Highlights of this post:
Anonymous Devotee from India says: Om Sai Ram! There is not much I want to say about myself except that Sai Baba has given a meaning to my life and in true essence completes me as a woman. I am a happily married woman with a wonderful daughter, a gift by God and protected by Sai Baba. My experience is from the vision of Baba ji in my dream. It’s nothing short of a miracle. It’s said that God’s vision is the best and to dream of Sai Baba is better than anything else. I can’t really say when exactly I started believing in Baba but I did. As a child I was awed by His aura. God has always been kind to me and has given me everything I had wanted all my life. I was studying in US, when I once saw my mother doing Baba ji’s Parayan. I asked her what was it that she was doing, she explained me why and when this is done. For no reason, I made a promise to myself that I will do it someday.
Mine is a love marriage, a south Indian Brahmin girl marrying a Marwari boy. Initially there was resistance from my family but by God’s grace it did happen in May 2005. At that time I was reminded about the Parayan vow I had taken. But i couldn’t do it. We were a childless couple for a long time. Again by God’s grace (I was doing Siddhi Ganesha Vrat at the time), I eventually got pregnant in Aug 2013 within the first cycle of my IVF treatment. Immediately within a month of pregnancy, complications started. I had severe bleeding due to which I got admitted in a Mumbai hospital on September 2, 2013. For some reason an inner voice prompted me to keep Baba’s Satcharitra and question answer book in my bag while I was rushing to hospital. That night I was lying still in hospital thanking God to have saved my pregnancy. Holding Baba ji’s photo, I went off to sleep.
Baba ji gave me a vision that night. I was at Samadhi Mandir with my dear husband and beautiful girl child. I took my child to Baba ji and put her at His feet and prayed to Him to bless her. Baba ji took my child in His arms and blessed her and told me to be rest assured that she will be taken care of. I immediately opened my eyes to find myself in hospital bed. I was confused but then thought whatever be it, Baba ji has promised me and He will keep His promise. I started reading Satcharitra. He did protect me. I went through a very difficult pregnancy and He kept me going. He gave me the will power to fight it out. When I got preterm Labour pains at 31 weeks, I kept reading Satcharitra. I delivered suddenly at 34 weeks. I went through a labour for 8.5 hours and had a normal delivery at 34 weeks. It was a very easy and smooth delivery shocking the whole family. I gave birth to a beautiful daughter who has filled our life with so much of love, happiness and warmth that I forgot all the pain.
Baba ji has kept His word. Even though a preemie, my daughter caught up with kids of her age and today she is a normal 10 months old child. I have kept my promise of reading Satcharitra. I have completed the book 6 times already and i keep re-reading it. He has accepted me as His own and protected my child. We took our daughter to Shirdi suddenly without any planning when she was 4.5 months old. Not once but twice we had Darshan and we could put her at His feet. How fortunate she is to have such an experience. At such a tender age she loves Baba ji. Baba ji’s photo is kept by her bedside. And it’s only that photo she gets attracted to. She wants to grab and kiss it. Such is the Leela of Baba ji. Whom He accepts as His own, He protects. He promised me that He will protect my child and He has kept His promise. Om Sai Ram.

Anonymous Devotee from India says: Sai Ram Hetal ji. As always i would like to thank you first for creating such a wonderful platform for Sai Devotees so that they can always share their Experiences, their valuable thoughts and can always increase faith in those who are seeking for Sai Maa’s help in some or the other form. Like them, i am another small kiddo of Our Sai Maa and today is the day when i am going to share about my precious dream which has come true. Sai Ram to all Sai Kids. This is the experience which is very close to my heart. Today is 31-12-2014 (Wednesday) and i am 6 weeks pregnant and that is only due to Sai Maa’s Kripa Prasad. I got married in Feb, 2014 and after that i always wanted to have baby but my husband believes in some astrology and all so he told me to wait for next 6 months and i waited quietly.
There were many things happening at my family front also. May be it was Baba’s wish to let me suffer that and wash away my sins that way and in fact few days back also my marriage was almost on stake as there were few things from my husband’s side which were troubling me and i went to my Nani Muma’s place where i had grown up and got married. When i was there i kept on praying to Sai Maa that You are my Mother and my world to me so please don’t let these problems ruin my marriage and i also asked Baba to bless me with baby so that Me and My Husband could make our bond more strong and after that i came back to my husband’s place and we went for blood test and yesterday i.e. 29-12-14 (Tuesday) i got my reports positive that i am carrying a baby. This all happened due Sai Baba’s blessings. I told Sai ji to give me this blessing as my New Year and anniversary gift and Baba has fulfilled this wish. Few months back also i felt that i was pregnant and then i had very bad fight with my husband and same day i got my menstrual cycle. I was in tears. But today Baba has given me this blessing and i don’t want anything to happen to my child. My urge to my Deva and to all of you my loving Sai Devotees to please bless me and keep my baby safe.
