Baba’s Leela On Our Visa
Sai brother Bala ji from USA says: Om Sai Ram. Saying Thanks to Hetal ji, Rana ji and Anil ji who is doing such wonderful Sai Seva and my Pranam to all the Sai devotees who are reading this wonderful Leela of Sai. Myself Bala ji from USA and i am sharing the Baba’s Leela to all Sai devotees across the world. We are here in USA on L1 visa. Due to medical condition of our younger son Shri Nikesh, we were in position to extend our stay here to continue therapy and treatments in Children’s Hospital. Normally in our company they won’t do H1 Visa’s but from last year onwards they have started to do for critical resources. Though I am not a critical resource in our company, I approached my management whether they will do H1 visa or not? Initially I didn’t approach them for Medical reason.

In Jan 2013, I was told that they are in process of short listing and not sure whether I am in the list or not. We prayed Baba for our extension and put a lot in front of Baba. Baba told that we will continue our stay here. Last week of February 13, they informed few people to submit the documents for H1 processing. I was again told that my name hasn’t been included in the list because of various reasons. At this time I approached my management with medical reasons. On Mar 12th 2013, again I got an email from management that they can’t process my H1. We were somewhat depressed but still we had hope that our stay will be continued. On Mar 14th, Thursday, I came to office and prayed Baba that I will start Guruvar Vrat from today and asked His help for H1. After one hour of my prayer, I got a call from my manager that my H1 process has been approved by Director and HR and asked me send the documents to process. It was purely Baba’s blessings.
Again another twist happened. This year US government is going to have lottery system to select people for H1 Visa. We got a note from office that they have submitted all the applications by April 1st and US govt is going to put lottery on April 7th. After two weeks of time slowly people were getting notified that their application has been selected in the lot. Everybody in my office got the details about their process in April 3rd week. As per my knowledge I was the one who left out. I asked with my HR but they responded that there is no notification from US govt yet. On Apr 24th in my mobile, I asked Baba whether my application will be processed or not at 11.04 am. I got the answer stating that “You will get an answer in 24 hours”. The next day being Baba’s day, I thought something will happen. Yes. Yes. As Baba promised, I got email at 11.00 am from my HR that my application has been selected in Lottery. Tears rolled out from my eyes and i thanked Baba whole heartedly.
Below is my response to the HR and my manager “You won’t believe. It is a miracle kind of. I have an application in my phone through which we get answer from our Guru (Divine Master). Yesterday I asked about my H1 Status at 11.04 am. I got an answer saying “You will get a reply within 24 hrs.” Yes. It happened before 11.04am today. Thanks a lot for your help and efforts” My manager responded as “Wow. I need to download that app “. I prayed Baba that please Baba show Your presence to them by some way. Baba always asked two Dakshina from His children. Shradha and Saburi. For me it has been written that nothing should happen easily. To test my Saburi, I got RFE (Request for Evidence) from US Govt on my H1. Some of my colleague got approvals and some got RFE. HR forwarded me that RFE which has 13 pages and informed that this is a very complicated RFE. All other RFE’s are so simple like mark sheets or pay slips. Myself and my wife prepared on my RFE for a week. We prayed Baba to help on preparing documents.
After Guruvar Pooja, I went to my friend’s house to distribute the Prasad. I told him about my RFE. He asked to approach another colleague who is a Sai devotee for this RFE and who also got similar RFE last year. He gave me a sample documents to prepare for my RFE. Thanked Baba for that. I had discussion with my Manager and HR and prepared the documents for long. With Baba’s blessings, we prepared all the documents and submitted in the last moment. i.e. Oct 2 was the last date and we submitted on Oct 1st to the US Govt. After 10 days I started Satcharitra Parayanam for 7 days. My wife checked the status of my H1 on Oct 19th. It has been updated that my H1 has been approved from Oct 17th (Thursday). As gift of our Shradha on Baba and being Saburi, Baba gave us the maximum period of stay in US. My humble request to all Sai Devotees to be humble and be patience and place your head on the Lotus Feet of our beloved Baba. Thanks a lot Baba to give us this opportunity to share Your wonderful Leelas with other Sai Bandhus. Om Sai Ram.
Baba Gave Me A Second Life
Anonymous Devotee from India says: I am from southern India. I want to thank Baba for His immense help and support. I just want to let people know how Baba helped me. First of all I would want to thank Baba for helping me by saving my life and for giving me an opportunity to share this wonderful experience. I would also like to thank this forum/Blog who are making it possible for us to share such memorable experiences and putting it before Baba Bhaktas. Here goes my experience. My husband works in South Africa and I had to come in June 2014 for my sister’s wedding to India. Just after 2 weeks of my arrival, I had to visit my in-laws place and was returning alone to my parent’s home. As this was a sudden journey we could not get a direct train ticket from my In-laws place. So i had to travel to next place from where I could board a direct train to my parent’s place.
