Shirdi Sai Baba Miracles and Leela in this Post:
Sai Sister Vijay from India says: I am working as private employee. I really want to say thanks to Baba Ji from bottom of my heart. For me everything is Baba as simply says without Baba, i am no more. Om Sai Ram. I am a small Baba devotee. Baba came in my life long before. For me He is Everything. One day, my friend came and cried allot regarding her brother baby girl. She was in serious condition. She was of 2 days. While delivery, baby had a problem as her head was stressed. After that she was in ICU. Doctors told that while growing may be her brain will not be matured due to delivery time issues. She is first baby girl for them. Everybody was worried. My friend came and asked me, please pray for my niece as you are Baba’s devotee. Previously, i used to share with her whenever i experienced Baba Miracles in my life.
Immediately, i prayed to Baba Ji for that baby girl that You are the one, who brought her in this earth so Baba, please take care of her, give happiness to her parents as she is the first baby in their life, please do the Miracle, save the baby. I told her that Baba will do the Miracle, don’t worry. Leave everything on Baba. After one week, they did the MRI scan for brain. They went to a specialist doctor and showed two scan reports to the doctor. Doctor said that these reports are looking completely normal unless you people said, i did not find any issues in this report. Baby is completely normal, you can take her home very happily. Thank You so much Baba Ji and Love You Sai Ram. Just completely believe in Sai, He will do the Miracles. Om Sai Ram.
Om Sai Ram. Another Experience is, one day my mother called me and told that My younger brother had suddenly High BP and continuous fluctuation. She was asking me to show him to some big doctor. One of my colleague’s friend is a Doctor. We went and doctor said that at this age he suppose to not to get this type of situation. Doctor asked to do some tests. We did the tests and reports were shown to the doctor. Doctor said that we have to start the treatment otherwise any time anything can happen and we have to start giving injections otherwise may be he gets a heart attack or kidney failure. So we were worried about him. He is my younger brother and he is just 30 years old. At this age, i asked Baba that what is this? My mother is also a big devotee of Sai Baba. My father was no more with us. He expired 10 years back. I did not tell my mother about the situation of my brother. She is 50 years old. I don’t want to give her tension as she already has lot of tensions.
I took the initiation. I literally prayed to Baba, please do miracle. He has not seen anything at this age, so many tensions are on him, he did not get the job still, he is not at settled in his life. We started the treatment. I used to ask questions to Sai on Q-A site. One day, i was praying to Sai Baba and was opening the site to ask Sai about my brother. When i was trying to open the site, immediately Baba’s Photo came on screen and it was a different Photo. I never saw that Photo and Baba gave me message that I Am Here Why You Fear. I felt so happy. I cannot explain how much i felt happy. Love You Sai Nath. After one month’s treatment, doctor asked to take test again. There is a drastic change in reports. Previously doctors said that if tablets were not responding, we have to do a small surgery. But now doctor said that surgery is not required. There is improvement and we can continue few more days with tablets. Sri Ananta Koti Brahmand Nayak Rajadhi Raja Yogiraj Parabrahma Shri Sachidanand Sadguru Sainath Maharaj Ki Jai Ho.

Anonymous Devotee from Kuwait says: I am a working mother, by birth i am a Christian but married to a Sindhi. I was born and brought up in Mumbai. At present, i am living in Kuwait. I am a devotee of Baba from the age of 7, but i did not know it at that time. Whenever I use to sit in a taxi or Rickshaw, i would only see Baba’s Picture in it. I use to wonder who is He and why do i always see Him. Then one day, i told my mother and she said that it was Sai Baba and He always guides His children, so I started fasting every Thursday. My first experience is, I was in love with a boy, and my parents knew it but when i visited Shiridi for the first time, i had lighted a lamp and promised Baba that when i get married, i will bring him to Shiridi. After that, there were many things going wrong in my life. I could not concentrate on my studies. Then he went abroad and that was time everything changed. He came back and he was settled with another person. That was the day, all my dreams were shattered. I felt that everything was gone and what was the use of this life. Then In 1992, my mother brought me to Kuwait and from here, i started praying to Baba to get a good job as i did not want to marry any more. But then also i did not succeed. I was at home for 4 years without a job. In 1996, when i got the job, the salary was too low but just to kill my time, i took it.
