Shirdi Sai Baba Miracles and Leela in this Post:

Anonymous Devotee from India says: Please pray for me to Baba to help me to get married to my love with all our family members blessings. In 2008, one day i was sitting in Baba’s Temple and cried a lot as all my friends used to make fun of me every time and no one like me. They always treat me like use and throw, many friends did this to me so i was crying to Baba. That night, i got a dream and in that i saw one guy whom i don’t know. After 1 week, i talked to one guy who was friend of my friend in phone. Generally, i did not talk to guys. I am like a girl who will always be with my mom. But my friend forced me to talk to him so i called him and talked to him. After that he used to talk to me twice in a month. Firstly, i did not like him. After that, i liked to talk to him and he became my best friend. I did not see him till 1 year. We talk only on phone. He was so caring and became my best friend. I used to share everything with him. After 1 year, he send me his photo on email. I still remember at that time, i was really surprised that if he is the guy i saw in my dreams one year back when i was crying in front of Baba. Yes, he was the one but still i don’t know if i was imagining like that but i strongly believe he is the one who i saw that day in dreams. After that we were talking normally and somehow he proposed me indirectly. That time, my mind was like a kid and i took it as a joke. However after few days, i started loving him.
In 2011 after completing my UG, i came to Hyderabad for my ICET coaching and PG. I met him here and he used to help me in every aspect, in my studies and everything. I felt like i was with my mom when he was with me. I got 3300 rank by grace of my Baba which is really a miracle and i got seat in good college and i stayed here to be with him, the days were going and in end of 2011, my parents told me that they want me to get me married. I prayed to Sai and said to them that i love a guy. At that time they take it as small thing and said first concentrate on your studies and get job. He also said in his home and they were not at all agreeing. I was praying to Baba and in September 2015 his parents accepted our love and they are ready to get us married. At my home, we are also having discussions about him in between but my parents are not agreeing. He called my mom and talked twice but my mom talked to him very rudely. It hurts him. She said directly that i don’t like you please don’t bother me but again he called her for me and same response. Even i felt bad to ask him to call my mom again and talk to her.
From that day she stopped talking to me so many days if i just try to talk about my love she cuts the phone and stops talking to me for days, he is still waiting for me silently but in his home his parents are not waiting now and scolding him badly. I am in my relative’s house. They know a bit about it and my aunt doubts on me a lot. Even if i got periods late she is talking as she doubts on my character it is really hurting me a lot. This month i got periods very late. One day, my aunt said why are you not getting your periods till now. She doubts on me it really hurts me a lot and i went to Baba and shouted at Him, are You happy now. I don’t know how many words i have to listen. You are just sitting silently and seeing me suffering. I cried a lot in front of Him, but my Baba did not accept that bad word for me and i got my period that day which is late by 1 month 15 days, i feel that Baba was with me at that time. Now the situations are becoming very worse in his home. They are forcing him, scolding him. I can’t tell some words but he is silently waiting for me by baring all that and in my home my mom is just ignoring me if i tried to talk about my love and as i said i am in my relative home and they are doubting me for everything and showing me hell here. I am just very tired of all these situations living with fear every second, crying, now also tears are rolling down from my eyes. Whenever i asked Baba through Q&A site, He said, it will be done remember Shree Sai but i don’t know how it will be.
I am begging Baba to tell my parents to make my marriage with my love but He is not listening to my prayers. I feel He is also ignoring me and i am feeling very alone and sometimes i am feeling like it would be better if i die, it is the only option i have because i can’t marry anyone else except my love. I can’t run away from home. My parents are not agreeing, his parents are not waiting, Baba is not responding to me so the only option i am seeing is to die, but still i have a little hope that Baba will help me as my love started doing Sai Divya Pooja but i don’t know really what will happen and i am getting really scared of all these situations. Please pray for me, please ask Baba to help me to get me married to my love please. I don’t have anyone to share all this pain what i am going through. I am very alone. I can’t share this to my love as he is under a lot of mental pressure, i can’t make him cry telling all this because he is already crying for the scolding he is getting from his family. Me and my love just keep praying Baba everyday and he is praying to lord Venkateswara. For me, all the hopes are gone. I am feeling very alone and i feel like i was left in a dark place from where i can’t get any happiness ever.