I am worried because i have hormonal problem PCOS due to which i have faced problems in conceiving and even now when i am pregnant i will have to take some injections to avoid Miscarriage as its very common and hurting problem with PCOS patients. Even my husband is worried about me. Baba i am surrendering me to You in the same way i surrendered when i was in Lab for my test and You have never disappoint me. Baba what i only want is Your love and blessings for my baby who is growing in my womb. Please take care of her/him and never let anything bad happen to them. I am ready to face problems but please do not let anything effect my baby/babies. Just keep them healthy and safe in my womb. We will be meeting my doctor on 1st, January, 2015. which is Your day Thursday. Please keep everything alright. I knew when i got Your Udi from Shirdi that it was a blessing and assurance of Yours for my baby. Bless us Sai Maa. You are the only hope and support. Never let us forget You. I am thankful to You because my husband has also started believing in You. Boost his faith Baba only that way he and my in laws will understand the meaning of love and relationship that i have with them. Only that way they realise my value. Please forgive me if have done any mistake. I am sorry Sai Maa. Om Shirdi Vasay Vidhmah Satchitananday Dhimahi Tanno Sai Prachodyat.

Anonymous Devotee from US says: Om Sai Ram. I am more than blessed to have my Lord and my Sadguru Sai Baba’s grace (Anugraha). I am thrilled to share Baba’s miracle that I have experience with you all. I feel extremely fortunate that Lord has shown so much love and grace on me and my family. Om Sai Ram. Om Sai Ram! My Pranam and Sashtanga Namasakar to my Sadguru Sai Baba. Thank you Hetal ji for starting this blog. We are extremely blessed to have been able to share and read Shri Sai Baba’s miracles through your blog. Reading Baba’s sweet Leelas gives us so much strength, courage and hope. Om Sai Ram.
Let me start my experience now. I live in California, United States of America. It was December 10th 2014, my second son’s 2nd year birthday. There is a Baba Temple near my older son’s preschool. So, on 10th December, we decided to go to the temple in the morning, to seek Baba’s Darshan and then drop off my first child at his preschool. It was around 8.30 am in the morning when we arrived at the Temple. We saw that the Temple was closed. I was a little upset as we didn’t get Baba’s Darshan on my baby’s birthday. The temple hours were from 6:15 am–7:45 am, 11:45 am–12:30 pm and 6:00-9:30 pm. My husband said that we would come back to the temple in the afternoon after picking up my older child from his school. So, I did my Sashtanga Namasakar from outside and also made my kids do Namasakar from outside. As we were going to leave the Temple, an old man came from the parking lot with the Temple keys and said he would open the Temple for us. My happiness had no bounds! I knew that He was Sakshat Sai Baba Himself. My Baba listened to me! He fulfilled my wishes. He gave us Darshan!
My baby was the most blessed child I would say as I feel that the Temple got opened just for him on his birthday. We had a heart full Darshan of my Baba ji! Baba’s Idol looked so peaceful and beautiful. The man (kaka) who opened the Temple door gave us yummy Prasad also. This is the most unforgettable day in our lives. I cannot ask for anything more than this. Baba always listens to His children. All He asks for is pure love. Baba is just like a baby. We have to surrender ourselves completely to Him and leave all our problems at His lotus feet. He will just take care of everything and will give us million folds back. I cannot forget this experience in my life. This was the most auspicious day for our entire family. Both my children, my husband and I are more than fortunate and blessed to get Baba’s Darshan on my younger one’s special day! Om Sai Ram! Sainath Maha Raj Ki Jai! Akhilanda Koti Brahmand Nayak Rajadhi Raja Yogi Raja Para Brahma Sri Sachidanand Sadguru Sainath Maharaj Ki Jai.

