Shirdi Sai Baba Miracles and Leela in this Post:

Sai Sister Anjali from India says: Hi Hetal Ji and Sai Baba devotees, I am from Delhi, India. This is my fifth post. Previously i shared how i conceived with the blessing of Sai Maa and later how i lost my baby. Today i am going to share some more experiences of my life with Sai Maa. Baba i am keeping everything in Your Lotus Feet and praying You to always bless me with Your love. I am thankful to Sai and to Hetal Ji also, because of both of them i am able to share the Grace of Sai Nath with the world. I feel proud of being His baby girl. Koti Koti Adar Pranam to my Deva and to my Soul Protector till eternity. I delivered my baby girl on 13th April,15. She was having kidney problem and i had to terminate the pregnancy. I am still coping up with the loss but meanwhile i also started facing some health issues. My Gynaecologist said that i have infection in uterus and it could be TB and prescribed some test for which i had to go through some pain causing procedure. I felt shattered as i want to plan baby again as this is the only way to ease my pain of losing my child. After coming from the hospital, i prayed Sai that i will take Udi mixed with water and medicine but i don’t want to go through that test as well i don’t want to be diagnosed with TB. When i checked Sai Baba’s question answer site, Baba also replied that take Udi mixed with water and Light a lamp for few days. I took medicine and Udi and prayed to Baba and now it’s been 15 days approx and i am doing good but still having little pain but i know from His blessings, it will be completely cured. Thank You Sai Maa.
My another experience is, I wanted to get some job in HR, i tried everywhere but things did not work and then i prayed to Sai that please guide me as i did not have much of experience so He blessed me with a job in a recruitment firm so that i could get some more learning and prepare myself for better prospects. I am still looking for job into corporate sector and i know that He will bless me soon. I can only say that Sai give me what i deserve and what you think is best for me. He has His own plans as i have requested for baby also. So it’s up to Him when He wants to give and what He wants to give. Third and most valuable experience of my life is, After my baby passed away, doctor took her body for autopsy as they wanted to know the reason behind my baby’s kidney problem so that they could give us the guidelines to plan baby further. They said the problem my baby had could be genetic and in that case we can’t plan baby further because it will keep occurring. I cried a lot in front of Sai because firstly i did not want to give my baby’s body for autopsy and secondly i did not want to know any bad news but i had to give her body for autopsy and they kept calling us and telling us that they don’t have any certain information but few days back doctor called us and said that this is not genetic but we have to take precautions while planning for next baby. Baba gave me a huge relief.
My fourth experience is, Few days back my husband was going through a lot of stress due to his office things and he was in a very bad situation. I prayed to Sai and all of sudden this thought came in my mind that i should read Sai Kasht Nivaran mantra and after two three days everything went well. It’s all Sai’s Love that He has for me. Fifth experience is, Few days back when i was reading the experiences of Sai Baba devotees, i came across Abhishek Anand, who posted his mail id so that people like us who can’t go Shirdi can share their prayers and love to Sai Maa through him. I shared my prayers on his email id and how fortunate i am that when came back he replied that he shared my prayers with Baba and that too on Guru Purnima day. What else could i ask from Baba when He already has given me beyond my expectations. I am truly thankful to Sai Maa as He gave me my lost brother in the form of Abhishek Anand. Baba, i know You and only You are my true Guide and that is why i have left all my worries and my life on You. I have come so far in my married life only because of You and my husband is and i we both are changed people now only because of You. I pray to You my Deva that please always be there on my side because without You, i won’t be able to live. You know i have gone through so many things. I request You my Deva, please forgive me for my sins, don’t look at my bad habits and give me strength. Please help my husband and family to realise the truth which i want to show them and make my relations sweet. Baba in Your question answers You said that You will bless us with baby and You know what is happening with me.

