All experiences are equally interesting because all conveys how Lord Sai Baba’s faith and devotion can give job, settle project and return life back to His devotees.
Got Job By Baba’s Grace
Anonymous Devotee from India says: Om Sai Ram to all the devotees. I like to thank Baba for hearing my prayers and helping me out. I finished my graduation in 2012 and due to some personal problems and health issues, I did not take up any job back then. I did not want to embarrass my parents when people asked them what their daughter was doing. So the next year I enrolled for a professional course but wasn’t really sure about what I was doing. I led a depressing and aimless life for almost two years trying to forget the past events. I felt hopeless about everything in life. I even stopped reading Sai Satcharitra every day, stopped praying and going to temples. However, nothing lasts forever and there were change of events and I was changing towards positive mode of life and most importantly I was worshipping Baba again.

A friend of mine works in a very reputed company. She just happened to ask me to apply since there were openings where she worked. So I did, this was in mid of June 2014. It was a coincidence the day I went for the walk-in was a Thursday, I had couple of rounds and I cleared them. They said they would call for the next round in a couple of week’s time. I read about Nav Guruvar Vrat on this page and started it. On the other hand two months had already passed and I still hadn’t got any call from that company. Even though I was applying in few other companies, back in my mind I wanted to get into this particular one. Sometime in the first week of August I finally did get the call but unfortunately missed it. I was very sad and worried that I might not get the call again. I also realized how it wasn’t easy to get the job and I had to get one sooner. I asked my friend to enquire and she had told me that they would call again. A month had passed and yet no call.
After 4 weeks of Vrat there was a big gap either due to periods or I was unwell. I was not happy how it was getting irregular. So in first week of September I started the Vrat from the start. Third Thursday evening I was doing the Pooja. I almost cried in front of Baba begged Him to help me get this job I had in mind. A miracle happened after 10 minutes I was still in the Pooja room and my phone rang, it was the call from the company that i had missed a month ago. I was wonderstruck and so thankful to Baba. My parents witnessed it too since they were present there with me and were surprised. I cleared the third round and the following week I had my last two rounds which was a Thursday again. With Baba’s grace I cleared them all and the very same day I came to know that I had got the job in the company I desired for. It took 3 months but finally worth the wait. With Baba’s grace there’s been no financial problem in our family but I come from a highly educated background and I was going completely off the track. I am sure that would have really hurt my parents but they gave me all the time and space. I really wanted to make them proud. Thank You Baba for blessing me with a wonderful family and always being there for all of us. I pray You to bless my parents with good health and peace of mind. Bless all Your devotees. Bow to Shri Sai- peace to be all. Om Sai Ram.
Baba’s Help
Anonymous Devotee from India says: First of all I want to thank admin of the page to share miracles happened in my life. I completed my engineering in May 2014. I was good and topper student. My HOD was very strict and I am a good student for my HOD. During our last semester we need to do a project. My batch mate was my best friend. We are so close from the first semester. But unfortunately my HOD doesn’t like my friend (because of her frequent absence). So always, HOD would scold her. In my college, only project coordinator use to review the projects. Till middle of the semester, project coordinator reviewed our projects and it was going good. Unexpectedly He resigned the college and that time we had completed half of the projects. Then our HOD Mam started reviewing the projects. Since she was very strict, she said some students to change the projects or change the language or domain etc. That time me and my friend had completed 75% of the project.
If she would have said us to change then we don’t have enough time to do. She was taking half a day to review a single project and was asking many questions. Some students were very scared and started crying. We both also got scared and we don’t know what to do. I prayed Baba to help me please and Baba helped me. She was reviewing projects order wise (Batch number). There were total 43 projects and my batch number was 22. Initially she was reviewing from batch number 1. Once she reviewed 20th batch we got afraid. All of a sudden after reviewing first 20 projects she started doing from 43rd batch. Days were going on, months were going. For 2 months she didn’t review our project. She completed most of the projects. Only 4 to 5 projects were remaining. Only few days were left for university exams. Then 1 day she called us to dept and said “Those projects which are not reviewed going to review today so come at 1′ clock to my cabin”.
We went at 1′ clock, she said firstly i will review boys project and then girls. She finished reviewing all projects except my project. I prayed Baba to help me. She called me and my friend and said to tell our topic first and then explain. I said OK Mam. Suddenly a call came to my HOD on her mobile. After speaking she said “I had a call from Secretary and i had to go immediately to Office room so you both wait, after meeting will over, I will review your project”. We wait for our HOD till last hour but she didn’t come, at evening 4.30 she came and saw us. She said to come next day to her cabin. As per her words we went next day first hour itself but she was absent on that day. Like this many days she called us but a call or person or staff will interrupt and the project will not be reviewed. With Baba’s blessings till last day she didn’t review ours project. According to college rules before exams each project should be reviewed by HOD but Only ours project was not reviewed by HOD. Successfully we did our university exams well and got “S” in my project. Thanks Baba, thanks a lot for helping me. Om Sai Ram.
