Shirdi Sai Baba Miracles and Leela in this Post:

Anonymous Devotee from UAE says: Thank you Hetal ji and team to maintain such a priceless blog. I try to read this web page almost every day since last two years. Sai Ram. Om Sai Ram. May our Sai Maa’s blessings be with all His devotees always! I am a Sai devotee from Dubai. In the year 1994, Baba came into my life and just took me as His devotee. From that day, I just got dragged into Him like a magnet to an iron. My love and devotion for Him keeps increasing every day. Knowing Baba was the best thing that happened to me in my life spiritually. Baba is with me always and I can feel His presence ever second of the day. I have faced lots and lots of Sai Miracles in my life. I have a dream of one day publishing a book on Sai bada as – My journey with My Sai. I am writing about three recent Miracles in my life. For the last 2 years, my husband is having lots of difficulties and we are facing many challenging situations. With Baba’s Grace, we are able to overcome them slowly. He is guiding us and protecting me and my family.
My first Miracle is, I drive to work every day. Just a few weeks back, I parked my car and was walking in the morning towards my office. A crow was flying and suddenly came down and kept one foot on my head and flew away. I was confused with this very strange incident. I walked up to my desk and switching on my laptop was thinking about what had just happened. It just struck me then, hardly an hour back when I was starting my car to leave to work, I prayed to Sai Baba “Baba just put Your Hand on my head and bless me. I can face any challenges with Your blessings.” Just see Baba’s miracle. It is so true, as Baba used to tell – I am in all beings. When I think about this incident, tears flow from my eyes thanking Baba for being with me and my family.
Second Miracle is, We had our wedding anniversary in July. In April, I told Baba that I want a gift from Him on my anniversary day. The gift should be a Sai Baba’s book on His life. He should give it to me from His Hands. I would like to celebrate this day with Him in Shirdi. We all know Shirdi trip is possible only if He invites. Anyhow due to my problems, we were unable to make a trip to Shirdi or I did not get an invitation from Baba. On my anniversary, my husband and I went to Bur Dubai Temple by 9 am. When parking the car I told Baba – You did not invite me to Shirdi today. We went to take His Darshan and the minute the priest saw me he took a book kept near Baba and gave it to me. He then told me to open a paragraph which read – even if the sky will fall, Baba will never leave His devotees. The book was a life story of Baba. I was stunt for awhile. I was not able to talk. The priest did not know it was my anniversary. Tears started flowing from my eyes. Then I told the priest about my conversation with Baba and told my husband as well. How Baba gave me my anniversary gift is a miracle. When we were about to leave another man called us, he told open the door and come up to touch Baba’s feet. We went up and touched Sai’s feet. Baba gave me a feel of Shirdi. Finally I am going to Shirdi next week.
Third Miracle is, In March Baba told me to do Nav Guruvar Vrat. I ignored and told Him, I don’t want to do. Whenever I prayed to Him, the Vrat Book came in front of my eyes. I was praying to Sai Maa to solve two major issues. Finally in April, I told Baba I will start my Vrat from next Thursday, which was 16th April 2015. This was one of the best day in my life. Sai Baba came in my dream alive. (For the 1st time) The dream was, I am going to take Baba’s Darshan. I bow in front of Baba and Baba calls me and tells, “You have again come today with Shraddha in Your heart to see me.” I reply–“Baba where will I go, it is only You for me.” Then Baba calls me and makes me sit next to Him. I sit next to Baba. He then prays seeing the sky and keeps His Hand on my head and blesses me and also kisses my forehead. I got up at once. I could heard the early morning prayer from the mosque. It should be between 4 to 4.30 am. Oh my God. There was no end to my happiness. For days I was just lost in that dream. After two days of completing my Vrat, we slowly started coming out of our problem. I love Sai Baba a lot. My life would have been so unmeaning full and empty without Him. Baba please always blessing us, guide us and protect us. We Sai devotees are nothing without You.

Anonymous Devotee from India says: Sorry for posting it to late Baba. Please forgive me. I got married in September 2013 and my life literally turned upside down. My husband had relationship with his sister and had girl friends too. In spite of me explaining him so many times, there was no use. Immediately after 1 and half months, I came to my home as I couldn’t tolerate all the insults and torture given to me by my husband and in-laws. After that I filed for divorce and my husband never contacted me after I came to my home. He was not ready to give divorce also for me. I exactly don’t remember how my Sai came into my life. There is a small Sai Baba statue in my home which my mom worships. But suddenly, I got attracted to my Sai and was anxious to know about Him via surfing. At that time, I came to know about Sai Vrat and Sai Satcharitra and got to know about this blog too. Sometimes, I ask questions to my Sai in site. Every time I read Sai Satcharitra, Sai consoles me and gives me immense happiness which I have never experienced before in my life. I did Sai Vrat in order to get rid of all my problems. Every time I ask Sai “Why my life turned out to be nightmare like this and why I got the worst life partner and what sin I have committed in my previous birth?” My Sai tells me always “All your problems will be over on Ramanavami”. I used to tell my mom and dad constantly that something big is going to happen on Ramanavami and my Sai has told me so. Sai told me to read Ramayana and to worship Lord Shiva too. Once in my dream, I had Darshan of Lord Shiva and from then I became ardent devotee of Mahadev also.
