Shirdi Sai Baba Miracles and Leela in this Post:

Sai Brother Praveen from India says: Hi, thank you so much hetal ji. I don’t know where to start but there are so many things to be shared but main thing is how i got selected in ISRO. Today I am very happy after seeing the result. I was born on Thursday. When I was in 4th class first time when i visited Sai Mandir my new Chappal has been stolen. I felt bad and i decided to not to go to Baba’s Temple again. But in 2009, He pulled me towards Him. This time because of love failure, from then onwards He is always with me. After my even though i got placed in TCS, I could not join because of my love issue and my M.Tech goal. Mean while i lost her and she got married to another one. Two years (2010-2012) i did not do anything and only trying to marry her other than that i did not do anything. I had nothing with me, Finally in April 2012, i dream to get job in engineering services. By that time i was on bed completely depressed. My parents did not allow me to go to Hyderabad for preparation saying that i was ill and mentally disturbed that too i was on bed taking glucose into my body. I asked my parents for money they did not gave me.
Here comes Sai miracle. When i came to Hyderabad without having penny i found a home tuition by the help of Narsimha Anna. They were impressed with my teaching sorry not impressed it was Baba’s grace, because A Big Sai Maa Photo was hanging in the hall because of His grace, They paid me 12000 Rs/- for just 12 days which is enough for me to survive until the IES exam. I wrote that year IES exam but i did not cleared it. Utilising my previous year rank i joined in NIT Calicut. So many there to share i am skipping because He is always with me, i have to mention so many things. Later in 2013, i cleared engineering services written exam but could not go through interview. I felt very bad, fortunately i selected in Prasarbharti. I thought now i can go to home happily because i will get the respect and everything i lost because of my love issue. In 2014, i went to home and waiting for call letter from Prasarbharti, they took almost one year to give appointment. This period Baba tested me a lot my parents and neighbours feel that i am faking that i got selected in Prasarbharti. Meanwhile again in my house they started scolding regarding my past deeds (love failure, no job, depression). The only thing i did from 2009 is everyday going to Sai Maa temple and if possible to attend Aarti. From 2013, i started Abhishek to the small idol with me and changing dress everyday. But after joining job, i couldn’t do for 6 months since i didn’t bring idol with me to Delhi (My job location). Fortunately Baba’s temple is at a stone’s from my hostel. I used to go to Temple every day before going to office. I got selected in Airport Authority and was very happy because it is best in every aspects compared to present job, but the only drawback is bond of 5 lakh rupee for 3 years. I thought i will join but i had a habit of taking chit from Baba’s lotus feet out of two when i have to take crucial decision in my life this time He advised me not to join. I was shocked and tell to myself that i have to prepare for Engineering Services.
But i had many responsibilities. My family is dependent on me, i couldn’t bind to that decision and again tried to take chit same answer. Then i went to my home town and take chit at His feet again in my home town where i used to sing Kirtans and Abhishek to Baba. Again same answer. Then i shared with my sister she also tried, my mother also tried for same reply but every senior and friends almost all advised me to join AAI. I could not decide, i asked again this time and asked me to join AAI but i could not do because He told so many times not to join AAI. Like that lot of confusion, sleepless nights. I could not do anything in office. Mean while there is a indication that engineering services syllabus is going to change. I thought it’s better to switch to AAI. Again confusion even if i go there whether i would be happy i don’t have answer if i stay in Prasarbharti, if i got mutual transfer to Hyderabad from Delhi then i may get associated ACE institute in some batch and i could maintain my tempo so that i can crack engineering services someday. Fortunately another person who is seeking for mutual transfer he used to persuade me not to join AAI. He tried a lot and used Arun Jaitley’s influence. Finally he got transfer but my transfer not happened, meanwhile last date for joining AAI is also over. Now i couldn’t go to Hyderabad and Delhi (timings, environment etc.) is not comfortable for me to join coaching also. Again on the last date of my joining in AAI that is on Jan 18th 2016, ISRO written results declared. I found that i cleared written now i am happy but i didn’t get Hyderabad transfer if i didn’t get selected in ISRO. I have to stay in Delhi.