Then my husband came into my life as a friend in September 1996. At that time, he was in love with a girl from India which he had told me. Things started changing in my life from 1999 when his girl friend refused to come to Kuwait after they get married. When he came back to Kuwait, he asked me but at that time i told him that i don’t think your parents will accept me as i am a Christian, but still we use to meet each other. Then when he told me that his mother has asked his aunty to see me, i was nervous what the result would be. But she gave me her blessing, and she told my husband that she would talk to her sister and gives me the confirmation. Everything was so quick that we got the approval from India and then in 2000, we got married and from that day onwards my faith in Baba increased so much that i cannot explain. Then i prayed to Baba to give me a child and i conceived in 2002 and i had a healthy baby boy in 2003 and asked Baba to keep us always at His Feet and He has done till this day.
My second experience that i am posting today as promised to Baba. My son does not concentrate on his studies. He used to fail in all subjects. I asked Baba to help him in this final exam as i did not want him to fail this class. I even did the Sai Satcharitra so that he concentrates but nothing happened. Then i told Baba, he should not waste this year and should pass. Even though, he did not do well yet with Baba’s blessing, marks are just pass and now he has gone to the next class. I would like to thank Baba from the bottom of my heart for always being with us at all times. Thank You Baba, Om Sai Nath.

Anonymous Devotee from India says: I am Sai Baba devotee from 2006 onwards. He gave me lots of Miracles in the last 9 years. I could not explain all. But recently, He did a major Miracle in my family. For this, i would need to thank Him until i die. Thank you for the opportunity to write my experience. I humbly pray Baba in front of You to agree all my prayers. Recently my mother had problem in her right breast, so we went for mammogram and CT scan, the CT scan report shows CA in the right breast with metastasis in the axillaries lymph node. I was not aware of the word CA is the cancer. Doctor told us to operate soon. We accepted. The operation went well. After operation, I met the doctor, he told that your mother has cancer in the right breast, it shows in the scan report (CA). I cried, without my mother I can’t imagine my life. Doctor told me to wait for the biopsy results. It will take 5 days to come out. Doctor mentioned that still there is a little hope to be a ADH Positive Cells. That means not a cancer and very early stage of cancer.
Those five days, i read Sai Satcharitra day and night. I humbly requested Sai Baba. The results came after 5 days. Doctor told me that it’s ADH only, not cancer, so no need of any further treatment. The axillaries lymph node biopsy also shows no cancer. No words to express thank to Sai Baba. I cried a lot. Still my mother have problem in the recovery after her breast erection, because of her diabetes, after 40 days still she has a open wound. I prayed to Baba day and night to cure my mother’s wound healing and fast recovery from her post operation period. I have 2 younger brothers, we are finding girl for my first brother. My mother is eagerly waiting for him to find one good girl. Please Baba, please direct us in a proper direction. I humbly request all to pray for my mother’s health and for my family. She must be with us for long life without any diseases. She suffered a lot in her life for obesity, high blood pressure, diabetes, now the breast removal. She should completely recover from the operation and never have this kind of problems. Please Baba completely eradicate anything like this ADH Cells from her body, if she has it. Baba will cure my mother’s disease completely. Save my mother’s life Baba, my father’s health also, my brother’s marriages. Very recently, I have pain in the breast also, i feel little lump. It should be artefact. Humbly request You Baba, in my family nobody has this kind of disease. My pain should vanish, the lump should disappear. You are the one, Who can help us. Nobody else can help Baba.

Anonymous Devotee from India says: Hi, I would like to thank creators of this page for such a wonderful platform. I feel proud to be a true devotee of Sri Sai Baba. I have numerous experience with Sai Baba, would like to share few of them. A trip for holy places was planned in the month of December 2014 with family, which also included Shirdi in the last moment. By Baba’s Grace, we could manage for tatkal tickets and staying was also not a problem. Three days went smoothly visiting few temples in Goa, Karnataka and on the 4th day we boarded train to Shirdi. My joy had no bounds. But for my bad luck, I got menstrual cycle (Girl’s monthly problem). I was so disappointed that Baba Himself had called me to His land and I was not able to get into Sai Samadhi Mandir. I sobbed like a baby and begged Baba to make me feel His presence before I leave Shirdi which was on the same day. Parents consoled me and I thought to stand in front of Mandir and pray for the blessings of Sai Baba.
On our way to Mandir, I was shocked to see an elderly man, who dressed alike Sai Baba along with a white cloth tied on his head, sitting on the footpath raising his right palm. I didn’t even give him a single penny but kept walking without showing any interest. After a couple of steps, my brother insisted me to turn around and see if that man was still there, I was stunned to see no one over there. Even if that man had to leave, I would have seen him walking around. To confirm this, I asked Sai Baba in one of the question-answer site and the reply was “Do not doubt, Baba’s blessings are always with you”. Om Sai Ram!
