Shirdi Sai Baba Miracles and Leela in this Post:

Anonymous Devotee from Malaysia says: Om Sai Ram and thank you, Hetal Ji, for publishing my experience. This is my first post here but definitely not my first experience of Baba’s Leela’s. I would like to apologize to Baba for having lost track of my faith for a few months. It was 2014 when I finished my pre-u in pure science stream at a government institution for two years and to be completely honest I did not do well during my studying period due to bullying by my peers and I did not have the sufficient funds to study at a private university as student loans are only made free for top scoring degree students and upwards so I went through the exams for a whole month because I had failed many papers and had to retake them. I was praying to Baba for a miracle and when the results for each retake semesters came out I failed in almost all of them, meaning I might not even get my certificate. I cried and resigned myself to failure. But when the complete results were released I could not believe my eyes because I passed due to my assignment projects. My lecturer embarrassed me in front of the entire class and said that my Whole research was out of topic and the title of my experiment was wrong even though she approved it in the first place and will give me a ‘F’ and so I prayed to Baba as I usually did in 2013 and I got an “A” for my completely out of topic research in 2014 whereas my classmates who are top scorers got a “B” OR “A-“. I cried tears of joy when I saw my laptop screen and ran straight to Baba in my prayer room and fell at His Lotus Feet. Words were stuck on my tongue.
Next, I had to apply to universities with my results for degree and only in September 2015 would I get the results. Since 2012, every day I performed Abhishekam, clothed Baba, kept & cooked Prasad, sang Bhajans and lit a ghee lamp. I also read the Satcharitra and finished my 9-week Vrat twice. For a whole year, I was unemployed and wasn’t studying and only offered my services to Baba. And when the results came out I was devastated because I failed entry into every university. I kept praying & crying and reapplied for the appeal intake. It was then that Baba came into my dream vividly. I woke up to a text from a free government medical program saying that I was selected for an online medical exam in two weeks even though my marks were only barely enough to meet the requirements. During the test my laptop broke down, I prayed to Baba and got to log in and finish my exam in the nick of time. 2 months later Baba again reappeared in my dream I can still remember every inch of His face; Baba took hold my hand and instantly I felt His warmth on my hands and my chest bloomed with warming kindness. I woke and still felt the warmth on my hand like it has been held even though my room was freezing cold.
The next day I got a text saying I passed the exam and an interview will be held. When I was in my interview my mother ran into a car accident which I was unaware of but she survived and was hospitalised for a 2 weeks. Results came out January 2016 and I was a reserved candidate meaning the chances are less than 1% for me to get this scholarship. It was then that I stopped praying to Baba and proceeded my degree. I got viciously bit by a dog. I changed 3 private universities in the course of 2 months’ that cost me a lot of money. I understood that by staying away from Baba my life became even more miserable and I started my Abhishekam and Pooja again. I absolutely lost all hope but still carried out all my services to Baba and on May 2016 I found out that I was selected to do my 3-year medical side degree for free and with monthly allowances and a guaranteed job in government hospitals. Even if I wanted to further my studies, it will be fully sponsored by the government with salary. After 2 years Suffering, I finally realized that none can understand Baba’s Leela’s and that I should just surrender completely at Baba’s Feet. I would like to remind devotees that no matter how hopeless your situation may seem now; Baba will guide you to the light at the end of the tunnel by completing your karma and no matter what your sins are Baba will grant clemency upon your soul. This is one of my many experiences which I hope to post soon. Sai Ram.

