Shirdi Sai Baba Miracles and Leela in this Post:
Anonymous Devotee from Singapore says: Om Sai Ram. Thank you for this wonderful blog. By reading all the experiences, our faith in Baba keep increases tremendously. Baba has showered so many Miracles in our lives. Om Sai Ram, I have always wondered when did Shirdi Sai Baba actually enter my life. Looking back on retrospection, it looks like His influence has been in my life since my childhood even though I have come to realize His powers of late only. As an 8 year old, I used to attend Chinmaya Bala Vihar being conducted in various places in Calcutta. My earliest memories of these classes happen to be at the Shirdi Sai Baba Mandir at Lake terrace. Without my realisation, Sai Baba had entered in to my life, even though the classes had later shifted to Lansdowne road. I never prayed to Him as such during this period, never realized that He would be holding a supreme position in my later life.
Time rolled by and at the age of 23, I was wedded off in a south Indian tam Brahmin family in far-flung Delhi. It was time for my second encounter with Shirdi Sai Baba. The initial years of my marriage were a mess. I vividly remember that day when I left to meet Him at Lodhi Road, Delhi. With less than 5 rupees in hand, I boarded a DTC bus number-605. Being a newcomer to Delhi, I blindly went my way in search of Sai Baba. I remember quite distinctly that I was shabbily dressed in a Saree and looked very much like a beggar. I had paid the conductor fares, which would have taken me 5 stops before Lodhi Road. Today when I sit and wonder as to why the conductor didn’t ask me for the extra fare, I feel he might have thought that I was poor enough not to be able to pay the balance of the fare. He possibly understood my predicament. Those were the days when money and food were frugal for me. All I remember is that I went in search of Baba, who happened to be seated on a high pedestal in a rich building befitting His status and had hundreds of followers thronging Him. I went and prostrated in front of Him with tears in eyes, asking Him where have You landed me in? I now realize that He had taken me into His fold since.
In the next 8 years of my stay in Delhi, never once did I get to revisit Him. Those 8 years were filled with tears and more tears with some joyful moments of the birth of a baby boy, Sriram. Through my stay at Delhi, Baba had been by my side without my realization. As I look back, He had held me on His shoulders as I walked past the thorny path laid for me by my life. Interaction with Sai Baba during these phases was limited in the form of Sai Bhajans sung by Lata Mangeshkar. My son used to love the “Sai Sai“ song as a toddler. The scenario now shifts to Jakarta, Indonesia. The Sai Bhajans would be heard religiously in regular intervals. Some difficult times encountered there seem to have been handled by Him without my knowledge. The move from Jakarta to Bogor seemed to be one of His masterstrokes. In the January of 2002, when the transfer was announced, it was surely Him who helped us through. That was the phase of utter chaos and uncertainties. It was Chaos, because my child and myself were in Indonesia while the husband was in India looking out for better opportunities. There were times while I felt helpless as my husband had to undergo gall bladder surgery and I had to leave him at the mercies of relatives, back to Indonesia to complete the school year of my child. It was a roller coaster of sorts, the months of May-June 2002. Things were happening in such chaotic manner that one could never comprehend what or who was helping us through.
The move from Indonesia to Singapore can be utmost be termed as a miracle. Now when I look back, I sincerely feel it was the Gods at work. Scenario Singapore, This is when His presence became really profound and He took my family and me into His fold. He still hasn’t called me to Shirdi but I regularly get His Prasad as I donate online to the Sansthan for Annadhan. He sits on a high pedestal in my little nest guarding us from all evils. He keeps guiding us and even though my questions to Him have remained unanswered and “Divine Timing” not yet ripe, I keep praying to Him, sometimes fight with Him, sometimes cry and sometimes laugh. My son is His devotee who never questions His intent even when in pain, when in trouble. To add, every single incident relating to my son has invariably happened on Thursdays. My son has full faith in Baba and feels that he will be placed in a good university and that his national service obligation will be completed without much hitch. My husband got into the fold during one of the stormiest nights in our lives. I have never seen my husband cry the way he did that night in front of Sai Baba. True to His words, Baba saved us from the storm. We landed safely from the problem. My husband has been looking for a change of job for the last two years. His interviews have always been on Thursdays. He had nearly got a job last year, but it somehow didn’t get through. The company dropped the idea of recruiting. Down 6 months since this, the market of the materials that the company dealt with crashed and we took it as a blessing in disguise though initially we were questioning Baba’s intent. He is yet to get a job and we still keep faith in Baba that He will bless him with the best of jobs. As we go through tough phases and rough patches of life with many lows, we believe that these lows will eventually become the highs soon. Till then we keep praying to Him and hoping that He showers us with the best of His blessings. Om Sai Ram! Om Sai Ram! Om Sai Ram.