Anonymous Devotee from India says: Hi everyone, I first have to thank the page admin for starting such a page to post all the miracles. These stand to boost confidence in me so much every day. Sai Baba in my life is my Best Friend. Any important decisions I decide only with my Baba. I ask Him questions and He gives me the right answer to the problems. When things don’t take shape in my life I always ponder but later when it happens I realise why Sai did not allow to happen when I needed it. It was always for my good. This miracle happened two days back when I was lying on bed and was thinking of how much my life was screwed in this one year and was asking Baba when this will all end. I have an app in my mob that sings Baba songs. My mobile was on a table far away from my bed and there was no one in the room. All of a sudden that app in my mob started to sing Baba’s hymns. Eyes filled with tears, heart filled with joy. I know Baba is with me and is going to solve my problems soon. Baba You never forsake me. Om Sai Ram.
Another miracle that happened was my family and me went to Tirupathi for Darshan and it was heavily crowded. I have severe problem with my stomach. I don’t eat my food properly on time. I will faint or will land up in severe stomach ache and in Tirumala, it always takes minimum 4 hours to have Darshan. I was hungry and was able to feel the pain. I prayed Baba that I should not get pain or faint as if such things happen my entire family’s purpose of visit will be spoilt. It took about few hours to have Darshan and miracle happened. There was no sign of pain in my stomach. In my house we have a Baba statue which is a white marble statue. One day all of a sudden to our surprise that statue turned into orange colour in the chest part of Baba and the turban. Baba’s miracles have no end. I trust Him fully and have given my life in His hands. He will take care of it and bring me out of all clutches of life. Sainath Maharaja Ki Jai.

Anonymous Devotee from India says: I don’t know when Sai came into my life. Now my each day passes only with His prayers. Thanks to the person who is behind this site and taking so much responsibility to publish all experiences. I read all the experiences every day and feel how Baba is helping others and merciful i am posting this experience as i promised Baba that i would do if my wish gets fulfilled. This is my first experience i am sharing. I was too upset because of the fight with my best buddy. I was shattered. He is always fighting with me and left me. He did not even care how much i pleaded. I said about my situation to him. He was damn angry and did not consider me. I tried all means. But at last i lost the hope and kept praying Baba. I thought we would not be normal again. Praying and crying to Sai was my only hope and days passed liked that.
I was crying day and night because he had ignored and hurt my feelings. I did not know how I would move on with those heavy feelings. There was no one around me to be shared. Then i left it to Baba. I was lighting lamps and visiting His Temple every day. I thought he would not talk with me at all. To my surprise, with grace of Baba he just texted me after two weeks. I never thought, he would talk within this span of time. He texted me and after that, within two or three days, he was normal with me. Thanks to Sai so much. He solved my problems and united us. Thank You Sai, Thank You so much. Sai Sai Sai Sai Sai Sai Sai Sai Sai Sai Sai Sai Sai Sai Sai Sai Sai Sai Sai Sai Sai Sai Sai Sai Sai Sai. Sai knows still i am in so much of trouble and problem, both health and personal ones. Baba is the only saviour to save my life now. I need Your blessings Sai, please show Your mercy on me and all Your devotees and everyone. You are the merciful father, please don’t be silent. Save us from this and give me life please. Love You Sai.

Anonymous Devotee from India says: I am from Bangalore, India. I am doing my BE. Jai Sai Maharaj Ki Jai ho! I am from Bangalore. Last year when there was online counselling going on to allot students for engineering, we had to fill the online form by listing colleges in our priority order. By mistake I entered wrong course name in one college and unluckily I was allotted to that college. I was shocked at first then I realized that i did the mistake. Later two rounds over, but I didn’t get seat in good college. I was completely stressed and depressed. I don’t know What to do. Then I prayed faithfully and heartedly to Sai Baba. I know He was hearing my prayer. Then next day we went to other centre where allotment was going on. But unfortunately, first round was over and there was only last round. I was waiting eagerly, tears were in my eyes always. I prayed heart fully to Sai Baba. Then in second round I got seat in my expected college. I still can’t believe my eyes! It was a miracle. I thanked Baba a lot. Then forever i studied hard and hard to thank Baba. He fulfilled my dream and I am enjoying my studies a lot. Thank You Baba. Jai Sai. Shri Sai Jai Jai Sai!

© Devotees Experiences with Shirdi Sai Baba
Dear First Devotee,
Can you please tell me how Siddhi Ganesha Vrat is performed.Even I am issueless for so many years.Please help me.