Please Baba, where are You, please come and help me Baba. Please see me, Your daughter is suffering like hell and she is tiered, she is unable to bare this pain now. From 4 years, she is baring this by trusting You and keeping faith in You but now she is tired. She don’t have strength to bare all this pain please have some mercy please help me Baba, please soon get me married to my love with all our family members blessings. Baba please in February his brother is going to U.S please get us married before as he love his brother a lot and he want to get married when his brother is here, days are going like that and not even a small change took place in my home. They are ignoring me and they are not giving me a chance to talk and i can’t do anything. I am just crying and looking for Your help with teary eyes and tired and broken heart. Please give me happiness. I want my parents and my love please Baba please do something please make my marriage with my love in the presence of our families, please Baba please. Please pray for me hetal ji and all devotees. I am in a very worst situation now please pray for me to Baba please. Hope all your prayers will make my wish fulfilled by Baba. Om Sai Ram.

Anonymous Devotee from USA says: I am a master’s graduate trying for a job in USA. I was going through the worst phase of my life. So I wanted to post my experiences here to get peace of mind. May be Sai Baba wants me to post here. I am a 24 year ordinary girl from a conservative but well off family. My parents are highly educated and are in very good positions both financially as well as in Society. Our family believes a lot in Bala ji Swami and we pay regular visits to Tirupathi. I was in my 3rd year of my father planned a trip to Shirdi. Me and my group were supposed to submit a project abstract that day and I was the only one who could work on it, but in spite of taking multiple abstracts the Lecturer was rejecting our projects and I had to complete on that day at any cost as I will be leaving to Shirdi next day and by the time I come back the deadline will be passed. So for the last time I thought I will give equal importance to Bala ji and Shirdi Sai if this abstract is accepted by my lecturer and yes, she immediately accepted it. From then I started believing Sainath Prabhu and visited to Sai Temple whenever I went to Bala ji Temple. Life was smooth.
Later I came to US for higher studies and here I met a guy, my senior and eventually got close to him. Exactly 1 year back on this day, he proposed to me and I was speechless and was not ready for it and I knew it will be impossible to convince my parents in spite of him being from same caste, as he is from a completely different background where the parents are not so educated and definitely my parents will not be very happy due to some differences in status and all kind of non sense. But my brain was shut, told him it’s not possible though I like him. Later we continued to meet several times even after he graduated and left college. We couldn’t stay away from one another. But when I went for vacation to India my parents fixed a match for me and did not let me give any reasons to say no to that. May be i thought this was only better for me to get over him as soon as possible. But our bond grew stronger, we are emotionally attached, my marriage date is coming near and i hardly talked to my so called fiancé 4-5 times on phone. I know no one else in this world can look after me the way he takes care of me. He has been there for me in my good and bad and worst.
I am jobless here in US for 7 months now, all my friends who studied with me got settled in jobs and I am still praying Sai Baba for betterment of my life. I have been ready Sai Parayanam and Guru Charitra alternatively since a few months now. I could not visit Shirdi during last visit to India but went to Tirupathi. May be Sai Baba is angry on me for breaking the promise I made Him that I will give equal importance. Now I am waiting to go to India only to visit Shirdi and will come back married to one whom I hardly know. Please Sai show me the path. I have no clarity in life both professionally and personally. Be my guide please. These 7 months I have understood the value of money which I had in abundance from my childhood. Now I think twice to spend for even food outside. Don’t know for how many more days Sai Baba will test me. I hope He will give a ray of hope soon. Still praying You with Shraddha and Saburi, a girl who is waiting for Your acceptance to be Your devotee.

Anonymous Devotee from USA says: Om Sai Ram. I am from India presently staying in USA with my husband and 3.5 years old son. I believe in Sai Baba for long. Sai has always listened to my prayers and fulfilled my wishes. With Sai Baba’s Grace and blessings, me and few of my Sai devotee friends made a Sai Shakti group and we do Sai Vrat and Sai Satsangs regularly, since then I am really experiencing Sai presence more profoundly. I did Sai Nav Guruvar Vrat and really felt Sai presence on my Udyapan. I want to share a very recent Miracle of my Baba Sai. Staying abroad is all good but sometime due to VISA issues we feel ourselves stuck and helpless. I was planning to visit India after 4 long years to attend my brother’s marriage and with a heartiest wish to do Shirdi Darshan during my long awaited India Visit. Our visa was getting expired soon so it was must to renew it before going. Visa renewal takes its own time which we could not predict precisely. My husband submitted all the papers beforehand to avoid any last minutes pressures. It was almost 2 months and we did not receive any status up gradation. Christmas was near and we were afraid it may further delay due to Government holidays. My tensions were day by day increasing, I was all the time very restless as back home everyone was asking for our tickets and dates of travelling. I was praying hard to Sai please help Sai, remove the burden and relieve me soon.
