Shirdi Sai Baba Miracles and Leela in this Post:

Anonymous Devotee from US says: I was searching about Sai Vrat and happened to see this website. I felt very happy reading the experiences of the devotees and i felt like sharing my own experience here. God bless the person who is behind all of this, the blogs, sharing experiences and everything. I have no idea where to start from and where to end. Because there are so many miracles that i have experienced and have been experiencing all through my life. At this point I am just praying to Baba to help me write everything that i experienced so far since my childhood. I just want to take this chance and say Thank You to Baba for everything. I know the whole world can turn away from me, but You will always be there. Thank You for everything. No words to describe your generosity and kindness. You are the Kalpatharu. When i was 7 years old, we used to have a storybook in our house, from which my sister used to tell stories. It was about a person who was cooking food for the devotees with His bare hands. I still remember the picture and it never goes off my mind. That was Sai Baba story book and it was the first time i saw Him. I was never praying to Him and i just know Him as a Fakir, Baba in the story book.
When i was in 4th standard, we got transferred to a new place. My school was almost 6-7 miles away from home. One day, i guess it was in November, my sister and i were waiting for the school Rickshaw. It’s been a while we were waiting, so i went to play with my friends in the ground. When the rickshaw came i simply boarded and forgot my school bag on the road outside the school. When we arrived at home, i was so shocked that i forgot my school bag in school premises. I was so tensed and so was my mom. We were worried that if i lose my books, i have to write all the notes again and it was exams time. I went to Sai Baba temple which is there near my house for the first time. The temple was closed and i couldn’t even see Baba idol. I just threw a 25 Paise coin into the temple asking Baba to help me find my school bag. When we went to the school, we were told that someone found my school bag and kept it in the office room. I was so happy and that was the moment i started believing in Him. From then, i used to go for Bhajans and i became Sai Baba devotee. It all started with the 25 Paise Dakshina. With His blessings, i always stood first in the class and i never missed the rank not even once.
In my 7th standard my father wanted me to join some prestigious school and it was a residential school. Everything was ready and at the last moment i felt so bad for leaving my parents and my sister and I prayed to Baba that if i don’t get admission into this school i will give you 50 P Dakshina. (Sorry to say, but i don’t know, i was kind of doing business with Him. Like you do this and i will do that to you in return. So bad of me right). To my shock my father came to us (mom and me) saying that though i had the merit score i couldn’t join the school as my father missed to submit some important document. I was very happy and was on cloud 9. I never forget these two incidents in my life. Then Baba helped me get free education in Intermediate. It was a miracle. The college was offering free education for top 25 merit students all over the state. And only 16 students got to the benchmark and i was the last person who got selected for it. I still remember how i chanted His name when they were announcing the names. During Graduation, all of my friends got selected for the MNCs. Though i was good at studies and has good communication skills i couldn’t get a job in campus. I was going through Shani period that time. Wherever i put my hand it was turning out to be a disaster. Astrologers told me that i will not get a job even after completing graduation. But i was strongly believing in Baba and of course i don’t believe in horoscopes. I got a job after 2 months of my graduation and the company happened to be One of the top most banks in USA and the salary, it was double the amount of the highest pay that someone got in our college. All we need to do is just have faith in Him.
He is what He says He is. He will never leave us to our destiny. Though He say we need to go through our own Karma, He will always be there to give us the strength to face the situations. I have so much to share. I have hell lot of things to list down, all of His miracles in my life. My marriage, His help and blessings throughout my life, My parents experiences, I can’t just list down everything here. I am nothing without Him. I am definitely not sure whether i can post all of my experience on this blog. My entire family has their own experiences. We always memorize them at some point of time everyday. I feel so happy to share this here. I would say again, God bless the person who is behind all of this, the blogs, sharing experiences and everything. I would like to say Baba’s Satvan Manjari and Parayan of Sai Satcharitra will bring His blessings and lots of good luck to people. I will finish this with my favourite mantra of Baba. “Om Sri Sai Varada Kartha Veeryadi Rajya Raja Prada Anagha Viswa Slaghya, Amithachara Dattatreya Muneeshwaraha, Parasakthi Padhaslishta, Yogananda Sadonmadaha, Samasta Vairi Tejohrut Paramamruta Sagara, Anasuya Garbha Ratnam, Bhoga Moksha Sukhaprada”. Om Sai Ram.