Now again i started preparing for interview. I am very much fear about interview because i lost almost lost 8-9 govt job interviews. I am not good at expressing. I feel nervous in interview but i prepared keeping faith on Him. I gave interview on Thursday Feb 25th before going inside interview room, i prayed to Him and i went inside. I had done just decent job not more than that i am not satisfied with my interview i couldn’t answer some questions. I thought i won’t be selected but a small hope is there. I used to pray Baba everyday meanwhile i completed Parayan and keep on checking website for results. Finally one day results of civil, mechanical announced but electronics not announced then i got lot of tension, results may come at anytime so i keep on praying to Him. During my confusion days to join AAI or not (Between Dec –Jan 18th), i read this blog and thought if i get something, i will share my experience here. After interview also i thought to share my experience if i get selected. I read in one of the experiences that if we leave anything that we like most to Baba until some specified time our desire will be fulfilled and also read about Sai Vrat. I thought there is no need of doing Sai Vrat since everyday i read Parayan, dress change, Snan to my Baba. I keep on checking website everyday. I control myself not to have it (which i left) until interview results out. I got ulcers in mouth lot of stress even then i used to say only one thing to Baba “Take Your own time, i will wait for the result but i have to be selected please Baba.” Finally today April 16th, 2016 results out and i am in, yes now i am Scientist @ISRO. Thank You Baba. Thank You so much now i am in safe position, I can support my family. I will try for engineering services with the blessings of Baba. I had so many experiences from now onwards i will share my past experiences too very soon. Thank You. Thank You so much hetal ji. My Baba, i completely surrendered to Your Feet. Hope You will give me nearest location possible to my hometown. Thank You Baba.

Anonymous Devotee from UAE says: I am Administration manager in an educational institution in UAE. I have moved to UAE in 2006 and ever since I am here with family. I was introduced to Sai Baba by one of my friends when I was in between job. I had lost my job here and was desperately looking for an opportunity. When I met this friend at her home to request for contacts who can help me find a job she gave a copy of Sri Sai Satcharitra and asked me to complete it in 7 days by reading 7 chapters in a day and on completion go to Sai Baba temple here and make an offering of Peda. I sincerely believed her and started reading the book. I got an interview call before I completed the book. I got the job and after a few months, I was moved to the post I preferred – Administration. Ever since then my family became a total devotee of Baba. We decided that we will go to Shirdi and offer prayers during our first vacation. As written in Satcharitra so it happened. One day as I was passing by the reception in my office I saw a person waiting and inquired as to whom he is waiting for. He told me that he is the father of one of our students and he has come from India to visit him. So I invited him to my room (I have never invited any parent to my room before this).
While chatting he mentioned that he was from Ahmednagar. When I heard that I asked him is that not near Shirdi? I am planning to visit Shirdi during our vacation I said. He said is that so and asked me when. I told him the dates. He immediately picked up his mobile and called his friend who holds a very high post in Maharashtra tourism and asked him to book a room for me for those dates. Only a week before this happened my cousin from Mumbai visited us here. We informed him off our intended visit to Shirdi in summer and asked him to arrange a car for our trip. He said that we can use his car, since he had two of them, and also offered the services of his driver for the trip. What else is all this but Sai Baba’s Leelas. Not only has He drawn us to Shirdi but has also made arrangements for our safe and comfortable journey. Another Miracle that happened. It was soon after me getting this job and when we shifted to a new home. I invited Sai Baba for the house warming and bless us. The day of house warming came. When we were leaving for the new home from my sister-in-laws home she handed over a packet to me saying that since you are having a house warming have this. We reached the new home and I opened the packet. It contained a photo of Sai Baba. What else is this but Baba accepting our invitation and visiting our new home to bless us. Thank You Sai Baba.

Sai Sister Easwari from Singapore says: I am a very small devotee of Sadguru Sai Baba, He is with me in all my ups and downs. I have previously shared my experience last week waiting to get post. A very big thank to Hetal ji team for maintaining this blessed site and we all getting positive energy by reading all experience where we devotees can share our experiences and can pray for each other, this is my second sharing experience. I am working in IT industry last Friday when i entered to the office one VP user ask for help to connect his laptop in VPN, i ask him to take his laptop to my place then we tried it could not connect. We called service desk, they told will call him back but there was no call but user need this to happen urgent so myself and my colleague was trying with many ways which else can do from morning to evening, in between user went for meeting and said again will come again and will try. Until 5 pm, my colleague told this will not happen backend team need to work on this and he went off. Then i told, we can try a last chance and i prayed our Sai Baba, please help me this should connect and done all the steps and closed the eyes and think Sai Baba, pressed the connect button miracle happened and it was connected. I was surprised because nothing changed and no backend team works, even we never do any updates. It was really miracle happened.
