Shirdi Sai Baba Miracles and Leela in this Post:
Anonymous Devotee from USA says: Dear Devotees, Om Sai Ram. I have been visiting Sai Baba Mandir once a while since i was a kid, but Sai Baba made me His devotee just before i conceived in the year 2009. It was just by His Grace that I have been living so happily with my family ever since. We were blessed with a kid only by His Grace and blessings. I am very much thankful to Baba for showing me the right path at every moment of my life. As experienced by all His devotees, I too experience His presence with me at every moment and my prayers have always been answered by Him. I am very thankful to Sai Baba for giving me the precious blessings of praying Him. Thank You Baba! Baba please help me in sharing the wonderful experiences and blessings You have showered upon me and my family.
After i got married, I moved with my husband. I had to quit my job and move with him and we used to live in a different city, far from both my parents and in-laws. Both my husband and in-laws were really nice but as even small disturbances cause a lot of tensions in new relations, it happened to me too. At the beginning of our journey, i had to face a lot of problems let it be small or big I used to panic a lot. But initially there were a lot of miscommunication between my husband and me which leaded to a lot of confusions, which resulted in very frequent quarrels. After I got conceived, things became even more worse. My in-laws used to interfere in all the personal matters between me and my husband, which made things even more worse. I do not blame my in-laws in this as it was our mistake not to communicate and understand each other properly and gave way for a third person to talk in between us. Throughout my pregnancy, my husband was away from me due to office work until our kid turned 6 months old. But all these days, I have been praying Baba and I had lot of faith that Baba will make everything all right.
After our kid was born, things became even worse and at some point I wanted to move away from my husband. But then Baba showed me a path. I always prayed Baba to show me a path where I can work and live independently without bothering either my parents or husband and make me capable enough to take care of my kid. Baba showed me a ray of hope by showing me a opportunity to work in the field that i always loved. And also with His blessings, my husband and me again moved back and both of us started living together. But this time with Baba’s grace I felt there was a lot of change in my husband’s behaviour. I think Baba has really showered His blessings on me. He made my life blissful. My husband started understanding me and with Baba’s grace we got some time to understand each other. Then as our journey was going on, we were in a kind of financial crisis. Though both of us were working and everything was going fine, some tensions were going on around us, when we thought that with Baba’s grace we could go abroad to earn some more money. In this process we consulted some astrologers who said that there was no scope for us to go abroad and we would be staying in India only. But one thing which one of the astrologers suggested me was, go to Some Gurus Temple every Thursday and distribute some food. I thank that astrologer for showing me a chance to reach Baba’s Holy Feet once again. I just believe, all this had happened with our Shiridi Sai Baba’s Grace only.
We always believed in Baba, that with Sai Baba’s blessings, all our wishes would be fulfilled. We used to visit Sai Baba Mandir every Thursday. Life became more happier and the best part was, even my husband started believing in Baba. This was the most happiest blessing that Baba gave me. And needless to say, with Baba’s blessings, we came to USA, making all the predictions by astrologers false. I learned from Baba’s experiences that true prayers are always answered by our Shiridi Sai Baba. Our motive should always be positive and have loads and loads of faith in Him. Whatever He does is far beyond what we ask Him for. Our duty always should be pray Him and believe that Baba is the sole protector and all actions should be done by uttering His Name. Always think and do good to others. With Baba’s blessings feed the needy, and help others always if you can. That will definitely protect you, as Baba loves the creatures who help and feed others, let it be animals or humans. May Baba bless all the living and non-living species and all of us. Kindly forgive me Baba, if I had done anything wrong while sharing Your graceful experiences that You showered on me and my family. Thank You for everything Baba.

Sai Brother Vamshi from India says: It has been few months that i have moved to Bangalore. First of all, i would like to thanks all the people who maintain this site. It is because of you people we are able to get the stories of Baba in a form of Prasad. Actually my parents used to worship lots of God and Goddesses. But i was having no idea why people worship God and lot of questions use to arrive in my mind. Nor did i know what to ask and how to pray to God, until it came one day when my best friend actually shared all her experiences. Previously i did not believe in any God and none other saints. It was all because of my best friend, i became a devotee of Baba. Whenever anything trouble cropped in between us, He used to fix it up soon. Then gradually, i started believing and praying Baba. Every one of us have lot of experiences. Even i also have some, but still i won’t share all of my experiences on this present piece of script. I would share some of the experiences and try to keep it short.
