Shirdi Sai Baba Miracles and Leela in this Post:
Sai Sister Bittu from India says: I am 25 years old software engineer by profession, who believes in Sai Baba truly from her heart. Through this blog, I want to share my experience with all Sai Baba devotees. Om Sai Ram. May Sai Baba keep showering His blessings on us. Today, I would like to share my experience of Sai Baba with you all. First time in my life, I visited Sai Baba Temple in around March 2011 in Chennai, it was my last year of B.Tech. I still remember, I went just to visit the Temple with my college friends not as a devotee of Sai Baba. In that temple, there was a wish tree where if anyone ties thread with his wish then when wish fulfils that person should visit again that Temple to open the knots which they tied while prying for their wish. I too tied some knot with thread there. My college ended in may 2011. I left Chennai and forgot that I went to Sai Temple because in my home we never worshiped Sai Baba so i didn’t know who Sai Baba is.
After leaving Chennai, i came back to my home. I couldn’t get placed in my college so again i had to go for a job search. I came to Bangalore for job search and was there for 2 months. There also i couldn’t get any job and returned to my home back. Then i was simply sitting in my home without any job. I just don’t want to remember that phase of my life, it was so depressing, worst phase of my life. Being a B.Tech graduate and jobless is the most frustrating thing anyone can go through and that too at home, you just can’t face your neighbours, relatives life seemed to be hell. One day all of sudden, me and my Mom decided to go to Sai Temple. This was the 3rd time in my life when i visited any Sai Temple, almost 2 years completed still i was jobless. In June 2013, I joined a small company in Patna. I got some feeling like is this job i got because of Sai Baba. I started thinking of Him. After 3 months, that small company got closed due to some reason again i was jobless. I started praying to Sai Baba that what wrong I did in my life that i am suffering through this bad phase/luck.
Now it was January 2014 on my Birthday, I told my Mom-Dad lets go to Sai Temple. They said okay lets go, I told my Mom that i want to distribute some food to poor who sit outside Sai Temple. My Mom prepared halwa-puri to distribute among poor. We all, Me, My parents, My Sister & Brother went to Temple, we worshiped and I distributed food to poor, I felt so good and relaxed. My Sister gifted me a Sai Baba Idol on that Birthday, and she said I think Sai Baba listens to you, I too felt the same. I prayed Baba that please give me a job Baba it is 2.6 years i don’t have a job, I left talking to all my friends due to shame of being jobless. I told my Dad that i want to go to Bangalore again for job search, He said once you went and came back empty handed, don’t go to that city, you can try somewhere else. I told Dad one last time i want to try in reality, I never tried for job so seriously, one last attempt. He said okay and again i left from home to Bangalore on 7th March 2014.
I started searching for job but it was a long gap in my resume. I was not getting any job, everywhere i was facing the same question, why you didn’t do any job for so long. I was losing hope. But the place i am living in Bangalore, i got to know there is one Sai Baba Temple near to that, I went to Temple, the moment I entered inside the Temple above the Idol of Sai Baba two lines where written “Why Fear When I Am Here” (on left wall) “If You Look To Me I Look To You” (On right side of wall). After reading these lines, I felt like it is Sai Baba who has brought me to Bangalore, I should not lose hope, i will get a job soon at any condition, Sai Baba is there for Me. I kept trying. Months passed and i was depressed. 6 months passed away. One evening, i was sitting in Sai Baba Temple and was crying hard inside my heart, my eyes were wet, I saw one girl came happily to Temple with a very big garland and sweet for Baba, it seemed like any wish of her was fulfilled. I felt like more crying and I asked Baba when my wish will be completed. At the same time, i felt bad too. I was about to leave from Temple and while leaving I told Baba, now i won’t come to Temple until i get a job. I don’t want to come and cry every time, I too want to come happily with all smile, Now i will come with a big mala and sweet from my first salary then only i will enter inside the Temple. I left crying from there.
