Highlights of this post:
Anonymous Devotee from India says: Om Sai Ram to one and all. This is my second post here. Thank you for your time. We wanted to visit Guruvayur Temple for a long time to do Thulabaram for my kid. But somehow it got postponed always due to various reasons. In between last year when my husband had some health issues, I personally prayed in my mind to do Thulabaram for my husband also. Now this year suddenly I got to know that my husband is having 1 week holiday during his birthday time and we decided to go to some trip. It just struck me suddenly about our long pending Guruvayur trip (which also Baba reminded me a week before during some question answer session I was asking Baba for which He replied to complete 2 of my vows and I immediately remembered Guruvayur). So coming back to the incident, me and my husband were deciding as, how to travel, by car or train and when to travel. I was praying in my mind to go and see Guruvayurappan on my husband’s birthday and also to travel by train as it will be of less stress than self-drive by car.

But here comes 2 problems: 1. My husband loves to drive down to Guruvayur as he had gone with few of his friends a few months before to Sabarimala. He was planning to take us by car to Guruvayur as he knew the routes. But I was against this as I wanted a less stress trip as we will have to wait in queues in Guruvayur Temple as well as it was a very short trip and there will be no rest. 2. My husband is fond of playing match with his colleagues in weekend mornings and that day only I wanted to go to Temple. We started arguing on this. I knew both were against his wish. But I really wanted this to happen. One day went by and my husband was angry with me. Then the next day evening, he finally came down on his own and asked me to check for tickets in train. I was so happy. Finally when I checked there were exactly 2 tickets for us and I told about this to him and we booked tickets immediately. Next, I booked return tickets also. Now our travel was decided.
We have to stay in some good place for the night and next day on my husband’s birthday we have Darshan in Temple. I checked in the internet and checked a couple of hotels but all were full. Then suddenly I came across a hotel which had good reviews and I called the number given. I spoke to the GM of the hotel directly and he was very polite and blocked a deluxe room for us. The next day was our trip. Next morning I went to a nearby Vishnu Temple and when I came out, I heard my mobile ringing. When I picked up it was the GM of the hotel and he said that our booking got cancelled as someone had paid money overnight online. I was close to tears and I drove back home and called him. When I asked him what went wrong, he noticed I was upset and told me to wait and he will call me back. As promised he called back and said he has arranged our stay in a nearby 3 star hotel. I was happy as well as doubtful. But to our surprise he checked with me for pick up from railway station as well and arranged cab as well. By Baba’s grace, we had a safe travel and lodging and Darshan, though we could not go inside for full Darshan as there was less time. Next time we would really like to go inside and have great Darshan. Thank You Baba for being with us and showering Your blessings and guiding us through our tough times. Ananta Koti Brahmand Nayak Rajadhi Raja Yogi Raja Para Brahma Shree Sachidanand Sadguru Sainath Maharaj Ki Jai. Om Sai Ram.

Sai sister Silanya from India says: Om Sai Ram. I am Sai devotee from Coimbatore. I started reading this site few months ago. Now every day i am reading Sai’s experience. This is increasing my faith in Baba even in time of crisis. I am firm devotee of Baba. But my sister is a very practical girl. She is studying BE final year. There was placement time going on in her collage and she was working hard for that. In the month of September 2014, companies came but she was not placed. One day, she said to me that she was not placed in any good company and placement was about to get over. I took Sai question and answer book and told her to tell a number. When i saw, it was “Chant Om Sai Ram One Thousand Two Hundred Times Your Wish Will Be Fulfilled”. I told her about it, but she did not pay much interest in it. In the last week of September, she attended the companies but she did not tell us anything. On 29th September, she came and told me that she got placed in Infosys. I and my parents were so happy and i also told my father and mother about the answer from Baba. I asked her if she chanted Om Sai Ram, she said yes but less than that. I am thankful to Baba as He fulfilled her wish. I love You so much Baba. You are everything for me. Om Sai Ram.

