Shirdi Sai Baba Miracles and Leela in this Post:

Anonymous Devotee from India says: Hi friends i wanted to tell you with my experience that never leave hope, always have trust and patience. Your prayers will be answered. Baba is our Father, He cannot see His children in pain. He will be always thinking about His children. Surrender yourselves to Baba with pure heart. You will start sensing His presence. He will be always there for you. Om Sai Ram Om Sai Ram. Hello. I thank and appreciate you Hetal ji for your wonderful work. Mam because of your work many people have started developing faith in Baba even in their hard times. I am one among them. Today i am here to share my experience with all of you. I started trusting Baba since my childhood probably from 1996. Since then Baba was always there for me in everything i do. He is my Father, Mother and everything. The experience which i am sharing today is very important and will last in my life forever. With Baba’s grace i married to the person i love in 2009. We were having a happy married life and then once we completed 1 year of our marriage life people started asking us about having kids. For us it was not that easy to have one due to my health conditions. So i was always feeling so bad and used to always ask Baba what mistake i have done that am not having kids. I always have faith in my Baba so was waiting for my prayers to be answered.
One day, i went to bed thinking of all these in my mind and was continuously asking Baba with lot of pain that why my prayers were not been answered and didn’t even realized when i fell asleep. Next morning when i woke up, without my notice the first thing which came to my mind was to read Sai Satcharitra for 10 weeks. It is Baba’s solution to the pain which i was going through. I started reading Satcharitra for 10 weeks and after completing we were so fortunate that Baba blessed us to visit Shirdi. We stayed there for 3 days, had a wonderful Darshan of Baba and returned home with peace of mind and satisfaction. Baba heard our prayers. Within 7 months He blessed us with a wonderful news that am expecting twins. Our happiness knew no bounds. We were on top of the world. Baba thank You so much. But doctors told us that my pregnancy tenure for 9 months will not be that easy. I had no complications in my pregnancy till 5th month later one day we had visited my gynic for a routine scan and to our surprise we had to hear her saying that i need to completely bed ridden. One single mistake we do if not followed according to her then i will totally have a miscarriage. We were totally shattered when we heard this news. I couldn’t even understand what was happening to us. They asked us to admit me to the hospital immediately and then told us that i have to lie on bed till my delivery. We were always having hope and faith on Baba. I used to feel and sense Him every minute and every second around me whenever i think of Him. My husband requested doctors and took me home and made all arrangements which ever needed.
Days were passing, we used to pass the each day as hell because doctor has explained us very clearly that each passing day is very crucial in my life. I successfully completed 30 weeks of my pregnancy and entered 31st week. Then unexpectedly one morning something unusual happened with which i started getting my labour pains so i had to undergo an emergency delivery. Without completing my complete term i had to deliver my babies. Baba will never ever leave His kids to suffer in any situation. He was always there with us. Though i had delivered my babies pre-term with low birth weight they were healthy and good. They have been taken care by the doctors with good care that they are hail and healthy and are 2 years now. Baba, how can i thank You for all the love You shower on us. This miracle in my life happened only because of Your wonderful blessings. I completely surrender to You. There are a lot many experiences i go through every day. He is my father. Please bless us always Baba. So friends i wanted to tell you with my experience that never leave hope, always have trust and patience. Your prayers will be answered. Baba is our Father, He cannot see His children in pain. He will be always thinking about His children. Surrender yourselves to Baba with pure heart. You will start sensing His presence. He will be always there for you. Om Sai Ram