Miracle Happened During Nine Week Vrat

Anonymous Devotee from USA says: I live in USA and had issues in my family. I was about to quit and get separated when Baba showed me a way by blessing me with my cute little son while doing 9 week Vrat. I was introduced about this site by my friend and thus i got addicted. I feel happy in seeing Baba’s miracles and how everyone’s experiences are. I came to USA while studying, got married and was doing okay. Eventually I and my husband had issues and we started to hate each other in every instance. We argued every day for petty things and my peace of mind was lost. At the same time I had Visa issues since I got my RFE and couldn’t continue my career. I lost all hope. One day out when I was browsing, I saw this 9 week Vrat in a website and was inclined in doing it. I started doing it very punctually with all due formalities. Things started improving and I was conceived by Baba’s grace. It was Baba Who made this decision for me through which my husband’s brain was changed and he started loving me more. I completed the Vrat and was blessed with baby boy in January. The second miracle was about my visa. I was waiting for it to be approved. Usually it gets approved by October but that was Baba’s decision for me to take rest as I was pregnant. My visa was approved in January after my delivery. Getting job is another miracle of Baba. I got visa and within two days I got a job offer and was very much excited. Baba always takes care of me. He changed my mind. If I am not sure about anything, I resent to Baba and get a solution. || Om Sai Ram ||

© Devotees Experiences with Shirdi Sai Baba
Watch "Pandit Jasraj sings Sai Vachan – 11 (Eleven) Assurances of Shirdi Sai Baba" on YouTube –
kindly listen its blissful…aumsaishrisaijayajayasai!!!
Om Sai ram Bless us all.
sai ram my visa is in processing it is to be approved. please bless it must be approved with your blessings . i think ii is good news for wish is to go to london. and spend happyly there for 5 months. please make my wish come true om sai ram om sai ram om saima.
Sai will surely fulfill your wish.Have patience and Sabri.
i had a doubt and really needed to consult you on the same
i completed my 9 nava guru vrat yesday and i feel baba helped me to complete 9 weeks continuously as i did not get my periods for 1.5 months
but today mrng i c i have gotten it but im anxious as what if i started last nite… is my vrat still considered complete… please answer this and help me out of this maya which is troubling me as im rethinking on the same i ma quite sure i dint but its just a wat if i had yesday nite so just want to know if the vrat is counted
So wanted to know if this vrat is counted. .. pls reply asap if it is counted or not
It's generally said that by evening or as sun sets all the vrat are almost done.. Like u can count it as a whole day.. So urs is also done
So it is taken as counted right?
Om Sai Ram
I am continuously doing 9 guru vrat and read Sai Satcharitre and Sai Leelaamruth, till now I did not got the Job. I am job less since 6 Months and facing lot of prolems. I request Baba to give me Good job and help my Family. If miracle happens, I will assure Baba, that I will post my experience.
Om Sai Ram
Om Sai Ram
Om Sai Ram
Om Sai Ram
Dear devotee,
Continue praying Sai Ma .I am 100% sure you will land up in a very big job more than your expectation. I have seen whenever his blessings are delayed it means there is a bigger plan.
Good luck and share the good news soon on this platform.
OM SAI SHRI SAI JAI JAI SAI LOVE YOU SAI..My dear baba, with your blessings ,I am doing my sai satcharit parayan ,please baba fulfill my wishes. please baba bless my son for his exams…keep me in your lotus feet baba…ANANTKOTI BRAHMANDNAYAK RAJADHIRAJ YOGIRAJ PARBRAHM SHRI SACHIDANAND SADGURU SAINATH MAHARAJ KI JAI..
Om sai ram. All are blessed experiences. Faith boosting:-) my dear please clear my doubt. I started reading satcharithra parayan, usually i used to do in evening. Yesterday morning while doing work my mom asked me one polybag. Usually we used to collect all bags n throw in public dustbin to avoid flying here and there. So i was taking 3 bags. Suddenly one cover fell n floor. I heard coin sound, its really impossible for coin n dat. Wen i looked d cover, 1 rupee coin was there. Im sure i didnt trace another one. Again cover fell down heard sound dis time got 2 rupee coin. I told my see due to carelessness coins in unwanted cover i told mom. My mom said no way, may be by mistaken.
