Highlights of this post:
Anonymous Devotee from France says: I would like to thank all the team members for this website which is faith boosting and give me courage. I came to know about Sai Baba through my cousin sister from India who once took me to Mylapore Temple in May 2012. At that time I was not a big devotee of Baba and I did not know much about Sai Baba. I pray all Gods especially Ganesh. Then, during summer 2012, my mom gave me a Sai Baba Picture. Since that time, I keep His Picture with me wherever I go. But it is in beginning of 2014, I came close to Sai Baba and became His devotee. I started to read Shri Sai Satcharitra book and came across this website. Every day, I read all experiences & comments. I spent a lot of time reading Sai Leelas and watching online Live Darshan. It makes me feel peaceful.

Now coming to my experience. I am working in a company and after 6 years of work, I wanted to study further to have more knowledge and a better position in my job. I joined through my work a two years part-time program. It was hard for me to study as my job takes me whole time. In June 2014, I had my first exam. I had difficulty to find time to study with my work and when I get time, I could not concentrate and also the subjects were hard. I prayed Sai Baba, light diva everyday and I started to do Sai Vrat for 9 Thursday for my exam. I got to know about this Vrat from this site, thanks to this website. I prayed Sai Baba to give me the minimum requested mark so that I can follow the courses. I also promised Sai Baba that if the exam went well and if I got a good result, I will post my experience. I could study only one week before the exam as I took study leave. During the exam, I got a hard paper and could have done only half paper. Even that, I was not sure if the answers were right. After the exam, my friends also found the exam hard, but were more confident as they were able to answer more questions than me. They were also more prepared and smarter than me. I had to wait for 2 months for the result and I have no confidence I will pass the exam. I feel scared and tensed while thinking the result. I was wondering why it is so hard for me in all the process (difficulty to have time, difficulty to concentrate and difficulty to understand). I felt low and stressful. I remember the message I got one day from the site Sai Baba questions & answers: « As is the faith in the mind, so is the result. (If you feel that you will be defeated then you will be defeated, but if you feel that you will win then you will win. God believes in work, so one gets as he works.) ».
Later, from feeling worried, I started to feel confident. I know what I did in my paper was not enough to ensure me a good mark but still I believe that Sai Baba will take care. The day of my result came. I remember what was going in my mind before i get the result. It was a Thursday, I was thinking whatever the result is, I will accept it as it is Sai Baba decision and He will have a better plan for me. I learned through my classmate my result. I got one point more than the minimum requested mark. This miracle was only possible thanks to our Sai Baba. My other friends who were more prepared got almost the same mark than me. This reminds me a story from Shri Sai Satcharitra book in which Sai Baba said to a man, he will pass the exam even if he is less prepared than others. Now I have other exams coming in November and December 2014, I believe Sai Baba will help me again to success in these subjects and He will make me pass in the 2nd year. I hope this experience will give faith for people who are having exams or any tests. Thanks for posting and reading my experience. Thanks Sai Baba and sorry for the delay. Give us always Your blessings. Om Sai Ram.
Sai Maa Bless Us All

Anonymous Devotee from India says: Hi team, I bow to each and everyone in this team for doing this service. I work for an MNC in India. I am 27 and still single. The major reason for the delay in my marriage is horoscope. My family is deeply depressed because of this. I am fed up of the talks in society. I don’t understand when all my friends are happily married why Sai Maa refused to grant this wish for me. Recently I started liking a guy and expressed my parents also tough they are OK they are not completely satisfied. I am afraid to ask them again. I don’t want to hurt them. The guys parents are OK and satisfied. But still there is no progress since my parents are not satisfied due to some reasons. I am 27 and have three younger sisters for whom alliance is also seeked. I being the eldest want to get married before them, me or my family cannot take any more words from the society or relatives. Please brothers and sisters reading the post please pray for me and my family. Sai Maa has created many miracles in my life starting from clearing my engineering exams to my placement then my work. He helped my parents recover in their health. My brother is also slowly recovering. Sai Maa Udi has played a major role in my life. Recently I got the blessing of Sai Maa to visit Shirdi and was happy to be there. I put all my sufferings in the Lotus Feet of Baba. Brothers and sisters reading my post, please pray for me and my family we cannot any more hear the talks of relative or society. Shree Satchidhanandha Sadguru Sainath Maharaj Ki Jai. Om Sai Namo Namah Shri Sai Namo Namah Satya Sai Namo Namah Sadguru Sai Namo Namah.