Anonymous Devotee from India says: This is the first time i am submitting one of my countless wondrous experiences with my Sai whom i address as Baba. I feel specially blessed as Baba has always answered my prayers and shown me His presence with me in His own special ways and i feel lucky to experience innumerable miracles of this “wondrous Saint”. I used to read other Sai devotees experiences whenever i was sad or depressed and those experiences really gave me my answers at times and made my faith even stronger and i promised Baba that i will also share my experiences as a token of love and thanks to Baba whom i can never thank enough and may be my experience can be of some help to someone. I had forgotten about this promise to my Baba but today i felt this strong urge to share my lovely experiences as if Baba was reminding me my promise. Dear Sai devotees, it’s from my experiences with lord Sai that i can say this with surety that nothing is impossible for Sai and no matter how difficult the situation is if you have held Baba’s Hand, He will never ever leave you and He Himself will take you to your destination safely so just cling to His lotus feet as there are all happy endings only with Sai.
It happened in 2011, that i was going through a very tough phase in my life. My family wanted me to marry the boy of their choice but i wanted to marry the person i was in love with, come what may. There was a lot of pressure and i was completely depressed and sad. Even on my birthday that year i was sad and wanted no celebration. I thought that i would spend my birthday with my Baba and i ordered an eggless cake for Baba with His Name on it and i got the opportunity to go to Sai Dham at the time of Kakad Aarti on my birthday as my sister had already taken Baba’s Chola Sewa (Offering Baba’s dress) on the same day. I went and told the priest about my birthday and requested to put my birthday cake in Baba’s Prasad but he refused at first but when i requested again he agreed and took my cake with Baba’s Prasad to be offered to Baba after Kakad Aarti and placed my cake at Baba’s Feet. Me and my sister attended Baba’s Aarti and i was in tears to see that day after the Aarti my birthday cake was the first thing that was offered to Baba. I felt as if Baba was cheering me up and telling me that no matter there was nobody supporting me at that time but He is with me and there is nothing to worry. After that we all stood in a queue to take our share of Prasad and i told Baba that if You give me a red rose from Your Feet in Prasad, i will think that You are with me and i will get my answer but as my turn came all the red roses had already been distributed and there was a single white rose left which i got in Prasad. I was really disheartened and told Baba that if this is Your wish i will accept this happily.
While i was standing in front of Baba, i heard the Temple’s manager’s voice, asking whose birthday it was. I turned towards him and told him that it was my birthday. He wished me and gave me a whole bouquet of red roses saying that that bouquet was for me and told me that that bouquet had been placed at Baba’s Feet last night and was just picked up before the Aarti. I was in tears and was completely blank and had no words to thank my Sadguru for His unlimited grace. Baba’s Leelas are beyond our thinking and imagination. Baba knew that it was my birthday and He knew my mental condition at that time so He had already planned to make it extra special with His blessings in the form of that bouquet. I had asked for a single red rose as my answer but He gave me a whole bouquet of red roses. I got my answer that day and today i am happily married to the love of my life for two years now by Baba’s grace. Baba resolved all the difficulties and granted me what i had wished.

Anonymous Devotee from India says: I still do not remember the exact instance when I decided to come under Your Holy Feet. All I remember is I was bogged with pains, miseries and darkness all around. Personal or Professional- Sai Baba You know it all. It has been some months now and now, whenever I look for solace, look for hope, look for peace, I cannot but help stare at Your Picture or Your Idol. All I know is, whatever it is that I am going through, You will pull me through it. How much ever unreasonable I am being, You will help me with Your love. When nobody else is around and I feel the world around me is crumbling- You will be there Sai Baba. You will always be there. Once I thought, I would list down all the experiences where I could feel His presence in my life. But, with time- I felt this becoming more and more difficult because Sai Baba has been so kind to me time and again and again that I have lost count of all His miracles. So here, I want to speak about the miracle that brought me this close to Him.
I am a software professional. I went on an overseas trip a Tourist Visa. Visa was granted to me for a period of 15 days which suited my initial plan perfectly fine. However, due to some unavoidable circumstances, I was unable to travel back within the 15th day. The immigrations made a mess out of this whole situation as I had overstayed by 1 day. There was an unpleasant round of interview and filling up of some forms which I barely understood or rather was too tensed to understand. However, after a warning I was allowed to board my flight and I returned. However, this feeling kept on pinching me and I passed sleepless nights thinking what if this incident hinders any future visits which I may have to take due to work. It would affect my onsite travel opportunities in a very bad way. In no time, there was another opportunity for me to travel abroad again but I was really scared while applying for Visa due to my previous overstay record of 1 day. I applied for my Visa and went to Shirdi for the first time. I still can’t recollect what string pulled me there. Amidst all my scares and doubts, a part of me knew, somehow knew all would go through fine and so it did. Without any clarifications/questions, I was granted Visa another time.
The day when I arrived at the same airport again where I was questioned the previous time and when the immigration officer entry-stamped my visa with a smile on his face, I couldn’t hold back my tears. I know it all happened because of none other than my Sai Baba. Since then, my life has seen many beautiful, unbelievable and mysteriously delightful experiences- all I do is smile and thank Baba for being so kind to me. For being there with me when I ask Him to make it stop pouring, so that I can take the bus to reach office- to ease my crazy stomach pain – to sometimes just make me happy – to sometimes helping me with my computer restart when I urgently need to work on something. The experiences are countless, I would have loved to share all of these with people around long back but as they say there is a time for everything. Baba has been there with me in ways I can never explain. I on my part have turned out to be negligent at times. But the ever forgiving Baba has never turned me down. Baba- stay with me in good and bad times, in bright days and gloomy ones. Om Sai Ram. Om Sai Ram.