Anonymous Devotee from Malaysia says: I am Sai Baba daughter since 2008. I am a single mother. I live in Malaysia. I am Sai Baba die heart devotee. Om Sai Ram. I came to know about this blog by my sister in end of August 2015. From that day onward, i am not fail to read Sai Devotees experience every day. It makes me so closer to my Baba. Every day every single minute, Baba shower me with His blessings. He had always showed me the right path way and give me a strength to go through my life as a single mother. I can always feel His presence around me. Every week, i am the one who send my son to school. The travelling hours from my home to school is about 45 minutes. Both of us always depart from home at 6.00 am. Last week on 01/09/2015, as usual while we were travelling to school, suddenly my car got problem. It showed some warning light at engine icon. Immediately, i stopped my car at road side and look for the problem but could not find. In that early morning, i was scared to ask help from strangers. I quickly called my father. He said without checking he can’t mention the problem. Some bad feeling run in my mind.
So, i returned back to home and took my sister’s car and send my son to school safely. After deep checked my car engine by my father and brother, they managed to find On of the engine wire is disconnected. Both of them are very talented persons in automobile repairs. So my father said, there is some need to do some welding to connect back the wire. He went and looked for the fine welding iron to do welding but unfortunately could not find. After about 20 minutes at store room, he was very angry and in tension and started to shout at me and my mother. He threw all the things from the store room all over the places and scolded me terribly. That time, i sat exactly direct to Baba. Tears were flowing from my eyes. I called my Sai and said as a girl honestly i do not know all these faulty. Please save me from this situation. My Sai’s great Grace, within a second my father found the things which he look for. A miracle! he found the item the place where he searched two to three times before. Thank You Baba. I love You so much. Baba, You are my world. My days would not move without thinking You and without kissing Your Lotus Feet. Everyday, i pray You wholeheartedly. Dear respected Hetal Ji and team, heartiest thanks for creating this blog. Om Sai Nathaya Namaha.

Sai Sister Radhika from India says: I came to know about this site from my elder sister. She is a devotee of Sai. She used to read the experiences shared on this site everyday, and used to tell me about Sai Baba. First I had a little faith but later on as she used to tell me every day, I started getting more more faith in Baba. After that even I started reading the experiences. And now I have full faith in Him. He is the only one who is the creator of everything. Thanks to the people who have started this site. I would like to share with you all my experience with Sai Baba. I have done my Engineering and have completed one year but was still not getting a job. I had cleared many exams but when it came to interview, I was always rejected. Due to which I got very depressed. Then my sister told me to pray to Sai Baba and told me to do Nav Guruvar Vrat, and to surprise my friends had made a plan to go to Shirdi and had also asked me to join them. So we went to Shirdi and I prayed to Sai Baba to help me getting a nice job. I had even brought Sai Baba’s Udi from Shirdi.
Then after a week’s time, I received a call from an institute. The institute was going to conduct two interviews. The ones who cleared the first interview were going to be trained for a month and then again they had to face the second interview. I got selected in the first interview and was trained on some skills. Then we had to face the second interview. Where we had two panels for the interview, one was lenient and the other was strict. I prayed to Sai Baba that my interview should be taken by the lenient one. But I was interviewed by the strict one and the result was that I got rejected which meant that we would be trained again and interviewed. Then we were trained for more than 15 days. I had promised Sai Baba that I would be coming to Shirdi if I cracked the interview this time. I had even started Nav Guruvar Vrat. While going to the interview, I had applied Udi and prayed to Sai Baba and Sai Baba miracle happened, this time I cleared the interview. Now I have received my joining and as I had promised Sai Baba that i would be coming to Shirdi. I have planned a trip to Shirdi with my family and soon going to visit Sai Baba. Sai Digambara Akashaya Rupa Avatara Sarva Hi Vyapak Tu Shrutisara Aanusayatrikumara Baba Yeil Baa.

