Shirdi Sai Baba Miracles and Leela in this Post:

Anonymous Devotee from Africa says: Thank you for this amazing, faith lifting blog. The miracles posted here really help me and boosts my faith and love for my Never Failing Baba. Love You to bits Baba. Thank You for choosing me as Your devotee. Thank You for taking care of every problem of mine. Sorry Baba for the late post. This is my third experience which I have promised my precious Lord and Saviour that I will post although there are many others. Baba came to my child’s rescue once again during the exams. My child was confident about the physics paper that was about to be written but had a complete shock when they were given the paper. It was extremely hard even being a top student. I was at work when I called to ask how was the paper-all was said that the paper was very hard but in the meantime my child was crying to Sathya Sai Baba and asking Him why this happened (I did not know about the crying at that time) and at the same time I asked Swami why, where were You and why this happened and as I put the phone down holding my head in dismay I received a message on watsapp with Sathya Sai Baba Picture which said” Don’t come crying to me saying ‘Swami, i have a big problem-tell your problem you have a big swami-you dare. As God never lies, my child did well in the physics paper and was placed first in the grade and standard. Thank You my miracle Shiridi Sai Baba, Sathya Sai Baba And Mother always for Your help and miracles.
My another Miracle is, I found a mole on my chest and was very afraid as I have had quite a few on my legs and I prayed to Baba and applied ointment and miracle of miracles it reduced in size and my mammogram and ultra sound was normal as well as the moles on my leg checked by a dermatologist. Thank You my Miracle Baba. With much confidence, I was booked to have gynaecologist procedure at the doctor’s rooms because procedure was costing much with co payment at the hospital. During procedure, I held a picture of Sathya Sai Baba and Shiridi Sai Baba with my husband holding my hand. The doctor started the procedure when all of a sudden he said to me that he was unable to continue as I was much stress and tense and in pain and he wanted to proceed to booking me in hospital but I did not want this as reasons mentioned above. As my husband wiped my tensed sweating face, I closed my eyes and prayed to my Miracle God, please You are my Father, You are the Doctor, I trusted You and came in faith please I do not want to be admitted and I said to doctor as well and he said he will try once more if all else fails I will have procedure in hospital but I serve a Miracle God and within fifteen minutes procedure was over and done with. Thank You my precious beautiful Miracle God. Love You Sai Maa-You mean the whole World to me, in times of trouble and dismay I call Your Name, You are always there. How can I thank You my dear Sai Maa. Thanking You in advance my Miracle God for my next big miracle which You have given so many positive answers from Your question and answer site. Love You Sai Maa.

Anonymous Devotee from India says: Hi, I am just a lost soul who is looking to anchor herself. Sai has always been in my life but I never really understood His role in my life. Yes, I have been fasting on Thursdays since 1991, post my 10th exam results but never really dedicated my fast to Sai or to any God in particular. Also, although i am a Hindu, being from a convent school and growing up in a Christian dominated area, I started praying to Jesus very regularly, not as a replacement to our Hindu Gods, but just that I found his teachings very simple and easy to practice. Hindu Gods confused me, Still do. But somehow and I have no idea how, Slowly and steadily found myself being pulled towards Sai, to the extent I started addressing God as ‘Jesus – Sai’, found them to be the same, teaching only one lesson, the lesson of love and faith. Today i find myself such that I cannot live without Sai. His presence is my oxygen.