Baba’s Help For My Close Friend
Anonymous Devotee from USA says: Sai Ram Baba! Sadguru Sainath Maharaj Ki Jai. Thank You so much Baba for helping my close friend. If You were not there I don’t know what we would have done. You took him out of biggest problem no one could ever think of, and for that Koti Koti Pranam Baba. My friend went to UK to study. He had lots of dreams. But something unusual happened which no one could imagine. I can’t write the whole details but there was a case on him, he was wrongly accused. But with Baba’s grace, he got out of it and he is free now. Thank You Baba for helping him.

Anonymous Devotee from India says: Hi all, I was doing my Sai Nav Vrat. Last Thursday (6.11.2014) was 9th week of my Vrat. But due to vacation plan in my family, I couldn’t distribute Vrat Books to 9 people and offer food for the needy. I was really upset. I thought of not going for vacation since I need to complete my Vrat. Right now we are in Jaipur which is new city for us as we are visiting it 1st time. I prayed to Baba and I was on fast on Thursday (6.11.2014). We came here as a group so everything was pre planned before. I was worried that I did not find any Sai Baba Temple nearby or on our way to destination. But because of Sai Baba Blessing’s, I saw 3 Sai Baba Idols similar to Shirdi Sai Baba Idol in a shop in Jaipur on my way. I felt really happy and Baba blessed me by coming in my dream. I could see Baba and a flower fell down from Baba’s head. My happiness knew no bounds. I was really very happy. I hope to complete the Vrat next Thursday as soon as I come to hometown from my vacation to distribute Books and food. Thank You Baba for guiding me and blessing. May all Sai devotees’ wishes be fulfilled. Om Sai Ram.

Anonymous Devotee from India says: Hello everyone. Namaste Hetal ji and Pranam to Baba Ji. This is going to be my second experience on this blog. My first experience is yet to be published. I invoke Baba ji’s grace to help me narrate His blessings to His all other children. So I will begin my experience. Since a very long time, I had a desire to take up a job in the city where the person I love lives. I was not devoted to Baba before, but very often I kept my same desire in front of Him. I used to talk to Him & cry many times in despair as I lived in North India & the person whom I am in love lives in South India. In my previous experience I had mentioned, how not once but many a times while i used to weep in bed at nights, I used to feel a hand over my shoulder. So during this period for which we were separated, I graduated from my college. I had a few job offers also but I didn’t take up those opportunities. I told Baba Ji- “Baba, I wish to be near him. I wish to be at least in his city, now that we have been away since too long. If there’s any type of struggle or pain we are left to go through, let it fall on me. But let me be near him? I will be happy, we will be happy!” Every day I prayed.
Since January 2014, things started getting more difficult and painful for both of us. Not just difficult, day and night were full of extreme fear for us both, and despair, and illness. That month, I once asked on Baba Ji’s website – “how and what will happen now Baba? When will I be near him?” The answer I got was “Your wish will be fulfilled after 9 months”. I was very scared again as I feared things would go wrong in the meantime. I cried endlessly. I mentally calculated, 9 months meant September’14. To keep me at least a little calm Baba showed me how to worship Him, as I never did it before. From Jan onwards I started worshipping Baba ji. I cried most of the time. Health & mental state of my partner was even worse due to immense fear & despair. I kept moving on Baba Ji’s mentioned path along with my partner in my heart, believing with each passing day that things will be good very soon. I kept Sai Baba’s 9 Guruvar Vrat two times. Now from here is where the miracle begins.
During my second course of Vrat, I prayed to get me a job near him. I was applying to anywhere & everywhere on job portals, just making sure the city was same as his. My partner never asked me to do all this, as he is the best person I know. It was just out of my love for him, that I wanted to and always want to work hardest to fulfill his dreams and see his bright like sunshine smile. The miracle happened in the 7th week. I got a call from this xyz company based in his city, to which I had applied to long back. There interview process was all telephonic for me, and it was a long process. With each step towards the company, I was scared and happy. Happy-that yes Sai Ji’s grace now has showered on us but also scared thinking what if I underperformed my interview. With Only & Only Baba’s grace, I cleared all the steps of recruitment. This isn’t the end of His Leela. I had not known the salary the company was offering to the position as they had not disclosed. I didn’t want money but I prayed that my parents at least should be pacified. I got my results. The company had selected me! I wanted to jump in happiness, just then I saw their salary offering. It was much less. I was shattered, now even more scared.