Anonymous Devotee from India says: I am a devotee of Baba since when i was in class 9th, although it started with a test of Baba that if He will fulfill one of my wish, i will start believing Him. Since then i have experienced many miracles but this one i wish to share. Reading the miracles of Baba brings peace in my life. Once my father got muscle injury. He was suffering from severe pain. He did all medications told by doctor, but even after doing them for 3 months, there was no improvement. Finally doctor said that they will have to give injections each day because the swelling was increasing and pain also. I prayed to Baba each day, but felt no improvement. Then i finally decided to put Baba’s Udi on the swelling area. The improvement was felt next day of putting Udi on that area. I have firm belief in Baba, but after reading these miracles my faith is getting stronger and stronger. Thank You Baba for showering Your blessings on us. Om Sai Ram.
Sai Sister Parvati from India says: I am Parvati Sandesh from Mumbai. I am Baba devotee and feeling very blessed. Thank You Baba for giving my husband a new life and my baby her father’s love and care. I really don’t know from where to start and how to express how Sai Baba has helped me and solved my life’s big problem. From beginning only, my husband use to drink, but from social drinker day by day he became addicted. He also had Pancreatitis pain. After my delivery, he started to drink more and day by day became addicted. He stopped going to office. I was very much worried about him and for my 1 month baby. I was even not able to take proper care of my baby and myself. I use to cry whole day and was in search for solution. Many superstitions came in mind, like Jadu tona, Nazar and all, etc. My husband is a kind person and has helped me and supported me a lot. His only bad habit was drinking. Otherwise he is very good man, well educated, good job.
Day by day his health also became dull due to drinks, high BP, cholesterol, liver problem, fluid in lung, worst pancreatitis and sugar. He also started losing his weight. He even did not care about me and baby. Even after having so many health problems, still he was drinking a lot, and started taking loan. Here i was worried more. Now my baby was of 2 months. One day at afternoon, Wednesday, i was just sitting beside my small baby, and was thinking about how to save my husband’s life and make all fine. I don’t know how, but suddenly i thought about Sai Baba Vrat Katha. Few years back, one of my neighbour’s had done Sai Baba Vrat. So i just thought to start it from next day, that’s Thursday, but question was from where i will get the Vrat book. Then i just called my friend, asked her to bring book if she is somewhere near market, because i can’t go out far as my baby was too small. On the same day, i got Vrat book also, but again the question was about fast, as my baby was of just 2 month. She was completely dependent on breastfeeding, so it was not good to keep fast, so i asked a question to Sai Baba Miracles admin, and thought whatever answer i will get, it’s from Baba, and you suggested for Sai Satcharitra Parayan.
After that slowly, my problem started to solve. From that day i started Parayan, the way i can do. Because, i could not complete it in seven days. I read one chapter daily, even there was no fix time, as i use to read it when my baby sleeps, but i did Parayan with full faith and patience, because i know, Baba will really help me and make everything fine. Miracle happened, Baba made my husband to join rehabilitation centre to come out of addiction. One AA (Alcoholics Anonymous) member called me and said they will help me to make my husband to come out of addiction. Baba has only send that old uncle to help me. Before joining rehabilitation, his blood test was done. Because if he is fit, like no serious matter, than only admission was possible, and Baba Miracle is to make him to join rehabilitation. His all blood test report was normal, that uncle took him to rehabilitation.
After 2 months, now my husband is back from rehabilitation keeping all his bad things behind and came with new life. My baby was missing her father’s love for 5 months, and now she got back her father’s love and i got back my husband love, thanks Baba for all this. In between when my husband was in rehabilitation, even my baby was not feeling well. A cough was there in her chest as per X-ray report and doctor asked for admission. I was very worried to get my small baby to admit and inserting IV in her small tiny hand, i just prayed to Baba. I don’t want her to face all this, and consulted another doctor, and he just gave other syrups and in 2 days she was fine. Thanks Baba, Thanks A Lot, You Made Me Richest By Giving Me Such A Sweet Parents, Husband, Sisters And Cute Baby. My parents and my sisters supported me a lot. Even many well wishers, like my cousins, AA members, etc. I know Baba helped me through them. My husband wasted all money in drinks, but i know he will stand again, because Baba is with us. We will work hard and achieve what we had lost, Baba will help us and Baba is with us, Baba loves me, Thanks Baba, Om Sai Ram.