That day again Baba proved that He can do anything and everything, only we need to trust trust trust Him and He will be with us all times, just remember He is near to us and His blessing shower always to us. Baba, You know all about me and hard situation i am facing, i know the time You taking to make my wishes to happen is because You want to teach me and my loved one to get strong and learnt something but please Baba make a kind of us we are waiting so long time You know and promised me by meeting me as a saint and told me everything will happen, i know You done all this as i should not give up, i truly believe You Baba, You can do just it will not take even a second please my days are running out waiting for my life to get back. Please devotees don’t give up at any reason trust Baba, He can do all everything for us. I am waiting my loved one to get back to me by Baba’s grace. Thank You Baba to make me as Your child. Please make all of the devotee’s wishes to be happen. I am waiting to write another my happiest experience which Sai Baba will do for me to start my life with my loved one. I love Him so much Baba please Baba bless us Baba to get married. Ananta Koti Brahmand Nayak Raajadhiraj Yogiraj Parabrahma Shri Sachidanand Sadguru Sainath Maharaj Ki Jai.

Anonymous Devotee from India says: I got job in a backward state after my PG. I am not at all happy to go there. Baba promised me that He would take care of everything. I am giving some examples of this. One night when I came back by bus after visiting my home town, in that area people used to switch off lights by evening and I came at late night. My friend was not there to receive me and I don’t know how to go back to my hostel carrying my luggage. Being a girl, it was risky for me. To my surprise, the street was well lighted due to some festival and the girl who was my co-passenger offered me to drop in her car without even asking. Once I was travelling in a bus to catch morning flight to my hometown. I was in a new city and don’t know anyone there and was scared. To my utter horror, the bus was late and we were still in city outskirts and it would take one hour in the least to reach the airport. My checking time was within half an hour. I was afraid and started internal battle in my mind with Baba, blaming that He did not save me. I was totally helpless and was madly worried. Suddenly, the conductor has shouted about a place and I remembered that there was a shortcut to airport from there. By blessings of Baba, there was only one taxi waiting for me in the slight drizzle and he took me to airport in 15 minutes. I have reached just five minutes before the check in time. This incident has made me feel ashamed about doubting Sai and I pray to Him to help me always and forgive my sins. Right now, I need His help very badly and the solution seems almost impossible. But Sai can do anything in this world. Baba help me!

Anonymous Devotee from US says: Om Sai Ram, I have been Baba’s devotee for so long now, and He is always with me in every hurdle of my life. He has been there and helping me in every aspect of my life. I don’t know how my life would have been if it is not for Baba, who is helping me. I have numerous experiences with Baba, but this is the most dearest one to me. I have been looking for job since past 7 months and have been leading a horrible life, but internally I’m strong and I have full faith that Baba will help me in getting a job very soon. My interview process was so smooth and everything happened at the right time. There is a reason, why I said at right time, One day I asked Baba through one of the question and answers website about getting the job, He answered me saying that I’ll be happy by the time of Ramanavami. This is what actually happened, I got a job on April 13th, and this year Ramanavami is one April 15th, I’m actually very happy that Baba’s words came true. He never leaves His devotees. Sometimes He is silent just because He alone knows what to give to His devotees. All we need is love Him with all the heart, and He will take care of all our sufferings. I have faced some serious problems in life, but I never lost hope, and it is only because of Baba, that I have been so strong during my tough times. I hope every Baba devotee gets what they deserve. Om Sai Ram, Om Ananta Koti Brahmand Nayak Raajadhiraj Yogiraj Parabrahma Shree Sachidanand Sadguru Sainath Maharaj Ki Jai. Om Sai Ram.

Anonymous Devotee from India says: Hi to all. Thanks so much hetal ji for creating this wonderful site. Through this site, we can share our experience without any hurdles. Thanks again. Now i will share my experience. I am a simple girl belonging to a village. I got married on 17th of January this year. In my marriage, me and my family faced lots of problems but due to Baba only it happened and all the functions were done very nicely, i pray to Baba that please come in my marriage but Baba did not come but when my Vidai took place then i saw Baba’s Picture behind the car and Baba was giving blessings with smile. I was very happy because Baba show me His devotion. I promise to Baba that after my marriage, i will post my experience. This happened due to Baba only, after our marriage my husband want to take car but he was not able to do due to some problems but i promised Baba that if my husband will be able to take new car, i will post my experience. Now from Baba’s grace we took our new car. Baba ji, You are great, You knew everything, thanks a lot Baba ji and Baba ji sorry for delay, Baba ji please be with us and show us right path, Baba ji, without You i am nothing, please Baba ji, blessed both of us and keep our family happy. Sorry Baba ji, if i did any mistake in past or now. Baba ji, help me and my husband in our career Baba, i want to come Shirdi, give me Your blessings. Thank You Baba, love You a lot.