I was a normal average student from my childhood and after scoring some average rank in the entrance i entered into the and i took Electronics and communication. As i said, i was an average student. I would not have passed my if Baba had not supported me during my exams. I had lot of backlogs and irrespective of several attempts and everything, i lost all my hope on my degree. It was because of Him, i am here at this position and cleared it. I have already completed my CCNA training and very soon i would go for its global certification. Right now, i am pursuing the RHCE, RHCSA and VMware training in Bangalore. I hope i would get my dream job. I just leave everything onto Sai Baba and surrender myself to Him. I know He blesses all and thanks to my best friend because she introduced me to Baba. It took me a lot of time to convince my parents to send me to Bangalore for the training and certification purpose. As my parents were very much distressed and were very uncertain for me looking at my career performance. It was because of Him, i was dragged to my dream place to Bangalore and it because of Baba that i could decide my aim in life and what difference i want to create from others.
One of my recent experience is few hours back on 22/4/2015. I was suffering from severe stomach pain from last three days. It was very hard on my part to walk 3 km up to my institute daily from my place with such a pain and somehow i used to walk and cover up the distance to reach the destination and the trouble cropped me while coming back to my PG. As i read lots of experiences here about people saying about Udi. I thought of taking Udi and prayed to Baba for the pain and within couple of minutes my pain went down. Even though there was pain left a little. Again on the following day, i did the same thing and pain is now almost gone. I thanked Baba and i attended the night Aarti at Temple. I also took a vow of writing my experiences here and share with you all people. Thanks a lot people for sharing your sweet experiences and may the website maintenance people live long for they created such a great platform.
My another experience is how Baba helped in solving the technical problem. This is the best experience. It was long back in the year of 2013, i bought a HCL TABLET for my use. It somehow got some technical issues and i sent it to the technical care team of HCL to solve the issue. They took 2 months to fix it up. After getting it back, i faced the same issue and this time did not have money to spend on its repair. This time i prayed Baba if this time it won’t start, my parents would certainly blame me a lot and then the situation would have worse. So i prayed for this issue and asked Baba to save me from all these. Then on the next day, my eye accidentally fell on it and i was trying to configure why was it not starting. All of a sudden, it started working and then i thanked a lot to Baba for He saved me. Very soon, i will post all others experiences. Om Sai Ram Om Sai Ram Om Sai Ram. Baba please keep blessing all of us for we have no one to believe other than You and keep Your eye on us for You are the only God we believe in.

Anonymous Devotee from US says: Hello Sai brothers and sisters, I am humbled by this opportunity to share my experiences with you all today. I am a simple devotee of our dear Sai and live in United States with my husband and two adorable sons. Following is an experience that I would like to share with you all. From my childhood, I have been a devotee of Our Beloved Sai Maa, but used to pray to Him as one of the many Gods. In the year 2011, I had the opportunity to read Sai Satcharitra for the very first time. Frankly, the first time I read it, I read it like any other book. But from the second time onwards, I noticed small and big amazing changes in my life. I am truly blessed to be Sai Maa’s daughter. My parents and brothers are simply amazing and I am thankful for them in my life. When I got married, Sai Maa found a truly affectionate person as my husband.
My first son was born in 1998 and when he was five, he was diagnosed with a serious health condition which I never knew even existed before I heard about it with my son. My husband and I were shattered. I was and still am a very religious person, but this news about my son really shook my belief in the almighty. Slowly and steadily we coped with his medical condition. But now when I look back, I can see that Baba has been with us, every step of the way. Guiding us with the right doctors, the right people to contact if we had any questions and everything until now has only been happening because of Sai Maa. A few years later, we were blessed with another boy baby who is hale and healthy. I am ever debt to Sai Maa for this. Things started getting more complicated when my mother’s side of the family started having some financial troubles because of the sudden demise of my father. January 2014 was the worst situation that I had ever experienced. My relationship with my husband was beginning to get affected. From 2011, I was only aware about the Sai Satcharitra, but in December 2013, one day I Google Sai Leela magazine which led me to this wonderful, modern day Satcharitra. All thanks to Baba for guiding me in the worst stage of my life. Through this awesome website, I came to know about Sai 9 Guruvar Vrat, Sai Divya Pooja, Sai Prerna, Sai Moola Bheeja Mantra and Sai Kasht Nivaran Mantra.