Anonymous Devotee from USA says: Om Sai Sri Sai Jai Jai Sai. This is really wonderful blog for all Sai devotees which increase Faith in Sai by reading all the great experiences. My Hearty Thanks to Hetal and team for working on this site. I am very grateful for posting my earlier experiences in this sacred blog. Today I want to share one more experience with all the devotees. My Daughter’s ears were pierced in India two months ago. Then she was good with the ear rings for almost three weeks. Suddenly I don’t know what happened, I saw her ears bleeding at the back side which became worse within short time. I felt very bad as she was not letting me to clean that area which was infected, swollen with blood clots. Both ears were in worse condition and even we were not able to take those ear rings as those were tightly linked.
One day I forcibly applied some ointment at night and next day morning I felt it is going to reduce the infection. Even that didn’t work but it worsened. Later I prayed to Baba and took some Udi, mixed with water and made as paste and then applied on both ears. Then I thought that if it won’t cure I have to remove ear rings by cutting, which is only option left. After one day I saw a lot of change in the infected area. Looks like it is curing now it is still swollen but bleeding has reduced drastically. After seeing that I felt so happy and said Thanks to my Baba. He is the one who removed my Daughter’s pain. Baba keep blessing all of us and give me strength to face tough situations. I want to share one more Miracle. Few months back, I asked one question in Sai’s question and answer site. The answer I got was “You will visit Shirdi shortly”. I was happy to see that message. Three months later, I traveled to India and visited Shirdi with all my family members. It was really awesome Baba. He allowed me to have Darshan twice. Always bless me to hold Your holy feet in whatever situation I am in.

Anonymous Devotee from India says: Hello Everyone. I am here to share my experience about Baba’s miracle. I am a student in Hyderabad studying my B.tech 3rd year. As i want to apply for my masters, i want to have aggregate above 80%. But till 2nd year, i did not even have 75%. As usual, i studied a night before my End Semester exams in 3rd year. I knew that i just screwed up with my exams and i was not even expecting 75% this time. I was feeling very bad. I went to Baba’s Temple and prayed Him & asked Him to do some miracle with me also by getting at least 80% this time, and i will break coconut in the same Temple. After my results were out, miracle happened. To my surprise, i got 81.3% and all the credit goes to Baba, because i know that i haven’t written anything that matters in my exams. Thank You so much Baba. Hope i will continue this aggregate. I know Baba, You will make this happen in every semester. Thanks a lot Baba.

© Devotees Experiences with Shirdi Sai Baba
Blessed experiences.
Bow to ShriSai peace be to all
Om sai ram.Baba bless us all.
All are blessed experiences, devotee who helped your husband to recover from Alcohol problem you are really blessed 🙂
Wonderful experiences. Thanks for sharing. Om Sairam.
Jai Sai Ram
Jai Sai Ram
Jai Sai Ram
Jai Sai Ram
Jai Sai Ram
Jai Sai Ram
Jai Sai Ram
Jai Sai Ram
Jai Sai Ram
Ohm sairam..Baba bless me..you know well in which situation am i now. You only gave one loveable person as my love in life.
you only made my heart and thoughts and his heart to love each other..But now he is so coward to marry me due to situations..
oh my saima you are my father you can only know my feelings and how much heart broken i am..i cant bear this pain..i cant live without him..
i completely surrender to u my baba please make him to realize my love and make him to marry me and solve all our problems sai deva..you are my last hope..i beg you baba..please do a miracle for me baba to make him to marry me..eventhough it is wrong you my beloved baba told you can anything for your devotee baba..am not a big devotee am such a dust in your leg..i bow to you baba..already you had done so many miracle in my life baba..thank you very much for all baba..you can only make him to marry me baba..bless me my sai..do a miracle for me also baba to make him to marry me baba..i love you baba with full of tears..