Anonymous Devotee from India says: Hi Om Sai Ram, I won’t say I was always attached to Baba but when ever I am upset or lost I don’t know why but I use to go Sai Baba temple to find peace and sitting there, talking to Baba or just looking at Him do wonders to my upset mood. All of sudden I started to worshiping Baba as He pulled me with a string. This is my first experience and am so excited to write and share about this. Thank you hetal ji, for the immense and valuable work you are doing and your team for maintaining this site. We all know how Hemadpant ji shared Baba’s miracle and devotees experiences through a book so that connection gets more stronger and in the same way you are doing this beautiful work. May Baba bless you. Before writing my experience and sharing it with you all I request you hetal ji to forgive me for any mistakes and display the picture (Clothes I gifted Him). I am attaching with my experience. I am a student and from last four months I have and am going through a lot. I am still waiting for my desired wish to be fulfilled.
As I said, that bad time brings you come across many things you never imagined and same happened with me. I love guy and we shared mutual feelings but all of sudden he stopped talking to me and blocked me from everywhere. I was heart broken and faced depression (Going through it still). I did every possible thing to bring him back but nothing worked out. One night my friend shared a picture with me where that guy liked a picture of a girl and his comments showed his feelings. After seeing that picture tears start rolling down from my eyes and I was crying like a baby and this happened on Thursday (I was fasting that day) and I vowed Baba that if he calls me or text me I will gift you cloths. Days passed and I started getting impatience questioning Baba that why He is not answering my prayers and showing any miracle. Don’t know what happened I found that my birthday is on Thursday so I decided to gift clothes to Baba on my day. When I asked Pujari about this he said I have to get it booked as soon as possible.
So I went to the office where booking was done they said that booking has already done by someone for that day and after listening this I was all into tears but I convinced them that it’s my birthday and I want Baba to wear my dress. He said your measurements are wrong but still I will try that I do something to make it happen. Today to my surprise when I entered temple to my surprise Baba was wearing my gifted dress. He was looking beautiful. Though this might sound a small experience but for me it’s big as I vowed that if guy comes back to me I will gift You cloth but I did it earlier and left everything on Baba. I am still waiting for his call and text. I know Baba is there but I want you to pray for me. Baba please answer my pray and may Baba bless you all. Always keep at Your lotus feet. Show some mercy and grace. Bolo Ananta Koti Brahmand Nayak Rajadhi Raja Yogiraj Parabrahma Shri Sachidanand Sadguru Sainath Maharaj Ki Jai.

Anonymous Devotee from India says: Akhilanda Koti Brahmand Nayak Rajadhi Raja Yogiraj Parabrahma Shree Sachidanand Sadguru Sainath Maharaj Ki Jai! I want to thank Hetal Ji and entire team who is spending their valuable time to maintain this blog. God Bless you. I have been reading this blog some time around Dec 2008 or Jan 2009. My day starts with reading this blog and end with seeing pictures of Baba and quotations from that day experiences. This site gives me great strength reading experiences of Sai devotees. This is the first time I am posting my experience. I have lot of experiences with Baba, but I want to share one recent experience with all devotees how Baba helped me to get the job.
As my current assignment was ended I am looking for new assignment. It was very tough condition to get job with my present skills. I can say one thing that “when you always remember Baba, Baba always shows you path to move in right direction”. That was 100% true in my case. When I am searching job, by Baba grace, Suddenly thought came in my mind that send a message to one of my friend who I worked with her about 3 years back. I never contacted her last three years. After three to four weeks, same friend referred to one of recruiter who is looking for candidate in my area. With Baba’s grace I got this job. It took 4 weeks to finalize the confirmation, but during this 4 weeks period, Baba gave me confident and showed me related message every day. Due to lack of my language I may not able to express properly, All I want to say and request all devotees remember Baba and call out Baba, Baba with full devotion Baba will take you in right path. Akhilanda Koti Brahmand Nayak Rajadhi Raja Yogi Raja Parabrahma Shree Sachidanand Sadguru Sainath Maharaj Ki Jai.

Sai Sister Dhanalakshmi from USA says: I want to thank to Hetal ji, Who is maintaining this site. This site is really a good platform to reach Baba’s Feet by feeling His miracle while reading the stories. Sai Baba has done lot of miracles in my life, sorry Maa sometimes i am behaving like a mad, All Sai Baba devotees i want to tell you one thing what Sai Baba is expecting from us, only “Love”, here is my story, one Thursday, I was late to office, i usually pray to Baba Maa before i left home, that day also i prayed to Baba Maa, and i left home in hurry, suddenly i was checking my phone and i got the message from my friend. “Sai Baba asked me to tell you: That everything will be alright from now on. You’re to be victorious and will achieve all your goals. Today Sai visited your home. On His way out, He took all your problems with Him. Do me a favour. Trust Sai”. I was surprised and cried, when i was crying i am feeling Baba Maa’s love. While driving to office i was floating in the air. There is lot of miracles happened in my life, i will post one by one.