© Devotees Experiences with Shirdi Sai Baba
I trusted you Baba.. more than horoscopes. I never encouraged anyone to spend time on it. Rather I encouraged people on donations and humanity. I thought you could change anything and teach people to know right and wrong. Instead you couldn't change my own horoscope and punishing me for being honest?
Om sai ram _ / _
om sai ram om sai ram om sai ram..Pls show me the right way.pls take care of sai namo namaha.
Baba I love you
Dearest Baba, it has been 159 days and my house has not sold yet. I know that you are waiting for the right buyer but please could you hurry them up. Sell my house this weekend please.
Please lessen the spread of cancer in my sister in laws body. Let her live another 10 years but not in pain.
Your child
Dear Sai pa your miracle is unfathomable.. I love you my sai pa i love you a lot and lot n lot!!!! Everything in this world is maya except You my sai pa….Dear sai devotees yesterday miracle happen to me… Every thursday i do a sai pooja and in night used to read sai satcharitha and also nowadays started to read Sai prerna and do Shej aarthi in the end of the day …. Yesterday it was 2nd week my sai vrat…. morning had biscuits and evening i had dinner by which i finished vrat…night i felt very tired n headache started heavily n couldnt concentrate on reading Sai satcharitha and Sai prerna…while reading the satcharitha itself i was thinking and told Sai pa…appa my headache is heavy so i think i cant do shej aarthi (thinking in my mind for sake if v singing the aarthi it is not true devotion towards him) ….by thinking like that i applied some udi on my head and mixed with water and drunk it…. end of the satcharita parayan my headache gone i felt very fresh and didnt felt any tired like before…. My sai pa allowed me to do Shej aarthi without any headache and tired…. I felt very happy for my sai pa cured my headache all of the sudden and ordered by that to do shej aarthi……I love my sai pa very much….. Nowadays if someone is telling ill about Sai pa… i feel like crying aloud and thinking please baba please take these people under your lotus feet and allow them to feel ur blessings and give some knowledge to them….. Before Sai pa good and bad people are same… Sai pa please give ur blessing to all people in the world….everyone is ur child and please allow every people to pray you n show ur blessings to all…… I love you my dad Sai…….Sai pa my soul rest in ur Lotus feet and be with me forever appa!!!!!!! SAI PA SAI PA SAI PA love you pa…..
U have forgotten me Baba
Then you wouldn't be here posting. He is there. He is working to benefit you 🙂
Jai Sairam
Thank you so much for ur kind words. I read ur comments everyday, u exuberate so much positivity. May Saima always Bless you!
Thank you and may He bless you with happiness and peace 🙂
Jai Sairam
baba why you not listening to me…im not worth to live in this world anymore pls take me or cure me..its been years im not even can go out im really scared to go believe you can turn things around but how can you just see other ppl must be really strong but not me..i even can't help my parents with small work..what a children is if not helping their taking udi everyday n praying to you..but why im still like this..sorry appa n amma im being burden to you all without me both of you will be happy..i shouldnt born to are world and everything to me you sacrifice everything for me but i can;t do small work for both of you what sinner i am but still both of u are taking good 1000x care of me..why baba everything in my life i have to face much difficulty to get something very tired baba tired begging, praying to you baba..
Be Patience and Keep Faith in our Sai Pa…Don't lose ur hope….Sai pa is with us forever…Read daily Sai Satcharitha and write 108 time Om Sairam and read sai stories whenever you get time … BELIEVE IN SAI BABA…HE IS OUR ONLY SAVIOUR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! OM SAIRAM!
Dear devotee, may I suggest that you leave everything, all your worries, issues, problems at His feet for a little while everyday and be, think positive? Why not try it, say for 5 minutes, try imagining what you want to be rather than what you are.
Has He not said "as one sees me, so do I manifest"? What's the harm in trying 🙂
Jai Sairam
My Saibaba, has helped me many time. After which I would forget him.
This year I had exams on 11th August, I was so nervous and again remembered baba. I got the best marks ever. Now I will never be ungrateful to baba. He is always on my lips and mind. He s my father and guru. Om Sai Ram.
shiv mahamrityunjaya mantra..can i chant this mantra anytime anywhere bcos im feel fear for scared to go full of anxiety if in crowd even stores or mall..can i chant this mantra to cure my illness..if yes how bcos i heard that this mantra if chant wrongly can cause negative results it that true? or there is sai baba mantra can i use to heal my self n my fear..pls help me out this devotee..pls guide me im suffering with fears..