Anonymous Devotee from India says: Hi Sai devotees, I am just a small devotee of Sai Baba for past 17 years. I became Sai devotee through my sister, it is just that she believes in Him so much, I too just followed her. I started trusting Him, however it was not like He was everything to me that time. However, I became very close to Him sometime in 2012. After that, there was no looking behind. My entire family trusts Baba completely. He has changed me as a human being. Thanks Hetal ji and team for this wonderful service you are doing to mankind. Coming to my experience, this happened 2 days back. There was some fight in my house and I got so frustrated because of it and out of my anger (which I am trying very hard to control), threw the water bottle in front of me and some water fell on our TV. Then after some 30 minutes, TV stopped working. No display was there. I felt very guilty but still was trying to think it was not due to my fault. Once the customer care executive came home, he clearly mentioned this happens if water content has gone inside the TV. I was very frustrated and he told it will be close to 12K to get this repaired. Though it was in warranty period, he mentioned if the R&D department does not approve the damage, we will have to pay 12K. I was very sad for my behaviour. I just prayed to Baba, please make sure it is approved and we dont have to pay much. Also help me control my emotions.
Yesterday we got a call that they have come with the part to get it repaired. We said ok and cut the call and suddenly realized I forgot to ask about the approval. I called them back and was so happy to hear it was approved and we did not have to pay 12K. That time my dad told me he also had prayed to Baba to save us from this expense. Really that was a great miracle. We expected some 2500 as repair charge and here comes one more miracle. The person did not ask even a single penny. I can’t believe that even now. They did not ask any repair charges also. However my dad did not want to send them like that, he paid them some amount which they refused to take. Even in this world, such people exists. My dad did not allow them till they took that amount and finally everything is back in place. Sai Baba saved us from such a huge expense. It is surely a very good lesson for me to control my temper. I only pray Baba, be with all of us like this ever and make us realize our mistakes so that we become a better person and come more closer to you. Love You loads Baba. Om Sai Ram. Bless All.

Anonymous Devotee from India says: Hi Sai devotees, I am just a small devotee of Sai Baba for past 17 years. I became Sai devotee through my sister, it is just that she believes in Him so much, I too just followed her. I started trusting Him, however it was not like He was everything to me that time. However, I became very close to Him sometime in 2012. After that, there was no looking behind. My entire family trusts Baba completely. He has changed me as a human being. Thanks Hetal ji and team for this wonderful service you are doing to mankind. Coming to my experience, this happened 2 days back. There was some fight in my house and I got so frustrated because of it and out of my anger (which I am trying very hard to control), threw the water bottle in front of me and some water fell on our TV. Then after some 30 minutes, TV stopped working. No display was there. I felt very guilty but still was trying to think it was not due to my fault. Once the customer care executive came home, he clearly mentioned this happens if water content has gone inside the TV. I was very frustrated and he told it will be close to 12K to get this repaired. Though it was in warranty period, he mentioned if the R&D department does not approve the damage, we will have to pay 12K. I was very sad for my behaviour. I just prayed to Baba, please make sure it is approved and we dont have to pay much. Also help me control my emotions.
Yesterday we got a call that they have come with the part to get it repaired. We said ok and cut the call and suddenly realized I forgot to ask about the approval. I called them back and was so happy to hear it was approved and we did not have to pay 12K. That time my dad told me he also had prayed to Baba to save us from this expense. Really that was a great miracle. We expected some 2500 as repair charge and here comes one more miracle. The person did not ask even a single penny. I can’t believe that even now. They did not ask any repair charges also. However my dad did not want to send them like that, he paid them some amount which they refused to take. Even in this world, such people exists. My dad did not allow them till they took that amount and finally everything is back in place. Sai Baba saved us from such a huge expense. It is surely a very good lesson for me to control my temper. I only pray Baba, be with all of us like this ever and make us realize our mistakes so that we become a better person and come more closer to you. Love You loads Baba. Om Sai Ram. Bless All.

Anonymous Devotee from India says: First of all I would like to thank Hetal ji and Admin team for so much wonderful work for a society. This is my third experience I am sharing in this blog. I really don’t know how I shall start explaining Baba’s Miracles. My Mother was feeling headache and giddiness in the evening time I prayed Baba to cure her by Night, I promised that will share my experience in the blog and by Baba’s grace by Night my Mom was feeling better and become perfectly fine by next day Morning. I experienced the one miracle of Baba on the same day Night my laptop was not getting switch On, I just slept and morning I prayed to Baba that “Baba please correct my laptop”, because it’s so important that. I am looking for job change and I have to check my emails and apply for jobs so I don’t have time to give it for repair and wait for 2 to 3 days. After praying to Baba one thing came to my mind that “just remove battery and put it again”, which is nothing but the Baba’s instruction. After that by Baba’s grace my laptop get started. Thanks You so much Baba. I am surrendered myself to Your lotus feet and whatever You are bringing for me in my life is for better only. Please bless my parents and all family members with success, prosperity and good health and long life. Om Sai Sri Sai Jaya Jaya Sai, Sri Sachidanand Sadguru Sainath Maharaj Ki Jai.