The experience I’d like to share took place almost 8-9 years ago. I was completely in depression and not talking to anyone owing to my breakup in a relationship that lasted 13 years. I was broken and shattered with no will to live as for those 13 years my lie had only revolved around this one person. A year or so later, My parents and Uncle decided to visit Shirdi and I just went along. (My family visits Shirdi very often and I too have been fortunate enough to be blessed by Baba’s Darshan several times in my life.) Coming back to my experience in this particular visit, I was waiting for my parents to come out of the room in the premises of the hotel we were lodged in. I was strolling in the garden below when all of a sudden a small puppy came from nowhere and started following me. As mentioned earlier, i was totally dejected, morose and sad so did not pay much heed to the puppy. I went and sat on a small bench still lost in my thoughts when i suddenly felt the puppy out his paw on my feet and look at me. I have had puppies put their paws on me earlier but this time it felt different. It was as if some angel was trying to pacify me and say it is all going to be Ok, i understand your pain. I continued to ignore it but it kept on following me and even when my parents came down and we were standing waiting for my uncle to arrive, it again put its paws on my foot. This went on till we left for the Temple, almost 30 minutes. At that time, i probably did not understand, but today when I look back, I know it was Baba who had sent that angel to give me hope. Nowadays too, life is not easy and almost everything happening in my life is Baba’s blessing and Miracle. Baba, please bless all-the ones who know You and also the ones who don’t. We all need You. Thank you Hetal and team for helping us strengthen our faith. Thank you for creating a modern Sai Satcharitra. Om Sai Ram.

Anonymous Devotee from USA says: Hi all, I am a big fan of Baba from my childhood. Actually my mother and father are devotees of Sai. My father is seriously a great man who did great service to Baba like helping devotees to reach Shirdi and helping them in getting accommodation and Darshan of Sai and reach their homes safely after having Baba’s Darshan and everything like that. Actually when I was a child, every Thursday it was like a festival to me because of Baba’s Bhajan and all. But suddenly I don’t know what happened my father has committed suicide and he left us, he went off to Baba. My mother has stopped worshipping Baba because of the shock that Baba has given to us and she took of all the large portraits of Baba that is in my house and gave them all in a Temple of our village. My mother and father made a promise to Lord Venkateswara Swamy and Shirdi Sai if they give birth to baby boy, they are going to keep a bus to Shirdi and help devotees to get Sai Darshan. I have a brother, but he was only one year when my father died. So my mother completely forgot about the Shirdi trip in bus and she started hating Baba after my dad’s death.
Then on one day, she thought of taking us to Tirupathi as per the promise made to lord Bala ji. But on that same day Sai came in one woman and asked us like what about my trip. My mom scolded him a lot and said that You only took of my husband and she said something like that and she started crying and I don’t know what happened after that. I was only 10 years old when my father died. After my father’s death, my mother suffered a lot to raise us and for our education also, sometimes we faced a lot of problems. My mother even didn’t said Sai word for 10 years after my father’s death. But recently there are many changes that has happened in our lives. But I used to blame Sai a lot before because I have missed my father a lot and I used to cry a lot before Him saying that in my hostel only because we don’t have Baba’s portrait in our home. Seriously we suffered a lot, me my brother and my mother has suffered a lot in these 11 years but something changed suddenly and my mother has started believing in Baba again and right now I went to US for my masters and was about to complete that. I really experienced a lot of Baba’s experience in my life and I am seriously happy that He is back in our lives again. I am looking for a job now and I know that with Baba’s blessings, I will get that also. I wish I should post many more experiences but as the post is getting long I have shortened this. But i will post my experiences again. Thank you for creating this wonderful blog and Baba will really feel happy for your good work and you are doing a wonderful job by creating this blog. I hope Baba’s blessing will be there with everyone of us. Thank You Sai for accepting me as Your devotee.

Anonymous Devotee from India says: I am a very simple devotee of Shirdi Sai Baba since 2010 and from then, completely surrendered my life to Him. Every single day of mine starts and ends by chanting His Name. He is the breath of my life, He is my Sai Maa and I strongly believe that He is living with me. I feel all His devotees are very fortunate for being blessed with such a great Sadguru. Sai Ram. Baba is the greatest source of trust and belief in my life. I am seriously dumbstruck as I don’t know how to start with as there are many Miracle stories and not just one or two. I strongly believe that my Baba lives with me and within me. He is everything to me in my life. From the minute, I surrendered my life to Him, I know my Guru is going to take care of everything and He knows better than anyone as to what I deserve and what I don’t. There are many instances in my life which made my belief more stronger that Baba is there holding my hand every minute and is protecting me from all dangers. He always gives me the best of best, no matter what it is in my life. There have been times when the time and situation had tested my patience, still I say to myself “I am Baba’s child, Will Baba ever leave me in crisis, Never” and I only close my eyes and visualise Baba’s image and His wordings, “Why fear when I am here”.
