Shirdi Sai Baba Miracles and Leela in this Post:

Sai Baba Restores Courage And Happiness

Shirdi Sai Baba Miracles Leela Blessings Sai Nav Guruwar Vrat Miralces |

Anonymous Devotee from US says: I live in USA currently and came here after marriage. I have been with my parents throughout and never stayed alone. I am well educated, outgoing and usually a brave girl. I started worshiping Sai Baba after my mom’s friend told us her true story about how Baba helped her daughter fair well in studies. It’s been about 10 months that I started praying. Living in US sometimes gets tricky as it’s a new place and you start living with people who don’t understand you, your culture and your language. We (Me and my husband) live in a small town where there are not much Indians. Coming here, I had to be housewife as my status did not permit me to work here. This was the first time, I had to be in a house all alone from morning to evening and keep myself occupied. This sounds easy and yes it was easy and fine until I found from an online site that the house opposite to our house is assumed to be haunted. I started was in shock and horror. I was no longer comfortable to live in that house which we so dearly wanted to decorate. My mind started imagining things and pictures of ghosts being on my bed and behind me and all possible horror movie scenes in my house. I was totally in a helpless situation because we had recently shifted here without much background check and we had signed a lease stating we would stay here for 1 year and if we break this lease we would pay close to 1 lakh as lease breaking fee + 2 months rent around 60,000 Rs. We are not that rich to pay this price and move on. I told my husband about this story and he was confused too, not because he believed in the ghost story or he had to spend money but because of my major anxiety issues. I could not sleep peacefully at night.

I used to wake up my husband at night 3 am and start crying and I used to get up every 1 hour and see around. Due to lack of sleep my husband’s work life would get impacted and I was too stressed to do any house work due to sleepy inactive mood the whole day. Even though my heart said there is nothing negative my mind wondered about the stories posted online about that house. I have been doing 9 Thursday’s Sai Vrat from a month and this was the first Thursday I was doing in this house after getting to know about the haunted story. I did the Vrat Pooja, prayed to Sai Baba, read His stories and then sat on working desk not knowing what to do. Tears started rolling down my cheeks. I had nothing to browse, I was all nervous and sad. I typed Sai Baba in the Google search bar. I came across this site for the first time. I sat and read the stories posted online here and hoped a Miracle would happen in my life too. Within evening, I found out that there are some Indian students living adjacent to our house. I contacted that person and he told us that he has been living in there for close to 2 years, no one has ever heard of such haunted stories and this area is very safe. He also told that in US people post all this for money and some time pass person would have posted it for fun. He also told us that I could join them during the day to play Table tennis and would drop in anytime I want. This was a big relief to me as I got to know someone around my house and my doubts were also cleared. All this happened last Thursday and from then I have been able to sleep better and stay happy. I owe this courage that I have today and the happiness that I am experiencing to Sai Baba. Hope this story will make you believe He does exist and calling to Him would solve your problems instantly no matter how scary your problem is.

Baba Helped Me Fight All The Odds

Shirdi Sai Baba Miracles Leela Blessings Sai Nav Guruwar Vrat Miralces |

Anonymous Devotee from India says: Sai Sai Sai Sai Sai Sai Sai Sai Sai, This experience is how I managed to get another rental property in Mumbai despite all odds only with the Grace of Baba. I wanted to vacate my 1 Room Kitchen on rent apartment and move to 1 BHK as both my mother (health problem) and wife (room maintenance) didn’t like it. My room water tank was also having issues. I had an agreement of 11 months. I told this to my Landlord – he said it’s not acceptable and you will have to stay for all 11 months in that room only or else I won’t return your deposit amount of INR 65,000. A lot of calls, messages, anxieties, feuds etc. followed suit to an extent that I had to shift my wife to my hometown for nearly 30 days. Things were really dangerous at that point of time. It involved money and property. But all this time, deep inside I had faith in Baba, nothing can harm me as Baba is always with me.