Finally on Ramanavami 2015 as my Sai told, my case got over proving that guy to be impotent by the judge. I was so damn happy which cannot be told In words. I went literally in tears. After case got over, my parents took me to Shiridi which happened to be my dream come true. I had goose bumps when my foot touched Shiridi soil. My Sai had a pleasant surprise for me there. When I entered Dwarkamai while going near Dhuni, I saw a wall which was decorated by flowers. Suddenly, I saw Baba’s face on wall. It was such a bliss. I couldn’t believe my eyes and again I asked my mom whether she could see Baba’s face. But only to me Sai showed His unconditional love. My eyes were watering in joy. Another Miracle happened when while moving near Samadhi Mandir, I was even more delighted to see my Sai sitting like a lion. I had got an yellow colour shawl for my Sai. After reaching Samadhi, I told the priest to keep that shawl in Baba’s Samadhi and give me. He did the same and while I was about to leave I was sad inside that i am going to miss my Baba. Suddenly, while about to leave, priest called me and asked me to show my hand in action. I never understood what was going on. Miracle was that priest gave me sweets which indicates my Sai gave me sweets. After leaving Samadhi Mandir, I checked how many sweets were given to me in number. It was “7” in number, which is my lucky number.
Before leaving to Shiridi, I had asked my Sai that I want a very big marble statue of Your and Sai fulfilled that desire of mine also. We were given 1 hour of time for purchasing Sai Baba statue as we went by travel agency. 50 minutes went and still I couldn’t find the Sai Statue like how I wanted. At last, I became upset. But my Sai did not leave me. In last 10 minutes, He showed me a shop which was opposite to Dwarkamai. There was an old man who showed me Baba statue like how I wanted. My Sai statue resembles exactly the Sai in Samadhi Mandir. Love You Sai forever. Please be with me and my family. Though at times, I get upset with You because You are my Mother, Father and all. Please guide me always Sai Baba. Please show me bright future. Sai Maharaj Ki Jai.

Sai Sister Anuradha from UAE says: To Dear all the family members of my Sai Nath, Namasakar. I am Small devotee of Sai Nath from 2010 when referred by my friend Mrs. Soumya to read Sai Satcharitra to fulfil the wish of getting married. As me and my family was very much worried about my marriage during that time. I read Sai Satcharitra, felt the pleasant and piece of mind with happiness. After finishing the Saptah on Wednesday, the next Thursday, i lost my father due to heart attack. We are five daughters with no sons to my parents. We lost hope, me, my mom and sisters made up our mind as there is no God nothing and Everything is pre-written, nothing can be changed. After a month of my dad’s death i.e. in April my marriage got fixed and i got married in June. I don’t know later again how I was attracted towards Baba. During my pregnancy time, i used to read at least one story from Sai Satcharitra. But still I feel why Baba did not save my dad. Why he left us alone, No answer. Coming to main experience, I wish to share with you all as i prayed to Sai Nath. My elder sister’s one year old son was saved from surgery of uterus. He was suddenly facing a problem of high count of white blood cells and problem of UTI. I just prayed Baba that if You are really there and listening to my wish please save the small boy from all these medicals problems, surgery and he should be discharged before Thursday with normal reports. Exactly as per my wish the Lord of all, The saviour, my Sai Deva, Sainath has saved my son with normal reports, no surgery and discharged today (Wednesday). Thank You Deva and please be with all of us. Without You, there is nothing on earth.