Sai Sister Subhasree from India says: I stay in Singapore since 4 years. I am an Indian, i came here before 4 years due to my job. I stay here with my husband who also got job here by Baba’s grace. l am a great devotee of Baba since a long time. I use to pray Baba with lots of devotion and i always do 5 Thursday Vrat and each and every time my wishes has been fulfilled by Baba. Recently, i gave birth to a daughter and i faced difficulties to manage my home and work. Below i am writing how Baba helped us to overcome this difficult phase. Many a times during my difficult phases i have seen Baba in my dreams and after that the problem disappears in some days. I have enormous faith on Baba who has given me everything i needed to be happy. We went to Shirdi in the month of February 2015. After returning, i was pregnant in April 2015 and as i am all alone we applied for domestic helper in Singapore in the month of November, but due to Singapore govt rules they said unless we give birth to the baby and have our baby’s dependent pass the application will not be approved. We waited until delivery. I had delivered by C-sec and it was too painful for me to do all work alone, my mother could not come for some days due to my father’s illness.
After three weeks of delivery when i was unable to handle any more, i called my mother and she came here for two months and it was very helpful for me. But two months passed away so quickly and she had to go and we had not anyone else to help. We reapplied for domestic helper in January month once again and there was another rule that the salary should be up to a limit for approval of domestic helper’s application. Although my husband’s salary met the criteria it was not updated in govt records so it got rejected. We requested to the govt to update it and they said to wait till Feb 29th. I was very tensed seeing so many rejections and i was unable to manage myself alone. I started doing Sai Divya Pooja for 5 Thursdays. After starting the Pooja on March 3rd the first week the salary got updated, by second week the dependent pass was approved, by third week the application for domestic worker was approved and this week she was supposed to come on Saturday but due to good Friday the flight rates being high the agency said she would come by Monday or Tuesday. This Thursday 30th march, i will do Udyapan, by Baba’s grace i have all faith that she will come by this Tuesday and it will be a lot of help to me. I will again be at Baba’s lotus feet forever for offering me this help at this crucial period of my life where i went through so much of pain both physically and mentally. All i can say Baba never leaves our hand. He holds our hand and makes us go through these times so that the previous sin’s are wiped away and we can enjoy the present. During all these times, He was taking care of me and my family. I am writing this post for all my friends who read this blog and have true faith in Baba. If we never leave His hand, He will never leave us and we must trust Him to the end. Om Sai Ram.

Anonymous Devotee from India says: All through my initial years, any astrologer, we intentionally/unintentionally met, always told me that i would get married, in my late twenties and go through a divorce soon after having a baby (Every single astrologer told me i would have a Son). Hearing all this, weakens my confidence and made me get into depression. My father was an alcoholic, and all our relatives, would put us down for this reason, and i literally had very little peace growing up. We had all the basic necessities, but never happy and content. To top it all, i was the eldest daughter, with a younger sister. My mother made all attempts, to search for a suitable groom, from the time i completed my graduation. For 2 solid years, it was a complete mental torture to meet new guy/family, every weekend and go through the same ordeal. I would fast every Thursday, and visit Mandir whenever i had little time, and felt like going to Mandir. I started reading the Sai Satcharitra, and i finished it for 16 times, in this span of time and this was when i met my, now husband.
In Satcharitra, there is a chapter, where a woman prays to Baba, that her future husband should be someone who lets her worship Baba, and should not stop her from praying to Baba. On reading this, i wondered why would anyone not believe in God [I did not know of anyone being atheist] and why would anyone not support praying to God. But my husband turned out to be an atheist. He does not stop me from doing things i like and believe, but he just does not believe in God. I was married when i was 23, now i have a daughter and believe that my marriage is a happy marriage. I totally owe it to Baba, and believe it was only because of Him, that my life took a beautiful turn and is running smooth. Baba helped my husband, get a better job, and he got his Visa approved for the US for a short visit. I am so surrendered to Him, for His motherly love, and His sweet ways to show He is with us all the time. And now when my 2 year old daughter wishes Baba good morning, good night and says Om Sai Sri Sai Jaya Jaya Sai, i feel just so happy. Baba, You are the best. Please hold our hands and walk us through this life. I am sure He will be with us, and guide and help me and my husband in every aspect. Love You Baba. You are the best.