Then with Baba’s Grace, I got to meet with my landlord and record a video with his permission wherein he agreed to pay me the deposit by a certain date – at that time he was chilled but the next day he called me saying that he’s perturbed that I made a video of his and now don’t want to take this any longer and is now ready to return my deposit the moment I vacate the room. I vacated the room but couldn’t clean it properly. There too Baba helped me to get the money before my Landlord could see the room. He had embezzled an amount of my deposit in tank maintenance. Baba did justice to which he’s also fine with now. He was also a Sai Baba Bhakt and Baba kept telling me not to take extreme actions against him. Baba also told me that not just you but he’s also mine. So, I helped him in a getting a new tenant that too brokerage free and also in getting an appreciated rent. May Baba Bless my landlord. But above all, Thanks a million, zillion, trillion to my Lovely Saiyu.

My another experience is, how our Bhole merciful Baba gifted me on my Birthday. Sai Sai Sai Sai Sai Sai Sai. Today is June 1st, 2015. My Birth date is June 2nd. I was reading experience number 939. I came to second experience where the subject line of experience was ‘Best Birthday Gift ever received’. Greedy and wanting me, started begging Baba for a Birthday gift and as I was doing I found out that the gift this said devotee got was his experienced published on his Birthday. I also begged Baba my experience to be published on my Birthday (I was planning to post my experiences since quite some time but wasn’t able to-all Baba’s Grace). My mother had earlier called me to wish me today itself saying that Hindu calendar wise-your Birthday is today itself. And Miracles of Miracles did happen because Baba Is There, Baba Is Here! The last experience published was no one else’s but mine! I was in awe-happiness-tears-all emotions together-real Bliss. As I was finished readings, I got 2 messages in my mobile that Arrears of my increased Salary effective from last month have been credited to my account and the second message that Salary with increased amount is also credited to my account. I asked for one But Baba gave me many and the list is still on! Love You Baba-tears in my heart bathing Your Feet.

Baba Got Me A Job

Shirdi Sai Baba Miracles Leela Blessings Sai Nav Guruwar Vrat Miralces |

Anonymous Devotee from USA says: I am an ardent devotee of Sai Baba, currently I live in USA. Sai Baba is my Everything, Guide, Friend and Family. He has always helped and helping me in numerous ways, I have felt and feel His presence every day. He is with me all the times. He drives me to be a better person everyday. I had to quit my previous job as contract was getting over and was looking for a new job. I had applied at many companies and though I was getting interviews nothing was getting finalised. In one company, I gave 12 rounds of interview but no movement. I used to pray to Sai Baba everyday that please Baba get me a job which will suit my experience and best fit for me and also which will help to balance work and family. I was getting frustrated as nothing was getting finalised though I was giving many interviews.

After 3 months, I got a call from the first company I had applied when I had started Job Hunting. They had done a pre screening 3 months back and never heard from them. All of sudden they call me and asks if i can come for in person interview. In the meantime there was one more interview call from the same location. Meanwhile after reading devotees experience here I had started to do Sai Katha Vrat. Before I went for these interviews, I prayed to Sai Baba if You do not have want to give me these jobs then please don’t even get me an interview as nothing used to move, though I did well in all the previous interviews. Baba heard me and both the interviews came to Final stage and I prayed to Baba please get me an offer of the company which You feel the best first so that I am not in dilemma which one to chose. Baba Your miracle is unfathomable, I took up the offer whichever came first. It’s 9 months since I am working and Baba has chosen the best for me. I have been identified as one of the key talent in this billion dollar company, what more to ask for. Please have patience and faith and Baba knows what is best for us. He is always there with us. Peace, Love and Happiness to All.