Thank you
Sai ram
Feed ladu to Ganesha daily and pray that pic in which ganesja is sitting in lap of Parvati mata along with shivji. Drink udi ith water n keep sai veat. Leave your favourite item till u get pregnant. Write Om sai ram 11 or 21 or 108 times daily. Sai will bless u with a great child. I was childless for 9 yrs n baba gave me 2 wonderful sons
Baba bless me and my family with a good day today full of happiness baba
lol Sai ram
OM Sai ram
OM Sai ram
OM Sai ram
What a day, All the experiences are so positive and beautiful :))
O Sai, please bless us with peace and remove the layers of ignorance, so that we can always surrender at your lotus feet 🙂
Love & Peace
Dear devotees im praying baba for a long time.but he didnt solve my problems even by 1 persentage.all of them remaining same or increased.all of the people remaing as same.no changes in their mind or begaviour.then what is baba doing?is he cheating me and people like me?i cheated by him a lot.now i want urgent death only.now im hopeless and so much sad.i cant live further.my family also cheated me a lot.no body is there to me.i hope in soon i will die its baba's wish also.
Dear Devotee
I think you have been praying for wrong things- do not expect people to change, you have to change yourself- to be more positive, to love more and more, to give more and expect less, to forgive others. If you start accepting others & loving others unconditionally, your life will change forever.
Life is all about evolving yourself, once you will start accepting others as it is, you will get tremendous love and peace in your life.
Listen to this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WHLY7aLpz9Y
Love & Peace
Dear i m in the same condition sai did not help me .. Problems are only increasing … I feel cheated too you know i went ro sai temple one day before my report i prayed and pandit ji gave me 2 flowers from baba"s arms and blessed me and rest none of the devotees got anything there was no parsad so i thought baba has indicated me that every thing wil be ok i asked in QA site everytime there was positive sign you will recover from diseases in 3 months or clamity will vanish etc etc he is always indicating positive but nothing happened .. Now i feel so cheated .. I feel mayb baba is not there his powrs are over ..i faith is shaken ..:((
Well said !
Dear Sai Devotees,
Please NEVER think that Baba is not listening, or His powers are over, or something like that. Everybody has to go through problems in life. That is prarabdha. What we did in the past, we have to bear its result, good and bad. Just because you prayed and did not get a resolution, it does not mean that your prayers are not getting heard. Baba is like a kind mother. He knows when to give and what to give. Many times, we pray for the wrong things. And many a times, the time is not right for us to get it. So, leave of all your suspicious nature, and your fear, and surrender whole heartedly to Baba. He is our Guru, our preceptor, and He only needs us to keep utmost faith in Him.
Dont give up dear friends. Bear all your karmas once and for all. Thats the best way to handle difficult times.
May Baba give you strength to face all the situations,
Baba's daughter
Jai Sai Ram
Jai Sai Ram
Jai Sai Ram
Jai Sai Ram
Jai Sai Ram
Jai Sai Ram
Jai Sai Ram
Jai Sai Ram
Jai Sai Ram
Sai ram thanks sai baba
Om sai ram ,baba you have started the process of fufilling our wish please baba lead this to the end . now all burden in on you a i know you will do it beautifully as always. You send our neighbour as help but for me it is my sai baba in his form who come to help us .so baba i am waiting for result .and eager to share my experiance on this blog so please give me this opportunity .om sai ram
Blessed experiences. Thanks for sharing. Om Sairam.
Om Sai Ram
sai deva om sai ram
i did what ever you said
you gave me all the positive signs i wanted
you told you will surely success this time
but all are in vain
that too on guru pournima day
i was really depressed
may it is my fault
this time you please help me deva
please hold my hands forever
i am heartfully asking you sorry for my mistakes
please give me strength deva
please help me
On sai ram same thing happened with me is baba giving me some hint
om sai ram dear sai devotee may be you are correct may sai help us this time with better result
let us have faith in our beloved father our sai
om sai ram
Sai Ram Please bless to get good flat and shift my family asap. Om Sai Sri Sai Jaya Jaya Sai
Om sai ram Baba be with us , its my birthday gift given by u..Baba please take care of me and my child.. sai i left every thing on u..we need ur blessing ..
Very nice experiences and I'm sure our Beloved Baba has blessed the lady with a bundle of joy 🙂
O Sai, help us, we surrender at Your Feet and seek that our sins be washed away.
Jai Sairam
Om sai ram
Baba tomorrow my son's report is going to come please give me highest score in class please make him brilliant in class going to attempt spelling bee contest please I want my son willbe selected. ..