By Baba’s Grace, I started doing Sai Nav Guruvar Vrat in Jan 2013. Even before I completed it, slowly the problems in my mother’s side of the family started getting resolved. I was fortunate to have done the Vrat a couple of times. When the issues started resolving, I could clearly feel Baba’s presence in my life and how He was truly taking care of me and my family. I am ever indebted to Sai Maa for this. Time and again it is said that Baba requires only two things from His devotees; Shradha and Saburi. This is all the Dakshina that He requires. Heart-felt prayers and patience is all you need and total surrender to His Feet will take you far into the spiritual life. This I have experienced since last year. And the best surprise Baba planned for me, was to fulfil my vow that I would bring my son to Shiridi. I had made this vow in 2004 and 10 years later, in 2014 Baba made it happen. My son could not walk from the last few years and he uses a wheel chair to move around. One can imagine my state of my mind, just the thought of bringing him to India was a challenge. The flight journey and sadly India is not wheel-chair friendly. But Baba planned everything so well and made it happen. When I saw Baba in the Samadhi Mandir, i broke down and I felt that I was seeing Him in person. Since that moment, I am at peace with myself and I left everything at Baba’s Feet because He is the sole doer of everything. I strongly believe that He will make my son walk and continue to bless our family like He has always done. My humble request to all who are reading this, please don’t think Baba is not answering your questions or solving your problems. Be patient and have Shradha on Him, and He will surely take care of all your problems and needs. Thank you all for taking the time to read my experience. Jai Sai Ram.

Anonymous Devotee from US says: Hi all, I am devotee of Baba since childhood. I have experienced many Miracles with Baba but I promised Baba to share one of the Miracle happened in my life recently. I am living in US and I came here for my masters. I have faced many difficulties but in each and every step of my life Sai Maa helped me. Coming to the Miracle happened in my life. I applied for EAD card on 8th October and I received my EAD card on 9th January where my surname was misspelled. So I called the USCIS people. They asked me to resend the card. I sent the card to lockbox address. I didn’t receive any confirmation mail from them. I started calling the USCIS people frequently but I didn’t receive any proper response from them. After few days, I got a response from USCIS stating that I have mailed the card to wrong address so I have to re-apply for the new card and it may take another 90 days for processing the new card. I was disappointed with this but I believed in Baba. I read Sai Satcharitra and prayed Baba that I should get a positive response from USCIS. Finally a miracle happened on the fourth day of reading Satcharitra Saptah Parayan. I received an email from USCIS people that they have received previous EAD and they said they would produce new EAD card by 30 days. Now I have received my EAD card. Thanks a lot Sai for helping me. Sai’s love towards me is inexpressible now a days. I am going through bad phase in my life which I could not expect this happen to me, hope this was a test from Sai Maa but I will never leave Him. Love You Sai. Sachidanand Sadguru Sainath Maharaj Ki Jai.

Anonymous Devotee from India says: I want to share my experience with Baba, this is unbelievable. When i was in college, there was some misunderstanding between my parents and one of my close relative. That person cheated my dad in business and showed huge loss. In that situation, my father was unable to take any action because we did not have any proof against him and there was no paper work at all. We were helpless, but we had complete faith in Sai Baba and we also know that one day my relative will realize his mistake. My father also told us that don’t worry, have hope and everything will be fine. My mother also told that Baba will take care of everything and she always wants that my relative would realize his mistake. Like that Baba showered His mercy on us within a short time and our family recovered financially. Now me and my sister are settled in USA because of Baba’s Grace. The thing that i can’t believe is, my mother called me and told that after these many years suddenly my relative who cheated us came to my house last week and he invited my parents to his family function and he accepted all his mistakes and asked sorry for all his actions in the past. Now everyone came to know that there was no mistake of my father. This is all because of Baba’s grace only because my relative came by himself and accepted all his mistake, that’s what my parents wants. Thank You so much for giving this opportunity to share my experience. Sri Sadguru Sachidanand Sri Shirdi Sai Raj Maharaj Ki Jai. Jai Sai Ram.

Anonymous Devotee from US says: Om Sai Ram to all. I had been living happily married life for 4 years. My husband had a close relationship with my family. We have up and downs but we got through from everything. One day, I started to receive messages from an unknown person. She claimed to have relations with my husband. I just took this as a prank. But the messages didn’t stop. I spoke to my husband about the messages but he said there was no truth to them. One day, I found out this woman had contacted my family. She claimed to have proof of the relationship with my husband. I was upset and once again asked my husband. He told me she was a family and he never had a relationship with her. I didn’t know what to think. My family told me to leave my husband. I did not know, who to turn to. I grew up knowing Sai Baba. I knew, He would restore my lost faith and show me the right path. I prayed for a Miracle. Things still weren’t better as my family kept telling me to leave. I talked to one of my uncles who assured me that there was no truth to this women’s story. I believed Baba sent him to help me. I now knew that my husband was telling the truth. My family believed the woman was telling the truth. This spilt up my happy family. Today I am praying to Baba to bring our family back together.