I loved a guy since 2010. We both want to marry but due to circumstances we both are separated in 2013. After that I cried day and night. I am in great depression not like to eat anything and every night I think why this happened with me. I was an alcoholic at that time use sleeping pills. Pray to my Sai Maa, give me mental peace so that I am able concentrate on my job. He used to hurt me so that I will think to settle down with someone else. But the miracle of the miracle happened in 2014, he came back and we are deciding to get married. After discussing with both parents, they said yes for our marriage. Now we are happily married. I thanks to my Sai Maa that He gave my life my love back. My dear Baba, be with me always no matter what. Everything is uncertain in this world except You Baba. There could not be a single day in my life where I don’t think about You. Let it be my happiness, my sadness, my anger, fear, excitement and any kind of emotions and reactions, You would be my first point of contact, who else could it be? Tell me my father. Baba My Ruler, I need You every day, every hour, every minute, every second in my life. Hold me tight in the rest of my journey and guide me throughout as there are miles to go. I love You my Lord for coming in my life. Be with me always.

Anonymous Devotee from USA says: I am a humble devotee of Baba. I am very grateful to have His Grace on me. Shri Sachidanand Sadguru Sainath Maharaj Ki Jay. I bow to Parmatma Sai Baba, and seek apologies in making any mistakes. I also apologize on delaying to write this as promised. I would like to mention that Sai Baba has been very very kind to me, and I pray that I always remain His humble Bhakt. I was introduced to Sai Baba by my husband (Then boyfriend). I instantly was attracted to Him. He made me feel His presence through big and small miracles. I believe He encompasses all the Gods (Krishna & Shiva). I would like to start by mentioning, He chose my career path. Firstly, Sai Baba chose my life partner–a miracle on how we met and fell in love and everything thereafter was taken my God almighty (I ever remain thankful to You Baba). He made my graduate studies possible by getting my graduate application acceptable when all the doors were closed. Not even that, He also made sure I sail through the graduate studies, and graduate.
After graduation, we learned that my newborn baby had some difficulty, and had to go through surgery. Sai Baba has helped me throughout the entire process, and at every step He has given me the courage and smoothly cured my new born. And, more recently, I was worried about taking up a job after maternity and graduation. Baba, I am very thankful to You that You have given me this Job. Again, Baba has done the impossible by giving me this job. I do not believe I was capable, and it took a year plus to finally get selected. I had promised Baba to write this once I do get the job. Baba please make sure that I do very well here, and make my future even more secure. Baba please always be kind to us, and I thank You again for everything. Please always look upon us, and always stay in my heart. And, make me such a person, who resides in Your heart. Bow to Shri Sai Baba, peace be to all. I have many miracles but I have only summarized few over here.

Anonymous Devotee from India says: I am a devotee of all Hindu Gods equally. Everyone is sharing their experience but in my experience, trust in God is the only driving force which moves us. The best example is my presence here. I need blessings from all devotees for a wish to fulfil in my life. I trust in God and He showed me this site miraculously. About 3 months back, my marriage got fixed with a girl Anu. Her parents liked my profile very much, but looks like some evil powers entered and spoiled the harmony. Now there is a stunning silence and no response. I trust in God and submitted my problem to Him, that there is no mistake from my side and He should take care of it. I promised to Him that i will treat her fairly in life. God knows that i am honest and sincere. Surprisingly, i just came to know that she is the devotee of Baba and regular visitor of this site. She shared her experience and offered help to others also. I think it’s a Miracle, God showed to me. I trust in God that things will be fine and evil powers will be destroyed soon. I will visit Shiridi along with her, when things go fine. Bless me.
Prayer for Today: Prayers For My Love To Get A Good Job – Sai Devotee Saraswathy

© Devotees Experiences with Shirdi Sai Baba
Saibaba please bless me. Even at age of 29 i am depending on parents. No interest on anything. I am living with telling lies to my parents every day.