The True Goal Of Life-Baba

Shirdi Sai Baba Miracles Leela Blessings Sai Nav Guruwar Vrat Miralces |

Sai Sister Preethi from India says: I belong to Hyderabad. My parents had been ardent devotees of Shirdi Sai Baba. I too picked up this devotion from them, right from the time I was a kid. As life is full of ups and downs, without Baba’s help and blessings, nothing came to us easily. Despite being a well educated person, my father never worked for any organization, and he was always behind doing business. He changed many types of businesses, but nothing worked well. We have seen many financial problems in our childhood. But each time the problem would disappear when we would pray to Baba. That way it became a habit for me to pray Him regularly. Once my Mom developed a swelling in her thumb, which also turned blackish and painful. She was unable to wash anything. But we did not have enough money even to consult a doctor. That night before going to bed, she prayed Baba to help her, applied Udi and slept. That night Baba appeared in her dream and healed it. The next morning, she woke up, started working and completely forgot her pain and when she suddenly noticed her thumb, it was perfectly alright. She burst out into tears. Could any doctor heal her so efficiently, Never. Sainath Maharaj Ki Jai.

My mother always believed Baba so much that she was never worried about our welfare much. She gave our responsibility to Baba and stayed assured. One day, my younger brother took out my elder brother’s cycle for cycling. After a little while his friends came to our house, carrying broken parts of his cycle and we were dumbstruck when they told us that a speeding jeep dashed his cycle. Just then, my brother, who was 9 years old that time, came home with not even a single scratch on his body. When asked about how he escaped, he said that he jumped away from the cycle. We very well knew it could only be Baba’s Leela. Sainath Ki Jai Ho. With Baba’s blessings, all three of us, my elder brother, myself and my younger brother settled very well. I am married for 12 years now and have many experiences worth sharing. I shall surely do so in my next posting. Hope many of the devotees read these experiences and get motivated furthermore. Shri Sachidanand Sadguru Sainath Maharaj Ki Jai.

Got Job Offer With Sai Baba Blessings On Birthday

Shirdi Sai Baba Miracles Leela Blessings Sai Nav Guruwar Vrat Miralces |

Anonymous Devotee from India says: Thanks all for this wonderful place online where one can find right path and direction in tough times, forget sorrows and develop Bhakti. I was jobless since last 6 months and really facing very hard time of life. But now I am fearless as I have found my caretaker Guru Shri Sai Baba and He is guiding me further. I am drawn to Sai Baba more closer where I can experience His presence since last 3 months or something. I started reading Shri Sai Satcharitra, started reading this blog, visiting Sai Baba Temple almost daily, doing Jaap and most important pray from heart. I am getting experiences of Sai Baba’s presence. Today I would like to tell about my experience of job.

I was searching job since last 6 months but used to always get problem at last moment. Now since reading about Sai Baba in books and online I am gaining more confidence and experience support of Sai Baba. In my question on Q&A website about my job in April 15, I got answer that an auspicious function will take place and work will be completed. I got married by registering in April. Then, i got my interview scheduled and successfully completed in May. In May, I was waiting for Offer letter which was getting delayed somehow but by Sai Baba’s Kripa it got postponed somehow and I got it on Thursday and that too on my birthday. One day before that also it got delayed due to some query or additional document requirement and got it released on birthday and Thursday. What a co-incidence! Now I am waiting to complete further process which is getting delayed may be for good reason. Everything is happening by Sai Baba Kripa. Meanwhile i also got opportunity to attend another interview with good company. I know Sai Baba will bless me with good job. Shraddha and Saburi is really important and wish Sai Baba give me His Akhand Bhakti with Shraddha and Saburi and bless me with His Akhand Kripa.