I don't know about mrityunjay mantra but yes you can chant Om sri sai ram or simply sai sai sai sai it will vanish all your fears just give it a try
Dont worry u ll definately come out of this fear and blossom like flower…chant sai kashta nivaran stotra with faith which is available at › 2013/12…in this site u ll find hanuman mantra which ll helpful to fight with ur fear and anxiety..and there is shanti mantra aum dhyau shanti…available on internet for ur anxiety..just write shanti mantra u ll see it..and dont fear or think about negative effects and all..god sees ur devotion and feelings..and ur pure heart..if there is any mistake done by us..god correct that..mahamrutunjay shiv mantra what i know is for mukti purpose..prayer for relieving us from birth and death vicious cycle and our motion towards pure bliss which is mukti..whenever u face people and u have fear chant sai sai…seek his help…and in any form keep saibaba with u in pendent form or bracelet anything..nobody can haunt one can harm u…may saibaba bless u with immense peace!om sai ram
BABA please bless me that i shall marry the person i love with my parents acceptance. BABA You are my only hope, only strength, only support and the only source of inspiration. BABA please make them accept my love and marry me to the person i love.BABA this pain is unbearable.SAI BABA please help me and please bless me and please be with me.OM SAI RAM
BABA please make him pass the interview also and please make him get selected in that service.OM SAI RAM
babaji plz…… guide me…. ………..well written.
Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram.
On Sai Ram
I think the 4th experience is a repeat.
O Deva, Thank You for forgiving us, Your children, for our mistakes that we do knowingly as well.
Jai Sairam
Om shree sairam…
Thank you so much baba for being with us…
Today is very special day
9 number has a very special that is nav vidha bhakthi
1) Sravanam
2) Keerthanam
3) Smaranam
4) Paadhasevanam
5) Archanam
6) Vandhanam
7) Dhaasyam
8) Sakhyathvam
9) Aathmanivedhanam
9 types of devotion's
Thank you so much baba for giving these to us thanks a lot babaji…
Om sai shree sai jai jai sai…
Om shree sainathayenamah…
Jai sainath…
Akhiland koti brahmand nayak rajadhiraj yogiraj parabrahm shree shree shree satchidhanand samarth sathguru shree sainath maharaj ki jai…
Om Sri Sairam
Thank you baba, though Bangalore bandh is sevier Today, I was able to go to hospital for dialysis and come back safely with your help. Thank you Baba.
Om Sri Sairam
I am in worst condition baba. Why u r not listening to me.I lost everything baba.I am getting older.he is not coming back to me.I lost him baba.he is with someone else.u cheated me.more than 2 years. What do you want from me Appa.
Baba has not cheated with u dear if he is with somebody else then baba has saved u!dont be angry on baba beta…pray with devotion he ll put in front of u
Sai Sai Sai Sai Sai Sai Sai Sai Sai
Sai Sai Sai Sai Sai Sai Sai Sai Sai
Sai Sai Sai Sai Sai Sai Sai Sai Sai
Sai Sai Sai Sai Sai Sai Sai Sai Sai
Sai Sai Sai Sai Sai Sai Sai Sai Sai
Sai Sai Sai Sai Sai Sai Sai Sai Sai
Sai Sai Sai Sai Sai Sai Sai Sai Sai
Sai Sai Sai Sai Sai Sai Sai Sai Sai
Sai Sai Sai Sai Sai Sai Sai Sai Sai
Om Sai Ram
Om Sai Ram
Om Sai Ram
Sai Kripa Karo,Kripa Karo
Beloved SAI, thank u so much for curing my fever.I am a single woman.Please take care of me till my end.Total surrender at your feet.Thanks a lot.I dont have enough words to thank you.Please for me health is really really important.Please bless me health & wealth forever.Please.Thank u.
Om sairam..
Before started to writting i would like to thank u for everything you gave it me.
Because of ur blessing i am getting baby but unfortuatly my baby having some problem.i got feeling sad like anything.
Sometimes i lost hope on you.but where i can go again i am beliving u only.
i am awaiting for my baby arrival to this world.u r teducing my pbm day by day.thank u baba.
this is not my baby.u gave for me.plz cure the diseases of this baby and give me the same happiness that i had previously.
Plz pray for me and my child should born without any complications and should live long and healthy life..ur blessings always with us.
Jai sai ram
Sai will bless u with healthy baby… trust him.
Sai my father really apologies for my behaviour towards you. But now I realized my mistake. Baba my father my saviour please forgive me and dont go away from my life. Your daughter. If next trip to India if you call me and my family to Sheerdi. then I will understand you are not angry on mem.
Your daughter
Dear Baba, i have gone through worst phases in my life, you alone have the power to eradicate all pain. kindly remove such pains in lives of all people and bless us all.
Baba, thank you for everything. Please be with us always and bless us all.
Bow to ShriSai peace be to all