Anonymous Devotee from Canada says: I am from Canada living here almost from 10 years. I am devotee of Sai Appa from more than 7 years and I have lot of experiences of our beloved Sai Appa. This is one of my very recent, My dad is having liver cirosis problem for more than 2 years. Last week he could not go urine properly and in test result came slight renal failure because of this we got tensed. I Prayed to Sai Appa that there should not be any major issue. l also took vow I will do 1 week Sai Satcharitra and guru Gita for 11 days. When they went to see the Doctor he said nothing to worry due to this summer only not able to pass urine he just advised to take more water. I also prayed to post this experience in this blog. Now my dad is completely alright it is due to Sai blessings. Sai Appa please help me to get job as early as possible and my hubby is having sleeping problem, please Sai Appa help him to get cured and should stay healthy. Bless my kids Sai Appa to study well too. You are my Father, Mother and everything to me. Sorry Sai Appa for delay in posting. Om Sri Sai Ram. Om Sri Sai Ram. Om Sri Sai Ram.

Anonymous Devotee from Singapore says: I’m a Sai devotee since Feb 2015. I really feel blessed to be one. Thank you admin for creating such a wonderful blog. This is the second time I’m sharing my experience. I’m the only one in my family who worship Sai Paa. Right now I’m going through a rough phase in my life due to some problem at work. However, I am following according to my Sai Paa instruction. I’m sure He’s guiding me and all other Sai devotees. Coming back to my experience, my youngest son 7 years old suddenly had very bad cough at midnight. Even though he had taken his medicine-antibiotics for viral cough, he was coughing very badly which woke him up from his sleep. I quickly got up from bed and went to my prayer and prayed to Sai Paa. I applied Sai Udi on my son’s forehead. The next minute he stopped coughing. It’s definitely Sai Paa’s miracle. Om Sai Ram.