Now is when His Leela began. I had no courage to tell my father that I have been selected with a less salary, as I knew my father will find it no point in going so far for less salary. Nobody knew my heart’s feelings all this while except Baba. That same result day evening, I messaged my father regarding it fearing to go & tell him, as he would say a No. What happened next was beyond imagination. My parents after reading the message came to my room themselves, and asked me details of the company. I briefed them a little & said that I worked hard for their recruitment process. I knew it was a no. But suddenly my father said a yes out rightly! Not just that, he even started convincing me saying that salary shouldn’t be criteria for me as I am a hard worker anyway. Wow! From that minute onwards, happiness started to seep into me and my relationship slowly, and my eyes were full with tears of love. I will not forget to mention that the date on which i received my offer letter was 30th September 2014, exactly the last day of the “9th month”, as Baba had already said. My entire relocation process happened extremely smoothly only due to Baba’s grace. And we are happy & content & thankful to Sai Baba from bottom of our hearts. So – “Shraddha Saburi Sai Rasmaya Jo Sumirey Bhavsaagar Tarr Gaya”! Jai Jai Sai Ram.

Sai Brother Kiran from India says: Like anybody else I was too skeptical about the very existence of Sai Baba. Then life turned upside down, but Baba entered in my life with countless miracles. Here is that story. I used to be an atheist in life, simply believing on the matters that are visible to bare eyes. In the year 1998, I used to stay along with my brother in his home at New Delhi. My sister-in-law Pinky is an ardent devote of Shiridi Sai Baba. She had a small Temple where she used to keep Baba’s Idol. Every morning she used to light-up a Diya (oil lamp) before leaving for her office. I used to sit near it while watching TV entire day. The glowing light used to catch my attention. I used to pour oil on the lamp or pull the thread before the light extinguish. As a consequence of which I made it a perennial lamp. My vision was restricted only to the glowing lamp while ignoring Shiridi Sai Baba sitting next to it.
Once it so happened I was alone at home. Our neighbour celebrated their kid’s birthday. As the houses are small, all the male guests gathered at our place to have hard-drinks. Though I am not a drunkard, but how could I resist having such a luxury. When all the guest left, I locked the doors, checked the oil in Sai Baba’s lamp and went to bed. Even before I could catch the sleep, I became aware of some strange vibrations, which I never felt before in life. Then Sai Baba’s locket on my neck was slowly pulled out on its own. I wanted to open my eyes, but out of fear i couldn’t. Though i was drunken but i was well in senses. Next morning when i got-up from bed, I found the thread of the Shiridi Sai Baba locket on my neck was broken. With this event Baba assured me, “When you look at me, I look at you”. In a few days time from the occurrence of this event I got a job with IDBI Bank Ltd. at New Delhi. It was time for New Year celebration. We all the employees went to Massourie, the Himalayas. In the night bottles were opened to cheer. While overlooking the past event, once again I resorted to the same old path. That night my Shiridi Sai Baba locket was pulled itself violently. When I checked it, the aluminium metal-ring of the locket was broken. I thought enough is enough. When I fail to respect His teachings, I got no eligibility to wear the locket. I made a vow neither I shall ever drink alcohol in this life, nor shall ever wear Baba’s locket. That day onwards, I removed Baba’s locket, which always used to adore my neck.
For these long ten years, I am able to stick to this rule. With His grace, I am able to lead a life free of sedatives, be it alcohol or tobacco in any form. I might have removed His locket from my neck but He stayed back in my life. These days instead of Baba’s locket, I am wearing five Rudraksh. Some nights when I am in deep sleep, even while my body is un-moved, I wake to the tune of its dancing on my bare-chest and rubbing each other. The other evening I went to open my cupboard to take out some valuable document from the file. I was disturbed, when I found the file itself was missing from its usual place, where it is being kept all the time. Next morning when I opened the cupboard the file was there. It was not that, previous night I have over-looked it. I reached to the conclusion that, what belongs to me, shall always be mine. At the time of need, Baba will make the necessary arrangement. This poor soul never able to understand all these miracles that keeps on happening day on day off.