Another Miracle is, This experience about the mobile which was mistakenly dropped by my daughter in water, of course the mistake is mine, i gave the mobile to her while she was playing in bathtub. I insisted her to talk to my mom on phone. So suddenly the mobile dropped in water. I took it granted as i lost the mobile, because previously i lost two mobiles in same way. Then i just wished oh Sai Deva, i am jobless now and you also know the financial position of mine. I cannot buy new one and i may miss the interview calls as well. I just prayed Him and removed the battery, cleaned it up and kept it for charging. Then i just took bath and went to Sai Deva to lighten the Diyas in Pooja place and took some Udi. With some hope and some doubt in mind, i just switch on the mobile. It was working. I checked everything, then called up my husband to test and told whole story to him over the phone. I was like dancing at that moment. Thank You thank You Deva, my Sai Nadha. You are always there with me and with all those who believe You. I am just hoping to post one more experience about my Job search which was long time wish of mine with Deva. I hope Sai Deva, my Baba will bless me with good job soon and solve all my financial, my daughter school admission problem soon. Sri Sachidanand Sadguru Sainath Maharaj Ki Jai. Thank you all and to my Sai Nath.

Anonymous Devotee from India says: I am a working woman from Hyderabad. I am a devotee of Sai Baba from my childhood. After my schooling, I didn’t say that I forgot Baba, but I didn’t spend much time for Baba and started enjoying life. After my graduation, I got a job and i was settled in Hyderabad. Nearly after one year, one of my cousin approached me and asked me to get marry. After some discussion, we came to a conclusion that we both have to approach our parents and said that we both love each other and decided to marry. From my side, my mother agreed to our proposal but she was not that much happy as she had negative feeling towards my cousins family. At that time my aunt (Mother’s sister) helped me a lot and convinced my mom. Finally my mom removed all the negative thoughts in her mind.
In the mean time, my fiancĂ© and my aunt became good friends. I felt really very happy for that. As the time goes on, due to some situations my aunt and fiancĂ© scolded each other and become apart. My fiancĂ© told me that “Don’t talk with your aunt and never go to her house from now”. I was not ready to lose any one from my life. I suffered a lot at that time. I tried to convince him, but i was failed many times. As the time was going on, gaps were created between us. I was not in a position to share my feeling with any one. I simply believe that there is no one for me to understand my feeling. On a fine day, one of my friend called me and said about this page. I started believing Baba again with lot of hopes and reading the experience of devotees. One day, my fiancĂ© and me went to Baba’s Temple and I offered all my prayers to Baba with hope. As a Miracle, on the next day he took me to my aunt’s house and they both talk with each other. Finally the issue was settled. I really thank Baba for all His miracles. On this November, we are going to marry. Hope i will share more and more Baba Leelas in my life. Bolo Sri Sai Nath Maharaj Ki Jai.
Anonymous Devotee from US says: Om Sai Sri Sai Jai Jai Sai. Hetal ji, you are doing a wonderful job. I am really very much thankful to our beloved Baba. I am strong believer of Baba from 2011. I don’t remember how Baba came into my life. With Baba’s blessing, I got married to a good person. After moving USA, I became very close to Baba. I have lot of experiences to share here. But i will narrate the recent one. In 2014, i gave birth to a beautiful baby boy with Baba’s blessing. Right after birth, my baby had some problem but it got resolved with 2 to 3 days. During this tough time, i always remembered Baba. During my pregnancy, i used to visit nearby Baba Temple. During pregnancy, i worked as a consultant so i had to quit my job before delivery. I was on maternity leave for 6 months. I was finding it difficult to find a job again. I started doing my Sai Baba Nav Guruvar Vrat and prayed sincerely to Baba to get me a cool IT job before my 9 Thursday Vrat completes. It happened and i got on 8 Thursday. Thank U Thank U Thank U Baba Million Trillion Times From My Bottom Of My Heart. Now my husband is planning for a job change. Please Baba help him in finding a good job very soon. Please Baba be with my family and always with Your Golden Hand on us. Please Please Baba, i want my experience to be published. Please be with us always Baba.

Anonymous Devotee from India says: Om Sai Ram. I am a house wife. I am a devotee of Sai Ram for nearly 4 years. He is guiding me in each step of my life. I have 7 months baby. She cried one day for no reason. We could not find the reason. I prayed Sai Baba to help me to calm down my child. After 10 minutes, she came to normal position and slept well. Thank You Sai Ram. Please always be with us and all. Jai Sai Ram. Ananta Koti Brahmand Nayak Raajadhiraj Yogiraj Parabrahma Shri Sachidanand Sadguru Sainath Maharaj Ki Jai

© Devotees Experiences with Shirdi Sai Baba
Om sai ram _ / _
Saibaba I love you heaps, Please help me I always get bad dreams about my loved ones having some issues or passing away sometimes. The pain i feel in my dream is unbearable. I don't want to do anything but just pray to you wholeheartedly. Today I got a dream about my lovely little brother who is my life I just want you to bless him with good health, wealth and prosperity and also long life and also wish same for my lovely husband. Saibaa I understand it is important to have loved ones in your life I want to leave my ego at your lotus feet and behave nicely with everyone and don't want to show off or anything because I have realised it is of no use and will only give me sadness and make me unhappy. Moreover I want to have good relation with my inlaws of course i cant love them as my parents but at least treat them as my parents I am your daughter I want my conduct to be good. Moreover as you know I am going to India don't want to worry about my weight. I don't want to loose but don't want to increase either.So I love you heaps Just want my trip to be good and baba I want to help some needy please baba pave a path for me for that.Thank you and love you heaps
Dear Devotee we believe that due to our karma we have to go through certain things/pain. So better that we only loose our loved ones in dreams than in real life. Life is like a roller coaster always up and down. Having Baba in our lives helps with the downs. If you really want to be a better person it will happen. Jai Sainath Ki Jai
jai sai ram.