Sai Sister kayalvizhi from India says: I am a small devotee of our Baba. Baba had blessed me with a good life and He is always there to guide me. I would like to share a small experience of how Baba solved my laptop driver problem to all the devotees. I have Sony Vaio laptop. It’s been 5 years that I bought this laptop. So it will get problematic some times. One evening when i was working with my laptop suddenly the laptop power got off and it did not power on. I tried all sorts of troubleshooting but still in vain. Then i closed my laptop and put it in charge and told Baba that I will switch on after some time and it should work Baba. Then after some time when i tried to power on my laptop, it was working fine. Thank You so much Baba. And please forgive me for posting it late. Bless all the devotees with peaceful and healthy life Baba. Om Sai Ram.

Anonymous Devotee from USA says: I am doing job in USA. I am great devotee of my Sai from my Sai if I get any problem, I will share with You only. Whatever it is You are best friend, Father, Mother and Everything. You are part of my family and the most important person to me. Sai, I don’t listen to anyone’s words except Yours. I am so sad Sai, please help me in overcoming this. I helped everyone up to my capacity. Please take care of me, mother, brothers, friends, and everyone who are in need. Please give me a good husband Sai. Please solve all the problems of mine and everyone, help us all in every situation, stay with us every second. Thank You so much for everything that You gave to me till now. Consider this as a way of talking with You Sai. I love You so much Sai.

© Devotees Experiences with Shirdi Sai Baba
Om Sai Ram
Om Sai Ram
Om Sai Ram
Sai Kripa Karo,Kripa Karo
O Deva, forgive us for we cannot control our emotions but please help us so we may make You proud 🙂
Jai Sairam
Omsairam.thankyou so much for this has apositive effect on me.remembering my mother very much.on your samathi day want to worship you.
om sai ram
Om shree sairam…
Thank you so much baba for being with us…
Bless us baba with complete faith on you you are helping us a lot babaji thanks a lot babaji…
Om sai shree sai jai jai sai…
Om shree sainathayenamah…
Jai sainath…
Akhiland koti brahmand nayak rajadhiraj yogiraj parabrahm shree shree shree satchidhanandh samarth sathguru shree sainath mahraj ki jai…
Om SaiRam
Baba really very very sorry Becuase today I jelous on her. Because of her my son face some problem.
Dear 1 st devotee..ur way of narrating experience is so pure…and it seems u r very true hearted person…may baba bless u…om sai ram
Sai Sai Sai Sai Sai Sai Sai Sai Sai
baba why it happens dat wen we trust and love someone that person betrays us and when we lose everything we just becm hlpless help me baba plz make those people realise how being hurt and betrayed by someone is very painful and full of frustration the ones who did true love and didnt get the same in return will understand my pain dear sai devotees at ds point of tym i need you all and sai baba very much plz pray 4 me to baba only baba can help me out 4rm ds painful phase
Dearest devotee pls keep faith on our lovely Baba and he will make everything alright. Om Sai Ram. Pls help your child Father and bring them out of this dark period. Om Sai Ram.
Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram.
Om sai ram _ / _
dear last Anonymous Devotee from USA i read your post and we r in the same boat. even i am praying 4 a gud husband i never broke the trust of people bt only one fault i did i loved someone madly without letting mom dad know abt and the result was i got betrayed aftr 7 years he got engaged without telling me n ds yr about 2 marry. ds guy i never want him 2 remain happy in lyf coz today wtever i lost in my lyf he is very much responsible and i don think god will let him stay happily after he destroyed my feelings. anywaz dear sai sister i pray to sai so that your and my sufferings end very soon.
Please baba ask him to meet me and talk to me tomorrow. Help me baba.solve my problem.
Om Sai Ram
Om shree sairam…
Thank you so much baba for being with us…
Baba you helped us always baba today you saved me from a very big disease in these days you are protected me on your safe hands babaji thanks a lot babaji…
Akhiland koti brahmand nayak rajadhiraj yogiraj parabrahm shree shree shree satchidhanandh samarth sathguru shree sainath mahraj ki jai…
Dear Hetal ji Om Sai Ram
As you are a Babas favourite daughter. I need a help from you. I am a reader of your Blog and very small devotee of my father. After reading everyone experience a urge came in my mind do Sai Parayan and read it in Book form. As I am in Bahrain now. So if i am giving any address in Mumbai you will pleaseeee help me to courier the same. Charges for the same I will bearm i need it in English or Hindi version.
A waiting for your reply.
Om Sai
I hope you got the book
Where sre the other posts for 8th oct and 9th oct? Did the link change by any chance 🤔🙁
Sai Ramji
Due to some technical problem, post of October 8 did not get published. Even today is the same problem. We are looking into it and we will try to publish two posts tomorrow.
Sorry for inconvenience
Om Sai Ram
Baba please bless our family and be with us deva and help my son to reach his destination and give good health thandri
Baba, thank you for everything. Please be with us always and bless us all.
Bow to ShriSai peace be to all