Shirdi Sai Baba Miracles and Leela in this Post:

Anonymous Devotee from India says: Om Sainath, I am the disciple of Baba as I made Him my Guru. I would like to share the Miracles that happened due to my Sai Baba. The first miracle is my love marriage that happened in 1999. There were lot of problems and rejection from my parent’s side but due to the blessing of Sainath, My love was accepted and i got married. I promised Sainath that if we both get married, we will come to Shirdi together to get the blessings but it happened after 16 years of marriage only in September 2014, we both got an opportunity to go to Shirdi and get the blessings. After few years of our marriage, my husband was struggling in his career life. One day, an old man came to my house and told to keep Sai Baba’s fasting for 5 Thursday and go to Temple for Darshan. It was last (5th) Thursday, I did Pooja and went to Temple. My second Miracle took place and my husband got job in one of the good IT company holding a good post with good pay scale. After this incident, I started believing more. We got our own flat and all our home loan was prepaid. My husband got long term US project and I also went along with him. After a month in US, one of my friend had done 9 Sai Guruvar Vrat Pooja and she distributed the book to me. I was very happy to receive it. I also followed that Pooja and many of my wishes got fulfilled due to Sainath’s blessings.
My Another Miracle is, While our stay in US my husband was suffering from pneumonia and asthma attack. I was very much worried and prayed to Sainath to recover my husband. I started reading Sai Satcharitra Book and completed it in a week. I used to mix Udi in water and give it to my husband as Baba’s medicine. It was unbelievable, after a week the report was normal. My husband’s company had filed for H1 visa as it was lottery system I had no hopes but I used to pray Baba and do Pooja. My wish was fulfilled and H1 visa got approved. I promised Baba that if our H1 visa gets approved I will post it. Sainath, You have given me a wonderful and lovely 9 Guruvar Sai Vrat Pooja which I am following and You have fulfilled many of wishes. Thank You Sainath. I am also reading Sai Satcharitra which has brought lot of change in me and also helped me a lot in my life. Sainath, thank You so much. My Namasakar to You. Please do accept my prayers and offerings. Be our Guru, protect us and help us in following the path that You show us. Shower Your blessings on me and my husband.

Sai Brother Thiru from India says: I became Shirdi Sai Baba devotee recently from 2012. My Wife and one of my friend’s in office introduced Shirdi Sai Baba in my life and the rest is just a complete divine and Miracle which is happening. 2012 year was a very bad year where i suffered very badly from all the problems and mainly in my office, same old Boss/manager torture and ego. But i don’t want to say more about this because of this instance I became Shirdi Sai Baba devotee. There are so many Miracles happened from there on (2012). Shirdi Sai Baba gave me new Job. I guess this job is completely designed by my Lord, Guru, Deva, Merciful, divine, Sadguru, Sri Sachidanand Sadguru Sainath Maharaj Shirdi Sai Baba to me and it’s just a dream. After getting this job, i got everything one by one with hard work and concentration on my prayers to Sai Baba and only Sai Baba (Like I got married, entered into football, Physically and mentally strong by only uttering Sai Baba divine and prayer. I started liking Sai Baba like a child (When something given to the child and child will be with you and praise you. After that It will forget) like that. But i learnt that Sai Baba is my Everything and Sai is my food, blood, nerves, bones, brain and body because He is watching me from so many years.
I completely dedicate my body or soul to my Sai Baba, whenever i die my body or soul belongs to Sai Baba and He can make me anything. That’s all i have to give my Guru Sai Baba. I have big journey with my family and job and my football and i know that Sai Baba is with me. Daily, i feel from my heart and brain that He is with me and He is with my family too. He is doing His best to look after His devotees. Sai Baba is God’s incarnate divine. Instead of concentrating on so many worldly existence, give 10 minutes of your brain and body and concentrate on Shirdi Sai Baba before you start anything and after you complete something. Educate more people that our Sadguru Sainath is Hindu, Muslim, Christian and Everything and He is the one who takes us or show us the divine path for salvation. Devathi Deva Sadguru Sainath Maharaj Ki Jai. I will share my other experience shortly till that time friends please do help anyone who needs help find them and help them if they are true and good if bad try to make them good.