Anonymous Devotee from India says: Hail Sainath Maharaj! Baba I am waiting to accept Your boon to me that is my love to be my wife. Baba, You know who I am talking about Baba. Baba just because they hate me and my family and they are literally ashamed of me. What can I do Baba, I lost my post graduation degree (MBA-U.K) for just 5 marks les. They failed for just less than 5 marks. I came to India to look after my father business but that to later turned into ashes, just like that we were bankrupt and lost our major assets. Finally what a man would look for once he loses everything, Love. Baba, You let me search for someone I could love and be her true lover. What happens next was just like titanic movie except ship that sank was my life and the guy who died was my heart. What to say I know who she is and I can’t win her because the ignorant souls can’t find us to be a pair. Baba, I know You know everything and I know You expect Shraddha and Saburi from me. I will have eternal Shraddha and Saburi because if I win her it will be overall achievement for all the failures I endured, because she will bring more of You in my life, Baba that’s why.
Baba, You know we can’t talk and see each other, Baba only You can play the Lord Krishna role and solve this unnecessary feud and eliminate those people who are creating the feud just to hurt my lover and make me more failure so they can use our situation to better their situations. Is this fair Baba. Baba, first of all to say from bottom of my that we are not even loving each other, I thought it was Your miracle that we fell in love, but people who hate me and my family turned against me and made me look bad and they went to a extent where You know Baba, I can’t be oral about what other people do to me because I have immense love and trust in You. Finally I don’t know what I want in life love or marriage or anything because all I have is You and Your love Baba. People please never press Baba for anything more than you have because after all He is a fakir who is rich in love and poor in riches. Jai Sainath, Jai Shirdi Nath, Jai Sadguru Nath.

Anonymous Devotee from Africa says: Baba saved my brother from a massive heart attack and death. It was during early hours of the morning we received news that my brother had been admitted to emergency due to a massive heart attack. My sister called crying saying that the doctors are trying to save my brother and they have called the case ‘code Red’. I had no fear as I had my Baba as the doctor in prayer treating my brother. During this period I read the Sai Satcharitra chapter 11 and 15. I Held Baba’s Murti and chanted and miracles of miracles my brother was stabilized and sent to the best hospital and was discharged a week later. He still needs a by pass but all will go well with Sai. Thank You Sai for Your miracle on my brother and helping us go ahead with a huge birthday party for my baby otherwise all money and preparation would have been in vain if anything had happened to my brother. I prayed hard that the party go well and the video and photos be perfect and without a doubt my Baba and mother did an outstanding job. Thank You Amma and Baba I love You please take care of my baby and answer all my prayers. You know my deepest pain please take them away soon as You promised. Thank You for choosing me as Your devotee. It’s only going to be a beautiful journey and life from today onwards as You are the writer of my life and baby’s. Thank You for the many awards, head position and bursary, health and happiness in advance. Love You Love You Love You.

Anonymous Devotee from USA says: Swami helped me with my project deliverable and also in meeting the deadline. As a recognition, I am promoted to new role. The next experience is really swami’s miracle. That night I am not able to sleep due to severe cough. I took cough drops and did not get any relief (they worked the previous day). My husband is not able to sleep either due to my cough. I am reading devotee experiences on this blog and came across couple of Udi miracles. Every day I apply Udi on my forehead and put some in my mouth but never mixed with water. Its midnight, I got motivated by the Udi miracles, took swami’s name and drank Udi mixed water. That’s it, my cough is gone. I am surprised, all night I am dreaming about swami giving the power to cure anything. The next morning I woke up fresh and tears started rolling down thinking about how swami cured me. The whole day I am reminiscing that experience and thanking swami. Sometimes we lose patience when we don’t get what we expected, that is the test swami expects all of us to pass. Baba, Please be with all the devotees at all the time and protect them. Please give peace to the whole world. Loka Samasta Sukhino Bhavantu.