Can someone pls advise me what pcod stands for?
PCOD OR PCOS stands for Polycystic Ovary Disorder or syndrome. Here the cells that are responsible for the nutrition of the egg cells in the ovary enlarge and block the movement of the egg. The egg cannot come out of the ovary. This causes lot of delay in the monthly period cycles and if it's severe the individual cannot get pregnant or the chances are very slim.
The usual symptoms are weight gain and facial hair growth
the good news is there is a cure for PCOS and it's a very very common disorder seen in women now. A cure is definitely possible. You can consult any Gynaecological clinic about this.
Sai Ram bless you. Om Sai Ram
Om Sai Ram…
PCOD stands for polycystic ovarian disease.
No, PCOS is not that common at all..its wrong to say that…Still, only a small percentage of women have it !!
Thank you for the information. I have seen this mentioned by so many devotees on this site, I simply wondered what the abbreviations stood for. It does seem to be quite common place now, sadly.
I am very scared . I am working as a junior business analyst in usa as a contractor. I am separated. Today I got an email from My manager that me and my senior team leader have a meeting tomorrow morning. I have no idea what this meeting is about. I am so scared. I don't want to lose this contract position. Please pray for me for my job safety. I have lost everything in my life. Now this job is my only support. Am doing sai
nav vrat also for job safety.
Am doing my best in this job .
Plz pray for me that tomorrow my meeting would be fine. There is no danger to my job. Plz sai don't take my tests anymore. I just need a stable job to survive.
Otherwise my trust will be broken…Om Sai Ram ..
Pls Dear Father help this devotee retain their job and give strength and lots of faith if they have to deal with any changes. Jai Sainath Ki Jai.
Thanks Sai, my meeting went well with my manager. Actually he was resignin and he called all if us to discuss about it. My job is safe but he said he is not sure it would be converted to full time since he is leaving ..but am happy to work here as contractor . I just want to learn here and get experience . So Sai Baba thanks for your help . But am sas too since my Manager is resigning . He is very nice and of jolly nature…so Plz baba be with me so that I can stand on my feet. I don't want to be dependent on my family anymore. Give me strength to fight for myself and my daughter…you know my story …am just living for my daughter .her father has lost his budhi…just be with me . Om Sai Ram ….
This is in response to the last devotee…who has written "I am a devotee of all Hindu Gods equally…" If you are a devotee of Sai Baba, then be assured, HE never believed in differentiating on basis of caste, creed or religion. In HIS eyes, we are all HIS children. So be assured, that once you are drawn to HIM, HE takes care. You have to hold on to HIM in full faith. And in this same blog, just read the other miracles that have been posted. Hold onto firm faith. And meantime, keep praying. He will take care and settle things….
Om Sai Ram
Om Sai Ram
Om Sai Ram
Praying for your Grace always
may baba bless you baba. be with us, ignorant disciples always.
Om Sai Ram!
O Deva, Thank You for Your kind mercies and blessings that make our lives so joyful and lovely 🙂
Jai Sairam
om sai ram
Om sai ram..
Can anyone tell me how to subscribe message service on my phone of shri sai..?? I too want to receive daily messages.
Click on Daily Blessings link in this website and subscribe,you will get daily message to your email.
Thank you so much dear devotee.. om sai ram.
Shree sai pls bless evryone
I feel when I pray or concentrate on Sai my mind wanders here and there and am unable to focus. "Ego" is constantly giving thoughts and solutions in my mind and I cannot chant or pray without wandering mind. Please help with some suggestions. Thank you
Read Sai Satcharithra. It will take some time. Eventually you will get to concentrate on Baba….
Om Sai Ram
Dear devotees I want to share a kripa of our Sai maa with all of you. …
How Baba's saved my mother..