Ohm sairam
ohm sairam
Om sai ram
dear devotee dont worry every thing will be fine.baba knows what is good for there devotee,except what he gives u.We dont know our future so baba will take decisions for ur better not only for today but for life time.It is very difficult situation but have faith.today I m going to shirdi I will pray for u.
Dear sister I give u example their R only 1 person out of 100 who marry his love that's a fact y u don't recognise that person because he is not smart or ur type don't cry here if a boy cry in relation that's true love so all of u girls just try to recognise that person out of 100 who can marry u rather then weeping here I know my words r so poison but this is direct advice from Sai baba m doing Sai baba vrat continuously from last 6 years and will be continue till my last birth
Please bless this devotee so that she gets married to the person she loves
Dear Sai sister you have said it so nicely and it is so true,"if a boy cry in relation that's true love so all of u girls just try to recognise that person out of 100 who can marry u "
Thank u all for your advices and prayers for me..bt he himself cries not to lose me but he is so coward and his situations..So our saima can 1ly do a miracle to make him strong and change his situations to make him to marry me..
i beg u baba.. All devotees to pray for your sister..Baba please baba..am helpless
.ohm sai ram
Om Sai ram
saibaba bless al baba…bless my amma with good health baba…her sugar levels should be normal baba…bless my brother to get medical seat baba..bless him with bright future baba and guide him baba…bless my sister's life and her kid's baba…soon she should get government job in her hometown baba..please forgive me for my mistakes baba…please accept me again baba…please help me to get a job in my hometown baba…please baba guide me baba…Om Sai Ram Om Sai Ram Om Sai Ram
Dear sister my reading ur comment from so long daily if u will help others rather than ur faimly then baba will return ur faimly 100 time more think about others everybody is suffering in this world sorry if I hurt u direct advice coming from sai baba
I wish my husband could also change .I have been praying to Baba for the past 1 year but nothing has changed at all.
Om sai ram
dear devotee baba has given u hint through todays experience
Sweet and touching experiences.
O Sadguru Thank You for being with us and guiding us to do the right thing in life 🙂
Jai Sairam
Om Sai Ram
Om Sai Ram
Om Sai Ram
om sai ram love u baba love u so much…….baba i want to see changes in my brother behavior…i know u will do it ..he is very nice person by heart but some time suddenly his behavior is getting very different to him…so pleas baba remove his all negative power …and increase positive power…love u baba love u so much…
happy baba's day..om sai ram
Please baba help us..
I know you will help me become a better person..that is all i want now..to take charge and be a person you can be proud of…help me through this Baba..you are my mother and the only one who loves me despite everything. I am so grateful to you for everything..i want nothing other than your love and protection. Love you always Ma. Sorry for all the times i have let you down. I will try my best to be a better person worthy of your love. Only a true and loving mother like you can love her children despite all the wrongs they do. Om Sai Ram.
Om sai ram
dear devotee baba has blessed u and showed u right path.may sai bless u in this journey
Om Sai Ram. Happy Sai Baba day all
Om sairam
All experiences are really heart touching.Thank u baba for all ur love and blessings. We are really fortunate to be ur devotees.As you know baba i am praying for having a baby.I have full trust in u baba.Please shower ur blessings on me.
Sri satchidhanandha sathguru sai natha maharaj ki jai
Hetalji, Thank you very much for sharing 6 experiences daily ans giving us happiness.
Thankyou so so SO much Sai Ma!! My brother's admission into a good college today..on a thursday..thankyou for this miracle..we are most glad and grateful to you for this and for everything else. Please give him a bright and secure future and may he reach new heights! Om Sai Ram!