© Devotees Experiences with Shirdi Sai Baba
thank you sai baba..you made my day yesterday..i was going through a tough time..i asked baba in question and answer website..i got the answer saying that after four days of my question my work will be done and i will meet the desired person..baba fulfilled my wish exactly after four days of my question..thank you sai baba..his words SHRADDHA and SABURI..are very powerful..if we have faith and patience..baba will surely help us..leave everything to baba and he gives us the best of bests..FAITH IS NOT BELIEVING THAT HE CAN,BUT KNOWING THAT HE WILL..i m sorry for my words which i told u when i got angry sai baba..but i know you are always there beside me..thank you sai baba..om sai ram
Congrats !! May baba fulfill all the desires soon.. Very well said faith is believing he will do it for us …
Om Sairam.
Jai Sai Ram
Jai Sai Ram
Jai Sai Ram
Jai Sai Ram
Jai Sai Ram
Jai Sai Ram
Jai Sai Ram
Jai Sai Ram
Jai Sai Ram
saibaba bless all baba…bless my amma with good health baba…her sugar levels should be normal baba…bless my brother to get medical seat baba..bless him with bright future baba..bless my sister's life and her kids baba…soon she should get government job in her hometown baba…please forgive me for my mistakes baba…please help me to get a job in my hometown baba…please guide me baba…please help me baba…Om Sai Ram Om Sai Ram Om Sai Ram
Sai Sai Sai Sai Sai Sai Sai Sai Sai
Very nice experiences and I am sure the 2nd devotee is happily settled by His grace now 🙂
O Sai, Thank You for a beautiful life filled with family and friends who shower us with love and happiness 🙂
Jai Sairam
Om sri sainath maharaj ki jai!!!
Om Sai Ram
Om Sai Ram
Om Sai Ram
Blessed experiences.
Bow to ShriSai peace be to all
om sai ram
Sai baba..I dont knw what is going to be happen about my exam result..am sorry for my mistakes..please be with me and save me..love u baba
Om Sai Ram
Yes u ll get udi by post aftr 15 days
Sai baba ki jai
Yes u will definitely get the udi along with prasad packet.
Om sai ram om sai ram om sai ram
Thank you dear baba, yesterday that is on Thursday I attended ratri aarti for the first time. I can not forget that moment. So overwhelming. Completely felt like I am in safe hands. I uttered only one sentence, walk me wherever you want, I'll come with you with full faith.
All are blessed experiences.
Baba bless everyone. Om sai ram.
Om sairam.
Om Sai ram
Dear devotees,
One of the our Sai ma's best bhajan sang by shreya Ghosal and written by Shri Chandra banu SarpathyJi
Please solve all the problem I am facing in my studies due to my astrology problem.please do some miracle and help me to complete my course with internship within 6 months from today.please pray for me.please fulfill my wishes baba…..
Read "Sai Kasta Nivarana Mantra" 3 times a day and you will get success in your studies.
Read chapter 15 from Sai satcharithra everyday before studying.
May Sai bless you.
Om Sai Ram
Baba ji plzzz guide me…
i m 27+ i have interview in national insurance company in july pls prayer for me ………..
Omsairam.love you.kindly help the second devotee.baba only you can help me I should pass and take dnb obg in my place.your grace can only accomplish this.I have left everything in your hands or else a job.
Om Sri Sai Jai Jai Sai, Sukh Kari Teri Mahima Sari
BABA! Please help me get rid of my karmas, so I can have peace of mind. Please bless me with your divya darshan and keep me near your feet always. Thank you for everything you gave me.
Anantha Koti Brahmanda Nayaka Rajadhi Raja Yogiraja Parabrahma Sri Satchidananda Sadguru Sainath Maharaj ki Jai
Baba my exam result has published. .Please save me..Please give me good result. .love you saimaa
O Lord SAI mercy mercy mercy mercy…save me now save me…save me please come and hold my hand.
please let me die SAI…I don't want to live anymore…
suffering only suffering….I know how I am feeling now.
give me worse death which I deserve.
please come SAI please come.
Om Sai Ram
Never ever think of ending this life.Its a gift of God.Hold on to Sai pray and read Sai Satcharithra .Do the parayana.
Read "Sai Kasta Nivarana mantra " morning evening and night and all your pain will vanish.Just have complete faith in our Sai deva.
Om Sai Ram
Sai Ram to dear Sai devotees,
Thank you for sharing your wonderful experiences here.
May Sri Sai keep blessing us all.
Read SatCharitra online@:
Sri SatChit Anand Satguru Sainath Maharaj ki Jai!!
om sai ram