Anonymous Devotee from India says: I am Sai devotee from many years. In between, it so happens that you tend to forget stuff you always use to do. Same thing happened to me. After, i got married with lots of struggle, i became busy in my life and almost forget to pray. In my in laws house, we have shops where we take care of our business and there only i use to pray. I use to eat non vegetarian on Thursdays, which i never did in my mother’s house. This way, with up and down years passed. We realized that me and my husband are in-depth and in so many loans. Now things started to hit us back. This was the time, i went to Shirdi and from here all started. I didn’t have enough money. I had gone with my mom’s family. They handled mostly all but for my basic things, i was paying. I had not asked that i wanted to go abroad. My wishes were to get us out of the trouble but Baba had something else in His mind for me.
I came back and things changed for me. I used to see and take live blessings of Sai Baba in Shiridi online and one day, all of a sudden it happened that i decided to go to Middle East for work and i applied for passport. My father was abroad so in 3 months time, my stuff got ready and i was ready to go to Middle East. My visa came on a Thursday. My ticket came to be booked on a Thursday. I also reached Middle East on a Thursday. This is my Baba’s Miracle. Now, i am here in Middle East finding a job. I have full faith in Baba that the way He brought me here He will give me a good job here soon and i will be able to solve all our problems soon. I will get all my lost respect again and all will be alright soon. Om Sai Ram. I love You Baba. You are with me, so i don’t need to worry a inch. Be with me always Baba, guide me, help me get a job soon. In Your answers, You said in 8 days, i will get my path. Today is the 7th day and my Parayan is also getting over today. I know it that today and tomorrow, it will happen. I will get a good job and will be able to help all who are dependent on me. Om Sai Ram. Help me Baba.

Anonymous Devotee from India says: Thank you Admin for providing this wonderful blog to share our experience. Me and My husband got married four years ago. I came to know about our Baba only after Marriage, through My Husband. When we were in Chennai, we usually go to Baba Temple every Sunday morning, but i used to pray Baba like any other God. After we came to USA, we stopped going to Temple, things were moving in its own phase. Then in July 2014, My husband wanted to switch company. At this time, Baba pulled us again towards His Holy Feet, We started praying Baba. Me and My husband started to go to Temple every Thursday to attend Aarti. I started to see lot of miracles happening. I got lot of positive energy. We both started reading Sai Satcharitra. By Baba’s Grace, he attended a interview in a Major Investment Bank by September. The person through whom we attended the interview confirmed us he is selected and orders will be issued shortly. Baba here tested our patience we did not get any reply up to November. It was only hope in Baba that made us to wait. Finally, My husband got Offer with a very good Package only because of Baba. Thanks a lot Baba, Please Be with us and always hold our hands Baba. I have a prayer request too, I had around 5 miscarriage and i am pregnant again. Please Baba be with me and save my Child. I humbly request all Sai devotees to pray for me. Thanks admin for providing me an opportunity to share this.

Sai Sister Madhuri from India says: I have done M.Sc microbiology and working as Sr. executive for a biotech company since 2009. I am not yet married. I am born on 1/12/1984. I stay at working women’s hostel to go for work. I believed a boy as mine and finally he cheated and used me for the sake of only money. Om Sri Sai Ram, i am a devotee Sri Sai Maa. Recently, i got injured and doctor proposed for a surgery. My parents reached my place and I was made ready for surgery, as per my company norms complete medical insurance should be covered but before one day of surgery, we came to know that only half amount was sanctioned. Then I prayed Baba to help for rest of the amount. Baba came to me with help of some relatives and full amount was sanctioned. My surgery is successful with Baba’s blessing. Baba please bless me in all the way. Soon, I should become healthy and started walking. Om Sri Sai Ram.

© Devotees Experiences with Shirdi Sai Baba
Om sai ram _ / _
Thank you deva for timely help
dear devotees from past few days I was having so much stress as we have to pay loan amount for which closing date was 15/3/2016 I prayed baba and promised to read 11th chapter of sai charitra daily at nick of the time baba has arranged the money……thank u deva thank you so much. ….
Jai sai ram _ / _
Dear devotee,
I had also planned to read chapter 11 of Sai Satcharitra everyday in order to get my hearts desire. Now the lord has given me the green signal through your comment.
May Baba abundantly shower his blessings on you.
Om Sai Ram!
Om sai ram
Could you plz tell me y only 11th chapter.
