Baba Listened My Prayers
Anonymous Devotee from India says: Hi, I am from Hyderabad, I have been worshipping Sai since my childhood. Sai saved me many times in my life. Today i am positing some small experiences in my life of Sai Baba.
This happened in March, 2014. At that time, I was in difficult situation, negative thoughts came in my mind and made me worried, because i did a small mistake in my job. I was worried, if manager came to know about my mistake, it will create my negative impact. So i prayed a lot to Baba to save me from this situation. Baba listened to my prayers and He saved me. Now whenever i am in tuff situation, i pray to Baba whole-heartedly.
Last year i went to Shiridi and had a peaceful Darshan. At that time, i said to Baba i will come to attend Your Aarti next time. Recently this year i went to Shiridi. I don’t get the chance to book Aarti tickets, because it was already booked by someone. So i said to Baba, please forgive me, next time i will come to Your Aarti. Now i only come for Your Darshan and i went to Shiridi. I went on the common q-line (9.30 Am) and i thought that next time i will come for Aarti. I prayed to Baba, please give me a chance to visit Your Aarti and i crossed all the compartments. I was in the last compartment to enter into Samadhi Mandir. Suddenly the doors were closed by security guard. When someone asked him, they replied that within 15-20 Min Aarti will start, that’s why they stopped the lines. I was waiting for the Darshan. After 5min they again open the doors and i entered into Samadhi Mandir for afternoon Aarti. I was very happy, because Baba listened my words and He allowed me to attend Aarti. So many times I went to Shiridi, but I never got a chance to visit Aarti, but this time Baba allowed me to visit Aarti, without any Aarti tickets. I had a wonderful Darshan and one more thing i want to share, at that time also i was not comfortable to sit properly in Samadhi Mandir, because i had a severe back pain, and when i completed Aarti, the pain reduced gradually because of Sai Baba. Oh Sai, please forgive me and be with me always. Om Sai Ram. Shri Sachidanand Sadguru Shri Sainath Maharaj Ki Jai. Ananta Koti Brahmand Nayak Raajadhiraj Yogiraj Parabrahma Shri Sachidanand Sadguru Shri Sainath Maharaj Ki Jai.
Baba Blessed Me Through A Dream And In Reality
Anonymous Devotee from Mozambique says: Om Sai too all Baba devotes. I would like thank a ton to page admin for creating it and allowing all to share Baba’s blessings. I am a small devote of Baba from Mozambique. I read His Satcharitra daily with all miracles posted here daily, and recently started with Sai Ashtotram. Feeling blessed so much. Baba has blessed me lots with His miracles, but i would like to share one small but really big for me. I saw a dream today morning, on date 11/august, that i was in Mandir, and it was celebration and establishment of Baba small statue, and i saw my ex boyfriend whom i loved a lot, but we were not together for some reason and now i very rarely see him.
I woke up very happy, and really thanked Baba for such wonderful dream. I was thanking Baba all day for the dream where i could see Him very beautifully and my ex boyfriend was there too and i could see him and my feelings and his were still there for each other. Then at evening i called my ex with no number and just listened his voice and was all time thinking of him, and slept for a while, then when i woke up, i was about to go out and suddenly i saw my ex near my house. I was just so happy, it was never expected. Baba blessed me so much by allowing me to see him after a long time and i thanked and swear that i would post first time here with this experience. I just saw him little bit but i am really very happy. Thank You Baba thank You very much. Our Sai is always with us He is great, Baba please be with me and my family and my ex always bless all us, and all the devotes all over the world. Thank you everyone for reading. May Baba Bless all.
Sai Baba-My Everything
Anonymous Devotee from India says: Hi, I don’t know when Sai Baba came into my life but one day when my life was going through a hell time then my friend told me about Nine Thursday fasting and from that day i am a devotee of Sai Baba. I want to share my latest experience with all of you. One day i was very upset from my office and i left that office without getting any other job and was searching for the new job but was not getting any job. I was very upset and crying in front of Baba as why i am not getting any job. Then i decided to keep Sai 9 Thursday fast and by the second or third fast i got an interview call & got selected with the increment in salary.
Then what happened next, my birthday comes in July. So i decided to go to Shirdi and want to be there in Samadhi Mandir on my birthday for Kakad Aarti, so i was looking for the tickets and got the ticket in waiting just one day before my birthday and i was really upset as ticket was in waiting and was praying to Baba please confirm my ticket so that i can come there. Side by side, i was also saying if ticket will not be confirmed then also i will go to Shirdi in waiting list but by my surprise before just two, three hours i got my ticket confirmed and i was in office when i was leaving for Shirdi, so one of my director in my new office called me and said “You got promotion and salary increment” (it was just two months of the joining and i got promotion. When i reach Shirdi, i was praying to Baba ji, i want to be in front of You on the day of my birthday for Aarti. Then i was in queue for Kakad Aarti and when the doors opened for us, i can’t tell you how i was feeling but i was just in front of Baba and doing Aarti. Sai Baba is my life, my everything. I can’t even think a minute without Him. Baba please be there with me always.

© Devotees Experiences with Shirdi Sai Baba
Om Sai Ram Bless me soon… :))
Om sai ram Bless us all.