Anonymous Devotee from USA says: I am a devotee of Shiridi Sai Baba and have been for many years since I was a child. However, I had never heard of the Sai Vrat until recently and I am in my mid-thirties. A few months ago, I started having some health issues, high BP and anxiety. I assumed it was stress related, though I have never had these symptoms from stress in the past. A friend of mine mentioned I should complete the Sai Vrat, and ask Baba for help. Soon after, I began the Vrat on a Thursday and asked Baba to help make me healthy again. The Next day (Friday), I became extremely ill. My symptoms were strong and did not go away all weekend. First thing Monday morning, I went to the doctor and they did lots of tests. On Tuesday I was told that my thyroid levels were too high and that was the cause of all the symptoms I had been having for the past few months. The doctor asked me to stop taking the medicine immediately. (She had prescribed too high of a dose a few months ago). The funny thing is my levels were not that high, just .06 above the normal. She said she’s never seen anyone have such a harsh reaction to a very tiny overdose. For three weeks, I was extremely ill then made a full recovery, by the time I finished the Vrat. 9 weeks later, I have always been a Shiridi Sai Baba devotee, but this has increased my faith immensely. For three months, I had been feeling some weird symptoms. But the Day After I begin the Vrat, my health took a terrible turn which caused me to see the doctor and that caused the tests, which then produced the answer to my problem. The fact that all that happened during my reading of the Vrat, cannot be considered a mere coincidence, rather an Act of God. Om Sai Ram.

Anonymous Devotee from India says: I would like to thank all the team for doing such a great work. I keep reading this blog every day. I am Sai Baba’s daughter. My father was Baba’s devotee so for me Baba is Everything. There are many Miracles in my life, you can say endless. This one is very special. I always wanted a big house and I got that opportunity to buy one. We selected and then went for the deal but as usual I asked Baba if it is good for me then the deal should go. Things went well. Flat was on 2nd floor but due to some reasons, the owner increased the rate which was first decided. We agreed to pay the rate but still the deal was not happening. We tried everything. I sold my flat in which I was staying for this deal but deal did not happen and I had to shift in rental room. I was very upset. Then the broker called me and said there is another flat in the same society on a higher floor and asked me to come. As usual, I went to Baba and said if this is for me then the deal should go smoothly. We reached the office and to my surprise, there was a big Photo of Baba in that office. The deal was finalised at a higher rate beyond my Budget. My husband agreed to this. This flat was on 21st floor. Now see the Miracle, I had gone to my brother’s place he had brought a new flat on 27th floor and this is 7 years ago. I prayed to God that whenever You give me a flat, give me on a higher floor. Baba fulfilled my wish. I had forgotten it and was ready to comprise on 2nd floor because of my Budget but Baba had something else’s in His mind and He remembers Everything. Tears came in my eyes thinking about this. Thank You Baba, thanks a lot. Please be with me always and keep fulfilling everyone’s wish.

Anonymous Devotee from India says: Thanks hetal ji for creating such blog where we can let others know how Sai Baba helped us to cope in our difficult situations. I have so many experiences but wanted to share the first one where impossible was made possible by Sai Baba. It was the year 2003, when i got admission in an Engineering college, where i was not interested to pursue but my parents forced me to take admission in that college which was in Orissa. In 2004, without my father’s consent, i had appeared for entrance exam of another college where i was interested. But due to Baba’s Grace, i had qualified in the exam and also achieved 100% scholarship for the 4 years course which was costing 4 Lakhs. My parents were very happy and finally took admission in the college. But after one year, the college management decided to shut the scholarship facility provided to student as they made the criteria that those who will secure first position in the semesters exam will offered scholarships. Now the hurdle was really big for me as the course fee structure will be burdensome for my parents. So i prayed Baba day and night to help me in continuation of 100% scholarship so that i can make my parents proud of me. Every Thursday, i used to walk from my home to Shirdi Temple for Baba’s Darshan and finally after a month the college management decided to continue the scholarship without any criteria. Finally, i completed my in 2008 successfully.