I got Happiness after a long wait. When I was pursuing 8th Semester of Engineering, i never used to crack any interviews. I asked Baba in Q-A site, Baba told me to wait for 12 months. Days passed away. I completed Sai Parayan, kept reading Sai Satcharitra, started feeding birds and pets, donated to the maximum, cried every night and day, never missed going to Sai Mandir, felt bad why Baba is not listening to my prayers, because Baba had never let me down in past 8-9 years. I started reading experiences of Sai devotees in many sites which always filled me with faith and patience. I started “9 Thursdays Sai Vrat” and kept on reading Sai Satcharitra. On completion of 3rd week, I got a call for an interview, but for my bad luck I had only 100 bucks in my purse (Forgot to take money with sister) and ATM wasn’t working for last 30 days. I applied Udi and prayed to Baba, that only if my card works I will attend interview. To my great surprise, my card worked after several tries on that day and due to blessings of Sri Sai, I also cracked interview, my joining was after 4 days which was Thursday again. Thank You Baba for everything.

Anonymous Devotee from India says: Om Sai Ram. I don’t know, how to start. Tears started flowing from my eyes with a smile, whenever i remember what all Sai Ram has done for me. I faced so many hurdles in my life. I had a very bad past, where every step i took was wrong. One day, Sai Ram sent one guy in my life, who is a gentleman and who understood my past and accepted me. But again problems started. All his friends started telling him that i am not proper and he should not get marry to me. They told his parents also about my past. But Sai Ram did not leave my hand in any situation. My guy stood by me all the time. I started doing Nav Guruvar Vrat. Then i started seeing all Sai miracles in my life. On 2nd week, i spoke to that guy. On 3rd week, he told that he likes me. By the time, i finished 9 weeks, he understood me and said he will never leave me. Every day was a miracle in my life. His parents came to see me on Thursday. I prayed Baba that i should get married on Thursday only. By God’s Grace, we tied knot on Thursday itself. I don’t know how to thank Sai Baba for all this. A girl, who had lost all hopes in life, who thought she had lost everything in life, got a new life with Sai Baba’s blessings. I feel, i am very lucky. I have got a wonderful husband. Thanks Baba for everything. Thank You so much. I had promised Baba that i will write my experience here soon after my wedding. Sorry for the delay Baba. Shower Your blessings on my family. Thank You Baba. Please give good health to my husband. Thank You Baba.

Anonymous Devotee from India says: Why fear when I am here, says Baba. I feel blessed to share my experience. With God’s grace, i got an opportunity to be a part of National convention programme and be one of the presenters. I felt really great and happy. The auditorium expected to have around 2000 people. Before the day had arrived, I underwent a root canal treatment for my teeth. Days passed and suddenly the treatment area had got swollen and i couldn’t talk or open my mouth. The day I had to present on stage was also nearing. I couldn’t prepare at all for this. I prayed Baba to help me talk well that day and take away all my pain. Before the main day, I tried rehearsing my presentation. It was painful since the swollen part was still not fine. I completely relied on Baba. The next day, when i got up, I was really surprised to see that i couldn’t locate where it was swollen. It completely disappeared and i was no longer feeling any pain. I also got good comments that my presentation was good. I am feeling grateful to be His devotee. He is with me. He is with all of us. God bless every Sai devotee. Om Sai Ram.

© Devotees Experiences with Shirdi Sai Baba
Good experiences ….
Sai says he doesn't discriminates but why he ignores me 5th devotee so lucky…..
One of my relative (unfortunately) lady has challenged and cursed me how I will get married I don't know why she hates me her step daughter is of my age everytime their was competition in me and her not from our side but from their her step daughter is very well settled and even blessed with kid I swear on my sai every one in my family was happy for my cousin….but she feels we are jealous which is not at all true….
When I got to know about her curse and bad words for my family first it hurted and thought why should I feel or get hurt because for me my sai is their I am his child…..but now I am frustrated sai has ignored me I lost my mom who was very stressed after listening to that lady's word….I am single only ya I do get matches which are nt relevant or too old etc I thought my sai divine power is more that her foolish curse but sai she is succeeding she is only flourishing I am left in dark…..I lost my mom because of that lady and another uncle but that lady is say because of me my mom is dead…Sai I am even carrying that flase allegations on me why are you nt cme for my support…..
I am Sai devotee since May 2015, even before i did pray him, but not so serious, i gt married in 2012, until now i'm still trying for baby, i cant describe how i will every month when i failed to be a mom,i did abort in 2007 because that time i n my bf is too young, i know its wrong but the situation made to do that,now i'm not married to different guy, i'm married to the same person, and now we are ready to have a family,why i'm still haven't get bless from Sai Baba appa, if Baba can forgive others why not me, but my faith won't fade and i will not stop trying to get baby,
Dear Devotee , Please do not think that it is curse that is affecting … if it was this way then half of the world would have been running on curses …. but it is not like that … curses do not come on any one just by saying it … please stop thinking like this first and stop getting obsessed for a particular thing you want … just let go and everything will fall in place …I m sure there are more important things you need to take care of and not just your marriage… Sai will guide you … aum sai ram
Om sai raham nazar karo ab more sai.
