Shirdi Sai Baba Miracles and Leela in this Post:

Sai Devotee S Subramanian from India says: I am S Subramanian a firm believer of Sai Baba. He is my lord of the universe. I am struggling for my life because of ill health. The following is the ailment for last 7 years :- 1) I am not able to walk properly because my right leg is numb; I have to take a walking stick for my movement freely. 2) I have slip disk so I have to wear the lumbar belt. 3) I had heart attack and pulmonary attack on July 13, 2015 and was admitted to Fortis hospital and was treated there. 4) For last 5 months I was not able to speak.
Sai Baba used to come in my dreams and say you come to my place; I will relieve you from all the pains of life. Sai Baba came and told me that you will get your voice. I had 200% faith in Sai Baba so I will speak. Sai Baba is present in all the places. I feel Sai Baba is always with me. First time in last 5 months and 8 days I have spoken and my voice has returned now, I can speak as I was speaking earlier with my voice. I along with my wife and kid went to Baba’s Darbar. We had darshan inside the temple and were going towards the neem tree, which is the place where Baba used to sit. When I was standing near the neem tree and worshipping, I felt a hand moving from my head towards my neck and the hand pressed twice in my neck from backside. I felt it, a voice came and Sai Baba told me that “Ja beta teri murad puri kardi” (your wish is fulfilled ) and from now everything will work good for you. Sai Baba told me before you go out of Shirdi you will be able to speak (“Sai Baba bole aap shirdi ke iss pawan dharti se bahar jane ke pehle aap ki vaani aah jayegi”). I opened my eyes and I could see Sai Baba’s photo, my son was standing beside me. I was trying to say “Om Sai Hari Sai, but the surprising thing was I could say it but not clearly. My son told me that papa sound is coming, you are speaking little little. My son gave me a hug, I was very happy. I went to the bhandara and had the Mahaprasad. Then I was going to the bus to come back, when I sat inside the bus I was trying to speak to my son and I could speak the complete sentence without any break and clearly, suddenly my son told that you have spoken complete sentence. I asked him what complete sentence, my son told now also you are asking what complete sentence only then I realised that I am able to speak. My son was hugging me and saying papa after so long I can hear your voice. I want to tell the whole world that I have felt Sai Baba and I believe He is always with me. Nobody can say anything about Sai Baba because I am a living example of the miracle of Sai Baba who has been blessed by Him. “Om Sai Hari Sai, Sai Ram bolo” “Om Sai Hari Sai, Sai Ram bolo” this is the miracle which has happened with me. I am happy that I am blessed by “Brahmanda Nayak, Sadguru, Sai Maharaj.

Anonymous Sai Devote from USA says: Thanks to Hetalji for this blog. When I am feeling sad, this helps me to get strength and to go on with life and take life the way it comes. I am at Baba’s feet and leave everything up to Him to decide on my life.
In the previous posts, I have shared about my daughter’s health and her treatment and continue to pray Baba for His blessings. With the entire health situation, I was not keen on my daughter going back to summer school which is 3000 miles away, wanted her to get better and then go by fall. It was hard to talk to her, she would get angry and then snap and the conversation would always end badly. I decided I will leave it up to Baba to decide and show the right path. One day she comes and says that she is willing to stay back home for the summer and go back to school in fall. I was actually surprised and happy that she has taken this decision; of course this also comes with some reasonable wishes from her side. This could not have happened without Baba and thanks a ton Baba. Love You. Om Sai Ram!
My next experience is something I don’t know how to express, but it is true. My car is a keyless entry. I was driving, dropped my family at the airport and went to park my car. It is a very busy airport with all the cars, busses, trucks trying to get to their terminals and parking area. I was trying to enter the terminal 3 parking lot and missed the exit, so have to go around the airport again to come near the terminal 3 parking lot. I started to drive and then realized that my keys are with my daughter who was inside the airport. First of all I was surprised that I could drive without the key in the car, secondly I could not stop anywhere, thirdly, I had to turn around and drive back to terminal 3 which is about another 3 to 4 miles with crawling traffic and last but not the least my phone was dying and had no charger in the car. I was so scared as if my car stops in the middle, all airport traffic will be stuck and it will be so hard to get out the crowded airport. My first cry was to Baba and was constantly chanting “Om Sai Ram” until I reached the terminal and got the keys. Honestly, I have no idea how I was able to drive without the keys for such long distance and time. Even now when I think about it, I shiver. Sai Baba was with me and I can’t thank Him enough. Thank You Baba for being there with us. Baba You know how my mind is puzzled with so many things, please help me stay calm and think the situations through without getting upset or sad and help me resolve the issues.