Anonymous Devotee from Australia says: I am a humble devotee of Sai. Yesterday, my husband had back pain. I was very worried. I immediately prayed to Baba that he should get well soon. Today by Baba’s Grace, he said the pain has reduced. Baba fulfilled my wish, and helped my husband. Please, Baba be with us always and bless us. Ananta Koti Brahmand Nayak Raajadhiraj Yogiraj Parabrahma Shri Sachidanand Sadguru Sainath Maharaj Ki Jai.

© Devotees Experiences with Shirdi Sai Baba
Reading stories of baba will be a easy path to go close to him.Om sai ram
Baba please give me a chance tobpost experience saying : impossible made possible by Baba. I love u always Saima. Om Sai Ram
Om Sai Ram…Sachithananda Sadguru Sainath Maharaj Ki Jai…i was suffering with stomcah pain since 1 week …took ultrasound….blood test by the grace of god reports were normal…but pain comes and goes of bit scared so doctor advised to take breath test after 2 weeks…ANd i am suffering with foot very much with both legs…doctor advised i have to take steroids before that she advised to goto physio n podiatr i believe that baba will cue me with physio itself…and soon i will post the miracle…baba i beg you please bless u with good health for m family please …always stay with us…and please guide us in right way…as you know how i am suffering few problem soon u will give a solution babba…your r my father..
Dear SAI devotee
Somebody asked about new book on SAI baba yesterday- for everybody's information, Recently I have read 'RABDA' it is very very beautiful book- very detailed description of Baba's life- It is actually from a Baba's devotee who was with Baba when Baba was in physical form-This devotee is re-born again.
You will get true meaning of Sharda, Saburi, benefits of Giving, Charity, & most importantly how to love baba. One amazing thing this book have very minute details of Baba's life and year dates description- Its like DIRECT talk from Baba.
It will answer your many questions-in Baba's words.
Love & Peace 🙂
Om sai ram
I asked for new book … Thanks dear …. yesterday itself I ordered that book from amazon ill get it within 2 days .
Thank you
Yes it is a gud book to understand sprituality …andd your belief increase but it is fiction the devotee re born is fiction … Thoug it is writte by a very learned person .. He is a superb writer …
I would request all the devotees whose are praying in experiences and whose experiences are published today, please comment and tell your present situation, so that we all know Baba has already accepted your prayers- It will be great for faith boosting.
I always comment whenever my experiences gets published.
Love & Peace:)
Today's expereinces all positive and full of vibrant energy.
Yes Folks Baba is Here- Here goes my little experience- I has been raining ofr couple of days here. my husband & myself both got out of car and went in the house and he was getting angry that i don't care about things and I should have covered my phone in rain- I said its okay nothing will happen. But next day I listened to him, put my phone in bag before leaving house, so that It does not get wet.
Day beforeYesterday out of sudden my phone stopped to get charge- I tried different charges, but it was not working. So my husband charged his phone and given me his battery and took my battery & charged my battery by putting in his phone as our phone models are same. He repeated again that you don't value have to spend $500.00 for getting new phone now.
With all my faith I went to My baba's room, put udi on my phone, prayed to my Baba, & went back to sleep. Yesterday I came to work, Put my phone on charge, it still was not working- But No complaints I started my work. During luch break i saw my phone was fully charged and charger was working- Amazing x-)
I texted to hubby saying my baba is great my phone is working & he jokingly said oh your Baba such a technician, I would like him to work for us in our IT business :)) I said call with love he will come running.
Such is my baba- Dear devotees, in some sitations I get unshakable faith in my Baba and Baba also come running, But sometimes life gets so hard , I question my Baba- I do not like myself when I question Baba.
Please pray for me so that COMPLETE SURRENDER AND REST can happen at HIS lotus FEET 🙂
Om sai ram,
Baba is angry on me, that is why he is not listening my prayers. I am chanting his name everyday. I dont know what mistakes I have done. I am feeling very anxious since yesterday. I am praying baba a lot. Baba please tell me what more should I do to convince my parents. I have done everything from myside. I have totally surrendered to you my baba. Please help me baba. I am totally lost.