Almost 3 weeks back my mother's vein burst due to high BP and it started bleeding from her nose heavily. We rushed to the near by hospital. .even the dr. Was panicked as he couldn't control bleeding for almost one hour. .I was continously chanting Sai Sai..then my mother prayed 'Baba pls save me from this pool of blood'and lo bleeding stopped within 2 minutes Baba not only gave my mother a re-birth but to me also..koti koti pranam at your lotus feet Baba..Om Sai Ram
Thanks for saving the mother's life Baba
Pls Dear Devotees can you pray to Sainath to cure my mum of her pains. She has had a tough life but never put herself first, just her children and now g/children. Pls pray so that she can have some peace and happiness in the latter years of her life. Jai Baba.
Dear Baba, please cure this mother of her pains and take care of her. Give her good health and long life and happiness.
Thanks a lot dear devotee for your good wishes..Baba pls help this devotee's mother to regain her good health and a very long and happy life..falling at your lotus feet Baba. .Om Sai Ram
Dearest Devotees thank you so much for your prayers. It brought tears to my eyes. I pray that Baba blesses you and your loved ones with such strong faith in him that you never feel any sadness in your lives.
Please dear Shirdi sai baba please make my ambitions come true. If i my ambitions doesnt my entire life, my birth in otherwords will be waste.Definitely you know everything,i have been suffering for many many years and its you who have taken me into your fold, thats why i am safe,cured of my illness, became more positive thinker and want to be more workacholic person and want to work towards my ambitions becoming reality.I surrender everything to you. If not you, who else will care for me.Till my last breath i am dependent on you only SAI.Please shower your blessings on me.
Om Sai Ram. Love you Baba.
I am sharing a miracle I experienced yesterday after I had updated my comment in yesterday's experiences "I am feeling lonely". My husband called me yesterday and asked me to pack my things, as he is coming to talk to my dad, after a spat 5 months back and take me back with him. We had separated due to my husband's infidelity.
I felt lot lot better after receiving that call, though I still dont trust my husband completely. SaiRam, please strengthen me more and let me not be dependent on anyone. Its U and only U Baba. Please dont leave me.
Love U SAIBABA. You are my everything.
That's very good news…you should be happy now. I am separated for 3 years with same reasons like you . My husband is a womanizer …but he never came back to me instead asking me and my parents to sign on post nup deal in which all his property should go on his name …which we rejected. So now my divorce is in court. I have a daughter too.
Atleast your husband loves you so he comes back to you…now if you are going back to your husband ,do your 110% to keep him happy. Ask him politely and kindly to be nice to you. Om Sai Ram ….read good articles on saving marriage. Send good vibes to him . Don't even think bad about him . Or say bad to him …I hope you understand. …Om Sai Ram
Thats a really sweet advice dear devotee. In todays world, one gets to hear people talking negative, but look at u. Giving such wonderful advice and telling her to be positive. Thank You SAI for still keeping goodness alive on this planet. May Sai bless you and your daughter with a good life. Am extremely sorry for what you are going thru. I pray to Baba to give you all strength you need to cope with your situation at this moment.
Is sai paduka stotram and Guru paduka stotram same ?
Please i need to recite this
Om Sai
Sai paduka stotram & Guru paduka stotram are the same, you can listen to the stotram in u tube. Its peaceful & also blissful. Sai Ram.
Thank you so much. Yes i have started reading it since yesterday.
Jai sai ram..
I am staying in gulf its very difficult to get school admission here.i was praying baba for past one son 4 years old went for an interview he prepared well in home but he did not answer single question in school. But by Baba's grace he got admission. Its impossible here but baba done this.. Thanks a lot baba.Love you. Waiting to share many more miracles.
I knew u'd find a solution Baba, i knew u'd do everything in ur power to ease our burden…if not you then who? Thank you for answering our prayers..please ab aage ka bhi kaam easily and smoothly hojaye..i know u have planned great things for my future..thank you for taking me in ur matter what the situation is, i know my Sai ma is my biggest strength and will move mountains to put a smile on my face. I feel so so lucky to have this faith as a gift. Baba please help everyone who needs u and calls for ur help. Sai ma..i love him..i really do..i am sorry for hurting others in the process but i do love him. I place my love at ur feet, only u know what is best and what will happen. I trust in ur plan and i trust in u. I love you always Sai ma, Om Sai Ram.