Sai Devotee Deepa from India says: Om Sairam! Om Sairam! Om Sairam to all the Sairam devotees. Hetalji, let Sairam bless you and your family with all the goodness. My life is full of Sairam. I am blank without Him. This is my 3rd post and this is very touching for me. It is my habitual activity to see Sairam photos while going to office and returning home. But one Wednesday while returning, I didn’t even see a single picture of our Sairam. Nearly in the 30mins of travel I couldn’t see a picture. I was very much worried and I requested Him like, if You were taking care of me I should see a picture of You before entering into my home. As I couldn’t see, my heart was really heavy at that time and I was about to cry literally. I have a big photo of Sai in my living room. Even seeing that am not satisfied since I can see this at anytime. My only thing is I should see His photo out of my house. I had my dinner. Thought of seeing Him in live darshan and opened it in my mobile. The time is 11.03pm. I was zooming Sairam’s face very close and asking Him for not showing today. At that time my husband switched off the wifi. So the image I saw was stable. I mean our Baba’s face stays constant. Now the time is 11.04. I kept my mobile near my head, I slept by my side and keep on seeing our Sai. Within a minute I went to sleep, that too in deep sleep. Suddenly I heard a voice. A sweet voice, calling my name (Deepa). Like a mother calling her daughter. It’s like someone standing near me and calling. I got a sudden jerk and I was awakened. Nobody was around, except my mobile with Sairam’s face very close. He is continuously looking at me. I still feel the whispering voice. Such an awesome feeling it was. That incident gave me full hope that our Sai will take care of my family and myself forever. I thanked Him a lot and had a very nice sleep. The very next day, Thursday, I went to Sai Baba temple in our area at 6 a.m. Actually we gave for annadhanam, so we were asked to come to temple morning 6o’clock. Felt very calm inside. I and my husband had a chance to do milk abhishekam to our beloved Sai. I was flying like a butterfly and really my happiness knew no bounds. Also I was asked to go to stage to do 108 Sai Namah with pujari. I was putting flowers to our Sai’s lotus feet by sitting very near to Him for about 15 minutes. The feel is like; I can sit there itself for all my life. It was such a blissful feeling to go to temple early morning and worshipping our Sai. Wow, wow,wow! Really I am very much blessed. Thanks a lot my Sai. No words to express my feelings. Love You lots Sai.

Anonymous Sai Devotee from Canada says: I am a homemaker and Baba’s devotee residing in Canada. Since long, I did not get a chance to visit India and never Shirdi. My packet of Vibhuti is long finished. I had been praying to Baba to arrange sending me Vibhuti through someone. Om Sai Ram. Firstly, I would like to state that all the efforts of the administrator and team of this blog are highly appreciated. The faith in Baba increases many folds after reading and relating to these experiences. Om Sai Ram. Om Sai Ram. Baba has been present always in our lives. Many blessings have been showered upon us, below are a couple of them. May you all readers enjoy and savour the divine taste of Baba’s grace outpouring from the narration.
Mom suffered from brain stroke and was saved ‘clearly’ by Baba in 2008. I had rubbed Vibhuti on her forehead while she was in ICU (nothing from outside is allowed there must be known to all) But, I got a chance to apply it and also sneak some into her mouth. She soon started showing positive signs. She had lost 75 percent of memory and went to her childhood. Now she is healthy, memory’s back and leading a normal life by Baba’s grace. Jai Baba! Sister’s marriage was delayed for unknown reasons, Baba again assured to find the best match for her, wait patiently until then. After 3 years of waiting patiently and processing as per His guidance she’s now happily married by Baba’s blessings. Om Sai Ram! Brother was blessed with his first job in a reputed IT company after engineering. SADGURU SAI NATH KI JAI! Baba has always saved me from all “negative” activities of someone. I ran out of Vibhuti long back and couldn’t visit India in the past and no sign of the visit in the coming years too. I had been praying to Baba to arrange sending me some. Recently my father met someone in my hometown and that divine soul got few packets for me when he visited Shirdi and they are now in process of reaching me through a person visiting his folks in my city. A miracle! TUBHYAM NAMAAMI SAI NATATHAYA. Baba we all are profoundly grateful for Your presence in our lives. Please let us always be at Your lotus feet and serve You. Divine gratitude always. Om Sai Ram.

Anonymous Sai Devotee from India says: I am basically in the field of teaching. I have heard of Baba’s greatness some 23 years back. Since then I am an ardent believer of Baba. I keep reading Baba’s miracles, asking questions to Baba whenever in problem. But nowadays I came to know that no need of asking Baba for anything. Only I ask Him to keep my family always safe.
I kept on praying Sai Baba for getting my son married. With Baba’s blessings I got a very good daughter- in- law. Now I keep praying Baba for getting a grandchild. Recently in the Baba’s stories I came across people writing about Sai Divya Puja. Somehow I liked it. I started for 5 weeks. Whenever I ask in prashnavali, I always get a reply, Baba knows everything. He would do right things at the right time. Just before the fifth week, my daughter- in-law is supposed to go to another country on official trip. Baba saved her, her trip got delayed and she escaped bombing by unknown forces in the airports, she was supposed to wait. Baba is great. I know Baba would make their family complete and give me a grandchild. Om Sai Ram , You are great, always save all my family members.