Evening when my parayan starts, i read pidaleay chapter where Baba gave 3 rupees to him and ask to keep safe. I cant take this incident as coincidence. Please help me. Im so happy n excited. Im not doubting Baba. Pls share wid me, while dng parayan Baba wil play like this. I want too keep this coin wid me forever as baba gift. Shall i? Pls tel me
Ofcourse you should. Its definitely coins dat baba has given u. U shud keep them safe and worship dem as baba said the same to his devotees. No doubt its baba's miracle because baba unknowingly gets closer to us when we read sai satcharitra or do nava guru vrat. From my knowledge i think its baba who has given u since you read the same as well in sai satcharitra. Gud luck and ur blessed. Om sai ram
Thank u so much 🙂 sure i will keep it safe n worship. Thanks for ur reply my dear sai devotee.
Mere deva forgive me for my all mistakes.. And show me right path always baba plz.. Om sai ram Om sai ram Om sai ram
Sai Sai
Very nice experiences.
O Sai, Thank You for being there and showing us signs that all will be well 🙂
Jai Sairam
Baba pls give my brother some ads and movie. How long he wil sit in home after doing first movie. Movie also didnt release yet. Pls baba. Clear our debt
Sai dad as u said with in 12days marriage proposal come. Today 6th day daddy. No talk about home. How come daddy? I leave it to you daddy. Its your duty.
Blessed experiences.
Anandakoti Bramhananda Nayaka Rajathiraja Yogiraja ParaBramha ShriSachiananda Samartha Sadguru ShriShirdi Sainath Maharaj ki Jai !!!
Bow to ShriSai peace be to all
Please help us sai nath. Sai baba I wont blam you. Is it right that how can you take away once daughter from a person who is her life. My sister is widow and her only life is her daughter and her mother-in-law wants to take her from Ruchi. Please sai nath help het. Please help us to deal with this situation. We are in trouble. Please show us right path. OM SAI RAM…
I will be visiting shirdi soon can anyone suggest where to grt udi from can we get it directly from dwarkamai ..?
There is separate counter to distribute UDI. U can ask anybody there will guide u. Om sai ram
There is a udi distribution counter near the datta mandir inside the temple premises. Udi is distributed there for free!! Aumsaishrisaijayajayasai
Aum Sai. There will be a queue to get Udi
Sai ram. can get udi, in udi you dont need to pay money.but can get only one at a time By you wait in que.
You also get udi in donation counter, but here you have to pay some amount of donation and can get udi.
Ok.when are you going? Can you keep our prayer requests in baba's lotus feet please?.
I am leaving on 19th may and will be there on thursday… I can convey your prayers if you want.
Mail me at
Sai Ram to dear Sai devotees,
Thank you for sharing your wonderful experiences here.
I was quite concerned about something since morning and prayed to Baba to help me out………..our sweet Baba sorted the issue today itself exactly the way I expected; feeling quite contented and blessed.
May Sri Sai keep blessing us all.
Read SatCharitra online@:
Sri SatChit Anand Satguru Sainath Maharaj ki Jai!!
om sai ram
Dear baba,
I am not blaming you for anything.its my bad karma that has made my life a hell. Baba my only wish is now to die as soon as possible.please grant this wish of mine soon.i don't want my family especially my mother suffer because of know our problems and you also know how my mother is praying day and night .please have mercy on her and take me away from this life.
Baba I am asking this question again and again .why are you not doing anything to my mil who is practising black magic and destroying my married life.i have seen with my own eyes does dreadful rituals at midnight,throws something on new moon day in water,has given me Tabriz which when I showed it to the priest and astrologer they said she is trying to kill me.then where are you said in Sai satcharithra that you correct the wrong doers but why have you closed your eyes when you know that my mil is doing wrong things and also succeeding in separating me from my husband.i don't know whom to it my karma that I got a bad woman as my mil who only wants money luxuries and wants to control everybody.
Anyway I have given up any hope that I am going to lead a normal happy at least for praying to you give me death and free me from my mil and her black magic.
om sai ram..this is my 3rd week of 3rd cycle fasting ..already i had been in fasting for same matter its 21st week..why baba is not giving me what i need…but he showed me positive symptoms regarding that …yet it didnt happen…i m vexed
Baba hi hm sbhi ko hmari galtiyon k lye maaf kr dein or sbi ko sadbuddhi dein om sai ram om sai ram om sai ram
Please bless us all ;((
Love to ALL, Peace to ALL
Shree Sachidanand Satguru maharaj ki jai.
Aum Sai Ram..
OM SAI RAM..Baba please help me please sai nath…Today we need you soooooooooooo much sai baba. Please my parents are very decent and they afraid a lot from everyone. Please sai HELP MY PARENTS MY SISTER OUR RIDHI. Baba please help us please sai….Baba please help us. Baba please bless us that SHO give full corporation to us and please he dont create any issue and understand our situation as well…Baba please we need you by our side. We wanna save Ridhi from their black magic. OM SAI RAM..please help us SAI NATH.
Please make her in-law understand that what they doing is very very wrong. They can not force Ruchi & us.