Sri Sachidanand Satguru Sainath Maharaj Ki Jai.
Dear sai sister. I was thinking that I also really would like to fully surrender but never really do as I always question events and treat as coincidence. I drive myself mad as I will ask for a sign and then put it down as coincidence. I just want to be like all other devotees and be able to trust but am unable to fully do so. I am also going through worse phase sani dasa and think I will suffer my past karma anyway so what possibly can I do. I want to earn babas grace but deep down feel maybe I am not worthy as I just don't let go. Please pray for me as well. Thank you. Sai ram
Dear Sai Devotee never think that you u are not worthy enough , as out of thousands of people Baba selected you that means you are more worthy to Baba…! Every thing will be allright Take care
Om Sai Ram
Anantha Koti Brahmanda Nayaka Rajadhi Raja Yogi Raja Para Brahma Shri Sachidananda Samartha Sadguru Sainath Maharaj Ki Jai.
Thanku soo much for sharing your experience it boosted my faith
Such a wonderful experience and more beautiful the way you expressed it. Through your experience I got answers to so many questions which I daily ask baba.Simply blessed!!!! Love you baba
Om sai ram I also like babas chanting om sai ram I also completely surrender to baba I liked to listen baba s bajans and read devotees experiences I have one desire to do pooja with jasmine flowers
om sai ram….be with me baba. jai sai raam
Om Sai Ram … Dear devotees i am starting a new blog which shares the experiences of Lord Sai Baba and Lord Hanuman. Please send ur experinces and incidents and bless my blog. please send to
sai ram sai ram sai ram sai ram sai ram sai ram
Amazing experience and well narrated. Jai sai ram.
Dear devotee….what a beautiful experience and how well Baba has helped you write it. I needed to read something like this so I am very grateful to you and to Baba for for this wonderful reading. May Baba continue to shower his blessings on you.
OM Sairam. Truly a divine experiences and a faith booster for all devotees. Going through almost similar experience. My faith strengthened after reading your experience. None other than baba knows the best for us. Almighty Baba pls bless my son with good health ,wealth and prosperity. Be with him and protect him under your loving shade. Love you baba always.
Hi Didi,
Sai Ram
You made my day as well as my future. As from this instant, I will leave all my hurdles to our Baba Sai.
He knows what is best for us. I want to visit Shirdi with my family, I will wait for our Baba blessing
Thank you again
Jai Sai Ram.
Thanks Baba for giving me your message through this daughter of yours. Dear sister, I'm waiting for a life partner since long, but get restless and gloomy at times. Today was one such day. But Baba himself spoke these assuring words their you. Thanks for your lovely experience!
om sri sai ram
baba still 90 days to go.baba please protect the baby. baba baby should be born in full term and healthy . i should not have any complications for another 3 months. please be with me . please do not leave. baba never leave me. as i promised i will be till my last breathe. baba days should be passed quickly . please protect me and baby .
thanks baba
om sri sai ram
allah malik.
Very well said and a beautiful experience….thank you for sharing it…Om Sai ram
Baba please give me the strength to just leave things to you and stay in your devotion ….
Sai Ram to dear Sai devotees,
Thank you for sharing your wonderful experiences here.
Great thoughts in this experience.
May Sri Sai keep blessing us all.
Read SatCharitra online@:
Sri SatChit Anand Satguru Sainath Maharaj ki Jai!! you so much.I surrendered everything to you.kindly take care.
Dear Devotee,
Feels so great to read your experience .you are truly blessed to hear our lords voice in dream.Let Dear Sai continue to bless you and your family always.
Jai Sau Ram
Sorry saibaba,forgive me.I am sorry.
Om sai shri sai jai jai sai
Baba please reduse my anger I cant control sorry please help that person feels pain
I feel bad about this please help
Beautifully narrated experience ….thx for sharing…. Om Sai Ram Jai Sai Ram Jai Hanuman !!!
Om sai ram
Om sair am
Om sai ram
Dear devotee thank you so much for sharing your experience….It gives me very happy…..Baba first i would like to say thank you…..You know everything why i am saying thank you….Baba please be always with us…Give the good direction and protect us from bad things…Baba i love you..Baba i cannot express my love in words…Bless me…forgive me if i did any mistake…..Om sai ram ..Love you baba…
Very well narrated. Your experience help boost my devotion. All the words and sentences in the end of narration are so true. Thanks for sharing your wonderful experience.
Could you please explain in detail, how it works.
Very nicely narrated experience. Each and every sentence in the last paragraph is absolutely true.
Baba, I should get work from home project.
Love you Baba!! Om Sai Ram!!
Sai baba,
Please help my family and parents in all aspects..Please help my parents in every thing their life….
Please baba,help my husband to get a good job with good salary…Please baba always save my parents,my kids,my husband and me(all my family)…
please show us a right path to success in our life…
please show my daughter a right path to overcome her situation with her neck….
please help her ,baba..please save my son and daughter always..
Baba, please never ever leave our hand and keep us blessed for ever…..
thanks baba for every thing…
Baba i have full faith in u…..
Ananta Koti Brahmand Nayak Rajadhiraj Yogiraj Parahbrahma,
Sri Sachidanand Satguru Sainath Maharaj K Jai.
love you baba
om sai namo namah
Baba i have been searching a good job since 2010..still i m not getting it.i'll complete 32 yr very soon.can't i get a job? You know every situation of my life. i did not have faith in You initially.but now i believe that You will give me a very very very good job…specially i hope for the railway job.i know lakhs of candidate are there..still i hope i'll be selected only becoz of Your BLESSINGS.if i won't get a good job a feelings of emptiness will engulf me till lifelong. i was egoist,,i am lazy..i 've done mistakes..i've already suffered much for my all negative qualities…please do not punish me any more…please take care of me and my family life…Bless me to love you unconditionally and continuously…thanks for Your help for my AC reservation in the cost of general reservation…
Sai Sai
Hi sai ram I would like to know How can my daughter pass her exams and full fill her wishes to become a .CA she studying through Unisa