dear sai sisters and brothers, from 2 days i was posting in comments section tht my mother will be going to my inlaws home because they called her to apply kumkum.
i was soo very much tensed because last month when my sister went to my inlaws home to give sanktranti festival sugar cane and other sweets,
my mother inlaw talked very rudely to her regarding my parents , tht they did not called my inlaws home and they did not follow custom etc etc etc..,
i was so tensed tht there will be fight when my mom meets my inlaws, i prayed to sai dada to help, and settle all the isues between them,
i went through a hell from last 4 years of marriage,all because of family issues, i never spoke opposite to inlaws, even they insulted me.
i prayed sai dada to be my brother, because i dont have any brothers to whom i can tell my sufferings and cry on shoulder.
sai dada did a miracle, for the first time my inlaws and my parents meeting went well.its a great relif,.but still both have mis understandings between them.
i used to judge both my inlaws and parents before, like all ladies do, i was also judging tht my inlaws are bad, they r egoistic etc etc,,
after surrending myself to sai dada i am not judging now, i left everything to him.
sai maa bless me a baby, and give my sister a good boy and good inlaws to marry.
my inlaws and my parents both r good people with totally different mindset, they quarell each other, my parents dont know formalities and customs what to do after marriage and all, and we dont have grandparents to tell us correctly wht custom to follow,(yes i have a grandmother but she is like a baby she wont talk ),
sai dada you know each and everything happend in our life,plz dada turn my life into happieness.
my parents and inlaws both should be happy to eachother.
i am a simple women dada, i dont need any luxury , i want piece of mind. and plz bless me with healthy baby.
and get my husband a good new job, this job they are laying off people.
i want to stay here in US only.
sai dada plz plz plz come to me.
i am very much thankful to u for letting meeting to be peaceful and no fighting.
Every brother is not good. My brother made my life hell. He got married and enjoying his married life and his wife too made my life hell. They kept me unmarried
Dear devotee,
Sai ram. Your dada will sure help you. See if you can read sai satcharitra. Try to finish it in 7 days with prasad and break a coconut in the end of the party an. May baba fulfill your wish.
Sai ram
Baba u mean everything to me..u are in every breath i take..u know everything Saima..may this year be full of ur miracles and may ur leelas leave us spellbound! I love u always Saima. Om Sai Ram
Have faith and patience baba will definitely answer your prayers….Om sai ram
Thank You O Sadguru for blessing us, Your children, in various ways, in dreams or by suggestions, in whispers or thoughts, for without You and Your Grace, we are nothing.
Jai Sairam
Om Sai Ram 🙂
Baba I should have s good day okay baba
On Sai ram
Sai Sai(Dear devotees kindly read)
Yesterday I asked for help here in comments section for my friends marriage. And our merciful Baba has helped in his own way.I cant tell you how much greatful iam to all those who have helped even without we knowing each other.
It is indeed a leela of our baba. The girl for whom iam asking for help, is a very kind girl and she has helped people even though her condition never allowed her.
Last year for my birthday I took her to Shirdi and by Babas grace she is getting married this year.
And I cant tell how baba is helping her. The devotees who have helped and are trying to help I want to tell you that you are helping a very good soul,my heart is filled with love and gratitude for you all.
Some have mailed me and some remained to stay anonymous.My tears of joy can only tell that what feelings iam going through.
Baba you are the most merciful.
And I cant thank enough to Hetalji and her team for this platform. A very great karma is being done.
Baba bless the devotees immensely, you only know what they have done for an unknown person selflessly.
All devotees who by chance dont know please go through yeaterdays comment section and try to help if you can.
Love and peace to you all.
Wow …. its really happy to know she got help …… and even u helping her ….. god bless u n others who helped her .
om sai ram
Sai baba O Lord,with which words can I tell you what you have done.
Our Sai is the doer of everythin ,he is the giver of love, and taker of all our sorrows.