Change your attitude and see the miracles. As they say, As you see Him, He sees you that way. See Him as being happy with you and blessing you and things will change
Jai Sairam too suffering a lot.but praying baba a lot.but no im hopeless
Dear SHIRDI SAI BABA, Please bless me either to do transcription job 100% accuracy or any freelancer projects or help me to do textile business please baba..Show your mercy on my & my family
Blessed experiences. Thanks for sharing. Om Sairam.
Om Sai Ram 🙂
Yes plz … guys do comment bout ur situation . V r eagerly waiting to know.
om sai jai sai jai jai sai
Om sai ram
plz sai maa bless me deva plz ….
my grand mother putting pressure on me to get marry to guy which I didn't like .
plz deva plz show me some miracle plz bless me with lovely wonderful life partner. U know my taste u know me .u know everything about me .
I am waiting since long time .Every time i have to meet guys which r chosen by my grandmother .
deva plz show me some mercy .
om sairam,plz help me baba.plz reunite me and my husband plz baba change his mind.baba instead of improving my situation, my situation is getting worst.baba i cant bear this pain anymore.plz plz help me.hv sm mercy on me,i beg u baba.u r only my hope.plzzz help me baba,plzzz…
Dear devotee plz pray for me
OmSaiRam. .Baba pls re-unite me with my husband vinod. .I beg of you..pls Baba listen to all the people who are seperated. .OmSaiRam
First think why did you get separated with your husband. Is it worth going back to him ? Are there kids involved?
om sai ram
Baba I am sorry for my all mistakes n m paying for that…. Plz baba be with me and my family….. Plz give me back my former glory n rights…. Plz baba….. Love you so much baba….. OM SAI RAM
om sai ram to all devotees.
OM SAI RAM, Please baba help me to surrender completely at your lotus feet and remain contented and assured of good time ahead.I am very much worried as of tough and stressed time is going on currently .Please baba help my brother to get normal and be your humble devotee .I don't have any one else other than you . you are my only hope baba. Om sai ram , om sai ram , om sai ram
Wonderful experiences.i usually think of baba every day.i always keep chanting on him throughout the day.Today morning I was just thinking I should breath with his name and it should become Natural breath for me..I just read about the second last experience felt happy.
Thank you baba
wish BABA also bless me so that my parents accept my love and marry me to the person i love.OM SAI RAM
Look at Him with love and He looks back at you with Love, for all He wants from us is unwavering faith and a will to persevere. Bless us O Deva so we do only good and be showered with Your Grace 🙂
Jai Sairam
Dear Baba or My Deva,
AS you are aware, i am the sole breadwinner for my family and have lost job due to people taking advantage on me..i have worked like anything for them..but they made me go mad…..however, i can also say that i used to take things lightly and hence, this job lost has happened…
Deva,help me to get a job within 2 days as tomorrow being Thu else, i am ruined in my life as there are no one to assist me financially during next month. I shall die if I am in that state….help me Deva
Please baba help this person asap…get him a job plzzz
Sai ram brother,
Don't worry, bab will sure bless you. Start 9 Guruvar Vrat, your problems that are seen and unseen will all vanish in baba's dhuni. I am telling you from my personal experience. I just completed 9 Guruvar Vrat, I did this for my parents, but I also suffered from a rare unknown Health issue which I had not prayed for.
On the 9th Thursday, as soon I did the udyapan, at my parents home, (which is about 200 miles away from where I currently live), a gantalmen came and his name is: pandit Sai ram. Yes pandit Sai ram. Like baba personally coming and telling I am here to fix your problems. He asked us to visit him and me and my family went to his home. He had called us because he wanted to perform a puja so my parents would be free from the problem, instead when he show me, without me asking he told me about my unknown health issue and on the same day he did puja for me. Believe it or not, but I feel so much better and I have fully recovered in just one week.
My parents are so happy since there problem is also over. Baba is very kind, I didn't ask to baba for my remedy, but he still fixed my problem. So trust him and do the 9 Guruvar Vrat brother.