© Devotees Experiences with Shirdi Sai Baba
Om SaiRam. Babaji i totally rely on you, i know whatever YOU do is good for me.
Baba please cure my family by one everyone is falling sick..please come home and take the illness away. Baba don't forget my other request as well. Please, i really want to give them the prasad, i see my future family in them. Please Baba Sai. Om Sai Ram
Is it a curse that i should not earn money?.You are the only strength i have in my life.You know everything about me,others and my situation.I will never forget your blessings.But when will i see myself successful in my career and earn money.My devotion to you is only reading Satcharithra, sorry i cannot fast and do the vrat and other possible thing is donation. One fine day, when i donated a begger, she blessed me that i have earned lots and lots of good karmas and blessed me whole heartedly.I really dont understand what plans you have for me.Please show mercy on me. I will follow the career option which you have given.But i dont know single word in that.Without your grace, i cannot succeed.I really dont have any other words to ask forgiveness, thanks for your blessings so far.I am surrounded by people who doesnt even care about me, always showing anger,curses,blaming,etc,. I am totally dependent on you only. If you are not going to bless me to succeed in my career and if you are not going to take care of me, i would like to mention that i will bang my head to the sharpest object/door/iron, anything and let blood come out of my head, let me pass away.I dont want to live anymore.sorry baba for writing like this.if you also leave me, then why should i live, what purpose am i living.I never even enjoyed my life as other girls are, they have left me unmarried(their reasons are the one where the entire world will strongly oppose), many times i suffered when the mistake is in others and not me.i keep FAITH that you will bless me good overall health forever,peace of mind and success in my career, i keep praying this, but till now there is no success in my career. Seems you are also not caring for me.Its ok you please be busy with other devotees, you can leave this woman suffering all the time.Enjoy seeing me suffering all the time in one way or the other as you are omnipresent.
Baba hasn't deserted you, he's with you 24/7. Father pls help your child. She is in so much pain. Om Sai Ram.
Thank u devotee and also to placing a request at god's feet for my well being.Thanks a lot.
Hey I also got a job after 8 yrs of struggle and baba has himself given to me. Baba just test his devotees for so many years and baba can do miracle in just 1 second. Things will definitely change for you.chant om sai ram and remember baba see our determination, hard work, patience and faith. All you have to do just do whatever you feel is good for you. Never give up.
MaharNavami wishes to all.
O Deva, be with us and bless us so we bring light and joy into the lives of people who need it 🙂
Jai Sairam
Om sai ram
Om sai ram,
Am loving my friend.He doesn't know that. Bcoz of his family problems now he not using mobile.I was in great confusion. Will it be successful or else not.please dear sai devotees guide me.I don't have anyone to share expect sai.please accept me as your sister and guide me.I can't forget him.I need him in my life. Sai please help me.
Surrennder urself to baba…and take help of que and ans site and then do accordingly…
Sai Sai
Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram.
Om Sai Ram !!!
Om Sai Shree Sai Jai Jai Sai Sai Sai Sai Sai Sai Sai Sai Sai Sai Sai Sai Sai Sai Sai Sai Sai Sai Sai Sai Sai Sai Sai Sai Sai bolo Shri Sachidanand Sai nath maharaj ki Jai.
Om Sai Ram
Om sairam. Be with me.
Om Sai Ram
Om Sai Ram
Om Sai Ram
Sai Kripa Karo,Kripa Karo
Om shree sairam…
Thank you so much baba for being with us…
Bless us baba save us protect us from bad deeds thanks a lot babaji…
Om sai shree sai jai jai sai…
Om shree sainathayenamah…
Jai sainath…
Akhiland koti brahmand nayak rajadhiraj yogiraj parabrahm shree shree shree satchidhanandh samarth sathguru shree sainath mahraj ki jai…
Om sai ram _ / _
Om Sai Ram. Baba thank you very much for yesterday. It is your miracle and your blessing. I hav full faith on you that everything will be ok soon. Baba give me and him strength to go through this. Sabka Malik Ek.
Thank you so much Baba for curing my mum and looking after her. Pls let the 2nd op be successful as well, unless there will be another miracle. You know the house situ as well. Pls resolve that pls. I need peace Father pls. Om Sai Ram.
I just want to tell all sai devotees that we all r very lucky that we came across this divine site…we love lotus feet of is babas mahasamadhi is dasera…let us all pray with pure heart to our beloved baba…i lov u baba we all lov sai ram
om sai ram
om sai ram dear devotees, i would like to share my small experience…since 3 days i could not sleep properly because of anxiety, so i begged baba and applied udi on my forehead and on my neck( was feeling severe neck pain) before going to bed.Next morning i woke up with peacful mind i dont know when i fall asleep. thank you so much baba even though i dont deserve your blesssings you are helping me to wash away my bad karma. pls bless all of us to have firm faith in you om sai sri sai jaya jaya sai
Complete surrender at your feet.Please bless me to chant your name always and be successful in life.Pls take care of everybody.thank you. you.thanks a lot for this of my father and brother
Baba pls cure my mom completely, from past few months she is suffering a lot. No medicine gave her any relief, but with your grace she consulted a new doctor and on a new set of medication now which brought some relief to her. Baba pls make her as before healthy n Happy. Bless my parents with all the happiness because they deserve it.
Om Sai Ram.
Om SaiRam
Om Sai Nathay Namah
Hi, Hope there are no issues for long as I see the posts are delayed. Thank you.
Om Sai Nathaya Namaha!
Om Sai Nathaya Namaha!
Om Sai Nathaya Namaha!
Happy Sai Baba's Day to All! Sai Baba is there for us to help us out in all our paths of Life! As Baba says, Have Full Faith and Patience in Him – Our Beloved Baba:):)
I made a big mistake in my life, after baba blessed me with what I wanted, I forgot baba and never went to Shirdi as I had promised baba.
Now I am suffering from anxiety and depression. I lost lot of money in bad deals.
Did anyone else has this kind of experience.
I want direction from baba, how can I do praschyatap of my mistake.
How can Baba forgive me?
Dont think Baba is taking any revenge on you…
He is there to help you only, you go to shirdi or if not then also just take his name as much as you can. All will be well!!!
Om Sai Ram
Baba please bless my family and be with us deva
Baba, thank you for everything. Please be with us always and bless us all.
Bow to ShriSai peace be to all