Just 5 days back on 7th Dec 2015 in the morning one of my friend who is also a Sai devotee called me and I just started sharing all my tension with her, it looks like Sai Baba only made her to call me and to convey His message don’t worry everything will be fine. We talked for long and my friend assured she is also going to pray, we both will pray. She assured me that within this week surely Sai Baba will listen and get the Visa approved. I really felt great peace after talking to her. Even in the same day evening she called and said she was watching Live Shirdi Darshan and really felt that our prayers has been accepted as Baba wore the White colour dress after Abhishek which she prayed to show as acceptance of our prayers. I was really feeling light. I even asked a Question at Q&A site and got the positive answer indicating travel. It was a great surprise that answer was mentioning even about travel. I promised Sai Baba I will post my experience on approval of my Visa. It was certainly a Sai Miracle within 3 days of above incidence on 9th Dec 2015 we got our Visa status as Approved. My joy had no bounds, tears rolled in thanking Sai. It was a great gift from Sai which I received 2 days before my Anniversary. Today (11th Dec) is my Anniversary, with Sai Baba blessings I am posting this experience in Sai lotus feet. Thank You Sai for all the happiness You have given me. I pray Sai Baba to give me Shirdi Darshan soon. Bow to Shri Sai- Peace be to all. Om Sai Namo Namah, Jai Jai Sai Namo Namah.

Anonymous Devotee from Singapore says: Om Sainathaya Namah. Om Sai Ram to all Sai devotees. I am a very small devotee of Baba. Since childhood I know Baba through my mom and dad. They are great devotees of Baba. I am housewife and it’s been 5 years since i am married. We are blessed with a 2 year old kid. Firstly, i am thankful to Hetal ji and team for this wonderful blog. I came across this site few months back, since then I read this blog daily. I feel Baba’s presence in my life. When I read this blog I get lot of peace of mind and my faith in Baba grows even more. Coming to the miracle it goes like this, it’s been 4 years we have been staying in Singapore and my husband’s project was over by November 2015. Rest all of his teammates got other projects in Singapore and US. Few of his friend’s US visa was also approved. My husband done with interview for US project and it was fine. His visa interview was scheduled on second week of November.
Before to this, his visa was rejected twice because his company did not provide few of the documents which were asked by US embassy. Even this time I was tensed if it will be rejected. Same thing happened again on the day of interview. They had again asked to submit few important documents. I was praying whole day and night to Baba to get visa approved. These 3 weeks we faced a lot of stress and tension. The documents which embassy asked was submitted by my husband’s office and our visa was approved on 20th day from the day of interview. Thanks to Baba a lot. I asked Baba if we get visa approval, I will post my experience. This is a Miracle in my life as my husband had lost his hopes of getting visa because it was rejected twice before. From that day my husband started believing in Baba. Anantha Koti Brahmand Nayak Raajadhiraj Yogi Raja Parabrahma Sri Sachidanand Sadguru Sainathaya Maharaj Ki Jai.

Sai Sister Pooja from India says: We had a huge loss in business and had to wind it up. My father-in-law opened a shop for my husband’s big brother but failed to do the same for my husband. Then on one Thursday while doing Pooja, I was reminded by Baba that an unknown person had told me that only by doing the 9 Guruvar Vrat of Sai Baba, you will be able to come out of the difficulties which I had refused as I was already doing Vaibhav Lakshmi Vrat. Then I had promised my Sai that I will do His Vrat to get His blessings but after the Vrat finished my wish was not fulfilled. I always in my heart had Baba saying, Shradha and Saburi so I gave up eating sweets saying I will eat it on the day of the Pooja of my husband’s shop. My father-in-law arranged to give the shop owner his token money facing lots of troubles and the day was Baba’s day Thursday. The Pooja of the shop was also done yesterday which was again Baba’s day Thursday. I know deep in my heart that Baba is just beside me and will always take care of my family. Thank You Baba.

Anonymous Devotee from India says: My first experience with Sai is in 2006 after completion of my studies. I had faced many problems in job search. One of my friend gave me Sai Satcharitra. I completed this book after a week. I received interview call and selected in that job. I had many miracle experiences here I am sharing my recent experience regarding my brother, he is studying in USA and completed MS. During job search, he faced many challenges and personal problems. I have started Sai Nava Guruvar Vrat and finished on Dussehra. After 3 weeks one day I received call from my brother saying he got job in a big company. Now everyone is happy. Sai Baba is always with us. Jai Sai Ram.