© Devotees Experiences with Shirdi Sai Baba
Om sai ram.
Om sai Ram
Love & Peace 🙂
anybody is going to shirdi in november december.i am in need to send prayers to shirdi.urget!!!
Om Sai Ram 🙂
Plz pa help to overcome difficult situations. Plz do not leave us.I have left everything in your lotus feet.
Om sai ram…please bless us all
sai sai sai sai sai sai sai sai sai sai sai sai sai…….
omsairam…………….deva guide us all!
OM Sai ram
Sai please forgive me if I have talked too much
Am sorry
Please don't leave me and bless me and my family baba please
I love you baba
Am sorry once again
i love u deva 🙂
om sai ram
Om Sairam
Thank you Baba for the order today. Feeling blissful.
om sai ram
Om Sai ram.wonderful experiences and miracles baba.luv you baba
Dear Sai devotees,
Am planning to do nav guruvar vrat
Is it necessary to follow the procedures accurately? Cause I have to go for work and I travel a lot too ?
Check google full details is sai ram
Please Sai bless all of us.
Sai Sai Sai Sai Sai Sai Sai Sai Sai
Om Sai Ram.
Wonderful experiences and I am sure He has answered all the devotees prayers here 🙂
O Sai, Thank You for blessing us with a wonderful family and friends 🙂
Jai Sairam
Dear devotee , I live in us and i did nav guruvar vrat too .but i was not able to follow the procedure like go to sai temple every thursday (sai temple is very far away from my house) or feed the people at the end of the vrat still i did it 3 times. My mom lives in india so i told her to feed people behalf of me every time i finished my vrat and then whenever i get a chance to donate anything i do it.I think baba never want any strict procedure from a devotee but he just want pure love and total faith towards him in our heart. just keep full faith on him and start your vrat and baba will manage everything else for you.
Baba………kripa karo….sai…..kripa karo……me thak chuki medicines se…kitni medicines lu baba..please give me some kind of hint me…kya karu sai….kripa karo sai…please bless us …
Sai devotees, my faith in Shirdi sai is wavering now as I have been expecting justice on some matter from a long time – almost 7 years although I started praying to shirdi sai only in last 1 & a half year………but now there is no chance…..Since the time, i got to know shirdi sai, I have read sai stacharitra several times , done nav guruvar vrat, been to his temples, done so many charities to trusts for needy, someone went to shirdi on my behalf with my photo as i don't stay in India but now it seems there is no chance of me getting justice now in this birth…..Devotees, i feel sai does not want to listen to my prayers, may be if u can pray to him on my behalf to give me justice soon as i believe justice delayed is justice denied……Otherwise, i am on the verge of becoming an atheist as when I have always been a good person and never did wrong to anyone in my life and people who wronged me are so so happy in front of my eyes, I can't worship a God who can be so cruel as to not give justice in more than 7 years.
Om Sai Ram…………………………
Bless everyone baba please
Om Sai Sri Sai Jaya Jaya Sai!
Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram
BABAji! Please help me do Your pooja. Please bless all Your children in need. Keep us near Your Holy Feet always. Thank You so much for everything You gave us
Om Sai Sri Sai Jaya Jaya Sai
Dear devotees, do u know who is Jagtap Babaji?
Means I want to ask that how he is giving blessings of our Sai baba, is it really baba's blessings?
Appa please come in my dream. I want our beautiful bond to grow richer day by day. Never break my hope on u pa. U r my base. Make me stronger physically and mentally pa. make my mom health improve pa. Bring peace to my brother marital life pa. Make my dad healthy pa. Make my husband understand my importance and my sacrifice pa. Om sairam
Om sai ram! On sai ram! On Sai Ram!
Baba please help me and gift me a tension free job baba
Please help me Baba
Sai Ram to dear Sai devotees,
Thank you very much for sharing your experiences here.
May Sri Sai keep blessing us all.
Read SatCharitra online @:
Sri SatChit Anand Satguru Sainath Maharaj ki Jai!!
Baba, thank you for everything. I love you so much Baba. Please be with us always and bless us all.
Bow to ShriSai peace be to all