Baba Relieved Me From Pain

Shirdi Sai Baba Miracles Leela Blessings Sai Nav Guruwar Vrat Miralces |

Anonymous Devotee from India says: Om Sai Ram to all the devotees. I live in Shimla, Himachal Pradesh. I am a Sai devotee from last four years. I came to know about Baba through a friend and now I feel so blessed to have Baba in my life. I cannot imagine my life without blessings of Shri Sai Nath. This is my second experience which I am sharing. It happened yesterday when I caught severe cold as the weather in Shimla keeps changing. The weather suddenly was so low in the evening that I caught the viral infection badly. I took the medicine and went to sleep. Suddenly after midnight my throat started paining badly. The pain was so severe that I could not tolerate it. I was unable to sleep, unable to breathe due to the pain. I started chanting Baba’s Name and requested Him to relieve me from the pain. Half an hour passed, but the pain was becoming more severe and a moment came when I could not tolerate it any more. I woke up and took Baba’s Udi. The pain started to lessen and in no time it was totally gone. I myself didn’t know when I slept. In the morning, I was totally relieved from the pain. Baba helps us in every big or small things of our daily life. Blessed are the people who got the opportunity to worship Baba. Baba always guide Your devotees and keep showering Your blessings on us. Shri Sachidanand Sadguru Sainath Maharaj Ki Jai. Om Sai Ram.

© Devotees Experiences with Shirdi Sai Baba

Hetal Patil
Hetal Patil
Articles: 3388


  1. || Jai guru datta sri guru datta ||
    All devotees have Blessed dattajayanthi….
    Jai sri guru….
    Om Sai ram Jai sai ram _ / _

  2. SAI, please give us the good news I have been waiting for so many years, I know only you can do the impossible possible. Please bless my family. Thank you,please forgive all our sins. sairam.


    Blessed Experiences 🙂

    Sharmaji , I have commented on your yesterday's comment- Please read it.

    Love & Peace

  4. Rehem nazar karo aab more sai … Tum bin nahi mujhe maa baap bhai … Rehem nazar karo aab more sai , Malik humare tum baba sai , tum bin nahi koi aur sahai…. Kripa drishti se rehem kar mujhpe sai … Chamatkaar se bimaari theek kar de sai .. Kripa kar sai … An anta koti brhamaad nayak rajasthni raj yogi raj sachidanand satguru sai naath maharaj ki jai…

  5. Wonderful experiences all and salutations to the wish fulfiller 🙂

    O Sadguru, Let our faith in You grow stronger and deeper.

    Jai Sairam

  6. Om sairam. Motivating experiences. Baba i feel blessed to be your daughter. My life has got its meaning only after seeing you my lord. Om sairam.

  7. Sai Sai Sai Sai Sai : The second experience with Deva's picture is mine (RItwik S. Gajendra's) I was longing for my experience to be published and it got published that too on a Thursday , that too 1143rd (sum 9) and that too on Dattatreya Jayanti. Popsy you rock !!!!!!!!!! Thikkallika Thikka Lika Hey Hey Hey Sai Sai Sai Sai

  8. Dear sai sister's can any of you help me
    my husband always will be in tension comes home with tension n goes out with tension he is very popular person in our locality he always thinks of his gained name fame n never thinks of wife r children,I n children r constant thing in life nothing changes here but his thoughts always winning people not at all worried about family personal life in a room we live like strangers nothing is good between us what to do how to change his behaviour n how to make him love his family pls can u suggest any pooja for this

    • Sister .. Ask your husband to go for meditation which relieves stress. Also you too read sai satcharitra daily. Baba will definitely show a way.

  9. Om sai ram ….baba ji pls cure my TB …..dont break my trust babaji…we are still waiting babaji… and bless ua with kid sai….

  10. Om Sia Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram
    Sai Deva! Please call me to Shirdi. Please bless me to set foot on the Holy Land. I beg You to forgive my sins and keep me near Your Lotus Feet always. Thank You for everything Saima!
    Om Sai Sri Sai Jaya Jaya Sai

  11. Sai baba plz help me. Baba meri shadi ko 4 yrs hone ja rahe hai.mujhe bhi maa banne ka aashirwad dijiye.mai doctors ke paas jakar thak chuki hu,ab to doctors ne bhi kah diya hai ki mere sath bahut problems hai mai naturally conceive nahi kar sakti.lekin baba aap to meri help kar sakte hai plz baba help me..plz sai baba help me

  12. Dear Sai,
    Please take me out of the disease and the current mess. I know you are watching it all and I have full faith in you. Om Sai Ram.


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