I missed Sai Baba a lot in those days. I kept going to that Temple but not inside from outside only. I remembered Him and i kept asking Him, when You are calling me inside the temple. 6 more months passed, during this i did some course and gave some interviews. On 4th Feb 2014, my Dad went to Pune with some office work. I told him to visit Shirdi, He went there and couriered me Prasad and Udi. On 13th Feb, I gave interview for a company and on 14th Feb 2015, I got the offer. When everyone was busy in celebrating their valentine’s day and they were buying gifts for their valentine’s. Sai Baba gave me Valentine’s gift as my job and He made my valentine’s day so special for the first time in my life. Actually He became my valentine. I am so happy. Now it’s been a month, i went inside the Temple with mala and sweet which i bought from my first salary. Now I want to visit Shirdi and I know Baba will call me there very soon. Today I went through this blog and in one experience, i read about Sai Satcharitra and I felt that once I told Baba that I will buy this book with my own money, which I am going to buy today evening. I truly believe in Him and i know, He is there for me today, tomorrow, and always. I have many more wishes which Sai Baba knows and I know He will fulfil all my wishes. I only need to keep faith in Him. I realized the real meaning of Shraddha and Saburi. His sayings are so true, keep faith in Baba, He is there for us. “Why Fear When He Is Here” Jai Sai Ram, Jai Sai Ram, Jai Jai Sai Ram.

Anonymous Devotee from USA says: I am full fledged devotee of Shirdi Sai Baba from the past 20 years. Below is my experience with Shirdi Sai Baba. I got married and living in the United States from the past 7 years. My main aim is to work in US. When I filed my H1-B, there is a lottery selection and I was very tensed whether will I be able to select in the lottery. I trusted in Baba and prayed a lot to get my Visa selected and approved. Myself and other 2 of my friends applied and with Baba’s blessings, I am the one who picked in the lottery, got my H1-B approved and also found a job in 2 months. That was my first job in US and later on I used to find a job in a max of 2 months when my project got completed. I am very very thankful to Shirdi Sai Baba. This is one of my toughest situation.
In 2013 Dec, Me and my husband went to Stamping and my visa got approved but his went to AAP and he was struck there for 6 months. I came to US with my 6 months old daughter and spent my 6 months alone managing my daughter. I felt very very tough during that time managing my office work and my daughter alone. With Baba’s blessings, my boss is very flexible who understood my situation and gave me WFH’s whenever needed. But my husband visa is still not yet approved. Then we decided that my husband come back on H4 and later on file H1-B. Accordingly, he arrived US on H4 in July 2014 and filed his H1 but his H1 got rejected and also I am in a situation where my current contract with the client ending and we were very tensed as to how we can survive our lives even without single salary. Then with Baba’s grace, luckily, I found another project within 3 weeks on bench at the same place but my husband is still on H4.
At the same time, H4-EAD rule proposed. So I am very very happy to have Baba’s blessings all the time. Though we stayed on single salary for almost 14 months, we were able to survive with my kids. I always think that with Baba’s grace at least we were in a situation where we managed with single salary at one single point of time. I hope with Baba’s Grace, my husband will get another H1-B/EAD in the next coming weeks. I feel that I did some mistake in my life which made me to be in this situation. Baba, please help my husband get his H1 and find a job soon. It’s already been 14 months now. I am sorry from my side, if I have made any mistakes. I will visit Shirdi for Your blessings next time when I come to India. Sri Sai Ram.

Anonymous devotee from Kuwait says: I am a male working abroad living with my family. My son is settled in Canada and i live with my wife in Middle East. I am a Baba devote since past several years and have experienced many miracles. I am sharing my experience for the first time. I believe Baba will always help me and never leave me in difficult situations, when i need Him the most. He has given me what i have asked Him and i know He will always do the same in future also. I am Baba’s devote since the last many years. In these years, there has been many Miracles in my life. Baba has helped and saved me in many of the difficult times, i myself had given up as i thought there was no savoir, but with Baba’s Miracle every time situation changed suddenly helping me float back in life.