Love & peace 🙂
sai baba,if u dint help me,i will die 🙁 kindly pls give me ray of hopes….
Wonderful experiences and I am sure He has helped the mother and the rest of the family and protected them from any ill health 🙂
O Deva, be with us as we begin a new week and Bless us so we may give and receive only Love 🙂
Jai Sairam
Sadguru sai samarth
om sai ram
Dear Devotees
I had a very lovely dream last night … I wanted to go to shirdi for such a long time but it is not being materialized. Last night I saw i m doing a train journey reached shirdi, saw dwarkamai did darsharn there and then samadhi mandir …. It was lovely …. 🙂
waooo that is so nice … baba will bless you soon … Aum sai Sri sai Jai jai Sai…
nice dream this means baba will call u soon to shirdi
nice dream this means baba will call u soon to shirdi
Om Sai Ram
Om Sai Ram
Om Sai Ram
Dear Devotee, our prayers for your Mother's good health and speedy recovery. Baba will work His miracle. Take Care
let sai baba give happiness and peace to all..sainath maharaj ki jai..
baba plz guide me(us). we love you. we have had many problems and we re not getting results of our merits. please help me sai deva. please help us sai baba.
Om Sai Ram
Baba please repair my phone without having to pay for it. you know very well how favourite my phone is to me and it has all your valuable pics, videos, stories. love you deva. help me.
om sai ram
Om Sai Ram. I love reading the experiences everyday. I too am awaiting for a change in my life. Things went wrong a while back and I made it worse by doing few mistakes/ errors. Since then I have lived my life with fear, guilt and hoplessness. Every time I read the experiences or Sai Chaitra or pray to Baba, I feel slightly better.
I don't know how to get rid of this feeling, but I place my Faith in Baba, that he will lead me on to a path that is filled with happiness and joy and allow me to serve Him and everyone else.
Baba, please protect me and ensure that nothing goes wrong
Om Sai Ram.
Sai Sai Sai Sai Sai Sai Sai Sai Sai
Om Sai ram jai Sai ram….be with us baba.plz fulfil my wishes baba.bless every one with good with them they need you Sai rM
Sai Sai Sai Sai Sai Sai Sai sai sai
omsairam….guru guide us all!
SAI Ram, My husband is having surgery to- morrow please baba be with him thorough out his BP checks & his surgery &please bless my husband to come out of the surgery in good health..Baba we both will come to shiridi in february 2016, to thank you &also to get your blessings for my son & his wife,
The 3rd devotee please give your mum UDI mixed in water &you too have some daily, MIRACLE will happen with sais blessings.
Blessed experiences. Thanks for sharing. Om Sairam.
sai baba u can make the impossible things can possible, am pleasing u please baba unite me with him, i didn't some many mistakes, because of mine, some people hurted please forgive, i have only your lotus feet, please be unite with him for a happy long life, you only can please baba, fulfill my career wish also, please clear my family debts, baba i have only hope, i compeletly depend on you, please ma, please baba, you should unite us, am putting at our feet, you only arrange evrything for my marriage please baba, please tandri sainatho, sai maha prabho , neve dikku
Daya karo kripa karo kshama karo he sairam……
Om sairam. Appa please be with me always. Make me and my kith and kin out of danger and bless us healthy life pa. Make me prideless and egoless pa. Om sairam
Om sai shri sai jai jai sai
baba help me
Sai Ram to dear Sai devotees,
Thank you for sharing your wonderful experiences here.
May Sri Sai keep blessing us all.
Read SatCharitra online@:
Sri SatChit Anand Satguru Sainath Maharaj ki Jai!
Om sai ram …
Please bless us
Om sai ram
Please baba….help all dcouples…bless wid ur kripa prasad..plz baba..every failed month is mental torture for a lady….plz complete familybaba
Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram
Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram
Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram
Dear Sai Devotees, Jai Sai Ram.
Today I want to share a miraculous even happened to me. I go for group exercise and the co-ordinator of that institution has requested me to participate in "Diversity Fair" where we have to represent our home country. The event would be in the month of April this coming year. Last night I thought if I have a mannequin I would wrap our traditional dress SAAREE ….and I went to sleep. Today I went for my exercise class, one of my friend over there asked me if I am interested in getting this item which is used by ladies tailors to use as a tool for making perfect fitting for the sewing order. I do sew dresses and because of that she asked me and she said she was just waiting for me to come back to class as I was out of town for almost a month. This item is in very good condition and this is exactly I had on my mind last night. Whoa…BABA gifted me just the same thing! I could not believe my eyes….I thanked BABA for everything he is doing for me.