Om sai ram om sai ram om sai ram. Bless us baba.love u so much..happy babaji's day to all
Dear All
I wld like to share 1 experience withour baba.i m a working woman married for last 4.5 years.Since beginning of our married life, v faced lots of problems due to my father in law & sil…but everything became much worse whn i tried to concieve but remained unsuccessful for more than 2years…i got to knw i hav submucosal fibroid in my uterus which can reduce pregnancy chan e by 70% .I was devastated ..slowly gained my mental strength….did nav guruvar vrat..nothing happend…kept once again and used to smear baba iudi on my stomach daily …prayed everyday for his miracle…finally on my 5th thursday vrat i came to knw abt my pregnancy…docs put me on bed rest for 3months as it was a high risk pregnancy…by baba's grace everything went smoothly…throughout day i used to pray sai baba, lighted 2diyas, sai satcharitra prayan, sai chalisa..baba came into my dreams many times…predicted my date of delivery…now 15 days back i have been blessed with baby girl…om sai ram..thanks mere kripalu baba
Wow! Congratulations … Om sai ram …. Babas udi is the highest form of medicine it can cure anything … Hopefuly your fibroid problem is cured to by udi … Om sai ram jai sai ram ..
Om Sai Ram
Sai baba…plz bless all the couples wid ur kripa prasad…ur saiansh…..om sai ram
Om sai ram
thank u baba for calling me to shirdi and conforming my tickets till last night my ticket was not conformed.today is my last date of nav guruvar vrat and today itself u called me to take blessing.After 5 year I will visit shirdi very excited and happy thank u for everything I was thinking why baba is not calling me but u said u do things at right time so beautifully u planed my going date to shirdi.yepeeeee
happy journey..om sai ram..
Om Sai Ram
Have a happy fruitful journey to Shirdi which is a heaven for Sai Devotees
Om sai ram
thank u baba for this wonderful visit.every single min.u showed ur love and care for me.every thing was like u have planed for me so beautifully.thanks a lot my sai
Have a blessed trip devotee .. Sai is so kind he plans everything at the right time .. Om sai ram
Sai m very depress. I lost my love, I have nobody in my life except u. I have no frnds, parents doesn't love me, nobody. I only have u, I can talk to u only. Y u r not doing anything 4 me, m saying this coz m not happy in my life. I know v have 2 pay 4 our past karma, plz sai now enough. I have u n still m not happy. Plz do something 4 my happiness. M 33 its enough, I have lost many things in life. I have no carrier, no frnds,no cousins, lost my love too. Plz give me peace n happiness. Sai
Om Sai Ram
Please start reading "Sai kasta nivarana mantra" everyday 3 times a day morning evening and night with 100% faith and you see lots of positive changes in your life very soon.read a chapter of Sai Satcharithra daily also.May Baba bless you with lots of happiness and fulfill all your wishes soon.
Wonderful Experiences.
O BABA! You are The Merciful, Kind and Loving Father to all your children. Thank you so much for easing the pain of your daughter this morning. Udi is the medicine for any ailment, small or big. Thank you so much for saving us from mental anguish. BABA! Please bless me with your divya darshan and keep me near your holy feet always.
Anantha Koti Brahmanda Nayaka Rajadhi Raja Yogiraja Parabrahma , Sri Satchidananda Sadguru Sainath Maharaj ki Jai
Baba fullfilled my wish
Thankyou saibaba for fullfilling my wish
Om sai shri sai jai jai sai
Sai Sai Sai Sai Sai Sai Sai Sai Sai
Om Sai Ram Baba today I had my nav guruvar vrat's udhdyapan Baba please fullfill my wishes. Love you Baba
Om Sai Ram…Please bless me and my husband with healthy and beautiful child BABA…
Om Sai Ram
May Baba bless you with a healthy child soon.
Om San Ram,
Blissful experience, Thanks for sharing.
Baba, please never ever leave my hand & keep all your children blessed forever.
Ananta Koto Brahmand Nayak Rajadhiraj Yogiraj Parabrahma,
Sri Sachidanand Satguru Sainath Maharaj Ki Jai.
Om sai ram babaji. ..thank you so so much for fulfilling my wish baba…apna kripa bhara haath sada hamare parivar par rakhna baba…thank you so so much
that you bought me to your lotus feet…I request you baba…We are having havan on 23rd july baba , I request you to plz come and bless our new home and my family…I WILL WAIT FOR YOU BABA…Om sai ram…
Om Sai Sri Sai Jaya Jaya Sai
om sai ram