Shirdi Sai Baba Miracles and Leela in this Post:

Sai Listened To My Prayers For My Daughter

Shirdi Sai Baba Miracles Leela Blessings Sai Nav Guruwar Vrat Miralces |

Anonymous Devotee from USA says: I have only recently become a devotee of Sai Baba. I have always wanted to visit Shirdi but haven’t had a chance yet. I pray to Baba to give me an opportunity to visit Shirdi soon. For some reason, I have always wanted to know more about Sai Baba but I just never truly became His devotee till recently. I would hear some friends tell their experiences and would feel a deep desire to visit Shirdi but I never got the chance. I am not a deeply religious person as in I would call myself more spiritual than follow any rigid rituals. However, things change and after I became a mother, I wanted to believe in a God, a protector for my little one. Maybe it is selfish to turn to God only in need, but I admit that it is tears that I have found my faith. My daughter had a skin condition that I took her to a paediatrician for a diagnosis. She was worried and immediately referred us to a dermatologist in another city. She shared her concerns and I was shattered. I could not focus on anything and would just keep reading on the internet about the disease. I was going crazy with worry and prayed that God would listen to me and that it was nothing to worry about.

On the second day after the doctor’s visit, I was online when I saw a friends post about Sai Miracle. I don’t know what happened but I just went to the Temple at my home where I had a small picture of Sai Baba and I cried and prayed. Then I went online to see how to read more about Baba. I read about Sai Guruvar Vrat and decided to observe these fasts. On the first Thursday itself while reading the Vrat Katha, I read about Sai Satcharitra Katha and immediately decided to read that in 7 days. I started that first Thursday and everyday as I read that Holy book, my faith in Sai Baba grew and I was more at peace and knew deep down that Baba won’t let us down. I got a call from the dermatologist office and got an earlier appointment right after my third fast. I was so scared on that day but as I walked into the office holding my daughter’s hand, I imagined Baba holding my other hand and sitting there on the examination table with my daughter. The dermatologist had already seen pictures of the condition and had agreed with the paediatrician concerns but when she examined my daughter, she said it was simply nothing at all. It was just a benign rash and nothing to worry about. How can I thank Baba? Sai Baba, please continue to bless my daughter with good health and bless everyone’s kids! Om Sai Jai Sai Jai Jai Sai Om Sai Jai Sai Jai Jai Sai.

Sai Baba Gave Me Darshan

Shirdi Sai Baba Miracles Leela Blessings Sai Nav Guruwar Vrat Miralces |

Anonymous Devotee from India says: I am a Sai devotee for last 5 months and this is my second experience. Thank you Hetal ji for such a wonderful site. I am going through a very rough phase of my life which cannot be described. Sai Baba knows about it and I am sure Baba will help me out getting out of this calamity very soon. Every day, I use to read the experiences of devotees having Sai Baba’s Darshan in dream or by means of Picture or any other mode. Reading those experiences, I too wished to have Baba’s Darshan. Every night, I prayed Baba before sleeping so that He appears in my dream but nothing happened. I don’t remember any of my dreams the next morning I am like blank. I was in need of a job. I was giving interview here and there but nothing happened. Only yesterday, I went for interview and before leaving my place I said to myself Baba says take My Name and you will succeed. I took Baba’s Name and said I don’t know whether I will get this job or not but I am taking Your Name, let’s see if I succeed or not.

From my place the school where I had to go for interview was about an hour drive. I was on my way and whenever I used to look out I would find my Baba’s Name like Sai hospital or Sai plaza. I saw this 4 to 5 times then after sometime I looked outside then I didn’t see any such sign just a thought arose and again after 5 minutes I looked outside and to my surprise, I saw a man who looked exactly like Sai Baba dressed in white with white beard and White cloth on his head and my car just crossed him. I couldn’t see him properly to my heart’s content but I saw him. The car was in full speed and it went by a flash. But I am for sure He was Baba Himself, who signalled me that He is with me. With Baba’s Grace, my interview was good I don’t know whether I will get the job or not but I am sure I saw Sai Baba and this experience is more important and dear to me than getting the job. Devotees Baba hears us. He is with us everywhere, every time and I am sure Baba will take me out of this calamity which I am facing now. He is there to protect us and I know He will save my family life, He will help me for sure. Ananta Koti Brahmand Nayak Raajadhiraj Yogi Raj Param Brahma Shri Sachidanand Sadguru Sainath Maharaj Ki Jai. Have faith and patience. I know it’s not possible to wait when you are in pain and suffering. It’s like time kills you every moment but we have no other option keep on taking Baba’s Name all the time and wait Baba is there, don’t worry.