Anonymous Sai Devotee from India says: I was supposed to be fooled by a imposter from which Baba saved me. I am a software engineer from Bangalore. There are couple of problems going on with my marriage, as none of the proposals are getting finalised. So mom had posted my horoscope to one astrologer and asked me to check with him. The astrologer contacted me and told me that there are lot of negativity in me and around me, so asked me to come over to his place. Mom couldn’t come as she had office and asked me to go alone. I was so scared that I didn’t know what to do. Finally I prayed to Baba not knowing what to do, then I remembered one of my close friends and asked him to come with me as my cousin but still I was scared and prayed to Baba to save me from whatever was impending. When we went there he didn’t expect my friend to come. He was so shocked that he was continuously telling me that you should have informed me before and all non senses. Thanks to Baba that he gave me the idea to take my friend. I had promised Him that I will post the experience if nothing happens to me, so here I am posting the experience.

© Devotees Experiences with Shirdi Sai Baba
Om Sai Ram
Om Sai Ram
Om Sai Ram
Sai Kripa Karo,Kripa Karo
Jai Sainath!
Sai Sai Sai Sai Sai
Om Sai Ram
Sai Sai Sai Sai
Om Sai Ram Om 🙂
Om SaiRam bless everyone Babaji i love YOU Babaji YOU are our Father
Beautiful experiences ! JAI SAI RAM ��
Baba please bless me with a child , please Sai Baba 🙏🏻
Om sai ram
Sai Sai
Om sai ram!
Om sai ram 1st devotee…
Great faith and great experience… Hope u doing fine now
May sao bless all his children with good health and serenity …om sai ram
Om Sai Ram
Baba please bless our family with good health and be with us forever thandri.Bless my children to reach their destinations.
Om Sai Ram (p) (p) (p)
Om Sai Ram .. Deva please bless my daughter with good life partner and happy, blessed life ..Baba I surrender to your lotus feet please fulfill all her wishes .. Anant Koti Brahmand Nayak Rajadhiraj Yogiraj Parabrahm Shree Sachidanand Sadguru Sai Nath Maharaj ki Jai .. Om Shree Sadguru Sai Nath Maharaj Ki Jai .. Om Sai Ram .. Shree Sai Ram
Jai Sai Ram. All posts are some or the other way going parallel to my experiences ! The first one is most appealing to me. My husband was detected melanoma cancer level 4…and I had experienced the same soft touch of someone's hand on my head during midnight where I was crying and crying imagining what if my husband would not survive? The doctors had told him on his face that he has hardly 6 months to live looking at the cancer status. Well, after that soft stoke on my head I felt, even with my eyes closed, very bright light as if blinding flash and saw a figure descending in the vast universe…and heard a voice telling me to calm down. Everything would be alright and it's all for family unity. I heard this in English as well as in Hindi! After this experience the very next day my husband had to go for CAT scan…that report came normal and wonder of wonders all tests results were coming normal and after 5 years of such constant tests reports coming normal he was declared cancer free patient. Isn't it amazing thing? BABA took care of me even though I did not know BABA the way I now know HIM. Jai Sai RAM. Wishing everybody blessings from BABA.
Baba's miracles and blessings are beyond anyones imaginations. Only thing He looks at is our FAITH in Him. He takes the brunt of our karmas too… Its our few good karmas in past / present life that we are pulled to His lotus feet. Thank you for sharing your experience and increasing our faith. Please share this amazing experience through the link given here. Let this be part of all of our beloved Baba's miracles. Om Sai Ram
Wow meera ji
I would like to know the story of ur husband more in detail… plz tell us did he get treated for cancer ad in chemo and all and how baba cured him … plzz tell us in detail
Hello, dear Anonymous ji, Sai Ram. I feel blessed my comment lead you to know more about my experience/s. You can search for my previous posts, I have narrated this one as well as many more on this blog. I used to post many in the past…recently may be not getting BABA's order…so not posted new ones. I do get proofs of BABA caring for me. I will post them as and when BABA's order is there! Do let me know if you don't find this particular one and I will try to find that for you. Thanks so much and Jai Sai Ram.
Baba please help me.
Sai, kripa Karo please … Please bless me with a child 🙏🏻
Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram.
OM SAI NAMOH NAMAH OM SAI NAMO NAMAH JAI JAI SAI NAMO NAMAH. Tum hi Ram tum hi shyam SAI nath mere……. Dur kiye tumne meri rahaon ke andhere….
Baba I have left everything on your holy feet. Please guide us and show the right path. BE always with us. OM SAI RAM OM SAI RAM
O Deva, Thank You for blessing us and protecting us a Mother protects Her children 🙂
Jai Sairam
Om Sai Ram _/_