Recently only 5 days back, i was going for stamping my wife’s residence, before that i had to buy insurance for her. I was in a hurry in that haste. I dropped her passport while taking out relevant documents for buying insurance. I realized this when i reached the immigration office, i started sweating as i did not know where exactly did the passport go or where did i forget and what to do. I prayed to Baba from the bottom of my heart and begged Him to help me as the process to get another passport issued would be a 6 months hassle and will involve too much of travel for my wife. Baba came to my rescue. I came to the place, where i bought the insurance and asked the counter staff if they found any passport. They fringed ignorance and said they did not see any. When i pleaded the staff for help, they started searching for it, but could not find it. By Baba’s Miracle, somebody’s sight fell behind computer processor and saw something after shifting the processor, we saw the passport. It was a great relief for me. I bowed my head remembering Baba and thanked Him for saving me from this trouble. There are several such miracles which over a period of time, i will share on this page. I pray to Baba, always bless me never leave me, without Baba blessing, i will be lost in this world. Jai Sai Ram Jai Jai Sai Ram.

Sai Sister Vidya from India says: My humble Pranams to all Sai devotees and wishes to Hetal ji for running such a wonderful blog. I am a small devotee of Baba from Bangalore. This is my second experience i am posting. Here goes my experience. I am currently pursuing my second year BDS. I could not clear one of the subjects of my first year, the toughest one-anatomy. Even though given a second chance, I could not prepare well due to my negligence. After finishing my exam, I was damn sure that i won’t clear it as I wrote irrelevant answers for some questions that I did not know. When I counted the marks, it was no where reaching even near the passing marks. Then started my anxiety because if I did not clear this subject, I should have started my second year from the beginning, which was totally horrible. I am Baba’s devotee from several years. But still, for some days, i felt not to pray Baba to help in clearing as it would not be fair, because I was about to fail purely due to my negligence. In the same dilemma, through a question-answer website, I asked Baba what I am supposed to do. There came the answer to remember the God with pure faith and my work will be done. And that’s what all I did, Losing faith on myself and devoting myself to the Almighty. My joys had no bound when Results came and I Had passed, which was totally near to impossible. Baba increased my faith on Him by this miracle. Thank You so much Baba for helping me. Forgive my mistakes and Please guide me and be my saviour throughout my life. Shower Your blessings to all the devotees in the same way. Sri Sachidanand Sadguru Sai Nath Maharaj Ki Jai.

Anonymous Devotee from America says: Om Sachidanand Sadguru Sai Ram Bhagwan Ki Jai! Om Sai Ram! I believe in my Sai and will as long as I live. It is not just by the miracles He did to me and my family but, by pure love for Him which I gained by reading His Satcharitra. Every time I read it, I relish it and my love for Him multiplies. He gives me peace. Every night I pray to my Sai to come in my dream. I love my Sai a lot. When there was shortage of food in the Temple during inclement weather condition on a Thursday He made me do Prasadam for His Naivadhya and for all the Bhaktas who came. I was filled with joy with my eyes full of tears. He is omniscient. When my kid put something in his ears and was taken to the hospital by my husband (Because he was crying very badly) in the late night, I was crying and praying to my Sai. I could not accompany him because of my newborn, my loving Sai showed me a dream in which my son was happy after his ears were washed away with water. My husband came back and told me that his ears were cleaned with water by the doctors. He is my Sai. I love Him a lot. I wish I get a chance to go and see Him, sit under the Neem tree He used to sit and cry out of joy in front of His Samadhi. I love You my Baba.

Anonymous Devotee from USA says: Om Sai Ram, I am a small devotee in Baba’s devotee ocean. I have couple of experience with Baba. I got Baba’s blessing when I was 17 years old. I treat Him one of my family member. He is eldest person in my family. I am thinking quite a long to upload my experience somehow now I feel Baba gave His permission. I was all alone in my life with small kid. I don’t know about IT sector and no idea about software, I can say I am illiterate in IT sector. There after I stand as a successful software employee ERP. This is Possible only because of Baba. I got really good husband and who takes cares me and my son so well. I am feeling vibration at my home, sometimes I feel Baba’s presence at my home and I told the same to my hubby. As usual, he laughed at me. Everyone have their own opinion, I kept quite. There after I went to India and there one day, I went to Baba’s Temple and in that Temple while performing Pooja priest got Baba on her body and says exactly same thing what I have experienced in my home and it was unbelievable. Where ever I am today is because of Baba. He takes care of us like Eldest member in our family. I really feel the same way even my kids accept the same. He is so sweet that just calling by Name, He is next to you like your father. This is all I can share. Please follow what Baba said, love all especially nature try to help not hurt other by words or actions. This is all I can tell. God bless you all your prayers.