BABA i want to marry the person i love with my parents acceptance. BABA You are my only hope, only strength, only support and the only source of inspiration. BABA please make them accept my love and marry me to the person i love.OM SAI RAM
Jai sai ram. Reading all sai experiences gives lots of hope to me. I am praying to baba to bless us with good job. My hubby has extensive experience in his field, attended numerous interviews but it doesn't work out at the last moment. Please bless us baba. You are aware of our plight. Thank you so much
Dear devotee,
As given in one of the experiences one devotee has stated that she read Sai paduka stotram for 29 days and her husband got a job.I think even you can do that and also keep 9 thursday vrat.
Om Sainatha
Om sai ram
Deva thank you so much for my reports.
My sai maa cured me from pcod.
Devotees plz tell me where to submit experience.
Sai Sai Sai Sai Sai Sai Sai Sai Sai
Sai Sai Sai Sai Sai Sai Sai Sai Sai
Sai Sai Sai Sai Sai Sai Sai Sai Sai
Dear devotees, I am writing this comment to request you all to recommend me to Sai Baba to help me. Like Shama helped devotees get our beloved Sai's help, please help me by asking Sai Baba to show mercy to me. Below is my story and present situation.
Mine is a lov marriage. When marriage talks started, my husband and his family started demanding money and jewels and so we had problems between families. However, my marriage took place among all problems. But just after ten days, my husband sent me out of the house. after some days I found I was pregnant. We informed this to my husband and I went back to him. When I completed two months of pregnancy, he again sent me out of the house. I was not sure whether we would live together or not. My family told me to abort the baby. They said they wont support me as I will become a burden with a baby. I was searching for job. I was not sure whether I will get job that too when I was pregnant. My family made me agree for abortion. After six months, my husband called me to come live with him. My family sent me to him as already my relatives were talking bad about us that I am not living with husband. Again after some days my husband sent me out. Then we lived separately for 3.5 yrs. After that he said he changed and will kepp me happy and so my family sent me to live with him. After two months I got pregnant. Now my son is going to be a year old next month. The problem now is I am working and my husband is living with me only to get my salary. He has lots of debt and I am only paying it. He salary is less than mine and its not enough for anything. He doesn't give me any money. I am spending for myself, my son, my husband and his family. Apart from this I am spending for my mother too as there is no one to take care of her. So my salary is also not enough to run family. I feel very difficult to manage. In fact I want to resign job and take care of my little son. But financial crisis is not allowing me to do so. We are badly in need of money that we cant even buy vegetables or many other grocery items. I first gave formula milk for my son but I cant afford later and now giving him cow's milk, but that also difficult to buy these days. He is not eating anything except milk. I am so stressed and depressed because of these money problem. Sometimes my husband hurts me with his words. Money is everything in this world. I asked Sai Baba to help me. But Sai Baba is not helping me at all. I applied for personal loan but it got cancelled because I am working from home. So please devotees, think of me as your sister/daughter and pray for me. Ask Sai Baba to help me. Please devotees, I fall at Sai Baba's feet and also your feet. I am so fed up that I want to end my life but living still for my son. I know Sai Baba will not like me to do such thing, but if he tests me this much and is not helping me what else can I do? PLEASE DEVOTEES. HELP ME. Sai be with you all.
Seek help from sai baba,he will help you for sure..n talk to some ngo's if they can help u out..n drop ur mail id in the reply sai ram
Dearest Baba pls help this poor child of yours. Give her guidance and strength to do what she needs to do to look after her son, her mother and herself. Om Sai Ram.
Thanks for your care and prayers devotees. My email ID is
I want to help this devotee financially but I want to be anonymous.
I can pay via Western union . Any idea how can I help this devotee ..
Dear Sister,
Why do you want to stat with such a money minded and cruel person.Please come out of this marriage.I think Sai will help you only when you become strong and confident.
Seperate from your husband and start leading a independent life.