The train from my in-laws place to the transit station (next station) arrived very late than the usual expected time. I was worried that I would miss the next connecting train. As soon as the train arrived at the transit station, I ran very fast to catch the next train as it was almost the departing time of the connecting train. In a hurry, I heard the announcement saying that the particular train was about to leave, so I immediately ran and boarded the train thinking that it is the correct train. Though the announcement said the train name correctly and the platform number too, I was not aware that there were 2 different trains by same name moving at same time but moving in opposite directions. Thinking that the train is correct I felt happy for a moment. Then I realised that the train is moving in the opposite direction than the actual one, I asked the man sitting beside if it was going towards the intended place when the man said it is moving to different place- in opposite direction. Then I asked the man to pull the chain but did not find one in the hurry. Thinking that the train is moving slowly and in a hurry to catch the actual train, i jumped out of the train.
Unluckily I fell on the platform with my baggage with my right foot twisted and I could see my flesh and blood coming out and broke one of my tooth too. A huge crowd gathered and were asking me several questions. In that shock I did not know what I was doing. Suddenly a man came from the crowd, held my leg and twisted the foot to the correct position. I felt as if the bone which was bent was twisted to correct position and felt that the bone was brought back to its original shape. The man then tied a handkerchief around my ankle which was bleeding. I did not observe who exactly did that as I was in total shock but heard someone saying that the bone is brought back to original position as the man twisted it on time or else it would have taken more time to get attached. I immediately did not realise that it was none other than Baba.
Later i went to hospital with my sister-in-law’s help (who lives in the same place) with the fear that I would not be able to travel and was afraid if I broke something in my leg. With Baba’s grace there was no defect found in the X ray except I had to get some small sutures done. I was so relieved and later realised that it was Thursday and it could be none else than Baba that helped me. Everyone around me said that I was so lucky to be alive in that situation. This is the first and greatest experience that I faced. I am so thankful to Baba who has not only helped me by saving my life but also ensured that I regained my health in a week’s time. Also i want to thank Baba as without His help, if something bad had occurred, this would have hindered my sister’s marriage too. Baba helped with my health to a great extent that I not only recovered soon but also could help with my sister’s wedding for which I travelled so far.
I reconfirmed that it was none other Baba who helped me, when the succeeding week I resorted to travel back to my home town. There was a Muslim man sitting in opposite seat in the train who read Quran and it was again Thursday. He observed my leg, prayed for some time and he later started conversation with me. That uncle blessed me a lot, offered me a date fruit before he ending his fast (that was Ramzan time), and kept me saying that all my problems would be solved and that I would be having a bright future. We exchanged our numbers and that uncle said he would keep me in his prayers too. I still keep calling him some times. I finally would want to thank Baba again and again for all His help and would wish to be blessed throughout all my life. Also i would mention that He has blessed me with a wonderful husband who is also a strong devotee of Baba. We went to Shirdi to thank Baba too and took His blessings. After coming from Shirdi we realised that I conceived. I am feeling very blessed and happy.
Baba Always Holding My Hand

Anonymous Devotee from USA says: Sri Satchidhanandha Sadguru Sainath Maharaj Ki Jai!! I am a simple Sai devotee from USA. Sai has always been with me and I would like to narrate my experience that made me His staunch devotee. This happened many years ago when I was in school. I had a dream one night. I was travelling in a boat with my best friend. Suddenly in the middle of the sea there was a heavy storm and the boat started to sink. My friend was also very frightened. At that time I started shouting Sai Sai. Immediately I closed my eyes and when I opened I found both of us on the shore. And the boat was near us and there was no damage to the boat nor was there any scratch on us. This very minute I woke up from my sleep and I started thinking about the dream and the next morning I went to Baba temple and from then on I am holding His lotus feet and daily asking Him for only thing that is not to leave my hand. Such a blissful dream I can never forget in my life.
I would like to narrate another dream where Baba assured me He is always with me. Few years before we (me and my family) were planning to go to Shirdi and booked tickets for the same. 1 week before our travel I got a dream. In that I was standing before Baba and He was giving me a handful of sugar candy. I woke up and I was very happy that Baba has given me sweet. Then we started for Shirdi and went to the Samadhi Mandir. It was a Thursday. I don’t have to tell how crowded it would have been. We stood in the queue and I was fully chanting Sai Naam. The queue reached the Samadhi and the miracle happened. The priest who was standing near Baba pulled me out of the queue amidst thousands of people and gave me handful of sugar candy. I cannot say how I felt and how much tears I had that day in front of Baba.
Recently my phone was not switching on. As I am staying in the US, phone is the only way I can talk to my parents. I was very worried and prayed to Baba to repair the phone as my mom will get worried if there are no messages from me. I applied Udi on the phone and kept it near Baba. Then I went to read Baba miracles. The best part was that day miracle was about someone losing their phone and getting it back by Baba’s grace. After reading this I felt Baba was telling me something and I immediately went and tried switching on my phone and found it worked perfectly fine. I couldn’t thank Baba enough. I am going through lot of problems in my personal life. Because of which my health is deteriorating day by day but I have firm faith in Baba that He will never forsake me. I request all the devotees to have firm faith and patience as Baba knows what is best for us. Bow to Shri Sai peace be to all.