Baba’s Blessings Are Always There

Shirdi Sai Baba Miracles Leela Blessings Sai Nav Guruwar Vrat Miralces |

Anonymous Devotee from Canada says: Hi, Thanks for giving us this opportunity to share our experiences with Baba. I am from India and right now living in Canada. I am a devotee from last 6 years, and I have experienced and experiencing Miracles every minute in my life with Baba Leelas. I am so glad to share my experiences with you all here. Baba came into my life long back when I was studying in College that was 15 years back, but I was not so deeply praying to Baba, I deeply believed in Baba since 6 years that was all of sudden. One day I was just browsing on internet to start Pooja so that we get blessings as my hubby wants to pursue higher studies and was preparing his GMAT. I came across on a website Siddha Mangala Stotram Pooja and I started praying Baba and Baba blessed us whatever we wished, even though we had to face some obstacles. We went through lot of problems, my hubby was studying and was not able to get a job in new country and had very difficulty to pay our bills and survive. Baba helped us giving something other way to help for our needs. In 2013, I with my children, my brother and my mom went to Shirdi as we took Darshan of Baba and were sitting out for a while and I saw a person same like Baba dressed and he was riding a bike, for a moment I felt it was Baba and by the time I told my kids and to my mom Baba left, I felt I am blessed. I have a calendar of Baba which is in my Pooja room and I always look to Him and see Baba’s face, there will be difference before I start Pooja and after Pooja. Baba will be smiling once I finish my Pooja and I feel so happy. I have lot more experiences with Baba and will surely post again.

My Experience With Sai Baba

Shirdi Sai Baba Miracles Leela Blessings Sai Nav Guruwar Vrat Miralces |

Anonymous Devotee from India says: I am a Sai Baba devotee from Bangalore. In August 2013, we started to build a house in our ancestral plot in Bangalore and completed the civil structure by April 2014. But we had to stop the further construction after that because of shortage of money. At the same time, there was a new Baba Temple opened in my area to which i started visiting every time and asking Him to do something so that we would finish the construction. To my surprise, after 3 or 4 months, we found someone who wanted to buy our one more property and all the formalities happened on a Thursday only. The most astonishing thing was that the buyers were big devotee of Sai Baba. I got to know that when we visited there house for the final settlement. Baba has sent them to help me and even after that the money was not sufficient as ours was a huge investment so we decided to lease out a portion as it was near completion. I prayed to Him always. Finally someone came for lease on a Thursday and they liked and booked the house the same day. Even here, my Baba sent them to me on His day. Now the house warming is on May 10th with no hurdles and difficulties. I love You Baba, You are everything to me. Om Sai Ram. I am writing this experience as i had promised You that i will do so. Thank You Baba. Thank You for everything.

How Baba Helped My Daughter Getting Admission In A Reputed School

Shirdi Sai Baba Miracles Leela Blessings Sai Nav Guruwar Vrat Miralces |

Anonymous Devotee from India says: Dear Hetal Ji, I thank you from the bottom of my heart again for this site. I read this site almost every day and get all confidence in my life from this site. Previously I have shared how Baba helped my mother getting well after her illness, how Baba dragged my husband to be His devotee. This time Baba helped my daughter to get admission in a very reputed school in my city. My daughter is 4 years old and was already going to a school in my city. Initially I liked the school, however one incident happened within the school and one of my daughter’s classmate was a victim of it. The school management was not at all bothered about the incident and was simply telling that no incident has happened. I was not able to tolerate the whole thing. In the mean time, the reputed school started the admission process and I was continuously praying to Baba for getting my child to this school. The admission process is very tough in this school. Thousands of applications are submitted and out of which only 90 students are finally taken after several rounds of written and oral test. With the blessings of Sri Sai, we were able to clear every round and finally got a chance to admit our child to this school.