Om Sainatha
To the devotee who asked me why I am still staying with my husband…dear brother/sister, I don't want my son to grow without interacting with his father. He loves his father like anything. He prefers his father than me. So I don't want to part ways. I agree my husband doesn't love me anymore. He shows love towards my son though he doesn't spend a single penny on him.
Dear Sai brother/sister who wants to help me, I am really grateful to you and your family. Really Sai has sent you to help me. I pray to Sai to bless and be with you and your family.
Dear devotee, please explain me how NGOs can help me.
I am so depressed. On the verge of breaking down. Sai is testing me again and again. I got a call from my coworker and she said there is a change I may lose my job as there is some problem going on in the company and they don't want anyone to work from home. I am the only one who is working from home. My company is in Chennai. I can't relocate all of a sudden as I have a small baby. Above all, I am given unrealistic deadlines and target from my company. House work, looking after baby, office work all taking a toll on my health. I got back pain, heel pain (plantar fasciitis) and a few other health problem already. I dont get enough sleep as my son keeps getting up every hour at night for milk and refuses to sleep back. I am all messed up and feeling suffocated. Please devotees, pray for me. PLEASE…….. I can't take it anymore. Baba, why are you ding this to me? Am I not your daughter? Please Baba, show me mercy and help me. I am begging at your lotus feet, Baba.
I sent you an email to send me your account number. Reply soon.
Dear devotee,
Don't get angry at what i am saying.Do you think your husband really loves your son. When he grows up the son will feel depressed on how his father is ill treating his mother. I am really sorry for your condition.Again my only request is come out of this marriage.
om sai
Dear devotee, I too want to come out of this. One more reason other than my son that I am continuing this married life is the fear of losing my family's support. They don't want me to live alone. They think there is no place for women without husbands in the society. If they dislike my act and dont support me then I will be all alone with a baby.
Dear Pratharati, Ending your life is not a solution to your problem. Start reading Sai Sacharita…. Have blind faith in baba….n see the difference in your life. Just start reading Sai Sacharita and follow Baba's instructions…. That's it. Om Sai Ram
baba your bitiya is being tortured by your bhakt please deva help me..please be with all your children and give them wisdom so that they do not hurt each other i am standing today because of your strength..
devotees a person can't take his/her decision in life where is love when one starting torturing the other
2 days back at night I dreamt that someone gifted me a Sai idol. Can anyone tell me what does it indicate?
Om Sai Ram
Dear shirdi sai baba devotees, can anyone please help me to work as a Merchandiser by selling products via Amazon,Flipkart and snapdeal.Kindly mail me at or
Om sai ram _ / _
Please devotees pray for me..may be he will listen to lucky devotees here….Since last 9 years, God is not listening to me….How much pooja, nav guruvar vrat n satcharitra reading can one do..i have done all a lot…i feel now, its just a matter of luck…some people get lucky sometimes n others r just unlucky…or God listens to only lucky ones ! otherwise, in matters of grave concern, no Guru or God will leave their devotee especially after so much prayers as no mother or father will leave any stone unturned if its in his or her hands to help their child, especially in serious life changing issues!…I have seen such comments previously also n my heart goes out to them as well because i understand their pain ..n pls don't say that its a matter of previous karma as satcharitra n other religious books say that only when previous life's bad karmas r burnt/over then one is born as a human being…n in this life, i have helped other people a lot, done charity n all as per my capability, still no help for me from sai !
Don't worry everything will be fine…..may Sai bless you…..I will pray for you…..don't lose hope please
Om Sai Ram
Don't expect any fruit do it with complete faith and love and surely Sai will come and sort all your problems.He is a kind father andno father will want his daughter or son to suffer
Om Sainatha
Om Sai Ram… Do prayers without any fear or doubts. Not even once! Keep chanting HIS name. Hold on to His feet, whatever be the situation, blindly hold onto HIM. I will keep you in my prayers too… dont worry.
Om Sai Ram………………………………….
sai sai sai sai sai sai sai sai sai……….