© Devotees Experiences with Shirdi Sai Baba
I need u Saima, i am so scared. Please i need Shirdi i requested u to accompany me..the time has almost come. Please be with me. Please i am shivering with fear and anxiety..i am overwhelmed at ur positive replies through chits and q&a website but it remains to be seen how true they are and never in my life have ur words ever failed me. Please Saima my head is at ur Lotus feet..u are the great wire puller and the wish fulfilling tree. I love you Ma..Om Sai Ram
why worry ? He will walk with you and sail you through
dear baba shirdi sai
bless above devotee all healthy health wealth successfull life ,bless take care guide protect now always forever.wash all sins of above devotee and bless the devotee and whole famliy
so dear father sai accept my prayers on above said isssue and solve them now.
yours faithfully
thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you now always and forever.
BABA pls help this devotee n all your devotees … OM SAI RAM
Om sai ram _ / _
ॐ श्री साईं नाथाय नमः
Om Sai Ram 🙂
Om sai ram.. First Devotee.. Do not worry about anything.. Your worries will end very soon through Baba's grace… Even I will pray for you.. Om sai ram..
Baba bless the above devotees pls
Jai jai sai jai jai sai teri mahima athi sukhadayi.
Thank You for surrounding us with family and friends who love us and bring happiness into our lives by Your Grace O Sai 🙂
Jai Sairam
Saimaa thanks for your blessings. I will keep in my mind not to repeat the same mistake again. Om sai ram.
Sai maa this month is almost finish I can't see anything happening. Though u gave me indication of my marriage. But I can't see anything. All things are same.
Deva plz tell me who is he.
Sai maa plz do some miracle
I need u in every step of my life.
Plz bless me with wonderful life partner. I am waiting since long time. Plz sai maa bless me with good health. And plz call me to shirdi.
Plz mujhe meri khushiya lota do mere sai.
Om sai ram
Gurudev datta ☺
dear baba shirdi sai
bless above said devotee happy married lyf as soon as possible.wash all sins of above devotee and bless happy married lyf.surrender this to your feet.omsairam.
so dear father sai accept my letter and bless above devotee
yours faithfully
thank you thank you thank you thank you now always and forever.
ThankYou so much rohit ji. God bless you. May God bless you with very very happy life and full fill all ur wishes.
Om sai ram
Gurudev datta ☺
Dear 1st devotee.. I am going under the same situation. Begging for baba's help. Please baba split my bad karmas to next births.. i can't take the stress anymore.. who is there for me without you i am nothing. you know about my situation very well. whatever the problem how much i stressed how depth i hurt i will come to your feet only. I surrender you fully please don't leave me. Make my parents accept as soon as possible otherwise take me with you permanently. Since you told suicide is not a solution in sai satcharitra, i am still living. My only hope is you and you alone. Please deva don't leave your daughter's hand.
dear sai baba
bless the devotee to love mairagge and accept both boy and girl party eaisly with love peace happiness,bless happy married lyf as soon as possible.wash all sins and past karma and bless not repeat again both boy and girl,bless both them marry to eachother happliy with both famliy eaisly accept relation,so dear father first you accept them bless them
so dear baba sai accept my letter and bless them.omsairam
yours faithfully
thank you thank you thank you thank you now always forever.
Thank you Rohit Ji for your prayers. Please bless your children sairam.
Om Sri Sairam
Baba, I am keeping my burdon on you, please take care of health issues, Todays dialysis should go smooth without headache, vomitings and any sort of pain, Please Baba
Om Sri Sairam
om sai ram
Om Sai Ram
Om Sri sai ram …. I have started the fast please bless baby. He should eat properly .please bless him to be Hale n healthy . Please bless me with easy job in USA so I can Tc of Vahin n work .
Please Baba. Please give happiness to all
Om Sri sai ram
Allah malik
BABA i want to marry the person i love with my parents acceptance. BABA You are my only hope, only strength, only support and the only source of inspiration. BABA please make them accept my love and marry me to the person i love.BABA this pain is unbearable.SAI BABA please help me and please be with me.SAI BABA please bless me.OM SAI RAM
dear father shirdi sai baba
bless above said devotee happy love mairrage lyf with both partiews eaily accept their love and marry them.wash all sins and past karma of both of them,bless not to repeat again ,and bless them happy married lyf.
so accept my letter and blessed them happy married lyf .
yours faithfully
thank you thank you thank you thank you now always forever.
thank u so much
om sai ram
dear baba shirdi sai
pls bless above devotee to maarry to guy she love.grace upon the girl and boy famliy eaisly agreed for thgier mairrage and bless them married lyf with lots love peace happiness joy and succesfull happy married lyf.bless both parties parents and famliy and society to accerpt mairrage eaisly.
pls forgive and forget all mistakes of both of themand bless not to repeat again.bless all grace upon them
so pls accept my lettter on 1st devotee rqst for today and bless them happylovemairrage married lyf with all happiness.
yours faithfully
thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you for now always foever.