Is it something behide this .plz tell me .
Though I have read sai satcharitra.
If you have read SSSC you would also have read Chapter 11. :-d At the end it says whoever reads this Chapter daily with Faith and concentration soon all his miseries would be over. Hope you get the reason now.
As it is also mentioned at end of the 11th chapter itself
11th chapter for desire fulfillment
15th chapterfor miseres remove
37th chapter before going to bed (chavidi prosession )
Because it is suppose to be a RUDRA ADHYAY of Sai Satcharitra.
Happy baba day. Baba please bless me with peace of mind so that I can taken care of my kids properly. Please bless my family with good health.
Happy Baba's day to ALL:)
First Devotee, I am in tears reading your experience, Why Baba sometimes test us so much?
Love & peace 🙂
ॐ श्री साईं नाथाय नमः
Koti koti pranam at your lotus feet maa.please shower your blessings on us maa.with your blessings i m starting nav guruvar vrat. please fulfill my wish.bless my son deva…
Sai Sai Sai Sai Sai Sai Sai Sai Sai
Sai Sai Sai Sai Sai Sai Sai Sai Sai
I've done the nav guruvar vrat and have been waiting for results. I've always got positive signs from Baba about my wish getting fulfilled but things habe actually gotten worse even though I get positive signs even now. What should I do? These things don't make me stop worrying and I'm very very scared. The question answer website always asks me to donate. Sometimes food and sometimes money. Should I donate food or money? I am from Bangalore. Do any of you know where I can donate food to?
Dear Devotee
We are in really tough situation, I have today finished my 5th times 9 sai vrat, Though the problems are still here, but on conclusion of each VRAT baba shows miracle and is truly removing obstacles one by one. Have faith, Things will happen 🙂
Dear devotee….please trust baba with complete patience. Try to keep your mind at peace. Everything will be resolved soon. If you do not find any orphanage or old age homes to donate food near by you, you can even donate to the annadhan seva in the shridi sansthan online. Let your prayers be answered. Om sairam.
Donate food
Have patience, He shall give. There is the Someshwara and Sai Baba temple in Koramangala 7th block where you can donate food/money for annandan.
Jai Sairam
Sai Sai Sai Sai Sai Sai Sai Sai Sai
Sai Sai Sai Sai Sai Sai Sai Sai Sai
om sai ram
happy baba's day…om sai ram
Dear all…if we (Baba's wish ultimately) wish to offer some silver ornaments let's say baba mukut in shirdi..what is the procedure.. Kindly reply
Also,when some devotees say ki v r going to shirdi..send ur prayer requests with us…what exactly does it…do v need to take printout of all d prayer mails …and then do what ??..I mean do security guards allow us to tak the pages wid us in temple?…do priest take it from us at samadhii…??where do v need to keep it finally??
I knw there are lot of questions.. But I will really appreciate d reply..thanjs
Dear Sai Devotee,
As per my understanding based on my knowledge you should donate ornament to sai sansthan directly but before that register yourself online on shirdisaisansthantrust.
Secondly, with regard to prayers, yes you are allowed to take prayers inside the Samadhi mandir in printout form. Also, you could ask priest to either touch it n return to it( if you wnt to put it in hundi@ dwarkamayi) or leave it at sai Baba's lotus feet in Samadhi mandir. I hope you hv got your answers.
Sabka Malik Ek!
Baba you know everything we are going through. My dad is hospitalised in a critical condition. Please be with him and help him to get rid of block in heart. I want my dad back.please baba help us and give my dad good health.i will be in your lotus feet rest of my you baba. Om Sai Ram
Dear ..can plz any one tell me d procedure for Sai Divya Pooja…as per my understanding.. We can hav food at one time(khichdi)….then for udyapanv shall distribute khichdi az prasad..can v do at temple or it z necessary to invite people relatives at home &then distribute khichdi…
Baba you know everything we are going through. My dad is hospitalised in a critical condition. Please be with him and help him to get rid of block in heart. I want my dad back.please baba help us and give my dad good health.i will be in your lotus feet rest of my you baba. Om Sai Ram
OM SAI RAM, Your dad will be fine soon. SAI BABA will listen to our PRAYERS . PLEASE DON'T WORRY. Just trust Him.