© Devotees Experiences with Shirdi Sai Baba
wow amazing experiences..baba can do anything for welfare of his devotee.. ;-( om sai ram
Saibaba bless all baba…bless my amma with good health baba…her sugar levels should be normal baba…my sister should soon get government job this time baba…please bless her and her kids with peaceful life baba…bless my brother to score good marks in his board exams baba,,,he should get medical seat in government college baba…please bless him baba…bless me to clear my net exam baba…please guide me in my career baba…soon i should get married to the person i love baba with all blessings baba…please forgive me for my mistakes baba…soon i should get job in my hometown baba…please forgive me for my mistakes baba…Om Sai Ram Om Sai Ram Om Sai Ram
Wonderful experiences especially the last devotee, very blessed to have Him come in your dreams 🙂
O Sai, let our sins be destroyed just by chanting Your name and bless us so we lead peaceful and happy lives.
Jai Sairam
Om sai shri sai jai jai sai love you sai….bless everyone are the supreme power baba….we are nothing without you…never leave us alone baba.keep us in your lotus feet and shower your blessings on us baba….Anantkoti brahmandnayak rajadhiraj yogiraj parbrahm shri sachidanand sadguru sainath maharaj ki jai…
blessed experience dear devotee….devotee 2-i can feel how much of pain you must have suffered when you fell down but when baba is there…..his children need not worry of any pain saimaa i love yo
peace be all
thank you saimaa for being there
All r very nice experiences.pls baba bless me baba with ur in very tough situation in life.quarrels with family members,no proper settlement in life.pls
Baba bless me and my husband with happy family life.
Jai Sai Ram
Jai Sai Ram
Jai Sai Ram
Jai Sai Ram
Jai Sai Ram
Jai Sai Ram
Jai Sai Ram
Jai Sai Ram
Jai Sai Ram
Very nice experiences. May baba bless all.I am a small devotee of baba.I am 30 years old and it has been three years that I am married. But till now I have no baby.I am having vitiligo,uteras fibroids,a tumor at the back.again at very recent when I was diagnosed with laparoscopy Dr found I am suffering from after food diabetes. Don't know why baba is punishing me.still I believe he will cure me and bless me a baby soon.dear devotees please pray for me.thank you.
Dear devotee…dnt loose hope..baba wld definately bless u wid children…..plz start nav guruvar vrat again with shraddha as i m sure u wld have done it before …also collect ample udi from ur nearest sai mandir &smear it on ur stomach daily.baba wld heal sai ram…..u may also try homeopathic medicine for fibroids & enhancing fertility..sai wld surely bless u ..plz baba bless all childless couples wid ur kripa prasad
Baba, please help me to get the project and help to resolve all the visa issues. Thank you Baba!!
Om Sai Ram!!
Sai Ram to dear Sai devotees,
Thank you for sharing your wonderful experiences here.
May Sri Sai keep blessing us all.
Read SatCharitra online@:
Sri SatChit Anand Satguru Sainath Maharaj ki Jai!!
Samartha Sadguru Sainath Maharaj ki Jai. Amazing experiences.
BABA! Just like you helped these people, please help my kid. Show us your mercy Saima. Keep us near your feet always.
Om Sai Sri Sai Jai Jai Sai, Jai Jai Sai
Baba,i thank whole heartedly for the blessing you have showered on me,Thank you once again Baba,Om sai ram……………………………….
Dear baba, please bless all childless couple like us with children
Sai Deva Today I returned to work after spending 3 days leave with my family. Thanks Sai Ram for safe journey of me and family. Please be with me Deva as task given to me is difficult. Please help me Deva to complete. Om Sai Sri Sai Jaya Jaya Sai
Wonderful experiences.
Anandakoti Bramhaananda Nayaka Rajathiraja Yogiraja ParaBramha ShriSachiananda Samaratha Sadguru ShriShirdi Sainath Maharaj ki Jai !!!
Bow to ShriSai peace be to all
Om Sai Ram
Sai babaji, please help my father, he is suffering from stomach cancer and doctor said he is very critical and very less chances for his survival, we got to know about Cancer this Saturday and my whole family is disturbed, please saibaba ji ,pls pls pls do some miracle and save him, we can’t imagine our life without him and he is suffering from pain and we can’t see him like this. Pls bless him with good health.
Give us strength. I request all the devotees to pray for my father’s good health
Om sai ram
Please administer Baba's Udi………….Baba will definitely help him.
Babaji jarur apke papa ki tabiyat thik kr denge.dil se babaji se pray kijiye.apke papa jaldi hi thik ho jyenge
Sai Sai Sorry Baba for not bein able to read it the same day when these experiences were published and Thanks a lot for making me complete 3 weekly Parayans in a row- humbly hen that let there be more , 9 in a row and then 54 in a row 🙂 Sai Sai Sai Sai Sai Sai Sai
Om Sai Ram,
Dear devotee no.3, you are really a blessed child of our Baba. May he shower same kind of blessings on all of us.
Ananta Koti Brahmand Nayak Rajadhiraj Yogiraj Parabrahma,
Sri Sachidanand Satguru Sainath Maharaj Ki Jai.
Baba please help us:)
Aum Shree Sai Ram..
om sai ram love u baba love u so much ….
om sai ram
om sai ram