May baba bless you and remove all your worries.
Sai ram
Jai Sai ram
sainath i love this name.please cure my depression with out medicines.i am useing medicines for depression.please take care of me.i love you sainath.
Om sai ram _ / _
Maa bless us with us always.
Om Sai Ram……………………
Om sairam
Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram.
BABA! MY BABA ! where are You? Please show mercy and save my dad. We all beg You . Please accept our humble prayers. Give us a ray of hope. Saima! Please come to his rescue.
Anantha Koti Brahmanda Nayaka Rajadhi Raja Yogiraja Parabrahma Sri Satchidananda Samardha Sadguru Sainatha Maharaj ki Jai
Sai dada.
My mom going to my inlaws house tmr eveng.
U know Tht many things happend.
I am at u r feet , plz come and help.
Baba my inlaws u know there mentality and u know my parents mentality also. I m not judging .
Previously I was judging every one.
But now after surrendering to u I m not judging any one.
And yesterday night I got very nice sleep.
I got shocked actually because everything my mind was roller coaster till morning 3am. I would get sleep by 3.30am.
But yesterday u made a miracle.
I know u will make things right in my life.
At present my inlaws and parents r going crazy .
They r quarreling very much..
It is affecting me day and night.
Till now I have not spoken even a word in front of my inlaws.
I have not disrespected them in front of them.
Yes I accept I have led out my frustration in front of my close friends about inlaws.
WHT else would I do baba.
I was waiting tht u would bless me a child soon. I Dnt wht karma I did I god misscarriage.
I know people have more problems than me.
ButBaba every problem is big for each individual.
I Dnt have brother.
Nenne Nanna annna.
Nenne Nanna magu.
Anna Nanna kashtagalannu tolagisu.
Nanna atte mava Mattu Nanna tande tayi madye bandaya belasu.
Baba plz ………
Dear Saima..i will never truly understand why it is that u chose us as ur children and why it is that u choose to answer every prayer we make to u no matter the trail of mistakes we leave behind..Saima i feel as though i have disrespected someone's love and feelings which were genuine and that person has never done anything to harm me..but then why i have fallen in love with this new person..i don't know..why u made him enter my life..why u make me see the best in him i don't know..but in my heart somewhere i feel he is the one u have chosed for me..please something..tomorrow i am fasting for me take one day at a time and make the most of the day studies wise..please us in Ajmer on my birthday..grant me the biggest wish of my life..accept my prayers reaching u in Shirdi just 2 days before my birthday..i love u so so much Saima. Om Sai Ram
Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram
Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram
Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram
Om Sai Ram 🙂
Sai Sai Sai Sai Sai Sai Sai Sai Sai
Sai Sai Sai Sai Sai Sai Sai Sai Sai
Baba plzzz come sai..
Om sai ram
Dear Hetal ji and the team who are maintaining this blog…
I also shared my worries in this blog today and some days before.but u didnt share it in this comment part.i only shared for getting guidance and because of my worries.y didnt u share it dears.will u share only the possitive ones??? If baba is really exist there is no matter to share it.y are u purposely removing my comments?? If u have strong faith in baba, u have to share it and guide others how baba's blessings and leela's. U have to understand this blog is not to share the only succes that there is no ur blog u have to guide people who r in faith shaking condition or in urgent need.otherwise theere is no need about ur blog.deeply hurted person will not read ur miraclw.he will only seek for guidance.u have to understand.otherwise it is useless.baba also said that u have to help to the people who r in need.i hope u have forgot it.
All of the people who r suffering will try to get guidance.if it is not receive they will get wrong decision.some of them go through it and here they published their success.i understood u r not like to publish their sufferings and to guide them.but u only need their success to publish here in this blog itself.really if u r a baba's devottee u have to think about it and help to others.
Yes , there are countless people whose prayers have not been fulfilled .please post those prayers also here …at least they feel better or someone else can give them some relief or solution to their problems.
Baba, thank you for everything. Please be with us always and bless us all.
Bow to ShriSai peace be to all
om Sai ram;
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