© Devotees Experiences with Shirdi Sai Baba
BABA i want to marry the person i love with my parents acceptance. BABA You are my only hope, only strength, only support and the only source of inspiration. BABA please make them accept my love and marry me to the person i love.BABA this pain is unbearable.SAI BABA please help me and please bless me and please be with me.OM SAI RAM
BABA please make him pass the interview also and please make him get selected in that service.OM SAI RAM
Om sai ram back to you Baba .Make me rise in front of both of them. Keep them happy and near . Thank you for eveything you have given me Om sai Ram
BABA please make him pass the interview also and please make him get selected in that service.OM SAI RAM
My Sai Pa power is beyond the power of movements of the planets and the Astrologers prediction….His way is unique noone can find it..with faith and patience the sai pa's way will be shown.. Baba will surely show me a way which i dont know now… All things went beyond my imagination but under the control of SAI. Sai give me more tests because you only gonna write my tests and make me to pass this material life. Sainatha be with me forever till the end this Athma attains ur lotus feet.LOVE YOU SAI… MY HOPE IS ONE AND ONLY YOU… Om Sairam…..!!!
Lovely prayer….
Thanks for ur comment sai…Feels like Sai pa accept my prayer..
Om sai ram _ / _
Baba pls don't break my 8yr old daughter's faith..solve her problem..she loves u..give her what she deserves. Thank u Baba
Jai SaiNath.
Om Sai Ram.
Om Sai Ram.
Om Sai Ram.
Thank You O Merciful Deva for bestowing upon us love and happiness 🙂
Jai Sairam
Sai Sai Sai Sai Sai Sai Sai Sai Sai
Sai Sai Sai Sai Sai Sai Sai Sai Sai
Sai Sai Sai Sai Sai Sai Sai Sai Sai
Devotees please tell me th meaning of this answer,"tabacoo(bedi ,cigarette)offer as a gift on 3 Thursday.then work will be completed."I want to know that where I donate or offer,either in mandir at baba feet or to some person.please clear .its urgent
Dear Devotee, please try offering it to Baba's idol at a mandir
Om Sai Ram
Om Sai Ram
Om Sai Ram
Sai Kripa Karo,Kripa Karo
Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram
oM Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram
om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram 🙂
Blessed experiences. Thanks for sharing. Om Sairam.
Dear Devotee No 4, My life is just like yours. I got cheated by my love and also he and his mother treated me bad only because my family is not financially strong. I got married to a Divorcee and later got to know that he is also a cheater but cant help it. I am still fighting to make our relationship work. But cant take divorce as nobody is there by my side. I would have paid more attention on myself and would have settled my career first. Now everything is on Baba.
You can always share your problems with Baba and with us devotees. We will support you always. You are not alone. Every single person who writes here who reads these blogs is there to support you. We are Sai Babies and we will give you the love you need.
Jai Sai Ram
Dear sister, try to mend your relationship with your husband. If he cheats then let him do. Time will heal . Don't do divorce. Just focus on your marriage.
Once a cheater always a cheater.
Please let me know the meaning of "second picture message" above.
Om Sai Ram, baba please forgive me for my misbehavior these days,but baba i am much disturbed and frustrated due to this tough phase of life , i am really unable to bear so much and that too for prolonged period of time , you already know baba, since childhood i have been tortured by one or another person in my life but now situation has gone worse baba, please come and rescue us from mean people around us, we will vanish in no time if you did not answer my prayers soon, baba please save us and don't get late ,please have mercy on ,i beg you baba , om sai ram, om sai ram, om sai ram
baba please bless me with any gift of your choice to me for my birthday. Baba sorry for not reading devotee experience. Forgive me. om sai ram.
Om Sai Ram
I am waiting for my love.he is not talking to parents compelled me to marry someone else.he is talking to me in some wrong number.but he didn't accept that is he nu.I don't know what to do baba.please help me to marry my lover. I am already 29 yrs.please baba do something.its do dark .pain is unbearable.I am waiting for him more than 2 parents making something baba…don't test me like this.please forgive me for all the sins.
Sai pa is protecting us. Shraddha and Saburi are needed to attain his blessings…. Leave ur problems in his lotus feet..He will save you…Remember his words forever …SAI- "No Harm come to my devotees"…Om Sai Ram
Om Sai Ram
Baba please bless my son and their friends and be with them deva
Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram.
Baba i loved a person for more than 6 yrs. All of a sudden recently his parents told our horoscopes doesn't match and if we get married it will go to divorce. Hence, my parents started to c alliance. Am not ready to marry anyone else. pls baba somehow make us together. help me