Thanks baba whatever you gave me .
Baba tomorrow is your day please make it special for us my husband don't have job baba and in our house stress is too much support my husband to get job baba .baba just bless him.
Om sai ram
Blessed experiences.
Bow to ShriSai peace be to all
Om Sai Ram
Om Sai Ram
Om Sai Ram
Baba pls make my love complete or give me strength to forget him.all ur choice It is very difficult phase,very painfull.help me deva now I cant able to bear this help me soon.
I am happy for the people who are sharing their experiences…They are lucky to get baba's blessings..
I am waiting for his blesiings since 7 years…I am shattered now and know that he will not fulfill my wish because my past karmas…My life is hell and i am mentally abused by my family…Its a very long time..i want to rest for sometime,want to feel peace…My wish doesn't matter anymore…i want to rest in peace..i am not angry with baba just asking that i am not able to take it anymore..Please give me mukti..its a big thing to ask but it will free me frm this hell..i love u baba..plz forgive me if i misbehaved with u..
Om Sai Ram
Baba will surely listen to your prayersJust have saburi
Dear devotee
You need to have a strong mind to not get affected by the words… We all expect that sai would do some maricle ans change all this .. This is our fantasy which is not real ..in reality nothing will change untill we chnge … If these big unimaginable maricles were possible today then i think most of us in this forum would have had no problems ..
So bottom line is as baba to give you strength in tough times .. Once you will have that you will be able to change your thought process and thn you will not be affected by any abuses…
O palanhare falling at your lotus feet
Om Sai ram
Please Baba ….Always keep us close to you..near your feet :).
Sai Sai Sai Sai Sai Sai Sai Sai Sai
Jai Sai ram…bless all deva
Baba please help us. You only can do it baba..baba please don't disappoint us deva.. Please baba make everything alright. I want my son to be happy and your staunch devotee. Please make it possible baba. Please help us deva. Om sai shri sai jai jai sai.
Those people are very lucky and fortunate whose problems are solved and got blessing from sai but I dont thing I m much fortunate I believed him when it was hard to believe but every time I get ray of hope then again heartbreak,I lost for which I was beliving but never stopped my devotion,people made fun of my devotion but I continued to worship.all people are made from merits and demerits and I m also I of them.I always believe and done charity work,helped poor and needy people,donate cloths and food,loved children as they are mine,lived empty stomach for others,wipe tears of other as a frnd,gives respect to beggers,I followed what sai taught to thier devotees.for me these are part of devotion but now I feel no one is there to listen my prayers,dont know when sai will come to help me and wash away my tears.I read sai satcharitra,did nav guruvar vrat but now my patience is geeting over.If u realy exist and ur words are true then u have to help me within one week or else I will not believe u anymore.I will accept that I was just a fool to believe u.
Om sai ram :))
Omsairam.love you.thanku so much for giving job.
Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram
Anantha Koti Brahmanda Nayaka Rajadhi Raja Yogiraja Parabrahma Sri Satchidananda Samardha Sadguru Sainath Maharaj Ki Jai
BABA ji! Please bless all your children and help them get rid of their bad karmas. Please bless us with strength and patience to face our problems. Thank you for everything you gave us Saima.
Hi All,
I have posted my experience previously on this regarding my marriage proposal.I was looking for a groom for past 2years and i was always worried/frustrated that i'm not liking anyone and nothing is working out. I always use dto cry and fight before baba and say why this is happening to me and it has to be done by so and so date. But recently couple of months back i met a guy and he has everything i'm looking for. He is a very nice guy and now our marriage and engagement dates are fixed too.He is very nice guy.Just wanted to say that Always trust baba and have full faith and patience.Everything will fall in place. Even if we suffer thats for our good too as it will make us strong.
Baba please always be with me.I know i'm forgetting you due to busy stuff….You are always there in my mind and heart. Omsairam!!
om sai ram
Dear this is the best maricle done by baba till date … Ha ha ha
Om Sai ram
Om sai ram om sai ram om sai ram. Love u babaji..
Om Sai Meh Ma .. Meh Ma .. Om shri sachidanand sadguru Sai nath maharaj ki jai .. Baba pls forgive all my mistakes n bless my kids .. Om Sai Ram .. Madhu
Baba please solve my problem. It is my fault. I forgot you in my good days. Please bless me baba.i dnt want to loose my family baba. Please baba. Baba I trust you. You are the only hope baba..