Anonymous Devotee from USA says: I am from India, but staying in USA for work. I don’t remember how I was introduced to Shri Sai Baba, but I became an ardent devotee, used to go to His Temple every Thursday, pray, look at Him, and get a sense of peace. Baba has been with me through every step of my life. He gave me everything at the right time and gave me more than I ever wanted. My faith grew more and more. I changed as a person. I was very happy with life. I don’t make hasty decisions, I surrender to Baba and tell Him to decide, I will proceed with what I feel is right, and if He is against it, I will ask Him to give me a sign or make me not to proceed. With the same concept, I started an important path in my life. I chose my life partner, he is also an ardent devotee of Sai Baba. Our families are not very keen with love marriage. But he and I submitted to Sai Baba and prayed to Him to make things work. We went to Temple every Thursday, did Vrat twice. As far as i know we were very sincere people. Every time there was problem, I prayed to Him, asking Him to help me out and also give me a sign that things will work out.
3 months back, both our families said no to our marriage. Our hearts broke, because both he and I respected our parents immensely, we will never do anything to hurt them. So we trusted in Baba and thought He would help us. But nothing has been done so far. I even gave my word to my parents that I will forget the guy with whom I imagined a life, whom I loved with all my heart. I lost my faith, I stopped going to Temple, I stopped praying. 8 years of being a devotee, I stopped everything. I became lost, without any aim or purpose in life. I felt like a kid abandoned by the parent, I felt Sai abandoned me, I fought with Him, I accused Him, I asked Him why did not You give me any sign or warning. I told Him, You gave me so much, but took something I valued and loved so much, something I built a life around. Is this fair? What did I do to suffer this much pain? My heart can not suffer anymore. Now my parents are seeing for suitable match, but I don’t know what to do? Should I move on or should I still believe. Baba, I have slowly started reading Your book again, I want to come to Your Temple, I am lost and hurt, Save me Baba, save both of us Baba. Now I’m sincerely asking You Baba, please tell me what to do? Om Sri Sai Ram, peace to all. Thank you for reading this post, please include me in your prayers, please save this soul.

Anonymous Devotee from India says: I am a student. Thank you so much for helping all devotees who believes You. Please bless me and my family and each and every person who is living in this world. Please fulfil all the wishes who have complete faith and praying You. Coming to my experience, My driver used to pick me from college. I have to go out on that and my class got over early. I have to inform my driver to pick me for my home but I don’t have balance in my mobile and I felt shy to ask mobile from others, my cousin was also in my home. I thought to text her but my net was not connecting. I was very depressed how to inform and prayed Sai Baba to help me from that situation. After sometime, I got my call from my cousin who is staying in my home to know whether my class got over who call rarely during my college hours. Though it is small but it was only because of Sai Maa’s Miracle. Thank You so much for everything You have done for me. Please be with me always. Please fulfil my two wishes soon. Please all devotees pray for me to Sai Paa. My two wishes are, I have to go to Shirdi as soon as possible before this month ends. I never visited Shirdi in my life. I am waiting for so long to visit Shirdi and I am facing lot and lots of problems in my studies which I never expected in my life and many astrologers said that I will suffer in my studies but I believe You Baba that You will help me to complete my course. Please do some Miracle in my studies and help me to complete my course and to gain knowledge. Please save me from all critical situations. I bow my head at Your Lotus Feet. Please guide me and all other devotees and please bless the members who is maintaining this site and helping others to believe in Your devotion.

Anonymous Devotee from UK says: Thanks to Hetal ji for giving me this opportunity to share my experience and to all other Sai devotees to share their experiences. Like someone said this is none other than a Sai Satcharitra. I have been a Sai devotee since my childhood and i have faced many challenges and ups and downs in my life. But always Sai Baba gave me strength to fight and stay strong in my tough times. I am a contractor and was about to finish my contract in end of July. Along with this tension, i also suddenly experienced or faced a sudden shock of my life that my best buddy started blaming me for no reason and stopped talking to me. I started praying to Baba and started my 9 weeks Vrat and also started reading Guru Charitra. One day, i was asking Q&A on the website and Baba answered that on Gurupurnima day, my problem will be solved. I was waiting for my friend to come back and talk to me. But to my surprise on Gurupurnima day, in my office as it is the last day in my office and my team mates arranged for team lunch. We all went for my leaving lunch and on back of my mind when all this is happening, I was waiting for my Sai miracle. Guess what, after lunch we went back to office and my manager came and spoke to me and asked me if i can stay longer for one more month. I was shocked and can’t stop thanking my Sai. I am still praying to my Sai to bring my friend back and clearing all our calamities. I will post that experience once my Baba answers my prayers. Baba please be with me as always and keep me as Your child. Om Shri Sai Samarth.