Om Sai Ram

Shirdi Sai Baba Miracles Leela Blessings Sai Nav Guruwar Vrat Miralces |

Anonymous Devotee from India says: Hi everyone, I want to thank the admin of this site, it’s a great idea for maintaining this site. I am devotee of Sai from 10th class. Baba blessed me in studies. I am graduate and I have completed my studies with the help of Sai only. I was a poor student but i passed my with 61% and it is all His blessing only. I want to share my experience here, I got married 5 months back. Before my marriage, my husband got a job offer in Chennai and they said him to join in 2 months. But the company in which he was working was not relieving him. They said to wait for 3 months. At that time, I was worried about that and prayed Baba to help us. He helped us as the new company extended his date of joining. Then my husband was in new company for 2 months, but he was on bench. He didn’t get any project. So he tried for other small companies in Hyderabad. But I was not interested for staying in Hyderabad. So i prayed to Baba that please Baba, bless my husband with project in Chennai. In between, I thought and asked Baba, which place is good for us, I think that Hyderabad is good for us so that’s why Baba blessed us with that.

© Devotees Experiences with Shirdi Sai Baba

Hetal Patil
Hetal Patil
Articles: 3388


  1. Om Sai Ram 🙂 Blessed experiences all.Thank you for the time spend to give us the chance to read all those beautiful experiences.
    Baba bless all

  2. My sai, my deva thank you for curing my illness….today again your miraculous udi, your namjaap and faith made me stronger,,,,,maa only you can do this, no one else.koti koti pranam maa.. always shower your blessings like this maa..always be with us maa.. we are nothing without you sai…call us shirdi deva…eagerly waiting to meet you …..please forgive me for my every mistake like a mother, hold my hand like a father….om shri shrdi vasay vidmahe sacchidananday dhimahi tanno sai prachodayat…

  3. Baba because of my life failiure i fully surrenderred under your feet for the success.but it is going to be 2years yet you didnt help me.instead for that now you pushed me near the people who are the people that reason for my life failiure.specially my father.i hate him.he is si much selfish and adamend.he dont like that we marry .why did u do this for me?are you cheating me? Are u a cheating baba?how many time i beg u pray you?now i loss my faith dramendously.i hate .i hopeless on many times i did 9thursday vrat ?what did u done better for me?how many time satcharithra parayan?? Are u really exist or not?? I came to shirdi as well?what did u done? Only cheating?anyhow again begun to 9thursday vrat.if this time u didnt answer i will suicide myself.then others also will feel the truth.

    • hi devotee 🙂 how r u?hope you are fine
      i have few advises for you ;
      1) you did a lot of vraath n satcharita parayan but there are millions of devotees that dont know what is vraath n should be proud that you know all the infos in satcharita and all the rules of vraath.why not help the other devotees in this paga incase anyone of the inquire abt this infos,right?im very sure i came across numbers of devotees that are not sure how to do vraath .since you think baba dint help u at all,why not u help others,why not try this way 🙂
      2) if you dont want to live with your fly expecially your dad,pls find your way n life yourlife. alot of ashram n orphanages and old folks home need volunteers.use the time that you r spending at home there and be happy n proud ,not many have the heart to do that.
      3) keep chanting Baba name and you can avoid all evil talks that ppl r throwing too you
      4) Sai Baba is great,there is no love greater than His
      5) Dont be sad while praying,be confident.By confident prayers can be changed
      6) if mom n dad are selfish,dont do the same.Be kind .Oneday your kindness will change them,their attitude and their world.When they ask,how come you treat us well whn we r nt good too you,just answer Sai Baba teach me this,n this are all his teachings and dont forget to say,i am doing all this because i want to make my Guru,my Baba proud of his children

    • Om sairam. Devotee u have just blindly did. Baba needs it from heart. First remove ego and pride from urself. Thats what making u angry. This time do the pooja from the heart full surrender towards baba. In my life I got so many blessings coz of saima. So don't worry and have full faith on baba and full focus on what you want in ur life.all the best. Om sairam

  4. Om sairam. Baba please remove me from fear of diseases. beg you pa. Fear itself kills me daily. Please keep me under ur wings amma. I surrender everything of mine to u pa. I ll walk every step with ur guidance pa. Om sairam

  5. Wonderful experiences all 🙂

    O Deva, forgive us or mistakes and help us mend fences with Your Kind Blessings please 🙂

    Jai Sairam

  6. Om sai ram yesterday one devotee wrote siddha mangala puja what is that.please info m about that pooja.i want to do that puja.

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