BABA please bless all those who are in need of you.
Oh my dearest baba…luv u so much…today while watching live darshan from shirdi, i was begging to baba to call me to shirdi.. and suddenly i opeNed Q and a website, enter a no.the answer i got in the website is "shri saibaba is remembering you.go to shirdi. there will be happiness everywhere" such a clearcut answer… oh my baba..Thank you so much…
Om Sai Ram
Please bless my son to clear his exam deva
Dear baba shirdi sai
Bless mother rqst and blessed the child pass and top in exam as u done with tendulkar family.
So baba accept my letter and bless them.
Yours faithfully
Thank you thank you thank you thank you now always forever.
Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram.
Om Sai Ram.. With the blessings of god I got very good marriage proposal. Everything went well but now the marriage got called off due to some miscommunication. Baba you showed me such a good family and guy.All of the sudden everything went away from me like dream. Please baba bless me. I want same family. Any miracle can happen if you step in.. I hope everything will be fine soon. Both the families are good in their own way, but somewhere something is wrong. Hope baba will correct it soon. Please devotees pray for us. I have started keeping Nava Guruvar vrat.. I will wait with patience.. Om sai ram..
Dear baba sai
Bless above devotee soon listen to his prayers of sai vrat.and bless the wishes of devotee as soon as possible.wash all sins above devotee and bless not repeat again in lyf .solve misunderstanding between both parties and bless happy married lyf with all love happiness and happy married lyf .
So dear baba sai accept my letter and bless the girl and whole family.
Yours faithfully
Rohit shrutitiwary
Thank you thank you thank you thank you now allways forever.
Thanks a lot Rohit ji.. Baba please bless this devotee with full of happiness and joy
Sai Sai Sai Sai Sai Sai Sai Sai Sai
Sai Sai Sai Sai Sai Sai Sai Sai Sai
Sai Sai Sai Sai Sai Sai Sai Sai Sai
Sai Sai Sai Sai Sai Sai Sai Sai Sai
Sai Sai Sai Sai Sai Sai Sai Sai Sai
Sai Sai Sai Sai Sai Sai Sai Sai Sai
Sai Sai Sai Sai Sai Sai Sai Sai Sai
Sai Sai Sai Sai Sai Sai Sai Sai Sai
Sai Sai Sai Sai Sai Sai Sai Sai Sai
Om sairam .. Saima m getting stomach issues again.. Make me Strong physically and mentally ma.. Make me learn how to handle stressful situation ma.please ma always be with me.
Om sairam
Plz sai baba kuch kro.hum usse shadi krna chahte hai.Plz usko time ke phle samajh me ajaiye ki hum usse bhut pyar krte hai.wo khud se ake bole ki humko tumse hi shadi krna hai aur sab theek ho jaiye.uske ghar wale bhi samajh jaiye .
sai sai sai sai sai sai sai sai sai sai
sai sai sai sai sai sai sai sai sai sai
sai sai sai sai sai sai sai sai sai sai
sai sai sai sai sai sai sai sai sai sai
sai sai sai sai sai sai sai sai sai sai
Please Sai Baba,
Please make my marriage with my love.Please make him understand my feeling and give strength so he can understand and able to convince their parents.He only come and say I want to marry you only.
baba my strings of life is in your hands
Dear devotees in the first 2 experiences, please understand that what you are going through is a test of patience. I was also in your situation, until I got married a couple of months ago. There were many issues but Baba was always with me, He even came and attended my marriage as I had requested Him. He came in the form of a gift that one of my friends presented. This book – Sai Baba is Still Alive, written by Jaya Wahi, is a priceless treasure indeed, and reading it gives us immense faith and patience. So I advise you also to read this book and be calm, just believe in Sai Baba and everything will be fine.
from where to buy the book : Sai Baba is still alive
Buy it from amazon
I trust Baba but why is it that i get very unusual answers when i check in the Q&A book and website? I was going thru a tense moment and i asked Baba question and checked the book. I got answer "Ur ancestors worshiped Akkalkot Maharaj.." which is quite surprising because my ancestors have worshiped only Lord Ganesha and Goddess. I even got answers to do particular things, work will get done on so and so time, but nothing happened. I trust my Baba and have complete faith in Him but why is He giving me answers like this???
OM sai ram.
OM SAI RAM …BABA I surrender to your lotus feet … DEVA pls usse uski manzil tak pahuchao aur muze iss tension se mukti do … OM SAI RAM..SHIRDI SAI RAM…JAI JAI SAI RAM …SADGURU SAI RAM ..OM SAI RAM
Baba, thank you for everything. Please be with us always and bless us all.
Bow to ShriSai peace be to all