My humble prostrations Sai Nath,lots of love to you.
Please bless the souls who are helping, and everyone. Your ways only you can understand.
om sai ram
Om sairam. Today is my husband's interview. Please bless him Baba. Be with him and help him perform well. Please bless all those who need you. Om sairam.
Om sai ram ….
baba plz bless my mama .He really need ur help and blessing .plz help him deva .
Sai maa plz bless me …. take me out of my past life …. I am still into my past .I want to forget everything. And need ur blessings .i am still waiting for my soul mate. Plz show me some miracle.
Sai Sai Sai Sai Sai Sai Sai Sai Sai
Sai Sai Sai Sai Sai Sai Sai Sai Sai
Om Sai ram.
Sai helped me with my visa issue. I am completing my 6 y in h1 b and needed extension on same. There was some confusion. I was worried. But my boss agreed for premium processing and also agreed for paying h4 extension without any questions. It would be difficult or impossible without baba 's blessing.
Sai always be with us, help us fave all challenges with courage. Om Sai ram !!!
Jai Sai Ram,
To the first sai devotee,
Very much astonished and happy to see how Much Baba Loves you. Your dream is great blessing from Sai.
Be happy .Sai Ram
Its only you who can bless me good life.So far i have lived only because of your mercy,love,care & blessings. You cured my illness, gave me so much of peace of mind, blessed me with so much positive thinking mind – set for me. But so far, they never allowed me to work in an office, even though they initially say okay for me to work in an office, but the minute i step out to work, sooner they start using so much bad words against me naming me a prostitute. Does working in an office and earning money similar to a prostitute work. Tell me?. Only you can show me the best path.Total surrender to you. You have planned the past and present and waiting to live about what you have planned to live in the future. So, total surrender to you..
Dear devotee,
Sai ram. Please do not pay attention to what people says or talks behind your back. This type of people are full of ignorance and egotistical individuals.
You just pray to baba. Before leaving your office 9 times say Sai ram Sai ram . In mind say to baba I am leaving the office and now rest is up to you. Read sai satcharitra. Finish it in 7 days. And you will see people who talk wrong behind your back will start praising you. Trust baba. He is the doer, and we are mearly his puppets. Take care dear. May baba bless you and show you the true path.
Sai ram
Dear baba,
Thank you so much for giving us darshan in the form of Ganesha. It is truly a blessings baba. Without you baba , our life is meaningless. Keep us in your lotus feet dear baba.
Love u so much baba ,
Your children and Dasas
Thank u so much for ur kind words saidevotee
Dear Devotee perhaps what is needed here is a dictionary for those people who are giving you grief because the definition of what a prostitute does and a n office worker is very different. Ignore these people because if what you were doing was not right Baba would tell you and you would know it in your heart Jai Sainath Ki Jai.
My sai, My deva……I completely surrender myself at your lotus feet…please accept me….
Om Sai Ram…………………………..
Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram.
Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram
BABAJi! Please forgive our sins and bad karmas and save my dad. I beg humbly and prostrate before Your Holy Feet. We have no one else but You. Thank You for everything Saima.
Om Sai Sri Sai Jaya Jaya Sai
Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram
Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram
Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram
I married now for 20 yrs and am living in USA. I have 2 children a girl and a boy. Both very beautiful, healthy and intelligent. I was accepted by Baba as a devotee 3 yrs ago, when he solved a problem that I faced. My life has been okay. I have been suffering with a constant problem since my marriage. My husband is an engineer by profession and I am a B'com graduate, and am working in a school as a teacher assistant. My husband feels that i am under Qualified, and am not earning a lot. He keeps criticising me that I am useless and am not educated enough. He does not treat me with respect, and never has loved me as a wife. I keep thinking of divorse, but I cannot take that step as my kids are grown up, and it will impact their life. I am living my life in pain and distress, but am holding on to the feet of Sai. Somewhere deep in my heart i believe that Sai is giving me all this pain to wash off my Karma from past birth and he will do good to me one day. My only wish before I quit this world is that my husband should honor me for what I do and respect me as a wife. I am a person with very little wants. I have immense faith in Sai, and believe that he will get me out of this one day.
Om shree sairam…
Thank you so much baba for being with us…
Bless us babaji with complete faith on you always thanks a lot babaji…
Om sai shree sai jai jai sai…
Om shree sainathayenamah…
Jai sainath…
Akhiland koti brahmand nayak rajadhiraj yogiraj parabrahm shree shree shree satchidhanandh samarth sathguru shree sainath mahraj ki jai…
Baba, thank you for everything. Please be with us always and bless us all.
Bow to ShriSai peace be to all