Another miracle I would say, happened to my second son. He was offered a job in the month of May 2015 and within a week the recruiter said, the client needs more time to perform security clearance checking for him…and he was in a limbo situation though the recruiter asked him to join and he was getting paid but the job was not confirmed. We were visiting him last month and were to leave to come back home here in SV, AZ, on Saturday. We were just talking on Tuesday that since there was no update, he does not think he could give us good news while we were there. I said, may be by Thursday you will get the news…and LO! on Thursday he called from the place he was going for temporary work assignments at around 11:15 that he got e-mail of job confirmation and on Friday he will be given more updates where actually he has to go for his work. Thursday , BABA's day and we got the news after almost 6 months waiting on that news!
Jai Sai Ram.
Sai Ram. Congratulations Meera aunty. I always miss ur comments. This tym nice experiences. Sai Ram
Yes dear anonymous sai devotee, I keep coming my blessings Be happy and sending my love to all.
Jai sai ram.
Please read "counting" in place of "coming" that shows up in my comment response, auto correction on my phone did that and I did not notice before I clicked "send". Jai Sai Ram.
I was feeling low today and was on my way to office
I was standing in the bus was reciting baba shlokas and had a little tears in my eyes
I just turned to my right and saw our dear baba's photo I ladies cell phone and bus pass cover
Om Sai Sri Sai Jaya Jaya Sai ! Jaya Jaya Sai !
BABAji! Please take away my tensions. Let my faith never waver and bless me with peace of mind. Thank you so much for everything you gave me. Take me to Your Holy Shirdi, Saima!
Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram,
Om Sai Ram
I would like to thank Baba for giving this opportunity to post my experience.i was suffering
from discomfort and severe pain in my thoart/neck for 1 year.Also i started getting pimple in my
mouth continously started weekly once and slowly started to come 3 days once. Really i am so
scared. I went to hospital and got all required test. Also my doctor advice me to go to dentist
and ENT specialist.My doctor said it might be cyst ENT specialist will do Biospy test
checking if everything is going good. I am so depressed. Thinking about my kids.i was crying in
front of baba. I had faith in baba. I went to Dentist. There is nothing to do with them. They
said it is not because of gums.So i went to ENT . Previously i went to ENT Specialist and took
CT scan. All test reports were normal.Doctors could not find the problem. They don't know what
is going on .Again i went to different ENT specialist did CT scan for neck. That report also
says it is normal and also doctor advice me to take acidity medicine.My family members went to
shiridi.i prayed and i gave my little offerings to sai baba . i got shridi udi from them.
After i got prasad from shridi temple all my pains and pimples were gone. It is really a
miracle . Baba words"Why fear when i am here" . It is 100% true.
Have faith in baba. All our prayers shall be answered. Om Sai Ram.I am your child Baba.please
forgive me if i did anything wrong without my presence in past or present and bless me and my
family O SAI
Om Sai Ram
Om Sai Ram
I would like to thank Baba for giving this opportunity to post my experience.i was suffering
from discomfort and severe pain in my thoart/neck for 1 year.Also i started getting pimple in my
mouth continously started weekly once and slowly started to come 3 days once. Really i am so
scared. I went to hospital and got all required test. Also my doctor advice me to go to dentist
and ENT specialist.My doctor said it might be cyst ENT specialist will do Biospy test
checking if everything is going good. I am so depressed. Thinking about my kids.i was crying in
front of baba. I had faith in baba. I went to Dentist. There is nothing to do with them. They
said it is not because of gums.So i went to ENT . Previously i went to ENT Specialist and took
CT scan. All test reports were normal.Doctors could not find the problem. They don't know what
is going on .Again i went to different ENT specialist did CT scan for neck. That report also
says it is normal and also doctor advice me to take acidity medicine.My family members went to
shiridi.i prayed and i gave my little offerings to sai baba . i got shridi udi from them.
After i got prasad from shridi temple all my pains and pimples were gone. It is really a
miracle . Baba words"Why fear when i am here" . It is 100% true.
Have faith in baba. All our prayers shall be answered. Om Sai Ram.I am your child Baba.please
forgive me if i did anything wrong without my presence in past or present and bless me and my
family O SAI
Om Sai Ram
Baba please bless us all.
Baba please help me get a job.
Bow to ShriSai peace be to all