Thanks a lott. Its so soothing and relaxed by your words.i love baba very much and i surrendered myself in his lotus feet.baba please hear my prayers, please remove block in my dad's heart and make him back to normal life.please bless him to visit shirdi by giving him good health to travel.all his vital organs should work fine and he should get rid of block in heart, doctors telling it s impossoble to clear the block. I know sai ma you can do anything, please baba i beg you please clear that block. I love you so much. I follow shraddha and saburi to experience the fruitfulnesd
I surrender everything to you. I am always dependent on you only. PLease select a very good person as my husband and conduct my marraige so soon. I want to stay only in Chennai or Bangalore. I dont want to go to Andhra Pradesh. PLease understand that a woman cannot undergo any kind of harrasments please show your kindness,love,grace and bless me please sai
Om Sai Ram
Om Sai Ram
Om Sai Ram
Baba, love you always. Please help the devotee with her pregnancy. Take care of all of us Baba, Shower us with your Grace always.
Om sairam. Saima please save my dad. He is in icu for past one week. He s very old too. Pain is more for him pa. Please recover him fully pa. Today they gonna inject and take out fluid. Give him strength to overcome pain and disease pa. Let him get well soon pa. Om sairam
Om sai ram
Deva plz arrange my trip to vaishno devi.and other places too.plz sai baba.I want to ho there .
Sai maa plz cure me
Maa plz tell me apne mere lie kisse chuna hai sai maa.
Plz give me mental peace .
Om sai jai sai jai jai sai
O Deva, Thank You for being with us and showering us with love and happiness all the way 🙂
Jai Sairam
Shree Sachinanand Sadguru Sainath Maharaj Ki Jai
Shree Sachinanand Sadguru Sainath Maharaj Ki Jai
Shree Sachinanand Sadguru Sainath Maharaj Ki Jai
BABA i want to marry the person i love with my parents acceptance. BABA You are my only hope, only strength, only support and the only source of inspiration. BABA please make them accept my love and marry me to the person i love.OM SAI RAM
Om SAI RAM. Thanku my baba to be with me always.
om sai ram
Om Sai Ram. Happy Thursday to dearies.
I want to share with you all my experience with Udi. I had very severe head ache on Tuesday and it was unbearable. I was not able to work also. I was getting frustrated with everything and everyone. Suddenly I recalled how so many devotees were helped because of Baba's Udi. I immediately applied some on my forehead and took one pinch as well. Within few minutes, I started feeling so much relief and it was unbelievable. Really so happy.
Similarly today morning my mom was feeling sick and was not able to wake up. I prayed to Baba to make her fine, just a simple prayer. I am surprised to see my mom fine and doing her household work. I am very happy Baba. Sairam, please be with all of us ever. Dont leave our hands even if we leave yours. Please help us.
Baba, today you also helped me to stand firm and face everything. Please help me in staying strong always emotionally and physically.
Thanks Baba..Love you soooo much..
Om Sai Ram……………………….
Dearest good hearted 1st devotee. I hope and pray that all goes well with you and your family. Baba does test us but I am sure good things are coming your way. You are a strong and good person. God Bless you and your family.
Sainath deva i request you to please help me find my lost gold bangle or if it is stolen please change the heart of the person who stole it to return it back .. Sainath i humbelly bow before you to ask for your help … Sairam
Jagatguru sadguru sriguru saiji ki jai. Sai is my mother sai is my faythet sai is my everyuthing. Babaji styay with me for thick and thin. Om sai ram. Om sai Sri sai jai jai sai.
Om sairam
OM SAI RAM…Hi sandya..dont worry, ur father vl recover very soon..pray to baba n use baba's UDI chanting udi sure it really mom suffered a lot bcoz of gastric trouble. .almost for 1 year she dint have nice sleep. .but baba showered his blessings on her..later one day i gave her baba's udi mixed in water which miraculously cured her problem with in 5 mins of taking it..and it never troubled her again till now and hope for ever..Thanks a lot baba.and im sure baba will bless ur father too..Om sairam
Om Sai Ram…Thank you BABA for blessing us with a healthy and beautiful child..Please bless my child with healthy and successfull life BABA…
Shri Sai Baba Pancharatna Stotram here,
Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram.
Om Sai Ram
Today i have started Navaguru vara vrath please bless my son and full fill our wish. Pranam to your lotus feet
Baba, thank you for everything. Please be with us always and bless us all.
Bow to ShriSai peace be to all