© Devotees Experiences with Shirdi Sai Baba
Om Sai Ram
Nice experiences and heartfelt prayers- Can you please devotees tell your present situation??
Love & Peace 🙂
om sai ram..:)
Om sai ram _ / _
Om sairam. Please bless all those who are in need of you baba. Please forgive me for any mistake I do. Be always with us. Om sairam.
Deva, karuna k saagar, we are at your lotus feet maa…keep your hand on our head deva..
Sai maa
plz mera skin clean and flawless kar dijiye
plz sai maa bless me deva I need ur blessings .
Pl give me beautiful Flawless skin.
Plz cure me .
Pl consult a dermatologist and a beautician… 🙂
She is ….there is no reason to make fun of her ..she is consulting the top most dermatologist and beautician of this Sai baba…if he can cure cancer , tb, infertility , he can cure her acne problem too…docots can give medicine but they cannot cure please don't make fun of devotees problems .. they have trust on baba … thanks
Thanks dear
Om sai ram
How rudely you are talking.
Better u apologize the lady.
Dear devotee please take udi mixed with water.. Trust our beloved Sai I am sure he will solve your problem
Can girls chant sai gayatri mantra while periods.?
Do you take sai name in your mind during periods?
Do you remember sai during periods?
Hope you got the answer.
Yes I do …….
om sai ram
blessed experiences.. dear 4th devotee may SAI BABA bless you and fulfill your wishes..
Om saima please bless us. Be with me. I liked the name sainath. You are my love. I want to see you in dream. Any one knowsabout shakti patam.ramanananda swami is it true. Om saima
Few very beautiful experiences posted today. Fassbender You O Sai for coming to our aid and filling our lives with love and happiness again ::
Jai Sairam
ॐ श्री साईं नाथाय नमः
Om Sai Ram……………………………….
Baba strengthen our faith in miracles..leave us awe of ur greatness and omnipresence. Please fulfil our wishes. Please Saima..magic kardo. I love u always. Om Sai Ram
Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram.
Sai Sai Sai Sai Sai Sai Sai Sai Sai
Sai Sai Sai Sai Sai Sai Sai Sai Sai
Allah Malik, om sai ram. Sadgururaya who is keeping my life in tact and running every part of my life under your grace. What shall I ask for than peace and joy to my fellow sai mother sai fathers sai sister sai brothers and finally sai children. Sai Maharaj you are bringing us heaven on earth as Allah willed insha allah. You are the true servant of allah almighty. O glory king of shirdi, who is not slave to you even God's are among us begging for your love. Baba stay for us wash our sins bear our pains deliver us from evil and finally takes us to your abode of love where mahalasapathiji is and sahyamaji is please lord please. Sai son of Dasharatha rama, prince and king of ayodhya, and ruler of DWARAKA and soul embodiment of kailasha. We all for sai, sai for all of us. Om Sai Sri Sai Jai Jai Sai.
Om Sai Ram 🙂
Blessed experiences. Thanks for sharing. Dear devotees continue to have firm faith in our beloved Baba, he will definetely listen to all your issues.
Plz post today's experience. .. asap
Sai maa I don't believe in astrology. I just believe in u deva ….plz bless me with wonderful life partner. U know me u know my taste. Plz gift me a lovely wonderful life partner who will love me and I'll love him too.
plz bless me deva .
om sai jai sai jai jai sai
Om Sai Ram
Om Sai Ram
Om Sai Ram
Watching Baba being dressed by the Pujari for Madhyan Aarti, it is so beautiful. The Pujari is doing it with so much love and devotion today. Seeing that the chaadhar doesn't fully cover Baba's foot and is visible to the devotees. He is arranging and rearranging. Very sweet and loving to watch. Love you Baba. You bring out the best in everyone.
om shri sai nathaya namah, om shri sai nathaya namah, om shri sai nathaya namah
Baba, please help me to cure the skin disease which iam facing . Please pray for me Om Sri Sai Ram
Baba now I have many problems my brother is still there is no sign of cure now I am facing another problem, please baba when my brother will cure and how please baba bless him. It is beyond our capacity. he is not taking medicine.I always remains tension for this.Baba relive me. In one of devotees experience he stated Baba answared that your problem will solve on Gurupurnima. And on that day his problem solved. what a miracle Baba have done. I have also many experiences . But I am going through this problem since two years for my brother's health. Please Baba I donot want anything. I have faith in Baba. still am waiting for his miracle. om shri sai nathaya namah.
Baba this is my 2nd request when my 2nd problem solved.
Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram
Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram
Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram
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Baba, thank you for everything. Please be with us always and bless us all.
Bow to ShriSai peace be to all