Thank you soo much Baba…I am speechless and have tears in my eyes now. Thank you for saving me by solving my job problem…First devotee, even I had a problem at job and my loving baba solved it just now…After hearing the news, I opened this site and felt happy reading first experience…baba already said in q and a that problem will be solved…still like a fool I didn't have faith in baba's words…
Dear Sai devotees, please have faith in baba…his words are always true…no matter what your situation is, baba's words will come true…please never lose faith on baba when you suffer from problems like me…I am sorry baba…please forgive me…i love you so much ❤ thank you thank you….om Sai ram ��
Om Sai ram blessed experiences today I am able to watch live darshan from shirdi after a long gap so happy . Happy week ahead for all Sai devotees
Oh SAI Bev mere charno Mein rakh lei mujhe 🙂 Have Mercy ;-(
Love to ALL, Peace to ALL :))
Om sai shri sai jai jai sai. Nice experiences. I am waiting for my baba's call to shirdi. He will call me by making all arrangements for me.
Baba misssing my rahul a lot. Please bless Rohit with a nice Job at the earliest baba. Please bless our family with good health and peace. Please give me and my rahul to overcome all these worries and stress. Make him peacefull and happy baba. I love him a lot. Wherever be just bless him baba. Be with us baba.
Aum Shree Sai Ram…
Baba Please bless all.
Bow to Shree Sai.. Peace be to all..
Blessed experiences. Thanks for sharing. Om Sairam.
Jai Sai Ram
Jai Sai Ram
Jai Sai Ram
Jai Sai Ram
Jai Sai Ram
Jai Sai Ram
Jai Sai Ram
Jai Sai Ram
Jai Sai Ram
saibaba,please help me baba,i am great in need,i have surrender at your feet baba,please help me .Baba always bless my family with good health and good life.OM SAI SRI SAI JAI JAI SAI
Baba – you know what is my wish as I told you when you called me for your darshan in Shirdi… Please bless me and my husband with a healthy another kid and bless my family to be happy and safe. Om Sai Ram !!
Nice experiences. Baba, please bless us all. Remove unwanted thoughts from my mind. Please be with us always Baba. Love you Baba.
Bow to ShriSai peace be to all
Sai please call us to Shirdi….
om sai u baba
saibaba please bless my mother with good health baba…i need her baba…i want to be with her baba…soon i should get good job in my hometown baba…please bless me with good job baba…please forgive me for my mistakes baba…Om Sai Ram Om Sai Ram Om Sai Ram
Sai Ram all.Nice experiences.
om sai ram
Om Sai Ram. Dear first n third devotee very sweet experiences. Second devotee I ll pray 4 u that u ll get ur love back. Lots of love. Jai Sai Ram
Om sai ram
beautiful experiences…
baba bless all
pls baba show me the path..i have only a light in my life and that is you deva…
pls show me the path and guide me…
Om sai ram
Om sai ram
Om sai ram
Om sai ram
Om sai ram
Om sai ram
Baba please be always with me….keep my mind peacefull…Please bless my parents..They are facing different problems…Please keep them cool..Love you so much baba..
baba for me is everything today without baba i am nothing baba save my life
Sai baba please bless us with kids!!'we want to hold our babies !!waiting fir so long!!'felling depressed all the time !!'you know everything baba.only you can bless us with kids.please baba.please
Baba please give pass port with your blessings I need it om sai namo namah siridinivasa namo namah karuna murti namo namah
Baba, I should get work from project. please Baba help me!!
Love you Baba!! Om Sai Ram!!
Please forgive my sins Baba..pls pls give me one more chance I promise will never disappoint you pls..I beg of you. .pls re unite me with my husband. .Om Sai Ram you so much.saibaba I am unmarried, and I am fat kindly give me enthusiasm to reduce my weight.
Om Sai Ram!
Thank u babaji for being with us today in the court. Thank u once again.
Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram
Where is my comment 😞
Om Sri sai ram
Thanks Baba. Avik has got on-site opportunity. Thanks Baba. Please be with him.please forgive me for the mistakes I have done for him . Please forgive my sins Baba. Please keep him happy baba
Om Sri saai ram
Allah malik
Om Sri sai ram
Baba still 84 days to go. Baba baby should be born in full term and healthy. Baba let no pain or complications come near me . Please Baba. As I promised I 'll be till I my last breathe .
Om Sri Sai ram
Allah maalik
Baba SB ko sukh shanti aur samirridhi ka aashirwad dein baba.mere ghar phir se khusiya laut aye baba mere papa ma ka Bhaiya ka tension dur ho sai ram
Om Sai Ram,
Thank you all for sharing your wonderful experience & miracles of our Baba.
May he keeps blessing us all forever.
Ananta Koti Brahmand Nayak Rajadhiraj Yogiraj Parah Brahma,
Sri Sachidanand Satguru Sainath Maharaj Ki Jai.
jaya sai ram
Kripa banao baba
Sairam today 11th I am not getting comments on my post please post comments other s it is very good to read
Allah Allah Om Sai RAm Om Sai Ram Om Sai Ram Om Sai Ram Om Sai RAm Om Sai RAM OM SAi RAm Om SAi Ram Om Sai Ram
om sai ram baba pls give my parents health and peace of mind as they are worried about my marriage….i cant see them sad because of me it kills me from inside.forgive me baba