© Devotees Experiences with Shirdi Sai Baba
Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram
Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram
Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram
baba plzz help me to get a good rank in GATE.. om sai ram
Jai sai ram
Baba,I thank you for all the help that you had and will be doin for all the devotees 🙂
If any one of us did any form of mistake,pls forgive us and we ,all of your kids,wil also for give all those souls that had done mistakes to us and hurt us 🙂
Dear all of u, u all saying like this.but i also praying him for nearly last 2years.but he didnt help me for anything.he let me to my life spoil.he didnt reunify me with my familt also very cruel.but he didnt change them even for i have to shift to the house to live with my parents which is a hell.they always fight, crazy in money,injustice,hard talks.this is very hell for me to live.i begged from baba that dont send me their.but he didnt listen or done anything good.baba here i promise i go there to live.but in very soon i will suicide myself..
I cant beleive u furthermore.if u dont like to help me its ok.i also wish to end up my life which is the most preference for me in the world.
Om sai ram…Dear Devotee,
I think You are in a very stressful situation…Please dont take any hard decisions…May Baba soon fulfill your wish and bless you with a happy life ahead..Hold On…Om sai ram
no don't. you cannot merely take away your life just like that dear devotee. please listen to me. i have been a baba devotee for many years, sometimes i do feel he is not listening to me or he is delaying in fulfilling my wishes. simple logic behind this is that when you are in trouble and pain , nothing can appease you , it's a fact. but tough times make us closer to baba. you have to be ripened by the fire of tests. baba puts us in situations in families we don't like. even i don't have a supportive family and neither of my relatives are good. from my childhood i m facing trouble by them and crying. i should then desert baba by saying inspite of you being in my life am facing troubles, why baba why?
but that is not the case. i have to face whats written in my destiny. so you have to face too. and as for your husband if he is not meant to be your life partner baba will take him away from your life for your own good. u have to trust baba's plans. i suggest you to fullfledgedly devote yourself to sai baba. visit his mandirs. cry your heart out. do vrat. write his name 108 times everyday for 48 days and see the result yourself. ask him to give you darshan. read the experience of 1st devotee bittu, we all can learn something from that experience. 🙂
Devotee please don't make bad decisions. Meditate sai ma. all you need to do is deviate ur mind. M not sure whether you are working or not. Find your passion. Sai ma ll help you through someone but only if you are keen to listen those signals u can utilise. Baba will always be with you. om sairam
I hate this cheating baba.if he is really existing he must do what i want.otherwise i cant beleive this baba.
stop it right there. u cannot say sai baba is a cheater
Om sai ram.
Wonderful experiences and I am sure He has answered the posters prayers 🙂
O Sadguru, Thank You for Your Sweet and Super Miracles for our love and happiness 🙂
Jai Sairam
Daya karo kripa karo kshama karo he sairam……….ek tu hi sahaara……..
Sai Sai Sai Sai SAi Sai Sai SAi SAi
Sai Sai Sai Sai SAi Sai Sai Sai sai
Sai Sai Sai Sai Sai Sai SAi Sai Sai
om sai ram
Om sai ram, om sai ram, om sai ram
Om sai ram, om sai ram, om sai ram
Om sai ram, om sai ram, om sai ram
Om Sai Ram 🙂
om sai ram
sairam sairam sairam sairam sairam sairam sairam sairam sairam sairam…..
Sai Ram to dear Sai devotees,
Thank you for sharing your wonderful experiences here.
May Sai keep blessing us all.
Read SatCharitra online@:
Sri SatChit Anand Satguru Sainath Maharaj ki Jai!!
Sadguru sai samarth
Sadguru sai samarth
omsairam…………..deva guide us all!
My Beloved BABAji! Please help Your children understand your leelas. Sometimes, just like small kids we feel upset, if we don't get what we want. Please show mercy on us and never let us drift away from You. Thank you so much for looking after Your children.
Anantha Koti Brahmanda Nayaka Rajadhi Raja Yogiraja Parabrahma Sri Satchidananda Samardha Sadguru Sainath Maharaj ki Jai!
Baba, please bless us all.
Baba please bless me with a job.
Bow to ShriSai peace be to all