Devotees! Sri SaiNath to me is first and foremost a peerless Sadhguru. I have been lately wondering on the increasing obsession towards "miracles" from Him. Some even call Him a Miracle God (as if other Gods do not bestow their Grace when petitioned sincerely, devotedly and with total surrender and faith)..God is the epitome of virtually limitless divine qualities. Why do we not praise Him for those attributes like saints/devotees of yore? Why then do we zoom in only on His so called miracles?? Is it not due to utter selfishness? We eulogize Him only when He behaves in accordance with our worldly wishes…otherwise our faith evaporates and we even start cursing/blaming and getting angry/disillusioned with Him. When Sainath talks about Faith and Perseverance, is it this low grade faith He wants from us….?? It is the duty of each and every Sai devotee to ponder deeply over this.. it is time we stopped using Him as a tool to further our never ending desires and worldly ambitions..but make a beginning by offering worship and devotion without an eye on end result… would like comments and views of other devotees who don't pray with an agenda..Om Sai Ram
OM SAI RAM..Namaste Hetalji and to all sai devotees all around this wonderful world.
I am a small devotee of our beloved Sai Baba from India. Recently I shifted to muscat as my hubby is working here. There have been many many many miracles in my life only because of our Baba. Be it a small or a big problem Baba has always showed his presence in our life by showing his wonderful miracles.
Here I would like to share one of the recent miracle which happened to me and my hubby. This was on 27/02/2016.
My hubby's company had organised for a family picnic on 27/02/2016. The picnic started with morning breakfast followed with games and then afternoon lunch. After lunch there was lucky draw for the company staff. So everyone wrote their name in piece of paper and dropped it in a bowl..and the draw started. As it is natural like everyone even I was expecting that should pick my hubby's name but unfortunately first three prize went to some other staff. Later, they said they will pick some consolation draws. Hearing this is immediately told my hubby to take Baba's name. So we both slowly took Baba's name from our heart. I kissed Baba's ring which I wear in my finger everytime and silently prayed Baba this should be my hubby's name……and here we took Baba's name and there they called my hubby's name announcing that he has won a couple pass for 3 nights and 4 days in dubai. What a miracle! We both were shocked, stunned, surprised, happy looking at each other and smiling.
Thank you Baba …Thank you soon much…actually thank you is very small word for your love Baba.
Om Sai Ram
OM sai ram
Oh! Deva.
Love n peace!
Baba you know how much I love you, Ababa I want a life partner in my life who is your lover as I am. Baba we will get married and we wil love you more than we love each other. May sai ram bless us all with his divine grace. Jai sai ram, Ananta koti bramhaanda nayaka rajadhi raja yogiraja parabrahma sri satchitananda sadguru sainath maharaj ki jai. Om sai sri sai jai jai sai
Thank you so much baba for saving her thank you for always helping caring n holding our hands in our difficult times .Baba pls unke saath rehna aur unke sir par apna haath rakhna aur apni Krupa hamesha unke upar banaye rakhna
Thank you for all your blessings and for the blessings which are on our way
Jai sai ram
Om sai ram
Jai Jai saii🙏🙏🙏🌹🌹
Jai Sairam Baba,
Baba Thank you for everything that you do for us. We are mere instruments in your hands. Please always bless us with your grace and always guide us, guard us, and protect us. Please bless us with health, happiness and long life. Baba thank you for helping me to my phone yesterday. I have read experiences of devotees of applying udi to start their phone and I experience it yesterday. My phone stopped working for some reason and soon as I applied udi to the phone it started. Thank you Baba. Please shower your grace on us and please help us Baba. We really need your help. Please always protect us, guard us and shower us with your grace. Please forgive me for all the sins that I may have done knowingly or unknowingly. Thank you Baba.
Jai Sri Sairam
Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram.
Baba, thank you for everything. Please be with us always and bless us all.
Bow to ShriSai peace be to all
Baba please help me to get back my job. I surrender before you. I lost it due to the cruel games played by few employees. I get messages from you that I will get back what I have lost. After so much hard work I reached to that position. Baba please help.